
From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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Hello there, JohnBarosa. Welcome to your Sandbox!

The sandbox is a great place for You to practice and improve your wiki markup and general editing skills.

Please take note anyone can still edit your Sandbox. You shouldn't worry that much about that and on the bright side, it encourages collaboration and improvement.

  • If you accidentally deleted what you worked on, do not worry! Check your page history in order to retrieve your previous work!
  • You may do whatever you want here, but do not turn this page into a redirect or remove this template, it would be counterintuitive.
  • To Admins/EDitors: This page should not be locked at any time.

Stuff for EDF6 article I'm working on


Main Category

Lulz Valhalla

  • Hall of AEpic - This is the place where only the greatest and most influential threads get archived for all to gawk at for the rest of time the forum. For a thread to be indicted to the Hall of AEpic it will need to have produced lots of lulz, and have been an important occasion making real waves in the ED community. All threads in this forum are the highest of the lowest quality threads and to have an article indicted here is an honor.


Special chats for the mentally handicapped with hobbies

  • Religion & Politics - The most toxic board on EDF6 where nothing productive happens and is just a constant back and forth between senile old heads who have nothing better to do on a Friday afternoon than argue about shit nobody cares about. People with absolutely 0 qualification to touch government will be spotted posting here on the regular and should be touched only with a 6 foot pole.
  • Science & Technology - Do you FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE or are self proclaimed Tech Jesus you may want to stop by the Science and Technology board where you can circlejerk about PC parts or read about new advancements and breakthroughs in the scientific community. Most good content for this board ends up being posted in News so it never gets much play.
  • Food, Drugs, and Alcohol - The board of gluttony and all of the vices that plagues us in our society. Express your fatassery here while getting advice on how to make flavored lean.
  • Locker Room Talk - If it involves getting sweaty it probably goes on this board. All about: Sports, sex, and that weird funk you've been smelling from your crotch.

Dramatica Help

Encyclopedia Dramatica and MediaWiki content, complaints and technical area

  • Complaint Department - Whine, bitch, and moan about various issues or complaints you have with with the wiki or forum.


General topics not really related to anything or each other

  • Your Shitty Projects - This is the spot to post your handmade tinfoil submarine or your made with love mail bombs.
  • Nobody Cares - Did nobody reply to your thread? Well it will be relegated to this board to be laughed at for your fail thread cleaning up the boards people actually care about in the process.

(In)Famous Faggots


  • PAX - Nobody really knows who this guy is. Became the admin after Kaizen quit, and keeps a six foot pole between himself and the site.