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This person is a fierce alcoholic

You can help by sending them pamphlets and donating your liver.

This user appreciates Hipcrime. Come sign the Hipcrime Appreciation Station to show your appreciation.
This user is a Grammar Nazi.

This user is an EDitor.

This person is dying of terminal loneliness. Please comfort them in their final moments by reminding them they will soon be a rotting corpse that nobody cares about.
This user joined ED 8 months and 3 days ago. (01/14/2024)

Articles I created

Stardew Valley


Twenty one pilots

Love the name

I think it was in "Black Clover" where the American voice actor didn't know how to pronounce Coelacanth and said something like Kay-lac-anth. The PolishPrince (talk) 04:35, 6 February 2024 (EST)

LOL Coelacanth (talk) 16:25, 6 February 2024 (EST)