Sarah Butts/ffshrine chatlogs

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As previously mentioned, the FFshrine IRC was known for being a collection of retards unwanted in any chatroom across the web. This was discovered when, during the doxing, irc logs were found wherein (like we already mentioned) srh is seen calling people fags, making rape jokes and having cybersex with her underaged forum members.

Butts freaked out and attempted to take down sites where the partial logs were featured by sending false complaints to their hosts. As he did this, more logs only continued to pour in until (not) Goatse Security published the complete logs of the FFshrine irc alongside a video of them (sort of) hacking it to prove they are real (alongside at least one scam site where Sarah sold "discount shoes and cosmetics").

The logs themselves are far too long for Encyclopedia Dramatica to host in their entirety. We have saved the ones that were uncovered at the beginning here and the rest can be found in this link. Allegedly, the logs contain conversations where butts role play's incest pedophilia as he jerks off and admits that he and his "wife" (????) regularly rape their dog.
[2/21][11:28.45] <Sarah> jouva ~_~
[2/21][11:28.48] <Jouva> What?
[2/21][11:28.55] <Sarah> sort out ur ircd it makes me sad
[2/21][11:29.00] <Jouva> Huh?
[2/21][11:29.03] * Kefka_ ([email protected]) Quit (Input/output error)
[2/21][11:29.06] <Jouva> What you mean?
[2/21][11:29.07] * Kefka ([email protected]) has joined #support
[2/21][11:29.09] <Sarah> sad pandaaaa
[2/21][11:29.21] <Jouva> What's wrong?
[2/21][11:29.24] <Sarah> no proxy scanning. I could live with that if I could see through +x but I can't
[2/21][11:29.28] * Kefka is now known as X-Guest1287690469
[2/21][11:29.32] <Sarah> that and you guys don't have the cgi irc module :(
[2/21][11:29.37] <Jouva> Sarah
[2/21][11:30.02] * X-Guest1287690469 ([email protected]) Quit (Input/output error)
[2/21][11:30.12] * Kefka_ ([email protected]) has joined #support
[2/21][11:30.34] <Jouva> We previously used BOPM and blitzed's open proxy list
[2/21][11:30.42] <Jouva> But their list is gone
[2/21][11:30.57] <Sarah> so do live scanning, or give me a way to bypass +x :(
[2/21][11:31.03] * Kefka_ ([email protected]) Quit (Input/output error)
[2/21][11:31.07] * Kefka ([email protected]) has joined #support
[2/21][11:31.11] <Jouva> But I guess maybe we should start looking into proxy scanning but we'll have to figure out if that's what we want or not
[2/21][11:31.29] * Kefka is now known as X-Guest1287690470
[2/21][11:32.02] <Sarah> so I take it that's a no on the +x bypassin eh
[2/21][11:32.03] * X-Guest1287690470 ([email protected]) Quit (Input/output error)
[2/21][11:32.08] <Ketonom> no
[2/21][11:32.11] * Kefka_ ([email protected]) has joined #support
[2/21][11:32.18] <Jouva> Oh heck no; we ain't giving you that.
[2/21][11:32.26] * pleia2 sets mode: +b *!*sanana@*.5931DABC.6257EDA7.IP
[2/21][11:32.27] * Kefka_ was kicked by pleia2 (Enough.)
[2/21][11:32.31] <Sarah> like I'm going to abuse it >:O
[2/21][11:32.34] <BullDog> I don't think that was really Kefka
[2/21][11:32.49] <Sarah> someone with an oline should just in ffs and forcemode -x to everyone that joins
[2/21][11:32.57] <Sarah> cause seriously I have no way to stop proxies and it <censored> sucks
[2/21][11:32.57] <Ketonom> no
[2/21][11:33.55] <Sarah> you guys are fruits >:O 
[2/21][11:34.04] <BullDog> whoa
[2/21][11:34.06] <BullDog> Uncalled for
[2/21][11:34.15] <Sarah> ur uncalled for missy
[2/21][11:34.20] <BullDog> MISSY?
[2/21][11:34.26] <pleia2> Sarah: we're working on a proxy solution
[2/21][11:34.27] <Sarah> u heard me 8-)
[2/21][11:34.32] <BullDog> >_>
[2/21][11:34.39] <Sarah> working on it for how many months now? :(
[2/21][11:34.47] <Ketonom> well
[2/21][11:35.02] <Ketonom> to be blunt, if you don't like it here, noone is forcing you to stay
[2/21][11:35.26] * BullDog ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Wah, Sarah insulted me. I'm hurt. NOT! LOLOLOL)
[2/21][11:35.54] <Sarah> I realize that. I figured I'd try to find some sort of solution before we abandon the network though
[2/21][11:36.38] * BullDog ([email protected]) has joined #support
[2/21][11:36.40] <Ketonom> Perhaps you can explain why you think we would give you, a regular user, oper privileges?
[2/21][11:37.36] * pleia2 sets mode: -b *!*sanana@*.5931DABC.6257EDA7.IP
[2/21][11:38.03] <Sarah> you don't need to give me an oline to do it.
[2/21][11:38.09] * Kefka_ ([email protected]) has joined #support
[2/21][11:38.30] <Ketonom> Being able to bypass +x is an oper privilege.
[2/21][11:38.31] <BullDog> What. The. Heck.
[2/21][11:38.33] <Jouva> Uhhhhh, last I checked you do need it.
[2/21][11:38.39] <Jouva> Also
[2/21][11:38.55] <Jouva> You still didn't justify your need to see EVERYBODY'S host
[2/21][11:39.04] * Kefka_ ([email protected]) Quit (Input/output error)
[2/21][11:39.08] <Sarah> to automatically scan people that join my channel.
[2/21][11:39.12] * Kefka ([email protected]) has joined #support
[2/21][11:39.32] * Kefka is now known as X-Guest1287690474
[2/21][11:39.33] <Sarah> it's not like I can't get around +x anyway, it'd just be annoying to do
[2/21][11:39.35] <BullDog> Ugh
[2/21][11:39.40] <Jouva> Isee
[2/21][11:39.41] <BullDog> I REALLY don't think that's him
[2/21][11:39.42] * pleia2 sets mode: +b *!*sanana@*.5931DABC.6257EDA7.IP
[2/21][11:40.05] * X-Guest1287690474 ([email protected]) Quit (Input/output error)
[2/21][11:40.09] <BullDog> the Kefka I know remembers to ID
[2/21][11:40.13] <BullDog> That ain't him
[2/21][11:40.22] <Ketonom> Well, if you want to know everyone's ip address, may I recommend you go to a network that doesn't offer hostmasking?
[2/21][11:40.49] <Ketonom> I can tell you now that we do not intend on removing hostmasking from our network, and we also do not intend on giving regular users means of defeating hostmasking.
[2/21][11:40.55] <Sarah> I don't care if it's not everyone. like I said, someone with an oline sitting in the channel with a script is fine by me.
[2/21][11:41.07] <Sarah> regular users can already defeat +x if they know much of anything.
[2/21][11:41.09] <Ketonom> How about we jump to the point here.
[2/21][11:41.13] <pleia2> Sarah: we're not going to do that
[2/21][11:41.18] <Ketonom> Why do YOU deserve that kind of special treatment?
[2/21][11:41.35] <Ketonom> I mean, if we do that for you, why shouldn't we do it for everyone else on the network?
[2/21][11:41.38] <BullDog> Trust me, I hate proxies as much as you do, the best thing you can do is if they are proxying and they start causing trouble, just deal with it as it comes.
[2/21][11:41.48] <Ketonom> What makes you so special that you feel you deserve that kind of privilege?
[2/21][11:41.53] <Sarah> because you aren't able to add proxy scanning to your network, so my channel is flooded, so I'm offering a solution? if you want to solve it yourself that's fine. but I need something to do in the meantime
[2/21][11:42.27] <Ketonom> Well if your channel is causing a problem to this network, then I think it would be only logical for us to remove it from this network.
[2/21][11:43.18] <Sarah> ... it's only causing a problem because a lack of integration of very basic proxy scanning features which you should be able to compile into the servers in a matter of minutes :-(
[2/21][11:43.23] <Jouva> Ok
[2/21][11:43.24] <Jouva> That's it
[2/21][11:43.27] <Jouva> Lemme handle this
[2/21][11:43.33] <Jouva> Sarah let me be <censored> blunt
[2/21][11:43.40] <Jouva> People on this network don't like your channel
[2/21][11:43.44] <Jouva> Clean it up, or go.
[2/21][11:43.53] <Ketonom> You know, direct proxy scanning has drawbacks as well as advantages.
[2/21][11:44.10] <Ketonom> Many firewalls will block traffic from ip addresses that actively scan your connection.
[2/21][11:44.20] <Sarah> Ketonom: I'm aware. which is why I offered to do it instead of you having it network wide.
[2/21][11:44.40] <Ketonom> And returning to your point. Why should we give you that privilege?  You are not a member of the network staff.
[2/21][11:44.44] <Sarah> "clean it up"? what do we do that's so offensive to them?
[2/21][11:44.46] <Jouva> There's a reason why more than one channel has a channel ban on #ffshrine
[2/21][11:44.58] <BullDog> I could count about 5 at least that have one
[2/21][11:45.05] <Sarah> most of the channels that have banned us have never had a single user from our channel in them
[2/21][11:45.05] * BullDog just leaves
[2/21][11:45.15] <Ketonom> I have yet to hear an actual answer for my question that I have asked a few times already.
[2/21][11:45.19] <Mischa> I have
[2/21][11:45.32] <BullDog> As have 2 of the channels I have at least % in
[2/21][11:45.51] <Sarah> just because it wasn't an answer you liked doesn't mean it isn't an answer. 
[2/21][11:46.03] <BullDog> I myself don't set such bans unless it was several people from that one channel causing a huge ruckus
[2/21][11:46.16] <Ketonom> It was not a direct answer to my question, it was a run-around.
[2/21][11:46.18] <Jouva> Sarah
[2/21][11:46.24] <Jouva> I'm gonna be direct again
[2/21][11:46.32] <Jouva> 1) You're not getting around +x
[2/21][11:46.39] <Ketonom> You attempted to answer my question by stating why you wanted to have that access, not why you SHOULD have that access.
[2/21][11:46.47] <Jouva> 2) If anybody does the scanning it should be us and we'll probably work on that
[2/21][11:46.55] <Jouva> 3) Make your channel play nice or leave
[2/21][11:47.03] <Sarah> how are we not "playing nice"
[2/21][11:47.18] <Jouva> By annoying other users of the network
[2/21][11:47.21] <Sarah> [they're the ones flooding us, we've never flooded them]
[2/21][11:47.30] <BullDog> Blunt lie
[2/21][11:47.37] <Ketonom> I know for a fact that we have banned several users from this network that originated from your channel that were indeed causing problems for users in other channels.
[2/21][11:48.03] <Sarah> which names? they were probably people WE have banned too (ie alpott, ego)
[2/21][11:48.15] <Ketonom> If other channels were not affected by the people of #ffshrine, then there would be no reason for them to add a channel ban for it in their own channels.
[2/21][11:48.56] <Sarah> most of the channel bans are based around rumors that are more about my personal stuff than anything we've "done" to anyone.
[2/21][11:49.13] <BullDog> But the fact stands that some of those actually HAVE basis
[2/21][11:49.17] <BullDog> And that puts you in the wrong
[2/21][11:49.21] <BullDog> Sorry to say that.
[2/21][11:49.22] <BullDog> But it's true
[2/21][11:49.28] <Ketonom> Regardless of who they were or whether you banned them or not, the fact of the matter is that they originated from your channel.  Even if it is not directly your own fault, your channel attracts the type of people that like to cause problems.
[2/21][11:49.49] <Sarah> and other channels don't? explain the flooding we're getting then.
[2/21][11:49.51] <pleia2> Sarah: I run one of the channels that had a ban on #ffshrine for a long time, we banned because users were bounding into our channel and causing problems, not because of something personal with you
[2/21][11:50.02] <pleia2> Sarah: tone down your ego a bit there :)
[2/21][11:50.08] <Mischa> FFShrine is regarded as this server's kindergarten class....... you don't wanna be around when school's out
[2/21][11:50.12] <Mischa> :)
[2/21][11:50.38] <Mischa> really, I've removed the ban on FFS many times in many channels, and regretted doing that every single time
[2/21][11:50.48] <Sarah> the first channel to put a channel ban on ffshrine was gfchat, and that was solely because of private mestuff.
[2/21][11:51.11] <BullDog> I recall putting a channel ban quite a while ago because of a raid originating from ffshrine.
[2/21][11:51.17] <Sarah> if any users from my channels give you problems, let me know. I honestly don't know of anyone who does that. I won't say they haven't-- maybe they have, but no one ever contacted me
[2/21][11:51.34] <Ketonom> Well Sarah, maybe you are not even aware of what your users have done, but ignorance is no excuse for thier actions, which lead to the several bans.
[2/21][11:51.49] <Mischa> you never asked us either before
[2/21][11:52.11] <Sarah> ... how am I supposed to ask channels on +s, out of the blue, if my users are causing problems?
[2/21][11:52.23] <Jouva> Ummm
[2/21][11:52.38] <Jouva> Generally channel raids involve chatter within the channel they originate from as well
[2/21][11:52.42] <Ketonom> It is not neccessarily our job to contact you about the individual problems that arise from the users of your channel unless it becomes a large enough problem that we may have to shut down the channel or take similar actions.
[2/21][11:52.47] <Sarah> the only users that consistantly cause problems in #ffshrine are the ones we can't get rid of because you don't have proxy scanning :-(
[2/21][11:52.49] <Mischa> if they are on +s, how can your users find them in the first place?
[2/21][11:52.58] <Sarah> no raids have ever been organized in teh channel.
[2/21][11:52.59] <Jouva> That too
[2/21][11:53.00] <Ketonom> After all, you can not control the actions of all users in your channel.
[2/21][11:53.09] <Sarah> Mischa: word of mouth. 
[2/21][11:53.18] <Mischa> good. turnabout is fair
[2/21][11:53.44] <Mischa> by word of mouth, proper users of your channel you have informed you of bans elsewhere
[2/21][11:53.47] <Jouva> Then get said word of mouth? I'm sure they discuss it within the channel
[2/21][11:54.06] <Sarah> no, I mean, word of mouth is how they know the channels exist
[2/21][11:54.07] <Mischa> could  have informed you*
[2/21][11:54.14] Xelium 0,1>>>4 *** G:Line added for *@ on Wed Feb 21 17:54:16 2007 GMT (from to expire at Wed Feb 21 23:54:16 2007 GMT: Autokilled: AAAAH FIX THAT FER CHRISTS SAKE)
[2/21][11:55.10] <Sarah> I'm not trying to be frustrating, I'm just looking for some sort of solution to this-- for our sake and for yours.
[2/21][11:55.34] <pleia2> Sarah: you have not proposed a solution that will work
[2/21][11:55.46] <Mischa> or that will respect MY privacy
[2/21][11:56.23] <Jouva> The first step is to be more observant of your users really.
[2/21][11:56.27] <Sarah> what I proposed wouldn't invade anyone's privacy unless they join my channel, it could even be scripted to make them consent before joining
[2/21][11:56.29] <Mischa> if you want to scan me, fine, but do it within the limitations of your rights, or else don't allow me access
[2/21][11:56.32] <Jouva> And do something about it
[2/21][11:57.10] <Jouva> Sarah: And if they don't consent they either can't join or if they can then they may still be a proxy
[2/21][11:57.13] <Sarah> Jouva: when someone has 200 proxies, killing them off one by one because they have no life and won't give up isn't terribly fun. there's no sense in doing things manually that can be automated.
[2/21][11:57.27] <Ketonom> Sarah, once again, why should we give you the ability to see past hostmasking?  We know that you (supposedly) want to scan for proxies, but why should we allow you, a regular user, to have access to host information?
[2/21][11:57.29] <pleia2> Sarah: "your" channel on this network is NOT your private property
[2/21][11:57.52] <Ketonom> Why should we outsource proxy scanning to you, when as you say, it would only benefit your own channel?
[2/21][11:58.21] <Ketonom> You have yet to provide any solid reasons for us to want to give you this responsibility
[2/21][11:58.39] <Mischa> if you have problems with 200 bots suddently joining your channe;, you can opt for my solution: a channel-limit script
[2/21][11:58.50] <Ketonom> And judging from your existing conversation in here to this point, I must say that I do not believe you would be a very trustworthy person for the job.
[2/21][11:58.53] <Sarah> Mischa: i don't mean at once
[2/21][11:59.04] <Sarah> I mean they join, I ban, they join, I ban, they join, ban, etc
[2/21][11:59.12] <Mischa> then put your channel on mode +M for a few hours
[2/21][11:59.21] <Mischa> or something
[2/21][11:59.30] <Mischa> and report abusive users for once
[2/21][11:59.36] <Sarah> or just mlock it +i for a few months, that'll work
[2/21][11:59.52] <Mischa> I can't recall any report you made in here in the past... months?
[2/21][11:59.58] <Ketonom> There are several channel modes available to deal with problematic users.
[2/21][12:00.09] <Sarah> none that deal with proxies.
[2/21][12:00.09] <Ketonom> You should use /helpop ?chmodes for more information about them
[2/21][12:00.27] <Sarah> I know about them. I've run servers before, including unreald
[2/21][12:00.53] <Sarah> what exactly did I say that doesn't make me sound trustworthy, out of curiousity
[2/21][12:01.05] <Mischa> it's a big step from +M (where regged users have no limitations) to +i (where every non-op has limitation)
[2/21][12:01.15] <Ketonom> Your general attitude toward this network and the staff here.
[2/21][12:02.03] <Sarah> if I had an attitude towards either I wouldn't be here.
[2/21][12:02.10] <Ketonom> And if you truely knew about the channel modes, then you would know that several that have already been listed here will restrict the actions of your trublemakers.  Yet despite this, you continue to push for something that would give you more power over them and everyone else on the network.
[2/21][12:03.06] <Sarah> none of them solve the problems we've been having at the moment, at least not without serious side effects.
[2/21][12:03.06] <Ketonom> So in my eyes, you seem to be grabbing for power over others, and yes, your attitude in this channel is one of disrespect.
[2/21][12:03.30] <Ketonom> You feel that we are incapable of doing the job of managing this network.
[2/21][12:03.47] <Ketonom> And because you feel this way, you want to be given the authority to do it yourself.
[2/21][12:04.08] <Mischa> so you're willing to trade in other people's privacy over their trivial rights in your channel? that's quite a trade off
[2/21][12:04.13] <Ketonom> Every time I ask you why we should give you this responsibility, you respond simply with the reason you want the power, not the reason we should give it to you.
[2/21][12:04.18] <Mischa> Bush would have to hire you
[2/21][12:04.24] <Sarah> if you add some sort of solution on your end I don't need to be given an authority.
[2/21][12:04.42] <Ketonom> Why should we have to bend over backwards for you?
[2/21][12:04.58] <Sarah> Ketonom: because +x can be bypassed anyway, because if I abused it you could remove it and gline me and remove my channel, etc. I have nothing to gain by abusing power here. 
[2/21][12:04.59] <Ketonom> We explained to you already that we are working on a solution.
[2/21][12:05.19] <pleia2> Sarah: Mischa has written several scripts that use modes and such to handle this transition time until we get a few proxy scanner, if you're unable to understand modes or scripting or the other tools we already give you to handle these things you might want to read into it more or move from this network
[2/21][12:05.22] <Ketonom> Sarah, we can remove your channel right now, or at any time we deem fit.
[2/21][12:05.25] <pleia2> s/few/new
[2/21][12:05.46] <Ketonom> If we feel that it becomes to much of a burden to this network's operation, believe me, we will not hesitate to remove it.
[2/21][12:05.52] <Sarah> you've been working on one since bopm went down, no offense. that was almost a year ago
[2/21][12:06.02] <Ketonom> We have tried other services as well.
[2/21][12:06.08] <pleia2> Mischa is an example of course, other channel ops around the network have adjusted similarly
[2/21][12:06.14] <pleia2> I'm not sure why you can't do the same
[2/21][12:06.23] <Ketonom> We do not have to explain to you in exacting detail all the steps we have been working on to fulfil your request.
[2/21][12:06.32] <Ketonom> We do not report to you.
[2/21][12:06.40] <Sarah> report me?
[2/21][12:06.48] <Sarah> er, misread, sorry
[2/21][12:07.08] <Mischa> besides, if they give YOU that power, then I want it too
[2/21][12:07.14] <Ketonom> And once again, if you feel that our efforts are not enough for you, please, feel free to move to a different network.
[2/21][12:07.16] <Mischa> >__>
[2/21][12:07.45] <Ketonom> I can honestly say that you are the only person to have made such a big deal out of the fact that active proxy scanning is not in place on this network at this time.
[2/21][12:07.46] <Mischa> and if I get it, everyone will want it... and then we are better off not using mode +sx anymore
[2/21][12:08.03] <Mischa> +x *
[2/21][12:08.23] <Sarah> Ketonom: because our channel gets more trouble because for whatever reason your network as a whole isn't very fond of us
[2/21][12:08.45] <Mischa> and that surprises you?
[2/21][12:08.45] <Ketonom> Well sarah, reputations don't just rise out of nothing.
[2/21][12:08.55] <Mischa> indeed
[2/21][12:09.07] <Sarah> [every girl in highschool is a <censored>. every one. always. ever ever.]
[2/21][12:09.10] <Mischa> if your channel is called the kindergarten grade of the server, something is terribly wrong
[2/21][12:09.11] <Ketonom> There is a reason to have such a reputation, and repairing a damaged reputation is a very hard thing to do.
[2/21][12:09.43] <Ketonom> Giving you the power to scan for proxies in your channel is not going to repair your damaged reputation.
[2/21][12:09.52] <Sarah> we have a reputation for... what? being immature? yet other channels respond by flooding us? sort of ironic.
[2/21][12:10.21] <Sarah> it will stop users from abusing proxies though, which is a major problem at the moment
[2/21][12:10.25] <Mischa> if every channel did fllod you, you might have a point
[2/21][12:10.40] <Mischa> personally, I never seen any reason to 'get back at' FFshrine
[2/21][12:11.23] <Jouva> Sarah I've seen first hand how many of your users act
[2/21][12:11.25] <Mischa> most of us channel owners and co-owners dont harvest feelings of revenge.... but we don't own every channel on the network
[2/21][12:11.27] <Sarah> most of the reputation comes from 1) people disliking me and assuming I represent the entire channel and 2) people misunderstanding our sense of humor, essentially ;(
[2/21][12:11.47] <pleia2> 0) raiding other channels (this is the big one)
[2/21][12:11.54] <Mischa> 3) users disrespecting the wishes from the channel ops
[2/21][12:12.04] <pleia2> but we've all repeated ourselves 3432 times now
[2/21][12:12.16] <Mischa> 4) users not being nice against ops for moderating
[2/21][12:12.28] <pleia2> Sarah: we're not going to give you special privs, that's the end of it
[2/21][12:12.42] <Sarah> pleia2: I understand that. 
[2/21][12:12.51] <Jouva> Play nice, or don't play at all
[2/21][12:13.19] <Mischa> 5) your chat applet is caught as being the source for many misbehaving peopel outside your own channel
[2/21][12:13.35] <Mischa> was, since you prolly have it to one-channel only now
[2/21][12:14.00] <Sarah> ... so why not ban mirc, considering how much abuse is done via THAT client? D:
[2/21][12:14.27] <Jouva> ...
[2/21][12:14.38] <Jouva> Sarah
[2/21][12:14.41] <Mischa> I know that in many channels that has FFS banned as channel, the ops are willing to add exceptions for FFshrine users on an individual basis
[2/21][12:14.42] <Jouva> Do yourself a favor
[2/21][12:14.46] <Jouva> And either fix your channel
[2/21][12:14.48] <Jouva> Or get OUT
[2/21][12:14.57] <Jouva> and when I mean out
[2/21][12:14.59] <Jouva> i mean out NOW
[2/21][12:15.10] <Sarah> Jouva: I've asked multiple times, what needs fixing
[2/21][12:15.10] <Jouva> This is getting stupid and rediculous
[2/21][12:15.13] <Jouva> YOUR
[2/21][12:15.15] <Jouva> CHANNEL
[2/21][12:15.16] <Jouva> USERS
[2/21][12:15.31] <Jouva> They are ANNOYING other users of the network
[2/21][12:15.32] <Sarah> specifically. show me specific instances and I'll deal with each and every one. 
[2/21][12:15.34] <Ketonom> Anyway, I believe this issue has been addressed sufficiently at this time.  Your request for oper privileges has been denied.  If we feel that your channel is causing more problems than is worth allowing, we will close it permanently.  If you do not agree to these terms, then you are asked to leave this network and take your channel with you.
[2/21][12:15.47] <Ketonom> I am finished with this topic for the time being.


Sarah reveals that his mom was in prison

Date unknown. 
(18:36:24) Sarah: roph
(18:36:26) Meriel left the room.
(18:36:30) Roph: hi
(18:36:38) Sarah: roph im never showing you pics of me again
(18:36:41) Blameless|away: lol
(18:36:43) Roph: what ;-;
(18:36:43) Blameless|away: hahaha
(18:36:52) Roph: it was
(18:36:58) Roph: constructive criticism :(
(18:37:29) Sarah: constructive criticism is like "I bet your hair would look rly cut ein pigtails ~" "STOP EATING FATTIE" is not
(18:37:35) Roph: Your mom is so stupid, she uploads executables in ASCII mode
(18:37:49) Blameless|away: haha
(18:37:51) Roph: lol i didnt say that i suggested a diet :(
(18:38:02) Sarah: -_---
(18:38:13) Blameless|away: Sarah you do seem to have a few extra pounds, tbh.
(18:38:25) Sarah: I bet I have a lower BMI than greta >:O
(18:38:28) Roph: you're a little podgy
(18:38:45) Sarah: I have a much lower bmi than cass 8-)
(18:38:50) Roph: bmi ?_?
(18:38:55) Sarah: body mass index
(18:38:55) Blameless|away: bmi is worthless
(18:38:58) Sarah: weight compared to height
(18:39:02) Roph: how do you measure that
(18:39:03) Roph: oh ok
(18:39:06) Sarah: it's not worthless but it's pretty bad yeah
(18:39:09) Roph: I'm 6ft
(18:39:15) Blameless|away: my bmi is 18.4
(18:39:17) Roph: and 11.5 stone so what is mine ;-;
(18:39:30) Blameless|away: err 18.5
(18:39:34) Roph: sarah
(18:39:40) Roph: remember with greta though
(18:39:44) Sarah:
(18:39:46) Roph: muscle weighs alot more than fat :3
(18:39:56) Blameless|away: paul since when are you 6ft?
(18:40:20) Roph: 6ft or 5ft 9"
(18:40:32) Sarah: LOL
(18:40:41) Sarah: 5'9" is nothing like 6'
(18:40:50) Roph: 6ft or just under
(18:40:51) Roph: w/e
(18:40:59) Sarah: 12inches = 1ft
(18:41:08) Sarah: Your BMI is 21.8, indicating your weight is within the normal range for adults of your height. 
(18:41:12) Sarah: ^ for u roph
(18:41:14) Roph: my dad is 6ft
(18:41:19) Roph: and I'm a tiny bit shorter
(18:41:34) Roph: so probably 5'11
(18:41:43) Sarah: my BMI is like 25.3 or sth where > 25.0 is overweight
(18:41:55) Roph: so lose some weight then ~
(18:42:10) Sarah: bitch at cass & greta >:O
(18:42:21) Sarah: cass is like a 27 or 28 o rsth
(18:42:21) Roph: cass is hot
(18:42:24) Roph: greta isnt fat
(18:42:30) Blameless|away: Cass doesn't look bad
(18:42:30) Roph: cass looks nice though <3
(18:42:43) Sarah: I look nice >:O this is why i am not showin u pics again. ever.
(18:42:47) Roph: lol
(18:42:59) Roph: would you ever get a lipo
(18:43:05) Sarah: fuck no
(18:43:10) Blameless|away: Sarah, go jogging
(18:43:27) Sarah: Blameless: anxiety. I'd join a gym if it wasn't for tits + bein' scared.
(18:43:36) Blameless|away: jog at night
(18:43:47) Sarah: which is always a good idea for women.
(18:43:48) Roph: what you're rich
(18:43:52) Roph: buy treadmills etc
(18:44:07) Blameless|away: no one is going to abduct a 6'1" transvestite
(18:44:11) Sarah: I'll lose weight this fall though. last time my mom was in prison + I was taking classes at MATC I lose 30 lbs !_!
(18:44:23) Sarah: lost, rather ;(
(18:44:55) Sarah: I don't look like a fattie ok >:O
(18:45:09) Roph: you're sucking in in that pic mir
(18:45:17) Blameless|away: lol
(18:45:18) Roph: also
(18:45:24) ***Roph piches ur nips ^_^
(18:45:51) Sarah: I'm not sucking in and I hate you and tch me again and I'll break ur fucken neck
(18:46:12) Blameless|away: That woudl truely be amusing to see
(18:46:16) Roph: lol
(18:46:42) Blameless|away: I don't exactly want to see Paul die, but the entertainment value would be worth it
(18:47:40) Roph: sarah
(18:47:58) namakusyapa left the room (quit: Ping timeout).
(18:48:00) Sarah: roph
(18:48:01) Roph: for a large pre-op man transing over to being a lady
(18:48:02) Roph:
(18:48:03) Roph: is good
(18:48:21) Sarah: ... I'll pretend you didn't call me a "large pre-op man"
(18:48:22) Ebichu [[email protected]] entered the room.
(18:48:26) ivorynight: rofl
(18:48:28) Roph: you're 6'1
(18:48:35) Nameless308 [[email protected]] entered the room.
(18:48:49) Roph: and on the verge of overwright on that bmi thing !_!
(18:48:54) Nameless308 is now known as Falling_Rain
(18:49:01) namakusyapa [[email protected]] entered the room.
(18:49:03) Sarah: tons of people are overweight on that thing _-----
(18:49:13) Blameless|away: tons of people are big huge fatties
(18:49:18) Roph: lol
(18:50:02) Sarah: I wouldn't mind losing a little weight but I'm not doing it so you'd find me more attractive. you're condescending and asdasdovpdf POOP
(18:50:03) Roph: don't you want to lose that large manly physique and become a petite pretty lady ^_^
(18:50:16) Sarah: I don't have a large manly physique. fuck you.
(18:50:34) Roph: ;-;
(18:50:35) ***Blameless|away dies laughing
(18:50:36) AllForFree left the room (quit: Client exited).
(18:50:36) Sarah: I can't be a petite lady no matter what I do. unless I amputate my legs maybe.
(18:50:50) Duo: im 1 overweight on bmi and. and i dunno i though i'd be more. and i have lost weight but.
(18:50:53) Falling_Rain: i think your cute woamn Sarah and dont look liek a man
(18:50:59) Roph: yeah but ;-; sarah
(18:51:00) Sarah: why thank you ~
(18:51:09) Roph: if you lost some more weight it'd do alot for you
(18:51:10) Roph: ;(
(18:51:37) Sarah: I look virtually the same when I lose weight ftr.
(18:51:47) Falling_Rain: you know some ppl can look fat but are not.
(18:51:51) Sarah: I was 20lbs lighter there
(18:52:01) Falling_Rain: i am 155 myslef but i look to be about 180
(18:52:59) Blameless|away: it's not just about looks
(18:53:17) Sarah: it is for roph :-)
(18:53:27) Blameless|away: Paul is an idiot
(18:53:33) Sarah: for me I'm personally more into just feeling better, wouldn't care if I didn't lose weight
(18:53:41) Sarah: I do stairs sometimes but that's about it :-*
(18:53:57) Blameless|away: I will go jogging with ya Sarah
(18:53:59) Roph: its not for me :(
(18:54:02) Roph: what ;-;
(18:54:18) Falling_Rain: what ever makes you happy i allwas say =^-^= and if someone is there by you rooting for ya and happy with ya then thats mroe for ya ^^
(18:54:21) Sarah: I'd love to go swimming. srsly. but awkward cause trans.
(18:54:31) ivorynight: swimming is fun :)
(18:54:32) Roph: topless mir
(18:54:51) Sarah: I'd go swimming neked if I owned my own pool and other houses weren't around !_!
(18:55:00) ivorynight: lol
(18:55:08) ivorynight: would you go to nudist beach?
(18:55:11) Roph: i would swim neked w/ u ~
(18:55:15) Blameless|away: denser than water + very weak swimmer + not having been submerged in water in 10 years = I don't swim
(18:55:32) Sarah: ivorynight: I was talking about it earlier ! if I had a friend to go with I probably would
(18:55:49) Roph: would you let me go with you ;(
(18:55:54) Sarah: no.
(18:55:57) Blameless|away: lol
(18:55:57) ivorynight: rofl
(18:55:58) Roph: lol
(18:56:01) Falling_Rain left the room (quit: Quit: Falling_Rain).
(18:56:01) ivorynight: pwned
(18:56:07) Roph: pretty much all of ffshrine that'd wanted to see me naked
(18:56:09) Roph: has seen ;(
(18:56:13) Roph: that's*
(18:56:13) Nameless078 [[email protected]] entered the room.
(18:56:25) Nameless078 is now known as Falling_rain
(18:56:44) Sarah: I don't want to see you naked because you look like a fruity manwoman thing. but with facial hair. it's like peaches but alive.
(18:56:54) ivorynight: *_*
(18:56:56) Roph: haha ;-;
(18:56:58) ivorynight: pic plz?
(18:57:06) Roph: sarah am i your type ~
(18:57:12) Roph: I will shave regularly~
(18:57:51) Sarah: my type wouldn't call me fat on a regular basis.
(18:57:56) Roph: ivorynight:
(18:57:56) Falling_rain: shave it all or just facial?
(18:58:02) Blameless|away: lol


Session Start: Thu Mar 01 00:00:00 2007
Session Ident: #ffshrine
[00:00] <Ketzu> Hiya Aile
[00:00] <Tnemeh> Hola, Aile
[00:00] <Tnemeh> =P
[00:00] <Ketzu> Aile: Where region of the world do you live in?
[00:01] <Ketzu> west coast?
[00:01] * Falconk7 has joined #ffshrine
[00:01] <Tnemeh> I've always wondered. How do you differentiate from the two uses? When do you know you mean the continent and when do you mean your contry?
[00:01] <Tnemeh> *country
[00:02] <Sarah> New stats available for #ffshrine! Check out the stats at
[00:02] <Ketzu> haha
[00:03] <Roph> lozl
[00:03] <charlynash> north america when your reffering to then continent
[00:03] <Tnemeh> wait. You divide the continent in two?!
[00:03] <Roph>
[00:03] <Roph> capz
[00:03] <Tnemeh> _-_
[00:03] <charlynash> yeah
[00:03] <charlynash> canada and america
[00:03] <charlynash> or USA
[00:03] <ivorynight> hey tnemeh do you smoke pt?
[00:03] <ivorynight> pot
[00:03] <Tnemeh> I don't smoke at all
[00:04] <ivorynight> oh you know if they have spice in your country?
[00:04] <Ketzu> the hell?
[00:04] <fireball> i need to take 'roids
[00:04] <charlynash> is it muted till 9pm?
[00:04] <Ketzu> Ivorynight: Do YOU smoke?
[00:04] <charlynash> oh, thought you emant the spice channel lol
[00:04] <Tnemeh> ivorynight, as in every country, whatever you want, you'll find it if you look well 
[00:05] <fireball> she'll let you know when she smokes
[00:05] <Tnemeh> charlynash, so, you divide it in North, central and south america? or just north and south?
[00:05] <Roph> I heard aile left, to never come back again, why am I seeing her here now?
[00:05] <fireball> i need to get big and stuff ;)
[00:05] <charlynash> north central and south
[00:06] <ivorynight> spice is used in this country as alternative to pot
[00:06] <Tnemeh> Man, in spanish it's easier. Estados Unidos (united states) = country. America = continent (and only one continent).
[00:06] <charlynash> most peeps dont care about central or south though lol
[00:06] <Ketzu> What kind of spice O.o
[00:06] <Roph> shut up and take your clothes off
[00:06] <ivorynight> recently studies show that dogs get smarter when they have sex while smoking spice
[00:06] <Hak> LOL
[00:06] <Roph> =(
[00:06] <ivorynight> i care about central!
[00:07] <ivorynight> central has nicaragua!
[00:07] <Tnemeh> Yeah, me too
[00:07] <ivorynight> home to my own hero!
[00:07] <Tnemeh> And Mexico!
[00:07] <Tnemeh> Home to my own me!
[00:07] <charlynash> yeah if your from one of those mecian countries
[00:07] <charlynash> mexican*
[00:07] <Hak> Roph
[00:07] <Roph> hak
[00:08] <Hak> u r 4 intarwebs sexies?
[00:08] <Roph> ?_?
[00:09] * Roph encodes all ketzu's media into propietory formats
[00:09] <Ketzu> FK OFF
[00:09] <Roph> :D
[00:09] <Ketzu> Wait
[00:09] <Ketzu> What does that even mean :O
[00:10] <Roph> like
[00:10] <charlynash> no, do the next worse thing
[00:10] <Roph> wma, wmv
[00:10] <Ketzu> My media is all xvid avi
[00:10] <Ketzu> dude
[00:10] <charlynash> encode them in acc!
[00:10] <Ketzu> FK OFF
[00:10] <charlynash> lossy ftw!
[00:10] <Roph> lol
[00:10] <Roph> aac is pretty awesome but vorbis still beats it
[00:10] <charlynash> hell yeah
[00:11] <Roph> but you can't mux vorbis with h264 in avi or mp4 streams so 
[00:11] <Roph> aac~
[00:11] <charlynash> only use acc for videos where i dont care about the sound quality
[00:11] <Tnemeh> charlynash, I am impressed about the comment "those mexican countries"
[00:11] <charlynash> lol thank you XD
[00:11] <Tnemeh> I assume you find the same Arabia and Persia, then?
[00:11] <Roph> eww wtf one of the girls started peeing on that other
[00:11] <Roph> WTF
[00:11] <Hak> pix?
[00:12] <charlynash> lol nah it was a joke
[00:12] * Roph skips that bit
[00:12] * Tnemeh sighs with relief
[00:12] <Stz> Link Pls Roph
[00:12] <charlynash> i was starting to worry that no one said anythign after is aid that lol
[00:13] <charlynash> yeha i hate les pron with chicks peeing
[00:14] <Hak> Roph
[00:14] <Hak> Link!
[00:17] * Vegiemaster has joined #ffshrine
[00:18] <ivorynight> roph?
[00:18] * MasterStillie has joined #ffshrine
[00:19] <MasterStillie> b33p
[00:20] * Tnemeh has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[00:21] <MasterStillie> haha
[00:21] * Tnemeh has joined #ffshrine
[00:21] <MasterStillie> just got home man its cold
[00:21] <Hak>
[00:21] <MasterStillie> seen it
[00:22] <MasterStillie> w00t w00t
[00:23] <MasterStillie> i think it may be time to play some RE4 :D
[00:23] <ivorynight> RALPH?!!
[00:23] <MasterStillie> ???
[00:25] * gtew324 has joined #ffshrine
[00:25] <MasterStillie> hi
[00:26] * MasterStillie smacks night over the head with a wet trout
[00:27] <Cassie>
[00:27] <Cassie> LOL i love woot contests :(
[00:27] <Roph> I CAME BUCKETS
[00:28] * Kusar has joined #ffshrine
[00:28] <Kusar> !list
[00:29] <MasterStillie> the wonders of photoshop
[00:30] <Hak> ?
[00:32] * DragonRune has joined #ffshrine
[00:32] <charlynash> photoshop is like the force
[00:32] <charlynash> its betetr when used for evil
[00:32] <DragonRune> ...
[00:32] <DragonRune> No, i dont want to know the context, nor do i want to ask
[00:33] <charlynash> what context?
[00:33] <DragonRune> <charlynash> photoshop is like the force
[00:33] <DragonRune> <charlynash> its betetr when used for evil
[00:33] <charlynash> its meant to be straight forward lol
[00:33] <DragonRune> In that case
[00:33] <DragonRune> ARRRRHHHH!
[00:34] <Ndi> little kid died from an absess tooth :( 
[00:34] <Ndi>
[00:34] <Ketzu> MEW
[00:34] <Ketzu> <3 Mew!!!
[00:34] <DragonRune> :)
[00:34] <DragonRune> :D
[00:34] <DragonRune> mew is awesome
[00:34] <Ndi> That is scary. ; ; I don't have any cavities, but I don't have dental insurance either. 
[00:34] <Ketzu> #1 in my heart~
[00:34] <DragonRune> and wtfpwns too
[00:34] * charlynash considers dental care
[00:34] <DragonRune> O.o
[00:35] <DragonRune> Deeeentaaaalllll...?
[00:35] <charlynash> dental plan!
[00:35] <Ndi> I didn't know that something like that could spread to your brain. 
[00:35] <charlynash> lisa needs braces!
[00:35] <charlynash> of course it can, why do you think black people have trouble getting care?
[00:35] <MasterStillie> XD
[00:36] <charlynash> though that may only be known to black peole
[00:36] <charlynash> people
[00:36] <Ndi> So sad for that mom. :( 
[00:36] * Aile has left #ffshrine
[00:37] <charlynash> i used to live in PG too
[00:37] <MasterStillie> were all humans...
[00:37] * Magere has quit IRC (Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 1.0.7/20050915])
[00:38] * Nameless969 has joined #ffshrine
[00:38] * MasterStillie has left #ffshrine
[00:38] * Kusar has quit IRC (Quit: )
[00:39] * MasterStillie has joined #ffshrine
[00:39] <Falconk7> hey everyone
[00:40] <MasterStillie> howdy
[00:40] <Falconk7> what's up?
[00:40] <MasterStillie> relaxing you?
[00:41] <Falconk7> chillin', listening to music
[00:41] <MasterStillie> cool me too
[00:41] <Falconk7> heh cool
[00:41] <MasterStillie> ill need to get work soon :D 
[00:41] * Nameless969 has quit IRC (Quit: Nameless969)
[00:41] <charlynash>
[00:42] <MasterStillie> :D now that's a funny comic
[00:44] <charlynash> meh, thats an obscure comic lol
[00:44] <charlynash> which can translate to funny sometimes
[00:44] <MasterStillie> i know the person that does it
[00:45] <charlynash> wheres secret, her comics own :(
[00:45] <MasterStillie> no its "pwn"
[00:45] <MasterStillie> lmfao
[00:46] <MasterStillie> no no no you say"it's uber cool"
[00:47] <MasterStillie> ha *hides*
[00:47] <Falconk7> roxors
[00:47] <MasterStillie> roxors your boxors?
[00:48] <charlynash> meh, the worth of sayong any of that has been watered down
[00:48] <charlynash> saying*
[00:48] <MasterStillie> is it always this quiet there are like tons of ppl in here yet like 4 ppl talk 
[00:48] <MasterStillie> lmfao
[00:48] <MasterStillie> you sound like a pirate
[00:49] <Falconk7> there are times when we break out in random conversations
[00:49] <MasterStillie> :D is the master of randomness :D
[00:51] * Kefka has joined #ffshrine
[00:51] * Kefka has left #ffshrine
[00:51] * Falconk7 has quit IRC (Quit: Falconk7)
[00:51] * Kefka has joined #ffshrine
[00:52] <ivorynight> where is anne?!
[00:53] <ivorynight> unacceptable!
[00:53] <charlynash> i concur!
[00:56] * Aile has joined #ffshrine
[00:56] <Hak> Gonna go watch a movie
[00:56] * Hak is now known as Hakafk
[00:56] * Kefka slaps Hakafk around a bit with a large trout
[00:56] <Ketzu> Who be aeriez?
[00:57] <Kefka> I had "And that's my cue to exit" typed >_<
[00:57] * myggg has joined #ffshrine
[00:57] <myggg> !list
[00:57] <Ketzu> Aile: 2 here now =p
[00:57] <Kefka> 01:57:53
[00:57] <Kefka> Real men throw cockatrices without gloves.
[00:58] <MasterStillie> real men wear skirts.
[00:59] <Kefka> Yes I do
[00:59] <Kefka> I mean
[00:59] <Kefka> What
[01:00] <charlynash> real men use single-ply toilet paper
[01:00] <Kefka> xD
[01:00] <charlynash> NON QUILTED
[01:00] * myggg has quit IRC (Quit: )
[01:00] <charlynash> or was that poor..
[01:00] <charlynash> oh yeah, both
[01:01] <charlynash> or and/or
[01:02] <charlynash> over-elaboration ftw
[01:02] <charlynash> or  ftl..
[01:04] * Kefka has left #ffshrine
[01:09] <ivorynight> i need to turn tricks
[01:09] <ivorynight> to get a 360
[01:10] <ivorynight> before bioshock comes out
[01:13] <fireball> nitey nite
[01:19] <MasterStillie> ha biochock looks pretty cool(watched a video on it)
[01:20] * fireball has quit IRC (Quit: fireball)
[01:21] * Julio has joined #ffshrine
[01:22] <MasterStillie> what are you buying?
[01:22] <MasterStillie> i got a lot of good things on sell stranger
[01:22] <MasterStillie> XD
[01:24] * charlynash has quit IRC (Quit: )
[01:24] <Tnemeh> aah, I'll buy it at a high price.
[01:24] <MasterStillie> haha
[01:25] <MasterStillie> guns aren't just for shooting
[01:25] <MasterStillie> wait....hah
[01:25] <Tnemeh> I gave that one to my gf for her birthday
[01:26] <MasterStillie> re4?
[01:27] <Tnemeh> yup
[01:27] <MasterStillie> my best friend she got me into it ha
[01:27] <Tnemeh> it was between that or a dagger. Her parents don't understand much about videogames, so...
[01:28] <MasterStillie> girls must like pretty boy leon and zombies :D
[01:28] <MasterStillie> ha
[01:28] <MasterStillie> parents...
[01:28] <MasterStillie> i hated living at home
[01:29] <Tnemeh> My gf loves survival horror and Leon, the only game she hasn't be able to complete is Siren
[01:29] <Tnemeh> *been
[01:29] <Julio> siren 1 is tight
[01:29] <ivorynight> why did she wan a dagger?!
[01:29] <Tnemeh> We like weapons
[01:30] <Tnemeh> We've got daggers, swords and whips
[01:30] <Tnemeh> But she has to hide them
[01:30] <MasterStillie> i still havn't beaten re4 i don't even think i beat re cv or 1 or 2
[01:30] <MasterStillie> haah
[01:30] <MasterStillie> what is she like 16 or something...
[01:31] <MasterStillie> *feels old*
[01:31] <ivorynight> hide fromparents?
[01:32] <MasterStillie> ill be 30 and still playing video games(which isn't far)
[01:32] <ivorynight> wtf you are 29?
[01:33] <MasterStillie> got a few more years to go yay :D
[01:34] * Julio has quit IRC (Quit: )
[01:34] * Kyriel is now known as Kyriel-Sleep
[01:37] <DragonRune> ...
[01:39] <Tnemeh> She is 22 but her parents are the kind of people that think that if you read "white" books (white referring to bright, "good energy" related or something) it makes you a better person
[01:39] <Tnemeh> and if you play dark games you only harm yourself and surround yourself with... dunno... 
[01:39] <Tnemeh> dark mojo?
[01:39] <MasterStillie> hmmm
[01:39] <MasterStillie> no comment
[01:40] <DragonRune> She said: "Im only twelve" I said: "Im down with that, i used to go to middle school."
[01:40] <Tnemeh> xD
[01:40] <ivorynight> are her parents the kindof people that are likely to see the virgin mary sometime in thier life?
[01:40] <DragonRune> -_-
[01:40] <Tnemeh> Well, they are religious too
[01:41] * MasterStillie watches south park
[01:41] <Tnemeh> and taking into account that we live in Mexico, that makes that the background for most families involves conservative ways of thinking
[01:41] <Tnemeh> *involve
[01:41] <MasterStillie> i'm not far from mexico
[01:41] <MasterStillie> hows the weather there?
[01:42] <Tnemeh> Depends on which part of Mexico you're talking about.
[01:42] <MasterStillie> under south cali
[01:42] <ivorynight> hispanics are always seeing mary :/
[01:42] <Tnemeh> Hrm... pretty much the same, but sometimes humidity is higher or heat is higher
[01:43] <MasterStillie> hehe...
[01:43] <Tnemeh> And they won't let her move out until she's married -_-
[01:43] <Tnemeh> And I love her but I'm in no hurry for marriage. I barely believe in that stuff.
[01:44] <ivorynight> how can you marry her until you are sure you prefer her vagoo and mouth :/
[01:44] <MasterStillie> hmm
[01:44] * Kefka has joined #ffshrine
[01:44] * sfsf has joined #ffshrine
[01:45] <sfsf> !list
[01:45] * PJirk has joined #ffshrine
[01:45] <Tnemeh> it's not about that. Marriage. I don't think I can say I believe in such a term.
[01:45] <PJirk> wat
[01:45] <PJirk> suck my balls kyle
[01:46] <PJirk> !list
[01:49] * PJirk has left #ffshrine
[01:54] * Aile has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[01:56] * sfsf has quit IRC (Quit: )
[01:59] * MasterStillie has left #ffshrine
[02:11] * Aile has joined #ffshrine
[02:11] * Sarah has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[02:11] <Stz> Dont Think So
[02:12] <DragonRune> ?
[02:12] <DragonRune> i havent been gone for more than an hour
[02:12] * DragonRune slaps Aile around a bit with a large trout
[02:12] * Azlan has joined #ffshrine
[02:12] * Azlan slaps DragonRune around a bit with a large trout
[02:12] * Azlan has quit IRC (Quit: )
[02:14] * PsychDragoonX has joined #ffshrine
[02:14] <DragonRune> lol?
[02:14] * Azlan has joined #ffshrine
[02:15] <DragonRune> meh
[02:15] <Azlan> !list
[02:15] <Azlan> !list
[02:15] <Azlan> ?__?
[02:15] <Azlan> !list
[02:15] <Azlan> wha? :o
[02:15] <Azlan> 1list
[02:15] <Azlan> :o
[02:15] <DragonRune> i can find tons of places to dl generals and all kinds of other shitty C&C games... But NOWHERE can i find the old C&C =/
[02:16] <Azlan> o ok
[02:16] * Azlan has quit IRC (Quit: User has been banned from Xelium (>:())
[02:16] <DragonRune> fr34k
[02:16] <Stz> To Get The original CandC i Had to Buy The Collectors pack EA Released Last Year
[02:16] <DragonRune> ^^
[02:16] <Stz> Worth Every Penny Of The Hundred Bucks I Spent
[02:16] <DragonRune> ya
[02:16] <DragonRune> C&C First Decade
[02:16] <Stz> Mind you i Dont Like CandC 3 Alreadyu
[02:16] <DragonRune> I can DL it
[02:16] <DragonRune> >_>
[02:16] <Stz> Still Feels So... Samey
[02:16] <DragonRune> O.o?
[02:16] <DragonRune> Me either
[02:17] <DragonRune> Im pissed at it
[02:17] <Stz> Pretty Looking though... And Railgun Mammoth Tanks Rock
[02:17] <Stz> But... Its Soooo... Done
[02:17] <DragonRune> Took me like, 20 hrs to dl it. And then the package made a cyclic redundance error
[02:17] <DragonRune> =/
[02:17] <Stz> That Sucks
[02:17] <DragonRune> aye
[02:17] <DragonRune> Makes me sad =(
[02:17] <Stz> Mind You 1 Gig For A Demo... And The Demo Doesnt Even Have That Much In It
[02:18] <DragonRune> nop
[02:18] <DragonRune> 1 skirmish
[02:18] <DragonRune> 2 missions
[02:18] <DragonRune> lol
[02:18] <Stz> Kinda Dissappointing For A Whole Gig
[02:18] <DragonRune> yeah
[02:18] <Stz> I just Hope the Full Game Has A Really good Story Or i Dont See It Being Worth It
[02:19] <DragonRune> But you get a free trailer with all kinda famous ppl
[02:19] <DragonRune> O.õ
[02:19] <DragonRune> totally useless
[02:19] <DragonRune> ^^
[02:19] <Stz> But Cool... I Mean... It Has Billy Dee Williams
[02:19] <Stz> Awww
[02:19] * Stz Pats Aile
[02:19] * Azlan has joined #ffshrine
[02:19] <Azlan> ogm banned wtf 
[02:20] <Azlan> whatd i do ;-;
[02:20] <Stz> Who Is Azlan?
[02:20] <DragonRune> :P
[02:20] <DragonRune> pwnd
[02:20] <Stz> Is Azlan... Female?
[02:20] * Stz Crosses Fingers
[02:21] <Azlan> nope sry
[02:21] * Stz Rolls A D10 To Determine Age
[02:21] <ivorynight> i knew a girl who had a sister who was impregnant by sperm on a bullet she was shot with :/
[02:21] <Azlan> hihihi
[02:21] <Azlan> ohshi my covers blown
[02:21] <Azlan> >.>
[02:21] <Azlan> and
[02:22] <Azlan> wheres happy
[02:22] <DragonRune> ?!
[02:22] <DragonRune> !?
[02:22] <DragonRune> arrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhh!
[02:22] <Azlan> and
[02:22] <Azlan> wheres shade
[02:22] * Kefka coughs
[02:23] * Azlan has quit IRC (User has been banned from Xelium (Hi!))
[02:23] <Stz> Hahaha lol Wth?
[02:23] <Kefka> I did not such thing 
[02:23] <DragonRune> :O
[02:23] <Kefka> >.>
[02:23] <DragonRune> O:
[02:23] <Kefka> no*
[02:23] <DragonRune> pwnd
[02:23] <Kefka> Hi
[02:24] * Stz Gets Some Of That Hot Action
[02:24] <Stz> Group Hug
[02:24] <Kefka> Oh wow
[02:24] <Kefka> Setzer... hugging Kefka...
[02:24] <Kefka> :O
[02:24] <Stz> Yeah
[02:24] <Kefka> I tried to Kill you! :o
[02:24] <Stz> Next Ill Stick My Peen In Ur Pooper
[02:24] <Kefka> With your... airship and all
[02:24] <Kefka> ...
[02:24] <Stz> Orly/
[02:24] <Stz> Why?
[02:24] <Stz> Oic
[02:24] <Kefka> xD
[02:24] <Stz> ...
[02:25] <Kefka> So, in conclusion:
[02:25] <Kefka> Penis penis butt butt
[02:25] <Kefka> That is all
[02:25] <Stz> Nappy Nap Nap Time
[02:25] * PsychDragoonX has quit IRC (Quit: Also dongs)
[02:25] * Stz is now known as JapAndSleepy
[02:26] <JapAndSleepy> Pls?
[02:26] * JapAndSleepy Signs Up
[02:26] <Kefka> Nobody said anything about...
[02:26] <Kefka> k
[02:26] * Kefka afks
[02:26] <DragonRune> pay me money
[02:26] <DragonRune> =/
[02:26] <JapAndSleepy> But Now That You Mention... Lets
[02:26] <JapAndSleepy> Hahahaha
[02:26] <JapAndSleepy> I love Fucking With you Guys
[02:27] <JapAndSleepy> Just So long As you know Its All In Humour <.<
[02:27] <DragonRune> :=
[02:27] <Kefka> I LIKE POINTY THINGS
[02:27] <JapAndSleepy> And Besides... Aile's Probably Too old For My Tastes
[02:27] <JapAndSleepy> Awww
[02:27] <JapAndSleepy> Too old
[02:27] <Kefka> <JapAndSleepy> Yep too old
[02:27] <Kefka> omg
[02:27] <Kefka> Haha
[02:27] <Kefka> >_<;
[02:28] <JapAndSleepy> For My Standards At least ^^
[02:28] <Kefka> Main Entry:  	witty
[02:28] <Kefka> Part of Speech:  	adjective
[02:28] <Kefka> Definition:  	clever
[02:28] <Kefka> Synonyms:  	amusing, bright, brilliant, campy*, crazy*, diverting, droll, entertaining, epigrammatic, facetious, fanciful, funny, gay, humorous, ingenious, intelligent, jocose, jocular, joshing, keen, lively, original, penetrating,
[02:28] <Kefka> shit
[02:28] <Kefka> Wrong paste
[02:28] <JapAndSleepy> When Im In The Mood For A Good Solid Fap... Yes
[02:29] <JapAndSleepy> Otherwise i Just Hang Around the Pre-School
[02:29] <JapAndSleepy> Hahahaha
[02:29] <JapAndSleepy> Anyways...
[02:29] * JapAndSleepy Sreep
[02:29] <Kefka> That reminds me
[02:29] <Kefka> Where'd Sarah go
[02:31] <DragonRune> I got MoO 1
[02:31] <DragonRune> I got MoO 1
[02:31] <DragonRune> \o/
[02:31] <DragonRune> _o_
[02:31] <DragonRune> \o_
[02:31] <DragonRune> _o/
[02:31] <DragonRune> \o_
[02:31] <DragonRune> _o/
[02:32] <DragonRune> _o_
[02:32] <DragonRune> \o/
[02:32] <DragonRune> and MoM too
[02:32] <DragonRune> weeeeeee
[02:32] <DragonRune> Now i can die happeh
[02:34] * Killervirus has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[02:36] <ivorynight> Last week Elton John collapsed at a party, and had to have his stomach pumped. They extracted more then a gallon of semen, I swear to god its true.
[02:37] <DragonRune> ....
[02:37] <DragonRune> stop pumping his mouth then
[02:40] * Azlan has joined #ffshrine
[02:40] * Azlan slaps Aile around a bit with a large trout
[02:40] * Azlan slaps Aile around a bit with a large trout
[02:48] * Benjamin has joined #ffshrine
[02:48] <Benjamin> where is sarah
[02:48] * ramoth has joined #ffshrine
[02:48] <ramoth> someone linked me to this server and channel and said to ask for sarah where is she?
[02:49] <Benjamin> same
[02:49] <ramoth> i don't know, someone just said to ask for sarah
[02:49] <ramoth> where the fuck is she?
[02:49] <Benjamin> when will she be back
[02:50] <ramoth> you're lying
[02:50] <Benjamin> will she be here before then
[02:50] <ramoth> why is there a basket on your head
[02:50] <Benjamin> can anyone else tell me when sarah will be back
[02:51] <ramoth> please it's very important
[02:51] <ramoth> jeez you people are so unhelpful
[02:52] <ramoth> so where's sarah?
[02:53] <ramoth> i was told to also look for her there???
[02:53] <ramoth> they don't seem to know though
[02:55] * kurado|eating_bed has joined #ffshrine
[02:55] <ivorynight> why do you need her
[02:55] <Benjamin> can sum1 tell me wher to find her pls.
[02:55] <kurado|eating_bed> im looking for sarah
[02:56] * Aile has left #ffshrine
[02:56] * Azlan has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[02:56] <kurado|eating_bed> ...
[02:57] <kurado|eating_bed> has anybody seen sarah?
[02:57] <Benjamin> i need to talk to sarah
[02:57] <Benjamin> a friend has told me where to find her and linked me to this server
[02:57] <ivorynight> wtf
[02:58] <ivorynight> why did you fag up the channel aile
[02:58] * Saikou has joined #ffshrine
[02:58] <kurado|eating_bed> This is important.
[02:58] <ivorynight> you are worse then kefka
[02:58] <kurado|eating_bed> where's sarah?
[02:58] <ramoth> really i need to speak to sarah
[02:58] <Benjamin> need to talk to sarah pls
[02:58] <kurado|eating_bed> sarah has my cards.
[02:58] <kurado|eating_bed> I want my cards back.
[02:58] * Aile has joined #ffshrine
[02:58] * ivorynight is now known as Sarah
[02:58] <kurado|eating_bed> You're not Sarah.
[02:58] * Azlan has joined #ffshrine
[02:58] <kurado|eating_bed> Aile wtf is sarah you said she'd be here
[02:58] <Sarah> im sarah, deal with it
[02:58] * Saikou has left #ffshrine
[02:59] <kurado|eating_bed> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH?!
[02:59] <kurado|eating_bed> Aile wtf is sarah you said she'd be here
[02:59] <kurado|eating_bed> Aile wtf is sarah you said she'd be here
[02:59] <Sarah> up you ass and around the corner
[02:59] <kurado|eating_bed> seriously.  not joking.
[02:59] <kurado|eating_bed> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH?!
[02:59] <ramoth> sarah there you are we need to talk  it's really important
[02:59] <ramoth> Sarah: do you know where Happy is?
[02:59] * kurado|eating_bed is now known as Kurado
[02:59] <Benjamin> sarah where are you i need to find happy
[02:59] <Kefka> Jesus
[02:59] * Kefka has left #ffshrine
[02:59] <Kurado> I'm staying up because I desperately need to speak to Sarah
[02:59] <ramoth> sarah i need to find happy help me
[02:59] <Kurado> she has my cards.
[03:00] <Sarah> dont ask me these rediculous questions
[03:00] <Kurado> ridiculous*
[03:00] <Sarah> or i will give you love quote
[03:00] <Kurado> and sarah, i'd love it if you just gave me back my cards
[03:00] <ramoth> sarah ataraxy2 said that i should ask you where to find happy here
[03:00] <ramoth> please help
[03:00] <Kurado> i'll leave you alone if you do
[03:01] <Kurado> aile, I know you know where my cards are
[03:01] <ramoth> sarah why did ataraxy2 say you could help me find Happy?
[03:01] <Sarah> love quote is normally cost 300 
[03:01] <Kurado> stop what?
[03:01] <Benjamin> som1 help me i need to find sarah
[03:01] <Kurado> you're the one with my cards.
[03:01] <Benjamin> <.<
[03:01] <Kurado> >_>
[03:01] <Benjamin> >.>
[03:01] <ramoth> <-<
[03:01] <Kurado> You people lack discipline.
[03:02] <Sarah> dont create shit when people are having fun eating
[03:02] <Kurado> your eyes tell me one of two things: you know where my cards are
[03:02] <ramoth> SARAH come on who is 01:01 [xelium] -!- kurado|eating_bed [[email protected]]
[03:02] <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:02] <Sarah> that is first quote
[03:02] <ramoth> who is that sarah?!
[03:02] <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:02] <Benjamin> is that sarah?!?!
[03:02] <Azlan> So say the people who come in here causing trouble thinking that'll stop others from going to their channel... causing trouble.
[03:02] <Benjamin> where is happy sarah
[03:02] <Sarah> seriously sire stir some shit
[03:02] <Kurado> Azlan, where's sarah?
[03:02] <ramoth> actually we're in here because ataraxy2 said he came from here
[03:03] <Sarah> i have no time for you people
[03:03] <Kurado> basically, yeah.
[03:03] <ramoth> and was looking for happy
[03:03] <Sarah> i have too many children
[03:03] <Kurado> and ataraxy said we needed to find sarah
[03:03] <Kurado> aile told us to come here too
[03:03] <ramoth> ataraxy2 said he was told by #ffshrine to find Happy in #gfchat.
[03:03] <Kurado> so, unless you tell us where sarah is.
[03:03] <Kurado> and where my cards are
[03:03] <Kurado> i'm going to keep asking.
[03:03] <ramoth> Please don't tell people to come to #gfchat to ask for Happy
[03:03] <Sarah> little girls come up to me going ooh sarah touch me right there i like that
[03:03] <Azlan> Duo
[03:03] <Azlan> Ketzu
[03:04] <Azlan> Koira
[03:04] <Azlan> Ndi
[03:04] <Azlan> Ego
[03:04] <Sarah> and im want me to do things for you like the sun and the moon
[03:04] <Kurado> don't sic the ginyu force on us.  we just want to know where sarah is
[03:04] <Sarah> i am sarah
[03:04] <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:04] <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:04] <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:04] <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:04] <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:04] <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:04] <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:04] <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:04] <ramoth> i just want to know why ataraxy2 said he came from here
[03:04] <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:04] <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:04] <ramoth> and who told him to come to #gfchat
[03:04] <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:04] <Sarah> ill tell you how to get your cards
[03:04] <Sarah> go fag a cock
[03:04] <Sarah> thats the first step
[03:04] <Kurado> okay
[03:04] <Kurado> fine
[03:04] <ramoth> he's done that already
[03:04] <ramoth> we just finished
[03:04] <Sarah> the second step involves a truck stop
[03:05] <Kurado> buffing your flesh helmet now
[03:05] <Benjamin> can sum1 tell me where happy is
[03:05] <ramoth> okay I'm on wifi from a truck stop 
[03:05] <ramoth> Sarah: where is Happy?
[03:05] <Sarah> full of lonely truckers
[03:05] <Kurado> who is aile
[03:05] <ramoth> who is ataraxy2
[03:05] <Kurado> and why did i listen to him
[03:05] <Sarah> happy was strapped down and boot raped this morning by cia agents
[03:05] <Benjamin> ur lieing
[03:05] * Sleepy-chan has joined #ffshrine
[03:05] <Kurado> i can tell by the pixels and having seen plenty of pixels in my time
[03:05] <Benjamin> can u ehlp me find sarah pl.z
[03:06] <Sleepy-chan> so i heard you guys have cards
[03:06] <Kurado> i'm looking for my cards
[03:06] <DragonRune> MoM!
[03:06] <ramoth> Sarah: where is you connor???
[03:06] <ramoth> Sarah: where is you connor???
[03:06] <Sleepy-chan> Can I be informed of their current location
[03:06] <ramoth> Sarah: where is you connor???
[03:06] <Benjamin> where is sarah connor pls
[03:06] <Kurado> who is aile and what does he do
[03:06] <Hakafk> Sarah?
[03:06] * Benjamin has left #ffshrine
[03:06] * ramoth has left #ffshrine
[03:06] * Kurado has left #ffshrine (Leaving)
[03:06] <Sarah> oh kitsune thats original
[03:06] * Hakafk is now known as Hak
[03:06] * Sleepy-chan has left #ffshrine
[03:06] <Sarah> you furry fuck
[03:06] <Sarah> are they gone
[03:07] <Sarah> godamn
[03:07] * ataraxy2 has joined #ffshrine
[03:07] <Sarah> you
[03:07] <Hak> What's with the meanieness Sarah :()
[03:07] <Azlan> ataraxy2
[03:07] <Azlan> Out
[03:07] <Azlan> Now
[03:07] <Sarah> think you are some kind of cock of the rock eh?
[03:07] <ataraxy2> ?
[03:07] <ataraxy2> You don't know me Azlan
[03:07] <Hak> Not really
[03:07] <Azlan> Pretty sure I do
[03:07] <ataraxy2> ?
[03:07] <Azlan> (04:04:35 AM) <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:07] <Azlan> (04:04:35 AM) <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:07] <Azlan> (04:04:35 AM) <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:07] <Azlan> (04:04:36 AM) <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:07] <Azlan> (04:04:39 AM) <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:07] <Azlan> (04:04:40 AM) <ramoth> i just want to know why ataraxy2 said he came from here
[03:07] <Azlan> (04:04:41 AM) <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:07] <Azlan> (04:04:43 AM) <Kurado> WHERE ARE MY CARDS, SARAH!?
[03:08] <Azlan> Stop telling faggots to come here and spam
[03:08] <Sarah> you wont go unpunished ataraxy2
[03:08] <ataraxy2> :o
[03:08] <ataraxy2> I GET IT NOW!
[03:08] <ataraxy2> THANKS FOR ANSWERS!
[03:08] * ataraxy2 offers a hi-5
[03:08] <Hak> Wha. What's going on?
[03:08] <Azlan> I'll get some network admins in here I swear it
[03:08] <Sarah> now die and be silent
[03:09] <Hak> I just get back from Bworker dungeon and Sarah is man handling everyone :(
[03:09] * Kefka has joined #ffshrine
[03:09] <ataraxy2> ?
[03:10] <ataraxy2> Is there a ffshrine VS gfchat thing going on I didn't know of?
[03:10] <Sarah> how cute kefka
[03:10] <Azlan> ataraxy2
[03:10] <ataraxy2> >.>
[03:10] <ataraxy2> <.<
[03:10] <Azlan> gtfo
[03:10] <Kefka> What
[03:10] <ataraxy2> Sure
[03:10] <ataraxy2> But
[03:10] <ataraxy2> Why?
[03:11] <Kefka> Sarah
[03:11] <Kefka> Why are you not op'd :S
[03:11] <Kefka> Oh
[03:11] <Kefka> >_<
[03:11] <Sarah> i see you think this charade is amusing kefka
[03:12] <Kefka> What
[03:12] * shade has joined #ffshrine
[03:12] <Sarah> will you find life amusing when you wake up and realize a rape dog is inside your mouth?
[03:12] <Kefka> What
[03:12] <Kefka> I didn't start anything
[03:12] <Kefka> shade
[03:12] <Kefka> They're gone now =/
[03:12] <shade> I'm aware
[03:12] <ataraxy2> ?
[03:12] <Kefka> Ah, ok
[03:13] <Kefka> Er?
[03:13] <Sarah> fuck your server aile
[03:13] <Kefka> ivorynight
[03:13] <Kefka> Stop idling on someone else's nick =/
[03:13] <Sarah> it can burn in hell like a baby in the cleaning cycle
[03:14] <Hak> What the hell is up with sarah
[03:14] <Kefka> It's not Sarah
[03:14] <Sarah> speak not my name in vain
[03:14] <Sarah> that i should come down from the heavens and cast out but your soul
[03:14] <Kefka> Man, whatever
[03:14] <Kefka> I'm out for tonight
[03:14] * Kefka has quit IRC (Quit: The end comes... beyond chaos...)
[03:15] <Sarah> he lusts for me every day
[03:15] <ataraxy2> >.>
[03:15] * ataraxy2 has quit IRC (Quit: wtf)
[03:15] <Sarah> requesting more and more perverse pictures and videos
[03:15] <Sarah> it is unforgivable
[03:15] <Sarah> kefka
[03:15] <Sarah> he loves trannies
[03:15] <Sarah> it cant be helped
[03:16] <Sarah> i have nothing to say to yu
[03:16] <Sarah> you are just kefka
[03:16] <Sarah> you might as well be
[03:17] <Sarah> you do the same things and create the same drama
[03:17] <Sarah> go fag a cock with your fur sluts like monkey back in your server
[03:17] * Sarah has quit IRC (User has been banned from Xelium (Autokilled: Stop pestering the network))
[03:17] <Azlan> ~
[03:18] * Kefka has joined #ffshrine
[03:18] <Kefka> lol
[03:19] <Kefka> Why does my ident have a dot in it D:
[03:24] <Kefka> shade, you still there?
[03:28] <Hak> Who was on Sarah then?
[03:29] <Hak> Why the fag?
[03:29] <Kefka> <shade> Why yes I am, how are you Kefka? 
[03:29] <Kefka> <Kefka> Great how are you? I'd like to donate a couple thousand dollars to Xelium. 
[03:29] <Kefka> <shade> Oh wait, I'm afk, sorry
[03:29] <Hak> Lol~
[03:30] <Kefka> Actually, no. I just wanna ask about vhosts :P
[03:30] <Hak> Some kid at my school who I sit next to in maths is into them Hentai dating sims
[03:30] <Kefka> Because Xelium is so awesome
[03:30] <Kefka> Wait what
[03:30] <Kefka> Oh
[03:30] <Kefka> Meh
[03:31] <Hak> I gave him back the fucking pencil and sat next to alice.
[03:32] * Kusar has joined #ffshrine
[03:32] <Kusar> !list
[03:34] * Azlan shade
[03:34] <Azlan> dammit
[03:38] * Kusar has quit IRC (Quit: )
[03:38] * Azlan has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[03:40] * Azlan has joined #ffshrine
[03:44] * gtew324_ has joined #ffshrine
[03:45] * briangers2003 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
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[03:45] * Roph has quit IRC (
[03:45] * EXworks has quit IRC (
[03:45] * JapAndSleepy has quit IRC (
[03:45] * froghat has quit IRC (
[03:45] * Cassie has quit IRC (
[03:45] * Loli-afk- has quit IRC (
[03:45] * ReliK has quit IRC (
[03:45] * Rubicant has quit IRC (
[03:45] * Daeca has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[03:45] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:45] * Azlan has quit IRC (Quit: Client exited)
[03:45] * SyphBot has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[03:45] * SyphBot has joined #ffshrine
[03:45] * HerpBot has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[03:45] * gtew324 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
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[03:46] * Azlan has joined #ffshrine
[03:47] * briangers2003 has joined #ffshrine
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[03:47] * ReliK has joined #ffshrine
[03:47] * Loli-afk- has joined #ffshrine
[03:47] * Rubicant has joined #ffshrine
[03:48] * Azlan slaps Aile around a bit with a large trout
[03:48] * Azlan slaps Aile around a bit with a large trout
[03:48] * Azlan slaps LiquidCruelty around a bit with a large trout
[03:48] * Azlan slaps Rena around a bit with a large trout
[03:48] * Azlan slaps Vegiemaster around a bit with a large trout
[03:48] * Azlan slaps urinetrouble around a bit with a large trout
[03:48] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] <Azlan> .
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:49] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Hak slaps a large trout around a bit with Azlan
[03:50] * Hak slaps a large trout around a bit with Azlan
[03:50] * Hak slaps a large trout around a bit with Azlan
[03:50] * Hak slaps a large trout around a bit with Azlan
[03:50] * Hak slaps a large trout around a bit with Azlan
[03:50] * Hak slaps a large trout around a bit with Azlan
[03:50] * Hak slaps a large trout around a bit with Azlan
[03:50] * Hak slaps a large trout around a bit with Azlan
[03:50] * Hak slaps a large trout around a bit with Azlan
[03:50] <Hak> k done
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:50] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:51] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:51] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:51] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:51] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:51] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:51] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:51] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:51] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:51] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:51] * Azlan has quit IRC (Killed (shade (STop it.)))
[03:53] * HerpBot has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[03:53] * Loli-afk- is now known as LoliSauce
[03:53] <Hak> What
[03:53] <Hak> HerpBot just dced
[03:53] <Hak> ..
[03:54] * HerpBot has joined #ffshrine
[03:54] * Azlan has joined #ffshrine
[03:55] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:55] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:55] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:55] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:55] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:55] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:55] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:55] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:55] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:55] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:55] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:55] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:55] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:55] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:55] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:55] * Azlan slaps shade around a bit with a large trout
[03:55] * Azlan has quit IRC (Killed (shade (Stop it.)))
[03:56] * SyphBot-4028 has joined #ffshrine
[03:56] * CrabsBot-9237 has joined #ffshrine
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[03:56] * SyphBot-4028 is now known as SyphBot
[03:56] * CrabsBot-9237 is now known as CrabsBot
[04:07] <Hak> Haha
[04:07] <Hak> Techno remix of Fur Elise
[04:08] * Sarah has joined #ffshrine
[04:08] * ChanServ sets mode: +oq Sarah Sarah
[04:17] * _Rena has joined #ffshrine
[04:22] * gtew324_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[04:22] * Sarah has quit IRC (
[04:22] * Strike has quit IRC (
[04:22] * Rena has quit IRC (
[04:22] * _Rena is now known as Rena
[04:24] * Disconnected
Session Close: Thu Mar 01 04:24:42 2007
Session Start: Thu Mar 01 04:38:51 2007
Session Ident: #ffshrine
[04:38] * Now talking in #ffshrine
[04:38] * Topic is '<secret7> gosh im such a great hymenist MUTHA FUCKA | <secret7> IM A GREAT HYMNNIST NOT HYMENIST'
[04:38] * Set by Ndi on Thu Feb 22 07:40:27
[05:04] * JapAndSleepy is now known as JapAndEasy
[05:10] <JapAndEasy> Hiiiiiiiiii
[05:13] * ivorynight has joined #ffshrine
[05:20] * ivorynight has quit IRC (User has been banned from Xelium (Autokilled: k.))
[05:22] * PAYNIS has joined #ffshrine
[05:23] * ivorynight has joined #ffshrine
[05:23] <PAYNIS> Sarah <3
[05:23] * PAYNIS is now known as PAYNISafk
[05:23] <ivorynight> wrf
[05:23] * ivorynight has quit IRC (User has been banned from Xelium (Autokilled: Hi!))
[05:24] <secret7> why
[05:24] <secret7> ivorynight got banned?
[05:24] <secret7> she wont get banned forever?would she
[05:24] <secret7> :(
[05:25] <secret7> ok
[05:25] * ivorynight has joined #ffshrine
[05:25] * ivorynight has quit IRC (User has been banned from Xelium (Autokilled: Stop googling proxies.))
[05:26] * ivorynight has joined #ffshrine
[05:27] * ivorynight has quit IRC (User has been banned from Xelium (Autokilled: Hi.))
[05:28] * ivorynight has joined #ffshrine
[05:28] * ivorynight has quit IRC (User has been banned from Xelium (Autokilled: Hi.))
[05:28] <secret7> what the hell
[05:29] <Kefka> Shade is Mister Dongs himself
[05:29] <Kefka> ...
[05:29] <Kefka> Is that a good thing? D:
[05:30] <Kefka> Heh
[05:30] <Kefka> shade, more like, answer my question in #Support ;o;
[05:30] <Kefka> (06:24:16 AM) * ettnht ([email protected]) has joined #support
[05:30] <Kefka> (06:24:48 AM) * ettnht ([email protected]) Quit (User has been banned from Xelium (Attempting to spread a virus/trojan.))
[05:30] <Kefka> lol
[05:30] <Hak> k
[05:31] <Kefka> Might not be him doing it, I think he's idle =/
[05:31] <Kefka> Oh
[05:31] <Kefka> Well
[05:31] <Kefka> Yeah
[05:31] <Kefka> With Autokilled:
[05:33] * Ketonom has joined #ffshrine
[05:34] * ivorynight has joined #ffshrine
[05:35] <ivorynight> omg
[05:36] * ivorynight has quit IRC (User has been banned from Xelium (Ban Evasion))
[05:39] * ivorynight has joined #ffshrine
[05:39] * ivorynight has quit IRC (User has been banned from Xelium (Ban Evasion))
[05:39] * elektr1k has joined #ffshrine
[05:44] * ivorynig has joined #ffshrine
[05:44] <ivorynig> wtf is this shat
[05:45] <ivorynig> goddamnit
[05:45] * ivorynig is now known as ivorynight
[05:45] * ivorynight has quit IRC (User has been banned from Xelium (Ban Evasion))
[05:55] * secret7 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[06:00] * secret7 has joined #ffshrine
[06:00] <Ndi> ~Welcome Back, Anne!~  <secret7> WELCOME ME YOU BITCHES
[06:02] <Sarah> mIRCStats update for #ffshrine complete! Check out the stats at
[06:02] <secret7> I want ivorynight unbanned
[06:08] <JapAndEasy> What The Shit? Why Is Christi Getting Banned?
[06:08] <secret7> coz
[06:08] <Kefka> (07:06:15 AM) <@shade> she had imitated Sarah in Sarah's own channel and was annoying the users under the nick
[06:08] * Killervirus has joined #ffshrine
[06:08] <secret7> :/
[06:08] <secret7> and her action after the ban didnt help either
[06:08] <secret7> :((
[06:08] <JapAndEasy> Oh Okay...:(
[06:08] <JapAndEasy> Whatever...
[06:09] <secret7> she should learn to be more diplomate and courteous like me
[06:09] <secret7> j/k
[06:16] <DragonRune> :=
[06:16] <DragonRune> =:
[06:19] * God_of_Speed has joined #ffshrine
[06:19] <God_of_Speed> !list
[06:23] <Kefka> Hi Hermes
[06:23] * Kefka slaps God_of_Speed around a bit with a large trout
[06:23] <LoliSauce> no, wrong kind of speed
[06:23] <Kefka> lol
[06:23] <LoliSauce> he's benny, the dealer on the corner of 5th and jones
[06:24] <Kefka> XD
[06:24] <LoliSauce> so benny, you been raping in the dough lately?
[06:24] <LoliSauce> *raking
[06:25] <LoliSauce> uh...but I guess raping works too
[06:25] <LoliSauce> >.>
[06:26] <LoliSauce> since I KNOW it was you who did that to little Sally
[06:26] * LoliSauce glares
[06:26] * Ketonom has left #ffshrine
[06:26] * Kefka eats Ketonom
[06:28] <LoliSauce> benny is avoiding me
[06:29] <LoliSauce> obviously he's ashamed that I have exposed him
[06:31] <Kefka> rofl
[06:32] * LoliSauce pedo's God_of_Speed
[06:32] * LoliSauce pedo's God_of_Speed
[06:32] * LoliSauce pedo's God_of_Speed
[06:34] * KaFugaBuga has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by DCMofo)))
[06:34] * KaFugaBuga has joined #ffshrine
[06:35] <EXworks> Hats.
[06:35] * ivorynight has joined #ffshrine
[06:35] * EXworks is now known as TripsEX
[06:35] <ivorynight> the fucking
[06:36] <ivorynight> omg
[06:36] <ivorynight> did they leave
[06:36] <ivorynight> didnt aks you
[06:36] <ivorynight> and die if you please
[06:37] <ivorynight> goddamjit
[06:37] <ivorynight> shut yoru mouth
[06:37] <ivorynight> fuck
[06:38] <ivorynight> go die kefka
[06:38] <ivorynight> god
[06:38] <ivorynight> do us all a favor
[06:39] <ivorynight> fucking rain
[06:39] <ivorynight> god
[06:39] <ivorynight> dont speak in my presence!
[06:40] * Aile has quit IRC (Quit: !!!?!?!?)
[06:40] <ivorynight> your still here kefka dont worry
[06:42] * Kefka has quit IRC (Quit: The end comes... beyond chaos...)
[06:42] <ivorynight> damn skippy
[06:42] <TripsEX> Lol. Fuck, I wish I would have gotten home sooner.
[06:43] * Kefka has joined #ffshrine
[06:43] <TripsEX> kefka, lol
[06:43] <Kefka> What
[06:43] <TripsEX> lol, kefka
[06:44] <Kefka> k.
[06:44] <TripsEX> You're such a girl.
[06:44] <TripsEX> n_n;
[06:44] <Kefka> Yes
[06:44] <Kefka> er
[06:44] <Kefka> No
[06:44] <TripsEX> HAha.
[06:44] <Kefka> Wait
[06:44] <Kefka> What
[06:44] <TripsEX> You admitted it.
[06:44] <TripsEX> You're a girl.
[06:44] <TripsEX> You such a big vagina.
[06:45] <Kefka> ._.
[06:45] <TripsEX> How'd you do it?
[06:45] <LoliSauce> he's a vagina monologue
[06:45] <Kefka> xD
[06:45] * God_of_Speed has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[06:47] <TripsEX> No, really Kefka, how'd you manage it?
[06:47] <Kefka> Manage what? D:
[06:47] <LoliSauce> oshi, benny ran off finally
[06:48] <TripsEX> Tricking Aile into thinking you're something special.
[06:48] <LoliSauce> and yeah, manage what?
[06:48] <LoliSauce> wtf
[06:48] * Kefka has left #ffshrine
[06:48] <LoliSauce> man, everyone has it out for kefka in here these days
[06:49] * Ketonom has joined #ffshrine
[06:49] <ivorynight> oh god
[06:49] <Ketonom> hi
[06:49] * Kefka has joined #ffshrine
[06:50] <TripsEX>
[06:50] <TripsEX> Funny stuff.
[06:50] <TripsEX> Funny like a clown.
[06:50] <ivorynight> omg look its kefka surpise surprise
[06:51] <ivorynight> dl
[06:51] <ivorynight> sarah?!
[06:51] <ivorynight> why do these dicks keep banning me
[06:51] * ivorynight has quit IRC (User has been banned from Xelium (Ban Evasion))
[06:51] <Kefka> Because dongs
[06:51] <Ketonom> maybe if you weren't such a bitch
[06:51] <Ketonom> oops!
[06:51] * ivorynight has joined #ffshrine
[06:52] * Kefka has quit IRC (User has been banned from Xelium (Ban Evasion))
[06:52] * ivorynight has quit IRC (User has been banned from Xelium (Ban Evasion))
[06:52] <Ketonom> lol gj kefka
[06:52] <TripsEX> Lol.
[06:52] * Kefka has joined #ffshrine
[06:53] <Kefka> So it was a script :P
[06:53] <Ketonom> no
[06:53] <Ketonom> just quick reflexes ;p
[06:53] <Kefka> Wow :P
[06:53] * Kefka learns not to test things like that :o
[06:53] <Kefka> xD
[06:54] <Ketonom> seriously though
[06:55] <Ketonom> telling opers to fuck off and so on is not the best way to reason with them
[06:55] <Kefka> Indeed =/

Date unknown
On #ffshrine (

[05:00] <Kubirio> But I started talking about black panthers and got carried away.
[05:00] <sephroith> me go to bed?
[05:00] <Doomsday272> And finally...The coolest place name ever...
[05:00] <Kubirio> Not you.
[05:00] <Kubirio> You aren't mister.
[05:01] <Doomsday272> Well in my opinion, it's a tie between Reykjavik and Warsaw
[05:01] <Doomsday272> Europe has awesome placenames
[05:01] <Kubirio> Emerson.
[05:01] <sephroith> yes but i see no0ne neamed mister
[05:01] <sephroith> named
[05:01] <Kubirio> So
[05:01] <Kubirio> mandi
[05:01] <Kubirio> who were you talking to
[05:01] <Doomsday272> One day I'm gonna fly to Greenland and call someone there and
say "Hey, I'm in Reykjavik!"

Date unknown
On #ffshrine
[06:37] Action: Daeca beeps Sephroith
[06:39] Nick change: Daeca -> Sephiroth
[06:39] Action: Sephiroth stabs sephroith with his long beep
[06:39] Nick change: Sephiroth -> Daeca
[06:40] <sephroith> omg
[06:40] <sephroith> your sick'
[06:41] <Daeca> I think one of my externals is beeping.
[06:41] <Daeca> Wanna see?
[06:41] <Lightnix> Nah, I'm good.
[06:41] <sephroith> omg yes you are
[06:42] <Daeca> Peeeeenis.
[06:42] <Aile> vaginaaaa
[06:42] <Kefka> Butt.
[06:42] <Doomsday272> scat porn
[06:42] <Doomsday272> I WIN


Date unknown
On #ffshrine
Daeca> Hey.
[22:58]	<Daeca> Guys.
[22:58]	<Daeca> Guess what?
[22:59]	<Daeca> Guess what?
[22:59]	<Daeca> Hey... guys.
[22:59]	<Daeca> Guess WHAT?
[22:59]	<Daeca> GUESS.
[22:59]	<Daeca> WHAT?
[22:59]	<Daeca> HAY.
[22:59]	<Daeca> GUYS.
[22:59]	<Lightnix> XD
[22:59]	<Doomsday272> You just got laid?
[22:59]	<Daeca> Guess what?
[22:59]	<Daeca> Hey...
[22:59]	<Daeca> Ssss... hey.
[22:59]	<Daeca> Guys.
[22:59]	<Daeca> Guess what.
[22:59]	<Daeca> Guys.
[22:59]	<Doomsday272> You just..
[22:59]	<Daeca> GUYS.
[22:59]	<Daeca> GUESS WHAT.
[22:59]	<Doomsday272> You're horny?
[22:59]	<Arcane> sss...
[22:59]	<Daeca> GUYS.
[22:59]	<Doomsday272> I'M GUESSING!
[22:59]	<Daeca> Guys... guess what?
[22:59]	<Lightnix> Penis extension?
[22:59]	<Daeca> GUESS?
[22:59]	<Daeca> Guess what?
[22:59]	<Daeca> Hey guys?
[22:59]	<Doomsday272> :(
[22:59]	<Lightnix> Donar womb?
[22:59]	<Daeca> HEY.
[23:00]	<Daeca> GUYS!
[23:00]	<Daeca> GUESS WHAT!
[23:00]	<Doomsday272> I'm GUESSING
[23:00]	<Daeca> Guys... guess what?
[23:00]	<Doomsday272> WHAT
[23:00]	<Daeca> GUESS.
[23:00]	<Daeca> WHAT.
[23:00]	<Arcane> I have a horrid messy compie
[23:00]	<Daeca> GUESS.
[23:00]	<Doomsday272> full of porn?
[23:00]	<Arcane> well.. *poofs out*
[23:00]	<--| Arcane has left #ffshrine
[23:00]	<Doomsday272> nooooo
[23:00]	<Lightnix> You learnt how to touch yourself in that special place?
[23:00]	<Daeca> What? Guys.
[23:00]	<Daeca> Guys!
[23:00]	<Daeca> GUESS WHAT!
[23:00]	<Daeca> GUYS!
[23:00]	<Lightnix> ...
[23:00]	<Daeca> Ssss... hey... guys.
[23:00]	<Doomsday272> >:(
[23:00]	<Daeca> Bake sale. :D 
[23:00]	<Doomsday272> XD
[23:01]	<Kefka> sdjglk;jd;g
[23:01]	<Doomsday272> AHAHAAHAHA
[23:01]	<Kefka> XDDDDDDD


Date unknown
* Zae has joined #ffshrine
<Zae> shiiiiznaaaaat
<Lightnix> o-o
<Lightnix> That I wasn't expecting.
<Zae> Where's my coffee?
<Lightnix> You left it on the toilet.
<Zae> Oh... Well that other dude used it to pruge his arse
<Zae> purge o'course*
<Lightnix> x-x
<Roph|^_^> stuffed
<Zae> I'm never using that mug again..
* Roph|^_^ is now known as Roph
<Lightnix> ... Tastes a bit nutty...
<Zae> Hmm
<Lightnix> It tastes like crap...
<Zae> I wonder why
<Lightnix> 'That's because it IS shizzle, Austen'
<Zae> No crap Sherlock
<Lightnix> 'Oh, best not waste it though'
<Zae> Hammer Time
<Zae> OH!
<Zae> OH!
<Zae> OH!
<Zae> OH!
* Sarah sets mode: +b Zae!*[email protected]
* Zae was kicked by Sarah (GONK (4repeats/8secs))


Jul 15-16 2008
On #ffshrine

03[23:29] * hany___thedestroier1 ([email protected]) has joined #ffshrine
[23:30] Chocolate> isn't it like $40,000
[23:30] Chocolate> or something?
[23:30] chatdude> hi all
01[23:31] < 04J_Peterman> PER YEAR MAN!
01[23:31] < 04J_Peterman> PER YEAR!
[23:31] chatdude> ??
01[23:31] < 04J_Peterman> YOU COULD BUY
01[23:31] < 04J_Peterman> A BMW
01[23:31] < 04J_Peterman> WITH THAT
01[23:31] < 04J_Peterman> MONEY!
[23:32] chatdude> about cars?
[23:32] chatdude> what about oodi
[23:32] chatdude> or nissain gtr
01[23:32] < 04J_Peterman> BMW IS BETTER
01[23:32] < 04J_Peterman> BECAUSE
01[23:32] < 04J_Peterman> UM
01[23:32] < 04J_Peterman> FRASIER
[23:32] chatdude> i love nissan gtr
01[23:32] < 04J_Peterman> i am playing smash bros snake man dude person
[23:32] chatdude> oodi most contro;
[23:33] chatdude> nissain most shoking
[23:33] chatdude> speciall gtr
01[23:34] < 04J_Peterman> i can mortar slide with snake
02[23:34] * secretanne ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
01[23:34] < 04J_Peterman> but like man
01[23:34] < 04J_Peterman> i can't dominate llike
01[23:34] < 04J_Peterman> the black mamba *kobe&*
[23:35] :KIRBYSLASH:
[23:35] is that an attack?
[23:37] BYE GUYS!!!
[23:37] chatdude> bye
[23:37] BRB in like 38972095275 seconds OKAY!!!
02[23:37] * Chocolate ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: sarah makes me hot)
[23:38] chatdude> hi guys
[23:38] chatdude> no body intersted to talk?
01[23:38] < 04J_Peterman> i am marcus camby
[23:38] chatdude> iam hany
[23:38] chatdude> from where marcus
[23:38] chatdude> ?
01[23:39] < 04J_Peterman> Vietnam
[23:39] chatdude> nice
[23:39] chatdude> iam from egy
01[23:40] < 04J_Peterman> I have a magic spell book that has all sorts of spells
[23:40] chatdude> ohh so u don't know english?
01[23:40] < 04J_Peterman> no i am speaking through a magic spell
[23:40] chatdude> nice
[23:40] chatdude> what the name of that program?
01[23:41] < 04J_Peterman> Phone Mesaosl
03[23:41] * secret7 ([email protected]) has joined #ffshrine
[23:41] chatdude> u sure its nice program?
01[23:41] < 04J_Peterman> okay i am a big liar
[23:41] chatdude> for many launguage?
01[23:41] < 04J_Peterman> i am really from the moon
[23:42] chatdude> lol
[23:42] chatdude> from the moon?
01[23:42] < 04J_Peterman> yes
01[23:42] < 04J_Peterman> i'm a moon people
01[23:42] < 04J_Peterman> person
[23:42] chatdude> eheheheh can't belive
[23:42] chatdude> moon people?
[23:42] chatdude> hahhaa
01[23:42] < 04J_Peterman> i am the reason they are making final fantasy xiii on xbox360
01[23:42] < 04J_Peterman> i promise square enix good pictures of
01[23:42] < 04J_Peterman> the moon
[23:42] chatdude> lol
[23:43] chatdude> yes
[23:43] chatdude> may be u lov ethe moon
[23:43] chatdude> i like movies english action
[23:43] chatdude> drama
[23:43] chatdude> fantasy
[23:43] chatdude> since fection
[23:43] chatdude> like that
[23:44] chatdude> i was seeing the incredble hulk from 20 minte
[23:44] chatdude> movie 2008
[23:44] chatdude> u there???
01[23:45] < 04J_Peterman> i am on the moon
03[23:45] * hany___thedestroier1 ([email protected]) has left #ffshrine
03[23:45] * hany___thedestroier1 ([email protected]) has joined #ffshrine
[23:45] chatdude> hi
[23:45] chatdude> ?
[23:46] chatdude> marcus
01[23:46] < 04J_Peterman> hello jerry
[23:46] chatdude> jerry? me?
[23:47] chatdude> r u gonna to talk?
01[23:47] < 04J_Peterman> my name is really Jacopo Peterman
01[23:47] < 04J_Peterman> I run a magazine
01[23:47] < 04J_Peterman> The J. Peterman catalog
[23:47] chatdude> u lied to me
[23:48] chatdude> i don't like some body lie to me i like honest
[23:48] chatdude> alwyes
[23:48] chatdude> mmmmmmmmm
[23:48] chatdude> u zzzzzzzzzzzz?
[23:49] chatdude> the romm is sleepyyyyyyyyy?
[23:49] chatdude>
[23:50] chatdude> i thouth the fantazy chat crouded
[23:50] chatdude> lol
01[23:50] < 04J_Peterman> what
03[23:50] * Looking up hany___thedestroier1 user info...
[23:50] chatdude> i thought that chat they talkk in it
[23:50] chatdude> but the romm is sleepy
[23:51] chatdude> no body talking
[23:51] chatdude> onlyy u and after 1 year
[23:51] chatdude> u will talk
01[23:51] < 04J_Peterman> they all got arrested
[23:51] chatdude> lol
01[23:51] < 04J_Peterman> everybody else
01[23:51] < 04J_Peterman> by fbi
[23:51] chatdude> lol
[23:51] chatdude> why
[23:51] chatdude> fbi loll
[23:51] chatdude> fbi can't arrest me
01[23:52] < 04J_Peterman> they tried to con me
[23:52] chatdude> lol
[23:52] chatdude> they didnot spend them summer
01[23:52] < 04J_Peterman> they spend money instead
[23:53] chatdude> lol
[23:53] chatdude> money is not all things
[23:53] chatdude> must satisfaied from life
[23:53] chatdude> and happnies
[23:53] chatdude> with some one
01[23:53] < 04J_Peterman> they drive bmws everybody here we all make well over 90k a year
[23:53] chatdude> lol
01[23:54] < 04J_Peterman> the reason it is final fantasy shrine is because we are all rich
[23:54] chatdude> haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
[23:54] chatdude> give me some
[23:54] chatdude> :)
01[23:54] < 04J_Peterman> sorry i need to buy stuff
01[23:54] < 04J_Peterman> you can't just give money away
[23:54] chatdude> lol i kidding
[23:54] chatdude> i never take
[23:54] chatdude> money
[23:55] chatdude> u work in magazin? in usa?
01[23:55] < 04J_Peterman> Jerry Seinfeld is richer than me though fyi
[23:56] chatdude> u can have most monney in t he world but u will fell that u miss something
01[23:56] < 04J_Peterman> i agree, falling down hurts
[23:56] chatdude> yes
[23:56] chatdude> but u if
[23:56] chatdude> having money
[23:56] chatdude> then
[23:56] chatdude> u tink
[23:56] chatdude> that
[23:56] chatdude> u use ur whole life
[23:57] chatdude> because of a paper
01[23:57] < 04J_Peterman> yes hookers use their body for paper
01[23:57] < 04J_Peterman> that is their job
[23:57] chatdude> and u didnot fell happy one time
[23:57] chatdude> iam talking general by the ay
[23:57] chatdude> way
01[23:57] < 04J_Peterman> hookers they may feel happy when paid i do not know when being rammed if they feel happy
01[23:57] < 04J_Peterman> some probably do feel happy
[23:58] chatdude> felling happy is in heart not out side
01[23:58] < 04J_Peterman> sometimes it is on outside after you finish happy on inside
[23:58] chatdude> yes
01[23:59] < 04J_Peterman> i always pay top dollar for hot dogs
[23:59] chatdude> poor people wish they rich and rich people wish that they happy
[23:59] chatdude> don't eat out side noot good for bosy
01[23:59] < 04J_Peterman> and then they use that money and make themselves happy
Session Time: Wed Jul 16 00:00:00 2008
01[00:00] < 04J_Peterman> like buying top dollar hoot dog
[00:00] chatdude> yes but any thing will finish like mney
[00:00] chatdude> and withotu money the human is nothing
01[00:00] < 04J_Peterman> they get to finish line quicker since they drive a better car
01[00:00] < 04J_Peterman> it goes faster
[00:00] chatdude> but with god the human 1000000000 dolarrs
01[00:01] < 04J_Peterman> with god i always believe human
[00:01] chatdude> yes blive the human can do any thin u and me and all
[00:01] chatdude> can do by god name all things
01[00:01] < 04J_Peterman> except that guy
01[00:01] < 04J_Peterman> he can't
[00:01] chatdude> who can't?
01[00:02] < 04J_Peterman> your friend from school
[00:02] chatdude> what u mean?
01[00:02] < 04J_Peterman> man u know him he is pretty not honest
[00:02] chatdude> lol
[00:02] chatdude> tell me his name
01[00:03] < 04J_Peterman> robert
[00:03] chatdude> lol u make me laughing
[00:03] yes?
[00:03] chatdude> sure no
01[00:03] < 04J_Peterman> no not you man
[00:03] oh, lo
[00:03] l
[00:03] chatdude> ok
01[00:03] < 04J_Peterman> see he has anyname
01[00:03] < 04J_Peterman> so when i say a name
01[00:03] < 04J_Peterman> he asks if him
01[00:03] < 04J_Peterman> lol you know man!
[00:04] chatdude> yes
[00:04] um....sure?
[00:04] chatdude> lol
[00:04] chatdude> he knowed
01[00:04] < 04J_Peterman> see he say sure!
01[00:04] < 04J_Peterman> he knowed really!
[00:04] chatdude> knew
03[00:04] * lafille ([email protected]) has joined #ffshrine
[00:04] chatdude> the problem in the weather around u
[00:05] chatdude> to become rich or poor
01[00:05] < 04J_Peterman> yes the problem is weather
01[00:05] < 04J_Peterman> if weather were better money make easy
[00:05] chatdude> sure
[00:05] chatdude> all people trying to be better
01[00:05] < 04J_Peterman> especially bad people
[00:05] chatdude> but some people get bored and disapointed
01[00:05] < 04J_Peterman> they always try better but they just bad!
[00:05] urm
01[00:05] < 04J_Peterman> people without points they are pretty bad imo
[00:06] what do you think about chocolate by LG cellphone
[00:06] chatdude> pointes?
[00:06] chatdude> i talk about life
01[00:06] < 04J_Peterman> i talk about life too
[00:06] chatdude> yes points in what in life?
02[00:06] * lafille ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: )
01[00:06] < 04J_Peterman> agreed, you need goal
01[00:07] < 04J_Peterman> no goal life is llike ice cream then
01[00:07] < 04J_Peterman> secret7 i like chocolate canddy
[00:07] chatdude> its not lik ethat
[00:07] ok
[00:07] chatdude> its icecream for who don't have craves
[00:07] i like chocolate too
01[00:07] < 04J_Peterman> i have craves
[00:07] dark ones
[00:07] chatdude> i have alot too
[00:08] chatdude> many problem froward u and u can't do nothing
01[00:08] < 04J_Peterman> when i can do nothing i try harder so something i finish
[00:08] chatdude> and u ask god and u must be patient
01[00:08] < 04J_Peterman> god is very nice, i like him
[00:08] chatdude> yes but skinees many things can't solve
01[00:09] < 04J_Peterman> always can solve if somebody give you answer
[00:09] chatdude> yes any way by god u will be better
[00:09] chatdude> sue but i have the answers
[00:09] chatdude> but i think again for new solv
01[00:09] < 04J_Peterman> i would sue for answers if money also get
[00:09] chatdude> or finally solve
[00:10] chatdude> many miracles did in wgypt
[00:10] chatdude> egypt
01[00:10] < 04J_Peterman> hdtv you buy so answer see is clearer
[00:10] chatdude> many appearance
[00:10] chatdude> iwhen the person think alone sure he will have the answer but focus and analyis the
[00:10] chatdude> stuations
01[00:10] < 04J_Peterman> miracles i love them especially when on television
[00:11] chatdude> yes i see it
[00:11] chatdude> alwyes
01[00:11] < 04J_Peterman> i always see it if i am awake but sometimes i have to go sleep
[00:12] chatdude> lol
[00:12] chatdude> wait i will open songes
01[00:12] < 04J_Peterman> i wake myself up by self no alarm
[00:13] chatdude> how?
01[00:13] < 04J_Peterman> my clock internal it know me well so bam the thing man i wake
[00:13] chatdude> by sound?
01[00:14] < 04J_Peterman> no by myself no sounds


Aug 07 2008
Aug 07 15:40:11 *	McCOCONUT ([email protected]) has joined #ffshrine
Aug 07 15:40:51 < McCOCONUT >	So how do I get to femalebarefootcosplay from here? I forgot the address
Aug 07 15:41:02 < McCOCONUT >	anyone have it?
Aug 07 15:43:36 < McCOCONUT >	anyone talking?
Aug 07 15:44:06 < Sarah >	pee in my cake
Aug 07 15:44:18 < McCOCONUT >	no
Aug 07 15:44:32 < McCOCONUT >	i dont pee iceing
Aug 07 15:44:49 < anyname >	sarahface <3
Aug 07 15:44:53 < Sarah >	not asking you to
Aug 07 15:45:00 *	Landlord ([email protected]) has joined #ffshrine
Aug 07 15:45:06 < Denny >	ll
Aug 07 15:45:11 < Landlord >	Denny
Aug 07 15:45:12 < Sarah >	hai faces
Aug 07 15:45:14 < Sarah >	und ll
Aug 07 15:45:19 < Landlord >	hi sarah
Aug 07 15:45:24 < McCOCONUT >	anyone have the femalebarefootcosplay address?
Aug 07 15:45:36 < Landlord >	...
Aug 07 15:45:37 < Sarah >	#thisisfemalebarefootcosplay
Aug 07 15:45:43 < anyname >	lol
Aug 07 15:46:09 < McCOCONUT >	landlord you have it?
Aug 07 15:46:15 < Sarah >	i gave it to you.
Aug 07 15:46:18 < Sarah >	use it or stop asking.
Aug 07 15:46:40 < McCOCONUT >	no thats not it#
Aug 07 15:46:54 < Landlord >	who is McCOCONUT
Aug 07 15:47:01 < McCOCONUT >	james luc
Aug 07 15:47:27 < McCOCONUT >	i'm a new mcdonalds thing
Aug 07 15:47:41 < Landlord >	oh ok
Aug 07 15:47:42 < Landlord >	well it's not hard
Aug 07 15:47:45 < Landlord >	femalebarefootcosplay you know
Aug 07 15:48:11 < McCOCONUT >	landlord i know your in femalebarefootcosplay
Aug 07 15:48:22 < Sarah >	#thisisfemalebarefootcosplay -_--
Aug 07 15:48:50 < McCOCONUT >	when i click that it puts me in a empty room
Aug 07 15:48:57 < Landlord >	McCOCONUT
Aug 07 15:48:58 < Landlord >	it's femalebarefootcosplay
Aug 07 15:49:10 < Landlord >	if femalebarefootcosplay is the name, why would the channel name be different
Aug 07 15:49:55 < McCOCONUT >	is that really the one? because its not working
Aug 07 15:50:05 < Sarah >	its just empty right now
Aug 07 15:50:08 < Sarah >	but thats the channel
Aug 07 15:50:11 < McCOCONUT >	lies
Aug 07 15:50:36 < Denny >	we're having fun in here
Aug 07 15:50:40 < Denny >	here in femalebarefootcosplay
Aug 07 15:50:44 < Denny >	right
Aug 07 15:50:50 < McCOCONUT >	i got to go to bed soon, please help me with getting into femalebarefootcosplay
Aug 07 15:51:02 < Landlord >	McCOCONUT BE QUIET
Aug 07 15:51:08 < Landlord >	THE ADMINISTRATION will strike you down
Aug 07 15:51:16 < Denny >	McLove
Aug 07 15:51:21 < McCOCONUT >	go ahead
Aug 07 15:51:31 < anyname >	if you can't figure it out, maybe you shouldn't go in....
Aug 07 15:51:40 < Denny >	hmm
Aug 07 15:52:03 < McCOCONUT >	what do i have to do?
Aug 07 15:52:47 < Landlord >	you type /join
Aug 07 15:52:48 < McCOCONUT >	i'm on this wigit thing sarah gave me
Aug 07 15:53:10 < Landlord >	haha
Aug 07 15:53:12 < Landlord >	wigit
Aug 07 15:53:14 < McCOCONUT >	i don't know the name
Aug 07 15:53:27 < McCOCONUT >	is that the name up there ^
Aug 07 15:53:36 < Landlord >	if you don't know the name then you aren't worthy
Aug 07 15:53:44 < Landlord >	even though you have typed the name what like....10 times already
Aug 07 15:54:38 < McCOCONUT >	No such channel <
Aug 07 15:54:42 < McCOCONUT >	it says
Aug 07 15:54:50 < anyname >	rofl
Aug 07 15:55:14 < Denny >	for me it's full of awesome people all chating together about how fucking wonderful life truly is
Aug 07 15:55:20 < Denny >	well, for me it's alike that
Aug 07 15:56:00 < Landlord >	denny
Aug 07 15:56:01 < Landlord >	~~
Aug 07 15:56:06 < McCOCONUT >	why was the java thing changed anyway?
Aug 07 15:57:13 < Landlord >	it wasn't
Aug 07 15:57:19 < Landlord >	you're just
Aug 07 15:57:20 < Landlord >	really
Aug 07 15:57:21 < Landlord >	stupid
Aug 07 15:57:22 < Landlord >	...
Aug 07 15:57:26 < anyname >	lol james <33
Aug 07 15:57:33 < McCOCONUT >	unlikely
Aug 07 15:57:44 < anyname >	hahahahashsa
Aug 07 15:58:10 < McCOCONUT >	the java does not work anymore
Aug 07 15:58:14 < Denny >	WHAT'S YER NAME, MCFUCK?
Aug 07 15:58:18 < Landlord >	well i'm on it right now McCOCONUT
Aug 07 15:58:22 < McCOCONUT >	the link on the forum
Aug 07 15:58:30 < Denny >	I'LL BLEEDIN MURDER THE PAIRIAS!
Aug 07 15:58:31 < McCOCONUT >	really?
Aug 07 15:59:12 < McCOCONUT >	Not Found
Aug 07 15:59:22 < McCOCONUT >	The requested URL /vbjirc/vbjirc.php was not found on this server.
Aug 07 15:59:36 < McCOCONUT >	thats what it says
Aug 07 15:59:56 < Denny >	[Hidden link. Register to see links.]
Aug 07 16:00:06 < Landlord >	sucks
Aug 07 16:00:28 < McCOCONUT >	[Hidden link. Register to see links.]
Aug 07 16:00:29 < Sarah >	QuickStats by mIRCStats - Top talkers today: McCOCONUT: 30 lines, Landlord: 26, Denny: 21, anyname: 20, Sarah: 17, fizzbang40: 14, Fatso666: 5, asdf: 3, anyname|away: 2, Osgiliath: 1
Aug 07 16:00:30 < Sarah >	mIRCStats for #ffshrine updated! See the #ffshrine stats: [Hidden link. Register to see links.]
Aug 07 16:00:49 < McCOCONUT >	how am i the top talker/
Aug 07 16:01:41 < McCOCONUT >	denny you dont know my name?
Aug 07 16:02:35 < Landlord >	because you keep asking how to get into femalebarefootcosplay
Aug 07 16:02:43 < Landlord >	and we keep making fun of you, thus prompting you to keep asking
Aug 07 16:03:09 < McCOCONUT >	ok i'll stop then if no one wants to help me
Aug 07 16:03:26 < McCOCONUT >	seya someother tinme
Aug 07 16:03:30 *	McCOCONUT has quit (Quit: [Hidden link. Register


Session Start: Sun Aug 06 19:39:43 2006
Session Ident: #ffshrine
Now talking in #ffshrine
Topic is 'Sex with Chocobo's
Set by Sarah on Sat Aug 05 05:50:02

Cloud> could you die if you had sex with a Chocobo?
Tidus> you could get HIV
Tidus> But it's worth taking that risk.
Cloud> hmmm, we should hand out free condoms to Chocobo
Tifa> To please a Chocobo. <3
Wakka> :/
Cloud> The bible doesn't mention that it's 'bad' to have sex with a Chocobo
Vincent> Yuna broke the noose, apparently...
Sephiroth> im pretty sure it does, Cloud.
Cloud> where?
Sephiroth> leviticus
Sephiroth> says you'll be RITUALLY UNCLEAN
Sephiroth> i think that is probably bad
Cloud> lool
Chocobo has joined #ffshrine
Sephiroth> haha
Yuna> That's called a self-hating fag
Barret has left #ffshrine
Sephiroth> god knows why you would want to be the latter though LOL
Yuna> Seriously
Cloud> oeeh Leviticus is writen by Mozes. That guy's so funny
Sephiroth> was it?
Sephiroth> leviticus is batshit insane


Date unknown

[09:18] * Sephiroth_Incarnet has joined #ffshrine
[09:18] *Holkeye* probably
[09:18] *Trent* Drunk people crash when driving, but stoned people, are like, two miles an hour"
[09:18] *Freyr* *-"
[09:18] *Holkeye* lol
[09:18] *Freyr* XD
[09:18] *PrinceXEvil* Some asshole motor police gave me a fine
[09:19] *Prak* guys
[09:19] *Trent* ^ or something like that ^_^
[09:19] *Prak* suspend current conversation
[09:19] *Sephiroth_Incarnet* is a mod here/?
[09:19] *Prak* and laugh at the guy who just came in
[09:19] *Holkeye* haha
[09:19] *Holkeye* Incarnet
[09:19] *Trent* LOL!!!!
[09:19] *ReliK* hahaha
[09:19] *Squid* oh no, a fanboy
[09:19] *Trent* :D
[09:19] *Freyr* XDDDDD
[09:19] *Holkeye* i believe in incarnetion
[09:19] *Trent* 8D
[09:19] *ReliK* Squid: Oh no, there's a much funnier thing at hand other than the fanboy thing
[09:20] *Holkeye* go to be Prak
[09:20] *Holkeye* lol
[09:20] *Holkeye* t*
[09:20] * Trent is now known as Trent_Away
[09:20] *Sephiroth_Incarnet* u assholes, im looking 4 a mod to ban those asshouls ho made fun of me
[09:20] *Prak* Holk, no.
[09:20] *Prak* I'm a mod
[09:20] *Holkeye* we're all mods
[09:20] *ReliK* I'm a mod too.
[09:20] *Prak* Would you like me to ban me for making fun of you?
[09:20] *TheMonty* I'm a dom
[09:20] *Squid* im a bot
[09:20] *TheMonty* err wait, disregard
[09:20] *Holkeye* they call us the mod squad
[09:21] *Sephiroth_Incarnet* i hate u, fuck FFShrine....
[09:21] *Sephiroth_Incarnet* worthless fags
[09:21] *Holkeye* lol
[09:21] *ReliK* I'm a mod, maybe I can take care of your problem, Sephiroth_IncarnATE, LOL
[09:21] *Sephiroth_Incarnet* die
[09:21] *PrinceXEvil* This guy needs sex
[09:21] *Sephiroth_Incarnet* die
[09:21] *Duo* rofl
[09:21] *Sephiroth_Incarnet* die
[09:21] *Sephiroth_Incarnet* die
[09:21] * Sarah sets mode: +b Sephiroth_Incarnet!*[email protected]
[09:21] * Sephiroth_Incarnet was kicked by Sarah (GONK (4repeats/11secs)) 						
Date unknown

<Jessie> aww no, poor little ashin kicked me from lamechat, whatever will i do
<ashin> man newegg and the new york times are probably just making massive flooding and hard drive shortages up
<ashin> if you bought a hard drive 3 weeks ago that was before it became apparent how bad it was going to get
<Jessie> sorry ash, i don't buy from newegg, i went to an actual store and bought it
<Jessie> not my fault you suck
<ashin> if you went to the same store now you wouldnt get the same price
<ashin> things change over time jessie, sometimes suddenly
<ashin> if you told me yesterday maybe you'd be on to something
<Jessie> shut up you idiot
<Jessie> i'm not in the mood for your trolling
<ashin> man jessie i am really trolling you i dumped all this water on southeast asia just to troll you
* proog_ ([email protected]) has joined #ffshrine
<Jessie> oh piss off
Session Start: Sat Jan 01 00:00:00 2005\r\n 
| Session Ident: #ffshrine\r\n

[02:36] <Sarah> I should show up at madison’s jewish lesbian daughters of holocaust survivors support group
[02:36] <leeloo> guys giving guys fellatio and guys kissing = hot imo.
[02:36] <Sarah> TO GET SOME
[22:27] <Fudgepuppy> eve is a janderfander
[22:27] <Fudgepuppy> who likes silky skin
[22:27] <Fudgepuppy> of 7 year old boys
[22:28] <Fudgepuppy> so supple and firm
[22:28] <Fudgepuppy> and innocent
[22:28] <ctdewberry> …anyways
[22:28] <Pat> yes i have heard this
[22:28] <Pat> soft nipples
[22:28] <Fudgepuppy> inside sources?
[22:28] <ctdewberry> pat is eve!
[22:28] <ashin> pat is actually eve’s 7 year old love slave
[22:28] <ashin> =/
[22:28] <ctdewber> I c
[22:29] <ctdewberry> is that legal?
[22:29] <Fudgepuppy> anything is legal on the internet
[22:29] <Pat> god i hope not
[22:29] <ctdewberry> i c
[22:29] <Pat> !_!_!_!
[22:29] <Fudgepuppy> cos we can get away with stuff
[22:29] <butch> rofl
[22:29] <Fudgepuppy> and the goverment would probably join in
[22:29] <butch> liking young kids eh
[22:29] <Fudgepuppy> like cyber orgies

[22:29] <acpo>
[22:29] <acpo> skate2createFAGGOTASSPUNKS
[22:29] <Fudgepuppy> “say, anyone like to include any G men?”
[22:29] <ctdewberry> ew
[22:30] <ctdewberry> g men?
[22:30] <butch> <ashfucbaby> If they’re old enough to pee, then they’re old enough for me.
[10:38] <Ego> You`re like one of those kid tricks I see on Santa Monica, Neko.
[10:38] <Purrr> everyone is the same height in bed
[10:38] <Ego> All the old guys pay big money for those kids.
[10:38] <AT> still growing, as my blood test shows
[10:38] <AT> does that mean I can get some money? ;o
[10:38] <Ego> Sure, if you don`t mind the fact that there`s an 80% chance you`ll contract a deadly disease.
[10:38] <Purrr> for blood or sex?

[12:08] <Tyr> Apperently ShadeDK doesn’t know the effects of hormones other
then breasts.
[12:08] <Sarah> they hurt like hell when they first start growing on hormones
[12:08] <Sarah> eh. most of the effects are great
[12:09] <Sarah> less body hair, softer skin, fat redistribution
[12:09] <ShadeDK> :) I’m only kidding though. I know hormones have nasty side
effects ;p
[12:09] <Sarah> not nasty. wonderful <3
[12:12] <Sarah> taking T w/ femme hormones would probably just result in you
being large, soft, and really hairy
[12:17] <Sarah> my mom blames me being mad at her on my hormones >:O cheapshot.
[11:59] <Sarah> I don’t understand exactly why anyone would want to “GO ALL
OUT” as a transvesite. doesn’t make much sense to me. if your primary reason for
dressing is to get off sexually I don’t think you have much in common w/ a
[12:00] <Jace> Well i’ve known one. Dressed completely like a female, wore
makeup and everything. Just a part of his personality. Wanted to be female, but
didn’t want to get an operation or anything.
[12:01] <Sarah> yeah, that’s fine w/ me. I don’t consider that to be a
transvestite really. if it’s a part of your identity and not just a sexual kink
then I’d definitely say you’ve probably got a lot to do with transsexuals
[10:43] <Ego> Even child molesters pick a gender.
[10:43] <AT> Not even an Ego?
[10:43] <AT> wow, I feel so tainted ;(
[10:44] <Sarah> not really. they’ll usually go for whatever they can get.
[10:44] <Sarah> which sort of makes sense, because it’s not like there’s a whole lot of difference in their bodies yet
[10:45] <de> Puberty is the definition process
[10:45] <AT> No shit
[10:45] <AT> :o
[10:45] * de slaps AT around a bit with a large trout
[10:45] <Sarah> if puberty’s a definition process then i’m a fucking dictionary

[12:08] <Tyr> Apperently ShadeDK doesn’t know the effects of hormones other then breasts
[12:08] <Sarah> they hurt like hell when they first start growing on hormones ;-;;
[14:43] <Sarah> i was with my dad, so i just picked something quick that WOULDN’T MAKE ME LOOK LIKE ONE OF THEM MANFUCKERS
[12:20] <Sarah> whoaneat. I found a torrent of the original outer limits series
[12:23] <zeta> does most everyone here know each other?
[12:24] <Sarah> we’re familiar with each other, at least. for the most part.
[12:24] <Jace> And if not… You get to know eachother.

[02:43] <Sarah> japanesus animu porn of little girls
[02:43] <Phill> oh
[02:44] <Phill> that’s pedophilia material of course
[02:44] <Eve> girls _-_
[02:44] <Sarah> most people that look at lolicon aren’t pedophiles.

[11:28] <Sarah> What’s the URL to that one really pretty asian girl who ends up with a penis?
[11:28] <MogKnight>
[11:28] <MogKnight> roffle i shuld no
[11:28] <Sarah> not w3orking
[11:28] <MogKnight> I guess they got rid of it :(
[11:28] <butch> rofl
[11:28] <butch> it works
[11:28] <butch> nvm
[11:28] <butch> rofl
[11:29] <Sarah> no that isn’t it mog
[11:29] <Sarah> i checked
[11:30] <MogKnight> rly?
[11:30] <Sarah> yeah
[11:30] <MogKnight> is it just a page with pics of cute asian girl
[11:30] <MogKnight> and then bottom PENIS?!
[11:30] <Sarah> yes
[11:30] <MogKnight> yeah, it is Bakla :(
[11:30] <MogKnight> Lemme check archive
[11:30] <Sarah>
[11:30] <Sarah> np
[11:31] <MogKnight> pwned.
[11:31] <Sarah>

[23:02] <Pat> it can be a spam forum
[23:02] <Cassie> yeah
[23:02] <Pat> with cass and i in charge
[23:02] <Sarah> “let’s have a forum ! a forum that’s unmoderated ! let us mod it”

[14:43] <Sarah> i was with my dad, so i just picked something quick that WOULDN’T MAKE ME LOOK LIKE ONE OF THEM MANFUCKERS
[14:44] <Sarah> … I really need to tell him. ego was supposed to do it.
[14:44] <MogKnight> <– This need more :D
[14:44] <Sarah> cute ^_______^
[14:49] <Sarah> really there are just a few more things i have to do and then i could probably start dressing as a girl ;-;; it’s so WEIRD though.
[14:50] <Sarah> it’s weird to just have to JUMP INTO GIRLCLOTHES. you people have your whole lives preparing you >:OOO
[14:53] <Sarah> I’d feel weird dressing if I was still living at home too. so I should get outta here imho
[14:54] <MogKnight> and have guys go “OOOH, HOT”
[14:56] <Sarah> that’ll just make me feel awkward ;-;;

[21:20] <ctdewberry> i dont know why im a guy
[21:20] <Fudgepuppy> did you grow a penith one day?
[21:20] <Fudgepuppy> like Sarah?

[01:21] <Fudgepuppy> and porn where one person or another ends up being killed after the orgasm?
[01:22] <Fudgepuppy> :OOOOOOO
[01:22] <GandalfTheGay> isn’t that porn illegal?
[01:22] <Sarah> snuff porn is more urban legend than anything.
[01:22] <Fudgepuppy> snuff?
[01:22] <Fudgepuppy> is that what its called?
[01:22] <Sarah> that’s what you call “death porn,” yes

[01:26] <yelyos> no straight sex, oddly
[01:26] <Sarah> well, as long as the balls don’t tch, it’s okay
[01:27] <yelyos> sarah: you should go see it
[01:27] <yelyos> it’s a bit more than gay sex
[01:27] <Sarah> i don’t have anyone to go see movies w/ ;-;;

[17:39] <Sarah> i had to push my brother’s car -_-
[17:39] <Sarah> i had to push my brother’s car -_-
[17:39] <Cassie> i summoned her from my materai then i was like “no wait jk jk”
[17:39] <Cassie> and then she got all pissed off at me
[17:39] <Cassie> and i’m like “wtf cant u take a joke”
[17:39] <N3PHiLiM> lol
[17:39] <Cassie> and she just l ookeda tme like -___—
[17:39] <acpo> knock dat bitch on hr fukin back
[17:39] <Sarah> “he could use a big strong man to help him and ender you are PERFECT for the job.”

[11:41] <ashin> HOW TALL R U SARAH
[11:42] <Sarah> 6’1″ / 6’2″ ;-;;
[11:46] <Sarah> i’m ~90 kilos. gjjj fatwoman
[11:50] <Sarah> I don’t have HUGE BOOBS but if you don’t realize I’m a transsexual, you’d be “wtf that man is overweight !”

[18:00] <tmffun> Anyone wants something from me?
[18:00] <Sarah> cassie
[18:00] <Cassie> just ur love
[18:00] <Sarah> you don’t get to decide when we change roles
[18:01] <Sarah> right now you’re my fucking daughter
[18:01] <acpo> O=O O=O O=O O=O
[18:01] <Sarah> now get on your knees
[18:01] <Odin> Who’s she fucking?
[18:01] * Cassie gets on knees
[18:01] <Cassie> I’m sorry Mommy!
[18:01] <Sarah> ^^;;
[18:01] <Sarah> it’s okay sweetie
[18:01] <acpo> #ffageplay
[18:01] <Cassie> I wont’ disobey you ever again ;-;
[18:01] <Odin> #freud
[18:01] <Odin> lol
[18:01] * Sarah unzips and whispers, “if you do well enough, you won’t get punished”

[12:34] <Sarah> i made an adultfriendfinder account ’cause cassie but no one answered it ;-;;;
[18:02] <Sarah> and he said cassie would know
[18:02] <Cassie> okay semi poor/white trash
[18:02] <Sarah> because wisconsin
[18:02] <Cassie> whta is aap
[18:03] * vyvyan ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: \x0f)
[18:03] <Sarah> some uw thing
[18:03] <Fudgepuppy> twisting my words :(
[18:03] <Cassie> o
[18:03] <Sarah> for blackies
[18:03] <Cassie> rofl
[18:03] <Cassie> american association for (colored) ppl
[18:05] <acpo> milwaukee
[18:05] <Sarah> milwaukee is like blackie central cass
[18:05] <Cassie> o

[18:12] <Sarah> a trade show
[18:12] <Sarah> where they trade whores?
[18:12] <Odin> But you said don’t go to the boat show, so I didn’t.
[18:12] <Sarah> is that why it reminded you of cass
[18:12] <Sarah> because cass
[18:12] <Sarah> is a whore

[18:14] <Sarah> i’m allowed to pick on cass
[18:14] <Sarah> i’m her mom
[18:15] <Sarah> and her lover
[18:15] <BC> Cass: burn nevertheless…witch!
[18:15] <Sarah> what u got bitch

[18:23] <Sarah> usually girls WANT daddies though
[18:23] <Sarah> and gay men too

[18:30] <Sarah> they do background checks
[18:30] <Sarah> they notice that at one mysterious point, you stopped existing as your current name
[18:30] <Odin> Say, “Witness protection program.”

[18:37] <Sarah> this particular butch is about 50, has a crewcut, and drives a pickup truck. and not in a cute forgivable way. in a scary fucking butch way.
[18:40] <Sarah> I don’t like the more extreme stuff. cbt creeps me out. actually men in general does ;-;;
[18:40] <Sarah> er, men in general do

[18:57] <Sarah> lactating trannies make me lol ^______^

[19:15] <Sarah> what stereotypes does gandalf break
[19:15] <Sarah> he’s queer and femmy but thinks he’s tough
[19:15] <Fudgepuppy> Acpo the Asexual
[19:15] <Sarah> (like all gays)
[19:15] <Sarah> he has bad taste that can only be attributed to his homosexuality. I mean what’s up w/ those superhero movies.
[19:38] <Sarah> there was a guy w/ a pink backpack in my german class. I thought of gandalf and aj. mostly aj. but gandalf too. faggy.
[19:38] <Sarah> aj has a womanpurse
[19:38] <Milkman> uh
[19:38] <Milkman> oh
[19:38] <Odin> acpo = aj?
[19:38] <Sarah> he says it attracts fags
[19:39] <Sarah>
[19:39] <Sarah> lofl
[19:39] <Sarah> fagmagnet
[19:44] <Sarah> “I’m a whoreeee, Daddy. Daddy…Daddy I’m a whore.”
[19:44] <Sarah> “That’s right you are. What can Daddy do to you, bitch?”
[19:44] <Sarah> “Ohhhh, Daddy…Daddy you can do anything t-t-to-to me, Daddy…you can use me Daddy…Daddy…I’m…I’m….Daddy I’m your whore…Daddyyy”
[19:45] <Sarah> incest, more like hot
[19:45] <Sarah> mir
[19:45] <Sarah> <– full thing
[19:45] <Fudgepuppy> what if it was a mother and a son
[19:45] <Fudgepuppy> aaawwkkkwaaard
[19:54] <Sarah> 19:52] <Intothesky> underage… 6?
[19:54] <Sarah> the person in that story wasn’t underage
[19:54] <Milkman> :(
[19:54] <Milkman> boner go bye-bye
[20:09] <Sarah> haha
[20:09] <Sarah> you don’t go to jail for being a pedophile.
[20:10] <Sarah> Fudgepuppy: it’s actually REALLY hard to prosecute people that do that
[20:10] <Sarah> usually they can only get them for tresspassing
[20:10] <Sarah> and if it’s where they work? not tresspassin.


Second Set of Logs

This is the second set of IRC logs that was dug up from Aug-Dec '05. They are also too long to host here. They can be viewed and downloaded here, here and here.

[22:33] <retrogradesnowcone> basically bisexual but inclusive of gendervariant people.
[22:33] <Leona> oh...
[22:33] <deaincaelo> it means "fucks everything" basically.
[22:33] <deaincaelo> with a few exceptions.
[22:34] <Leona> som lemme get this straight...there's heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, and pansexual?
[22:34] <retrogradesnowcone> you're forgetting autosexual
[22:34] <retrogradesnowcone> and pedosexual ^^

[22:35] <Leona> pedo? as in pedophile?
[22:35] <retrogradesnowcone> yes

[22:38] <retrogradesnowcone> I've known other transsexual pedophiles. a lot of them.

[01:20] <retrogradesnowcone> > nambla ;-;;

[01:27] <retrogradesnowcone> that site I tried to show you? it's a site for lesbian pedophiles. jftr

[01:57] <retrogradesnowcone> ;-;; this is making me miss my lgf
[01:57] <deaincaelo> lgf?
[01:57] <retrogradesnowcone> little girl friend.

[03:08] <retrogradesnowcone> I don't think it's right to do sexual things with a child, not because a child can't consent, but because in the context of society it can really @#%$ them up. in a more sex-positive society I don't think it'd be a problem

[03:11] <retrogradesnowcone> I'm attracted to (usually) about 6 to 12. been attracted to as low as 4 but that's atypical

Third Set Dropped on EDF2

Here is a link to a lesser known set of logs that a former user of FFshrine posted on the ED forums.

Sarah Butts/ffshrine chatlogs is part of a series on Chat Logs
Logs by Person

1guy1jar InterviewAlex WuoriBoxxyBravesgirl5ChibaQCrossmackCyndreDangerDanDJ SkeptikDjdlikesxboxDuke OtterlandEmiNetJames CordoneJimbo WalesJohn FieldJuggaletteJennyKazantzakisLaurelaiLittleCloudMark FoleyMikevirusNeoSkype Con LeaksTablecowTyphonWerdna

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