Train surfing

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Train surfing is a fun activity involving riding the tops of choo choo trains to gain superpowers like Ty Ziegel. Fun prizes include: unlimited blowjobs, bigger penis, fame and a glorious death. People have difficulty comprehending that high-voltage gives them superpowers and fame. An activity so awesome that even creationists creatards encourage mounting the choo choos.

Blanka got his powers from train surfing

Proof that risk takers totally know what they're doing

Of course he understood the danger you fucking retard. - Risk taking behaviour is not done with a seat belt on you moron


— Melbourne graffiti artist "Bailer" explaining why his melted friend cooked himself, and why he mutilated his dick with a vacuum cleaner.



— Capt. Obvious the stuntdouche showing us that he knows the danger and that his critics are fucking retards!

Why people hating? Not a lot of people would put there body on the line to make entertainment. I say there men not retards and if anyone think this is retarted, well they should shut up and see if they can do better that this. Honestly, people can really be unsatisfied


— "Silver the Hog Rider" on why these people are better than you

This guy OBVIOUSLY UNDERSTANDS THE DANGER. Risk taking isn't done with a seatbelt on you fucking retards. That's why Dale Earnhardt survived with a seat belt on.

See also

Train surfing
is part of a series on


[BRB HugboxGo Live One]