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Picrew (aka: ShitChew, Picjew, Shitcrew, or any other variation of these names) is a website for fatherless faggots to create shitty, generic profile pictures. Akin to the the Pink Triangle, fags display these on their person to not only show their lack of creative ability for relying on an awful layering application to create "art", but also to show that they belong in a concentration camp. The most common image makers on Picrew include:

and the list goes on.

Picrew was originally invented by the Japs to bait vulnerable lolis, but has since been appropriated by a western audience too. Having a picjew is a status symbol, representing the absolute lowest of the low in society. Seeing someone with a picjew profile picture is sure sign that said person is indeed fatherless, thus is growing up to be a terminally-online degenerate. So if you notice anyone with a picrew do them a favor and bully them off the internet.

Notable PicJews

  • Sangled: Made the most popular picrew out there. If you saw a pfp of a shitty looking character holding a flag? It was probably from his shitty picjew. Baleeted a while ago, but that just means more species of faggotry.
  • To be added. Check later.
  • To be added. Check later.
  • To be added. Check later.

Gallery of The Fatherless

How to troll the fatherless

  • Step 1: Call them gay on the internet
  • Step 2: Fuck their mom
  • Step 3: Become their stepdad
  • Step 4: ???
  • Step 5: PROFIT!

See also

Gachalifesucks/picrew is part of a series on

Social Media

Visit the Social Media Portal for complete coverage.

Gachalifesucks/picrew is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

Visit the Faggotry Portal for complete coverage.