Talk:The Rapture

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why is this not AOTN? --zaiger (talk) 20:01, 20 May 2011 (UTC) Haha, i just love tbe lulz coming ou of trolling rapturefags. Im just hoping at least 100 Rapturefags commit suicide, just because their precious "Rapture" didnt happen ~the true Mitch,Bitches~ 18:02, 21 May 2011 (UTC)

Missing images

File:Jesus returns.jpg
Hurry, get your Vuvuzela !!1

Final Word

What the fuck is going on in this section? Some dude seems to be ranting in earnest about how the age of aquarius and fish symbols totally prove the rapture will really just be Jesus causing a New Age Hippy Party or something. I thought I'd point this out here instead of just striking the entire thing through and adding "wat" --CashForAutism 03:18, 21 May 2011 (UTC)

No rapture?

6PM is gone and past in New Zealand. And nothing happened. Where is the rapture? :( Iriscal 08:39, 21 May 2011 (UTC)

  • Human beings are stupit. Be proud in knowing of these fucking idiots will die in the next 5-20 years over over stupid shit in their lives. --Erstok 10:55, 21 May 2011 (UTC)

you fool don't you see? its because the macho man randy savage died intentionally so he could whale on jesus to save us from the rapture Darklordchris666 00:04, 22 May 2011 (UTC)!/photo.php?fbid=10150313179280884&set=o.224492047562274&type=1&theater