The Fake Internet

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Avoid these scam sites if you want to be free from the GRIDS.
If they are not a baby boomer, this is what the typical male internet user looks like.

The Fake Internet also known as The Boomer Web, The Kiked Internet or The Normiesphere consists of the most mainstream websites that you can think of, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

So what do fake websites consist of? Pandering to faggots, encouraging people to have mental illnesses, and being safe spaces that hate lulz and the first amendment. These websites are typically followed by baby boomers who know nothing about the internet's culture or history outside of the normiesphere. These websites are typically ran by corporate jews that view their users as walking dollar signs ready to be exploited for vast amounts of wealth.

Websites that are part of the Boomer Web

Enablers of the Boomer Web

Real Websites

The Fake Internet is part of a series on Language & Communication
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