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sabu vs virus aka dumb & dumber part 2

from: anonymouSabu The Real Sabu 
@virus = NYPD informant. Context = pastie.org/private/jbjmbe… Preceding chat log = pastie.org/private/om3mrq… #mikevirusisasnitch

Context regarding Virus conversation:a

- I trolled him by saying I rooted nyc.gov and posted a publicly accessible IP
.. moments later..
 immunity 11:51 pm
    hey fag

 Sabu 12:11 am

 immunity 12:11 am
    bored as fuck what are you doing

 Sabu 12:11 am
    sick. just came home 
    was outside walking the og
    getting food

 immunity 12:12 am
    can I play w/ that nyc.gov box I'm bored

 Sabu 12:13 am
    I'll pass it through when I'm done working on it
    you know I share the love<3

 immunity 12:14 am
    and you know I don't :-D 

 Sabu 12:14 am

- Less than 6 hours later, a user of that IP address got a call from the NYPD, and they informed the head of security that they were hacked. Odd coincidence isn't it?

- I bring it up to Mike, and he went completely 100% on the defensive/offensive. Reflecting the obvious back to me, and saying that I'm the snitch. Although not even 12 years prior hes pretty much begging me for root on nyc.gov.

Interesting chain of events. Be careful who you are friends with because they will sell you out very quickly.


Thursday, August 11, 2011
Virus (10:10:06 PM):  whats up
Sabu (10:10:14 PM):  :-)
Sabu (10:10:24 PM):  been waiting for you my brother
Virus (10:11:17 PM):  what did you have to tell me
Virus (10:11:17 PM):  I texted you earlier
Virus (10:11:17 PM):  was out all day
Virus (10:11:17 PM):  Virus: whats up
Virus: what did you have to tell me
Virus: I texted you earlier
Virus: was out all day
Sabu (10:11:30 PM):  same. I broke my phone weeks ago into pieces
Virus (10:11:36 PM):  why
Sabu (10:11:46 PM):  I do that with all my prepaid phones after a few weeks
Sabu (10:11:48 PM):  anyway
Sabu (10:12:00 PM):  I was just sitting here appreciating your friendship
Virus (10:12:03 PM):  haha n00b
Virus (10:12:03 PM):  so whats up
Sabu (10:12:08 PM):  and how loyal you are <3
Sabu (10:12:10 PM):  good friend
Virus (10:12:15 PM):  what did I do now
Sabu (10:12:28 PM):  you're just very trustworthy
Sabu (10:12:31 PM):  I like that
Virus (10:13:07 PM):  that sounds funny
Virus (10:13:07 PM):  almost like sarcasm
Sabu (10:13:19 PM):  nah just showing you some love brother :-)
Sabu (10:13:29 PM):  can I not show you love?
Virus (10:13:31 PM):  did you get owned or something
Sabu (10:13:36 PM):  haha no.
Virus (10:13:45 PM):  this is sudden, especially when we rarely talk now
Virus (10:13:52 PM):  and sounds like sarcasm
Sabu (10:13:54 PM):  well we rarely talk cause of your funky ass
Sabu (10:13:58 PM):  you busy owning niggers
Sabu (10:14:02 PM):  and I'm busy with my research
Virus (10:14:21 PM):  is that it? you said something about a story
Virus (10:14:23 PM):  or some shit
Sabu (10:14:26 PM):  which story?
Virus (10:14:39 PM):  "I have a story to tell you when I come back"
Virus (10:14:41 PM):  when you*
Sabu (10:14:47 PM):  oh yeah
Sabu (10:15:10 PM):  so last night I was trolling you a bit and gave you the IP address of the head of security of doitt. someone from efnet. we were joking
Sabu (10:15:21 PM):  by 12pm lunch time he gets a call from the NYPD
Sabu (10:15:31 PM):  saying he/nyc.gov was hacked
Virus (10:15:32 PM):  what
Sabu (10:15:39 PM):  and they're forwarding him the logs. so I'm waiting for that to happen
Virus (10:15:44 PM):  oh I get it now
Sabu (10:15:53 PM):  that was a funny story
Sabu (10:16:05 PM):  because I gave yout he IP to joke around
Virus (10:16:06 PM):  so now you think I'm a rat. right?
Sabu (10:16:12 PM):  not sure how the NYPD got involved. though.
Virus (10:16:14 PM):  especially since it was in a public blast
Sabu (10:16:24 PM):  how many niggers in that blast work with the NYPD?
Virus (10:16:34 PM):  no clue -- I sure don't
Sabu (10:16:40 PM):  :-)
Virus (10:16:43 PM):  they arrested me in 2007
Virus (10:16:46 PM):  it's 2011
Sabu (10:16:49 PM):  bro I know more than people think I do
Sabu (10:16:53 PM):  but I still love you <3
Virus (10:16:57 PM):  that's cool
Virus (10:17:03 PM):  but you're wrong
Sabu (10:17:09 PM):  I'm not implying anything
Sabu (10:17:13 PM):  just throwing the funny story out there
Virus (10:17:14 PM):  yeah, you are
Sabu (10:17:21 PM):  its funny because the kid idles in my old efnet chan
Virus (10:17:22 PM):  I'm actually pretty offended
Sabu (10:17:24 PM):  and hes like uh
Sabu (10:17:30 PM):  why is the NYPD calling my office
Sabu (10:17:37 PM):  pronouncing my ip/host
Sabu (10:18:01 PM):  I was like lolololol my bad
Virus (10:18:02 PM):  are you trolling me
Sabu (10:18:08 PM):  nein
Sabu (10:18:12 PM):  just sharing you a very ass story
Sabu (10:18:18 PM):  funny*
Sabu (10:18:38 PM):  start talking to your boys from that aim blast
Sabu (10:18:42 PM):  figure out who is in new york city
Sabu (10:20:04 PM):  if its not you lets figure out who is a stoolie for the NYPD
Virus (10:22:33 PM):  ok...
Sabu (10:22:49 PM):  :-)
Sabu (10:22:53 PM):  <3
Sabu (10:23:04 PM):  lets say it was you though, out of LOL
Sabu (10:23:10 PM):  what would you gain from taking me down?
Sabu (10:23:14 PM):  if you already have immunity
Virus (10:23:15 PM):  nothing
Sabu (10:23:19 PM):  all you're doing is taking down a friend/ally
Sabu (10:23:24 PM):  cause I doubt they're paying you
Virus (10:23:28 PM):  it's not me
Sabu (10:23:44 PM):  no doubt I'm not saying
Sabu (10:23:50 PM):  I just want to know the gain from taking me down
Sabu (10:23:57 PM):  besides fame for being a snitch a la adrian lamo
Sabu (10:24:08 PM):  cause they're not paying people AFAIK
Sabu (10:25:31 PM):  I'll be back brother going to chill with the wifey a bit
Sabu (10:25:34 PM):  <3
Sabu (10:25:37 PM):  and if you find out who it is
Sabu (10:25:47 PM):  tell them I said to forward me their detectives name/number
Sabu (10:26:01 PM):  and if they pay well I might call them LOL!!!
Sabu (10:27:00 PM):  and if they're going to be informants my nigga jesus. at least inform for the FBI or secret service not the NYPD LOL thats like lowest of the lowest form
Sabu (10:27:05 PM):  ya smell me?
Virus (10:28:12 PM):  nah you're a faggot bro
Virus (10:28:20 PM):  you post that shit in a public channel
Virus (10:28:25 PM):  and then when it gets out
Virus (10:28:28 PM):  you think I'm a rat
Sabu (10:28:37 PM):  I never said it was you broscppe
Sabu (10:28:39 PM):  scope
Sabu (10:29:08 PM):  if that was the case I'd post that shit everywhere and dog you but I actually (believe it or not) appreciate your friendship
Sabu (10:29:13 PM):  but if theres a NYPD stoolie in your camp
Sabu (10:29:14 PM):  find him
Sabu (10:29:21 PM):  I want the detectives name and number
Virus (10:29:34 PM):  there's stoolies everywhere
Virus (10:29:38 PM):  it's the internet
Virus (10:29:45 PM):  your channel is full of spooks and rodents
Virus (10:29:49 PM):  so is AIM
Virus (10:29:55 PM):  which is how I got owned in the first place
Virus (10:30:18 PM):  don't start accusing me of shit - especially after you disappeared and came back offering to pay me for shit - that's fed tactics
Virus (10:30:31 PM):  and then your buddy, topiary, who lives in the most random place
Virus (10:30:36 PM):  who's docs weren't even public
Virus (10:30:38 PM):  gets owned
Sabu (10:32:29 PM):  offering to pay you for shit?
Sabu (10:32:38 PM):  theres only one thing we ever asked you for
Sabu (10:32:44 PM):  and that was for an aim username that kayla wanted
Sabu (10:32:54 PM):  I never ask you for roots / exploits / ANYTHING
Virus (10:32:55 PM):  yeah, you offered me money for "dox"
Sabu (10:33:07 PM):  kayla asked me to ask you to get the aim for her
Virus (10:33:13 PM):  sure, you can deny it, I don't keep logs, I have no way to prove it
Sabu (10:33:15 PM):  oh you mean that comcast IP pull?
Virus (10:33:18 PM):  but that just makes you a faggot.
Sabu (10:33:30 PM):  nigga trust me I'm no more a snitch than you are
Sabu (10:33:37 PM):  so don't ever put me in the same line as that
Virus (10:33:39 PM):  only informants offer up cash for shit -- you gave yourself up with that one
Sabu (10:33:47 PM):  my nigga
Sabu (10:33:48 PM):  rofl
Sabu (10:34:00 PM):  lets be real out of all our conversations
Virus (10:34:02 PM):  really, you're saying you offered me cash, out of your own pockets for some bitches address?
Sabu (10:34:03 PM):  I asked you for 2 things
Virus (10:34:10 PM):  who does that?
Sabu (10:34:17 PM):  some random comcast pull for topiary
Sabu (10:34:22 PM):  and that aim for kayla
Sabu (10:34:23 PM):  of the tranny
Sabu (10:34:37 PM):  besides that I don't ever ask you for shit?
Virus (10:34:38 PM):  and I gave you none, for good reason
Virus (10:35:01 PM):  you offered me pay for "Jennifer"'s Comcast data like a month or two back
Virus (10:35:12 PM):  all I'm saying is, FBI informants do that
Sabu (10:35:15 PM):  bro I never offered you shit for anyones dox
Sabu (10:35:25 PM):  especially not money
Sabu (10:35:28 PM):  when her dox is public
Sabu (10:35:34 PM):  topairy asked me to asked you for a comcast pull
Sabu (10:35:43 PM):  and they were willing to send you bitcoins or some shit
Virus (10:35:44 PM):  if they were so public why did you ask me to acquire it and hand me her IP?
Virus (10:35:57 PM):  I have the logs w/ the IP
Virus (10:35:59 PM):  and you asking
Sabu (10:36:00 PM):  sounds like you're trying to bait me to admit something I didnt do?
Virus (10:36:04 PM):  I saved it because I considered it
Sabu (10:36:10 PM):  trust me I wouldn't pay for it
Sabu (10:36:14 PM):  probably give you a shell off of something
Virus (10:36:24 PM):  but, I knew LulzSec is a sinking ship and I have a son to worry about -- so I declined
Sabu (10:36:27 PM):  plus you're taking one random ass occasion too literal
Sabu (10:36:30 PM):  now
Sabu (10:36:35 PM):  regarding topiary
Virus (10:36:45 PM):  regarding topiary, you ratted him out
Virus (10:36:48 PM):  it's so obvious sabu
Sabu (10:36:49 PM):  my nigga
Virus (10:36:53 PM):  but I keep my mouth shut
Sabu (10:36:57 PM):  you better watch your fucking mouth because I'm not a rat
Virus (10:37:00 PM):  I don't get involved
Sabu (10:37:03 PM):  and I definitely didnt rat my own boy
Virus (10:37:07 PM):  I don't care if "Anonymous" gets pwned
Sabu (10:37:10 PM):  I can tell you exactly how he got knocked
Virus (10:37:11 PM):  I never liked them, never will
Sabu (10:37:17 PM):  and if you actually knew anything you'd know how it went down too
Sabu (10:37:33 PM):  for a hot minute there was some troll on twitter that'd hit up atopiary's twitter mentions with
Virus (10:37:35 PM):  Anonymous is nothing but a bunch of fat, pimply basement dwelling losers who masturbate 3+ times a day
Sabu (10:37:38 PM):  "jake from shetland"
Sabu (10:37:43 PM):  he got it from an xbox forums
Sabu (10:37:48 PM):  topiary was an avid xbox gamer
Sabu (10:37:53 PM):  was known in the community talked a lot
Sabu (10:38:01 PM):  one of the forum users doxed him and kept throwing the info out there
Sabu (10:38:11 PM):  enough that someone was smart enough to make the connection
Virus (10:38:11 PM):  I'm a social engineer, a professional social engineer, actually
Sabu (10:38:19 PM):  I'm a social engineer too.
Virus (10:38:27 PM):  it's a skill I picked up on AOL, a skill I perfected before I started "hacking"
Virus (10:38:50 PM):  I've also had a run in with the law, on a few occasions
Virus (10:38:57 PM):  and so did my friends
Sabu (10:39:00 PM):  yeah
Virus (10:39:05 PM):  and a few of them became informants, and told me everything
Virus (10:39:10 PM):  I know how it works
Sabu (10:39:22 PM):  I'm sure you do. but that literally has nothing to do with me
Virus (10:39:35 PM):  I can spot a rodent a mile away
Sabu (10:39:37 PM):  not sure if you noticed but I've been doing massive ownings
Sabu (10:39:52 PM):  and I actually detest some kid callign me a rat
Virus (10:39:53 PM):  when was the last time you owned something?
Virus (10:39:57 PM):  before you disappeared?
Sabu (10:39:59 PM):  today
Virus (10:40:07 PM):  I'm not a kid -- I'm an adult
Virus (10:40:16 PM):  and I'm experienced
Sabu (10:40:28 PM):  you're acting severely defensive I must say my brother
Sabu (10:40:33 PM):  all I did was share a story with you
Virus (10:40:50 PM):  I may not have a college degree, but I know a bit about computers and it's what kept me alive the last couple of years
Sabu (10:41:07 PM):  yeah
Virus (10:41:08 PM):  I am offended
Sabu (10:41:28 PM):  I know you're offended but Inever once in this conversation
Sabu (10:41:30 PM):  did I imply you
Virus (10:41:31 PM):  especially considering who's implying it
Sabu (10:41:34 PM):  actually funnily
Sabu (10:41:38 PM):  I tell my own crew all the time
Virus (10:41:38 PM):  yes, you did "brother"
Sabu (10:41:45 PM):  I got mad love for you
Sabu (10:41:49 PM):  my team shows you mad love
Sabu (10:41:52 PM):  but I'll be honest with you
Virus (10:41:55 PM):  well consider this "friendship" over now
Sabu (10:41:57 PM):  that little phone call from NYPD was weird
Sabu (10:42:17 PM):  and if it wasnt you I would love to know which kid on your blast works with NYPD
Virus (10:42:18 PM):  you were in a public AIM blast group, which I invited my whole entire buddylist
Sabu (10:42:25 PM):  you're right
Sabu (10:42:28 PM):  and I apologize
Sabu (10:42:34 PM):  you're the only one I know from new york
Sabu (10:42:41 PM):  but again I didn't tie it to you my brother
Sabu (10:42:51 PM):  and that friendshit over shit is teenager bs
Virus (10:42:58 PM):  so wait, you have to be from NY to rat to the NYPD?
Sabu (10:42:59 PM):  if you're an adult you'll accept my apology and move on
Sabu (10:43:10 PM):  no not nessesarily
Sabu (10:43:25 PM):  kind of shitty one of your boys would rat on me though.
Virus (10:43:28 PM):  you claimed you "hacked" nyc.gov, somebody could have made contact to somebody over there or NYPD and told them
Sabu (10:43:29 PM):  I would love to find out who it was
Sabu (10:43:42 PM):  to see how much I'm worth
Virus (10:44:03 PM):  I bet if you told me, privately, it would have never got out and your "friend" would have never got that phone call.
Sabu (10:44:17 PM):  true
Sabu (10:44:23 PM):  well thats why I didnt say mike you dick
Virus (10:44:34 PM):  it's not "teenager bs" -- there's obviously no trust so why carry on chatting? :-)
Sabu (10:44:37 PM):  it was very vague/general and it was a story. not accusation
Sabu (10:44:57 PM):  eh, believe it or not
Sabu (10:45:05 PM):  you're the only one that had my bad publicly besides my crew
Sabu (10:45:08 PM):  I still got trust for you mate
Virus (10:45:12 PM):  Sabu, I know when somebody is implying something and if I released these logs I'm pretty sure a lot of people would notice that, too.
Sabu (10:45:18 PM):  just do me a solid find out for me who is snitching from your blast
Virus (10:45:29 PM):  look nigger, cut the "mate" crap -- I know you're from NY
Virus (10:45:32 PM):  I heard your voice
Virus (10:45:39 PM):  find out yourself.
Sabu (10:45:48 PM):  of course you heard me voice. I caleld you. you called me
Sabu (10:45:54 PM):  and the mate is slang I use for years
Virus (10:45:59 PM):  I called you, once, you never called me.
Sabu (10:46:00 PM):  you think that shits privy to aussie or english?
Virus (10:46:05 PM):  you use mate to throw the idiots off.
Sabu (10:46:11 PM):  you called me twice if I'm not mistaken
Virus (10:46:18 PM):  I did that shit too, back when I was "ZF0"
Sabu (10:46:26 PM):  haha you were in zf0?
Virus (10:46:29 PM):  twice, maybe
Virus (10:46:33 PM):  you never called me though
Sabu (10:46:40 PM):  texted you, correct
Virus (10:46:53 PM):  no, I wasn't the actual ZF0, I impersonated them and did a few things
Sabu (10:47:02 PM):  mhm got you
Virus (10:47:05 PM):  a lot of people bought it
Virus (10:47:35 PM):  I mean who else could hack their shit! not the dumb special ed kid they were talking shit to the night before.
Sabu (10:47:56 PM):  nice
Virus (10:48:31 PM):  anyway, I'm ending this convo, quiet frankly, I don't care if you're working with the feds to clean up the mess you created and getting your so called "friends" arrested
Virus (10:48:41 PM):  it's human nature
Sabu (10:49:14 PM):  my nigga
Sabu (10:49:19 PM):  you seriously need to stop saying that
Virus (10:49:23 PM):  or?
Sabu (10:49:24 PM):  I'm highly offended by it
Sabu (10:49:28 PM):  well lets make the OR
Sabu (10:49:32 PM):  we'll meet up in manhattan
Sabu (10:49:35 PM):  and talk it out face to face
Virus (10:49:42 PM):  I'm not one of these little scrub IT contractors you popped
Sabu (10:49:52 PM):  I'm not a snitch or some herb you can say that shit too
Sabu (10:49:55 PM):  I'm not adrian lamo
Sabu (10:49:59 PM):  so lets be real
Virus (10:50:03 PM):  I know your tactics, and you won't gain access to any of my shit
Sabu (10:50:14 PM):  bro you know me less than the feds do
Sabu (10:50:16 PM):  but lets be real
Virus (10:50:22 PM):  if you want to meet up, it can be arranged.
Sabu (10:50:26 PM):  I appreciate your friendship and the fact you backed me up publicly
Virus (10:50:38 PM):  pretty sure you would send some Anon bitches to do your dirty work though
Sabu (10:50:39 PM):  arranged? nigga just come through tomorrow
Sabu (10:50:46 PM):  nah I take care of my own issues
Sabu (10:50:57 PM):  if I get locked up though I'm making sure people know who set it up
Virus (10:51:16 PM):  by arranged, I mean make time for you, I do have a family I do my best to take care of
Sabu (10:51:17 PM):  the least thing anyone has ever called me was a snitch
Sabu (10:51:19 PM):  and the sad shit is
Sabu (10:51:24 PM):  I wasnt even saying you were one in the first place
Virus (10:51:24 PM):  I can't just drop my computer and go kick your teeth in
Sabu (10:51:36 PM):  what kind of lame faggot is an informant for the nypd anyway?
Sabu (10:51:42 PM):  it must be the lowest form of apathetic lamer possible
Sabu (10:51:48 PM):  I got more love for you than that
Virus (10:51:54 PM):  I don't know, you're the great all knowing Sabu, king of sqlmap
Virus (10:51:56 PM):  you tell me?
Sabu (10:52:08 PM):  I rarely use sqlmap ironiclly
Sabu (10:52:13 PM):  ironically
Virus (10:52:16 PM):  oh yeah, right, havij
Sabu (10:52:16 PM):  but I know you're offended
Sabu (10:52:22 PM):  and you're talking mad shit right now
Sabu (10:52:27 PM):  so go clear your head and hit me up later
Virus (10:53:42 PM):  I rather just block you, I think you're a lamer, who doesn't know much about computers, who got busted by even lamer people who know even less who started a shit storm that goes by a contradicting name they stole from some other hackers
Sabu (10:54:11 PM):  haha
Sabu (10:54:14 PM):  thats a good one
Virus (10:54:15 PM):  "antisec" what a fucking joke
Virus (10:54:29 PM):  I'm sure the real antisec is offended
Sabu (10:54:34 PM):  for a fucking joke its doing more mayhem than it did a decade ago
Sabu (10:54:38 PM):  and I'm sure they're offended to
Sabu (10:54:40 PM):  and you know what?
Sabu (10:54:42 PM):  they can suck my dick
Virus (10:54:49 PM):  it wasn't about "mayhem"
Sabu (10:54:50 PM):  I've said this plenty of times
Sabu (10:55:04 PM):  what do you know? you werent even around in those days kid
Virus (10:55:09 PM):  you don't even get what antisec was about. you're not owning whitehats. just dumbass foreign .gov's
Virus (10:55:16 PM):  actually, I was
Virus (10:55:22 PM):  I just wasn't a "hacker"
Sabu (10:55:32 PM):  yeah you were on aol right?
Sabu (10:55:36 PM):  I was actually involved
Sabu (10:55:40 PM):  big difference my man
Sabu (10:55:48 PM):  telling me I dont know shit about computers
Virus (10:55:49 PM):  and I put that in quotes, like I did friends earlier, because I don't consider myself a hacker, like I don't consider topiary your friend
Sabu (10:55:52 PM):  what the fuck kind of statement is that
Virus (10:56:05 PM):  anybody could run automated tools
Sabu (10:56:16 PM):  I don't sit here and run automated tools
Sabu (10:56:21 PM):  I'm a seasoned security researcher
Sabu (10:56:27 PM):  going back to mid to late 90s
Virus (10:56:36 PM):  you're a low level blackhat that got owned
Sabu (10:56:52 PM):  yeah ok. coming from someone who got offended by a funny story I shared
Virus (10:56:56 PM):  a "script kiddie" if you will
Sabu (10:57:05 PM):  yeah ok
Sabu (10:57:11 PM):  you know thats furthest from the truth
Sabu (10:57:27 PM):  but anyway go clear your coinscinece/offense and hit me up later
Virus (10:58:05 PM):  I pretty much got what I had to say off my chest, I'm done being your friend, you're way too shady and I'm too old for this childish crap. when I "hack" I have a cause
Virus (10:58:08 PM):  a reason
Virus (10:58:11 PM):  and I rarely do it
Virus (10:58:26 PM):  your lame ass antisec movement is hitting anything it can
Sabu (10:58:44 PM):  I'm sure you think thats what is happeneing but thats not whats happeneing
Sabu (10:58:54 PM):  you're starting to sound like every other idiot on twitter
Virus (10:59:00 PM):  if it can't append a single quote at the end of the url, and make the webapp spit out errors and run sqlmap/havij it moves on to something else.
Sabu (10:59:00 PM):  my nigga if you got so much to say just come through
Sabu (10:59:10 PM):  this shit talking ain't even enticing me
Sabu (10:59:20 PM):  you wanna act like my friend until I tell you that my boy got a call from the nypd
Virus (10:59:33 PM):  what do you think I'm trying to entice you to do?
Virus (10:59:47 PM):  surely if I was a snitch, I'd make you meet up and I'd have some friends with me
Sabu (10:59:53 PM):  I'm sure
Virus (10:59:55 PM):  I'm not begging you to meet up with me
Sabu (11:00:10 PM):  I'm not begging you either. but you're talking a lot of shit like you have some issue with me
Sabu (11:00:18 PM):  when in reality I wasnt saying you were a snitch at all
Virus (11:00:23 PM):  I get offended, when a snitch, calls me a snitch.
Sabu (11:00:25 PM):  I always gave you mad love even from the first day I met you
Sabu (11:00:39 PM):  I'm a snitch you fucking snitch
Sabu (11:00:42 PM):  now you're getting me tight
Virus (11:00:56 PM):  if I was still 17-18 you would get owned for that shit
Virus (11:01:04 PM):  but I have a son to look after now
Sabu (11:01:05 PM):  even right now I'm trying to show you love and I'm starting to fucking to think that you are in fact an NYPD informant
Sabu (11:01:12 PM):  because you're WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY to defensive my nigga
Virus (11:01:20 PM):  I don't care for your love
Sabu (11:01:22 PM):  I could care less if you were a NYPD informant it ust shows how fucking lame you are
Virus (11:01:29 PM):  there is no "love" on the internet
Sabu (11:01:31 PM):  you must be one lame ass kid to get rocked by the.....NYPD?
Virus (11:01:34 PM):  we've never met, never will
Virus (11:01:42 PM):  if I ever see you, it'll most likely be your mug shot
Sabu (11:01:45 PM):  Fucking NYPD who still uses typewriters
Sabu (11:01:57 PM):  yeah. so you're going to snitch me out some more?
Sabu (11:01:59 PM):  good job son
Virus (11:02:04 PM):  right
Sabu (11:02:11 PM):  you know I ignored everyone that told me you were a snitch
Sabu (11:02:15 PM):  to give you the benefit of the doubr
Sabu (11:02:18 PM):  doubt even
Sabu (11:02:25 PM):  but see now what they were saying
Sabu (11:02:43 PM):  I mean my nigga. NYPD? ROFL
Sabu (11:02:44 PM):  come on
Sabu (11:02:45 PM):  son
Sabu (11:02:50 PM):  go call the fbi and say you got sabu logs
Sabu (11:02:58 PM):  that'll get you SOMETHING
Virus (11:02:59 PM):  I'm absolutely positive, you already got raided, and are setting your friends up and when they're done draining you for information and arrests they'll sentence you and it'll make nose
Sabu (11:03:41 PM):  if you knew me at all
Sabu (11:03:49 PM):  you'd know that if I were raided
Sabu (11:03:54 PM):  I'd take myself down if anything
Sabu (11:03:57 PM):  I'm the martyr type
Sabu (11:04:01 PM):  I grew up in the streets
Virus (11:04:02 PM):  it's a hunch, I'm always right
Sabu (11:04:08 PM):  this time you're wrong
Sabu (11:04:36 PM):  I rather go down for my own shit than take down my own niggas
Sabu (11:04:38 PM):  which is funny
Sabu (11:04:39 PM):  and ironic
Virus (11:04:43 PM):  if you think I'm an NYPD informant because I got offended by your inane accusation, then go ahead, believe what you want. I really don't give a rats ass.
Sabu (11:04:51 PM):  because my boys that were arrested in uk are probably singing tunes beautifully
Sabu (11:05:06 PM):  and I clearly don't give a fuck
Sabu (11:05:09 PM):  because no ones getting me
Virus (11:05:12 PM):  I'm pretty sure they are, for the sake of their futures
Virus (11:05:13 PM):  most do
Virus (11:05:18 PM):  especially since they're of age
Virus (11:05:32 PM):  you were already "got"
Virus (11:05:39 PM):  it's obvious you're singing like a birdy
Sabu (11:05:48 PM):  heh
Sabu (11:05:54 PM):  you're getting really tiring with that
Sabu (11:06:09 PM):  I never gave you any reason to think that. andi ts funny when people are guilty of something
Virus (11:06:14 PM):  you gave me plenty
Sabu (11:06:14 PM):  they liek to reflect onto the other person
Sabu (11:06:26 PM):  like*
Sabu (11:06:43 PM):  my nigga look if you're an NYPD informant by all means congrats and good luck with that
Sabu (11:06:47 PM):  but don't call nonsnitches snitches
Sabu (11:06:51 PM):  especially when you dont know them
Sabu (11:07:35 PM):  its not my fault 95% of your friends on aol snitched on you or turned informant and you're all a bunch of fucking pussies
Sabu (11:07:43 PM):  but remember I left that aol scene in 98
Sabu (11:07:47 PM):  my scene is different from yours
Sabu (11:08:04 PM):  you and I are two different people
Virus (11:08:31 PM):  http://blackhats.com/infosuck/0x005e.png
Virus (11:08:56 PM):  you've been around going that far back and still can't do anything on your own with out the help of an automated tool?
Sabu (11:09:06 PM):  ..
Sabu (11:09:19 PM):  just because someone says I use metasploit doesnt mean I do
Virus (11:09:21 PM):  http://blackhats.com/infosuck/0x005a.png
Sabu (11:09:22 PM):  I dont use metasploit
Sabu (11:09:24 PM):  nor sqlmap
Sabu (11:09:29 PM):  havij once in a blue
Sabu (11:09:38 PM):  most of my research is real time hands on
Sabu (11:09:54 PM):  nice so you're going to paste me shitty comics other people made talking shit about me
Virus (11:10:44 PM):  http://blackhats.com/infosuck/0x0048.png
Sabu (11:10:47 PM):  my only response to that kind of lame ass hating is simple
Virus (11:10:55 PM):  they're true, and it's hilarious
Sabu (11:11:09 PM):  if its true what everyone says, they should be ashamed because in less than a few months we've done more than all of you have done combined in your fucking lives
Sabu (11:11:16 PM):  and thats a sad truth you will all have to accept and face
Virus (11:11:30 PM):  here's my favorite: http://blackhats.com/infosuck/0x0042.png
Virus (11:11:57 PM):  how would you know?
Sabu (11:11:59 PM):  thats actually a stupid point because before I even woke up
Virus (11:12:10 PM):  what I've done, or who I'm friends with, or what they've done?
Sabu (11:12:10 PM):  there were mad messages from anons anonymousirc and others that already posted it
Sabu (11:12:29 PM):  but yet niggas want to focus on my one tweet
Sabu (11:12:33 PM):  like a bunch of hating ass faggots
Virus (11:12:36 PM):  not all of us broadcast on Twitter, and get "v&"
Sabu (11:12:41 PM):  hanging off my dick for dear life
Virus (11:14:25 PM):  I don't even get on Twitter anymore, because it's nothing but dumb asses tweeting about "LulzSec"/"Anonymous"(l0l @ all the contradicting names you guys come up with) 24/7
Sabu (11:14:44 PM):  lulzsecs been dead since june when topiary killed it
Sabu (11:14:48 PM):  anonymous is a movement
Sabu (11:14:55 PM):  antisec is an operation within that movement
Sabu (11:15:00 PM):  educate yourself
Virus (11:15:08 PM):  it's all gay, and contradicting
Virus (11:15:13 PM):  antisec isn't antisec
Virus (11:15:19 PM):  anonymous isn't really anonymous
Sabu (11:15:19 PM):  nigga you dont even know wtf antisec is
Virus (11:15:26 PM):  you aren't educated
Virus (11:15:32 PM):  you aren't a hacker
Sabu (11:15:39 PM):  yo you're talking like a fucking teenage aoler right now
Virus (11:15:44 PM):  you're a script kiddie, twitter whore.
Sabu (11:15:45 PM):  straight up
Virus (11:15:54 PM):  go tweet about it, bro.
Sabu (11:16:00 PM):  like someone thats straight up ego hurt I brought up something suspicious
Sabu (11:16:08 PM):  my nigga theres no need to be so fucking hurt
Sabu (11:16:13 PM):  seriously
Sabu (11:16:30 PM):  and if you are an informant than more the power to you
Sabu (11:17:13 PM):  if I knew you were going to be such a touch bitch after bringing up the story
Sabu (11:17:18 PM):  I would have kept quiet and sat on it
Virus (11:17:22 PM):  now with that being said and done, I'm going to go ahead and save this conversation to my hdd and terminate this IM. you have a great time sucking convict dick in prison when you're done sucking off your handler. faggot.
Sabu (11:17:37 PM):  yeah go run along you snitch bitch
Sabu (11:17:41 PM):  fucking NYPD low level informant
Sabu (11:17:44 PM):  seriously bro
Sabu (11:17:48 PM):  you're fucking lame
Virus signed off at 11:17:54 PM


mike virus
12 hours ago via web

(blank lines are emoticons, i.e shit like ":-)")

Virus: whats up
Virus: what did you have to tell me
Virus: I texted you earlier
Virus: was out all day
Sabu: been waiting for you my brother
An operation timed out.
An operation timed out.
Virus: Virus: whats up
Virus: what did you have to tell me
Virus: I texted you earlier
Virus: was out all day
Sabu: same. I broke my phone weeks ago into pieces
Virus: why
Sabu: I do that with all my prepaid phones after a few weeks 
Sabu: anyway
Virus: haha n00b
Virus: so whats up
Sabu: I was just sitting here appreciating your friendship
Sabu: and how loyal you are <3
Sabu: good friend
Virus: what did I do now
Sabu: you're just very trustworthy
Sabu: I like that
Virus: that sounds funny
Virus: almost like sarcasm
Sabu: nah just showing you some love brother 
Virus: did you get owned or something
Sabu: can I not show you love?
Sabu: haha no.
Virus: this is sudden, especially when we rarely talk now
Virus: and sounds like sarcasm
Sabu: well we rarely talk cause of your funky ass
Sabu: you busy owning niggers
Sabu: and I'm busy with my research
Virus: is that it? you said something about a story
Virus: or some shit
Sabu: which story?
Virus: "I have a story to tell you when I come back"
Virus: when you*
Sabu: oh yeah
Sabu: so last night I was trolling you a bit and gave you the IP address 
of the head of security of doitt. someone from efnet. we were joking 
Sabu: by 12pm lunch time he gets a call from the NYPD 
Sabu: saying he/nyc.gov was hacked
Virus: what
Sabu: and they're forwarding him the logs. so I'm waiting for that to 
Virus: oh I get it now
Sabu: that was a funny story
Sabu: because I gave yout he IP to joke around
Virus: so now you think I'm a rat. right?
Sabu: not sure how the NYPD got involved. though.
Virus: especially since it was in a public blast
Sabu: how many niggers in that blast work with the NYPD?
Virus: no clue -- I sure don't
Virus: they arrested me in 2007
Virus: it's 2011
Sabu: bro I know more than people think I do
Sabu: but I still love you <3
Virus: that's cool
Virus: but you're wrong
Sabu: I'm not implying anything
Sabu: just throwing the funny story out there
Virus: yeah, you are
Sabu: its funny because the kid idles in my old efnet chan
Virus: I'm actually pretty offended
Sabu: and hes like uh
Sabu: why is the NYPD calling my office
Sabu: pronouncing my ip/host
Sabu: I was like lolololol my bad
Virus: are you trolling me
Sabu: nein
Sabu: just sharing you a very ass story
Sabu: funny*
Sabu: start talking to your boys from that aim blast
Sabu: figure out who is in new york city
Sabu: if its not you lets figure out who is a stoolie for the NYPD
Virus: ok...
Sabu: <3
Sabu: lets say it was you though, out of LOL
Sabu: what would you gain from taking me down?
Sabu: if you already have immunity
Virus: nothing
Sabu: all you're doing is taking down a friend/ally
Sabu: cause I doubt they're paying you
Virus: it's not me
Sabu: no doubt I'm not saying
Sabu: I just want to know the gain from taking me down
Sabu: besides fame for being a snitch a la adrian lamo
Sabu: cause they're not paying people AFAIK
Sabu: I'll be back brother going to chill with the wifey a bit
Sabu: <3
Sabu: and if you find out who it is
Sabu: tell them I said to forward me their detectives name/number
Sabu: and if they pay well I might call them LOL!!!
Sabu: and if they're going to be informants my nigga jesus. at least 
inform for the FBI or secret service not the NYPD LOL thats like lowest 
of the lowest form
Sabu: ya smell me?
Virus: nah you're a faggot bro
Virus: you post that shit in a public channel
Virus: and then when it gets out
Virus: you think I'm a rat
Sabu: I never said it was you broscppe
Sabu: scope
Sabu: if that was the case I'd post that shit everywhere and dog you but 
I actually (believe it or not) appreciate your friendship
Sabu: but if theres a NYPD stoolie in your camp
Sabu: find him
Sabu: I want the detectives name and number 
Virus: there's stoolies everywhere
Virus: it's the internet
Virus: your channel is full of spooks and rodents
Virus: so is AIM
Virus: which is how I got owned in the first place
Virus: don't start accusing me of shit - especially after you 
disappeared and came back offering to pay me for shit - that's fed 
Virus: and then your buddy, topiary, who lives in the most random place
Virus: who's docs weren't even public
Virus: gets owned
Sabu: offering to pay you for shit?
Sabu: theres only one thing we ever asked you for
Sabu: and that was for an aim username that kayla wanted
Sabu: I never ask you for roots / exploits / ANYTHING
Virus: yeah, you offered me money for "dox"
Sabu: kayla asked me to ask you to get the aim for her
Virus: sure, you can deny it, I don't keep logs, I have no way to prove 
Sabu: oh you mean that comcast IP pull?
Virus: but that just makes you a faggot.
Sabu: nigga trust me I'm no more a snitch than you are
Sabu: so don't ever put me in the same line as that
Virus: only informants offer up cash for shit -- you gave yourself up 
with that one
Sabu: my nigga
Sabu: rofl
Sabu: lets be real out of all our conversations
Virus: really, you're saying you offered me cash, out of your own 
pockets for some bitches address?
Sabu: I asked you for 2 things
Virus: who does that?
Sabu: some random comcast pull for topiary
Sabu: and that aim for kayla
Sabu: of the tranny
Sabu: besides that I don't ever ask you for shit?
Virus: and I gave you none, for good reason
Virus: you offered me pay for "Jennifer"'s Comcast data like a month or 
two back
Virus: all I'm saying is, FBI informants do that
Sabu: bro I never offered you shit for anyones dox
Sabu: especially not money
Sabu: when her dox is public
Sabu: topairy asked me to asked you for a comcast pull
Virus: if they were so public why did you ask me to acquire it and hand 
me her IP?
Sabu: and they were willing to send you bitcoins or some shit
Virus: I have the logs w/ the IP
Virus: and you asking
Sabu: sounds like you're trying to bait me to admit something I didnt 
Virus: I saved it because I considered it
Sabu: trust me I wouldn't pay for it
Sabu: probably give you a shell off of something
Virus: but, I knew LulzSec is a sinking ship and I have a son to worry 
about -- so I declined
Sabu: plus you're taking one random ass occasion too literal
Sabu: now
Sabu: regarding topiary 
Virus: regarding topiary, you ratted him out
Virus: it's so obvious sabu
Sabu: my nigga
Virus: but I keep my mouth shut
Sabu: you better watch your fucking mouth because I'm not a rat
Virus: I don't get involved
Sabu: and I definitely didnt rat my own boy
Virus: I don't care if "Anonymous" gets pwned
Sabu: I can tell you exactly how he got knocked
Virus: I never liked them, never will
Sabu: and if you actually knew anything you'd know how it went down too
Sabu: for a hot minute there was some troll on twitter that'd hit up 
atopiary's twitter mentions with
Virus: Anonymous is nothing but a bunch of fat, pimply basement dwelling 
losers who masturbate 3+ times a day
Sabu: "jake from shetland"
Sabu: he got it from an xbox forums
Sabu: topiary was an avid xbox gamer
Sabu: was known in the community talked a lot
Sabu: one of the forum users doxed him and kept throwing the info out 
Sabu: enough that someone was smart enough to make the connection
Virus: I'm a social engineer, a professional social engineer, actually
Sabu: I'm a social engineer too.
Virus: it's a skill I picked up on AOL, a skill I perfected before I 
started "hacking"
Virus: I've also had a run in with the law, on a few occasions 
Virus: and so did my friends
Sabu: yeah
Virus: and a few of them became informants, and told me everything
Virus: I know how it works
Sabu: I'm sure you do. but that literally has nothing to do with me
Virus: I can spot a rodent a mile away
Sabu: not sure if you noticed but I've been doing massive ownings
Sabu: and I actually detest some kid callign me a rat
Virus: when was the last time you owned something?
Virus: before you disappeared?
Sabu: today 
Virus: I'm not a kid -- I'm an adult
Virus: and I'm experienced 
Sabu: you're acting severely defensive I must say my brother
Sabu: all I did was share a story with you
Virus: I may not have a college degree, but I know a bit about computers 
and it's what kept me alive the last couple of years 
Sabu: yeah
Virus: I am offended
Sabu: I know you're offended but Inever once in this conversation
Sabu: did I imply you
Virus: especially considering who's implying it
Sabu: actually funnily
Sabu: I tell my own crew all the time
Virus: yes, you did "brother"
Sabu: I got mad love for you
Sabu: my team shows you mad love
Sabu: but I'll be honest with you
Virus: well consider this "friendship" over now
Sabu: that little phone call from NYPD was weird
Sabu: and if it wasnt you I would love to know which kid on your blast 
works with NYPD
Virus: you were in a public AIM blast group, which I invited my whole 
entire buddylist
Sabu: you're right
Sabu: and I apologize
Sabu: you're the only one I know from new york
Sabu: but again I didn't tie it to you my brother
Sabu: and that friendshit over shit is teenager bs
Virus: so wait, you have to be from NY to rat to the NYPD?
Sabu: if you're an adult you'll accept my apology and move on
Sabu: no not nessesarily
Sabu: kind of shitty one of your boys would rat on me though.
Virus: you claimed you "hacked" nyc.gov, somebody could have made 
contact to somebody over there or NYPD and told them
Sabu: I would love to find out who it was
Sabu: to see how much I'm worth
Virus: I bet if you told me, privately, it would have never got out and 
your "friend" would have never got that phone call.
Sabu: true
Sabu: well thats why I didnt say mike you dick
Virus: it's not "teenager bs" -- there's obviously no trust so why carry 
on chatting? 
Sabu: it was very vague/general and it was a story. not accusation
Sabu: eh, believe it or not
Sabu: you're the only one that had my bad publicly besides my crew
Sabu: I still got trust for you mate
Virus: Sabu, I know when somebody is implying something and if I 
released these logs I'm pretty sure a lot of people would notice that, 
Sabu: just do me a solid find out for me who is snitching from your 
Virus: look nigger, cut the "mate" crap -- I know you're from NY
Virus: I heard your voice
Virus: find out yourself.
Sabu: of course you heard me voice. I caleld you. you called me
Sabu: and the mate is slang I use for years
Virus: I called you, once, you never called me.
Sabu: you think that shits privy to aussie or english?
Virus: you use mate to throw the idiots off.
Sabu: you called me twice if I'm not mistaken
Virus: I did that shit too, back when I was "ZF0"
Sabu: haha you were in zf0?
Virus: twice, maybe
Virus: you never called me though
Sabu: texted you, correct
Virus: no, I wasn't the actual ZF0, I impersonated them and did a few 
Sabu: mhm got you
Virus: a lot of people bought it
Virus: I mean who else could hack their shit! not the dumb special ed 
kid they were talking shit to the night before.
Sabu: nice
Virus: anyway, I'm ending this convo, quiet frankly, I don't care if 
you're working with the feds to clean up the mess you created and 
getting your so called "friends" arrested
Virus: it's human nature
Sabu: my nigga
Sabu: you seriously need to stop saying that
Virus: or?
Sabu: I'm highly offended by it
Sabu: well lets make the OR
Sabu: we'll meet up in manhattan
Sabu: and talk it out face to face
Virus: I'm not one of these little scrub IT contractors you popped
Sabu: I'm not a snitch or some herb you can say that shit too
Sabu: I'm not adrian lamo
Sabu: so lets be real
Virus: I know your tactics, and you won't gain access to any of my shit
Sabu: bro you know me less than the feds do
Sabu: but lets be real
Virus: if you want to meet up, it can be arranged.
Sabu: I appreciate your friendship and the fact you backed me up 
Virus: pretty sure you would send some Anon bitches to do your dirty 
work though
Sabu: arranged? nigga just come through tomorrow
Sabu: nah I take care of my own issues
Sabu: if I get locked up though I'm making sure people know who set it 
Virus: by arranged, I mean make time for you, I do have a family I do my 
best to take care of
Sabu: the least thing anyone has ever called me was a snitch
Sabu: and the sad shit is
Virus: I can't just drop my computer and go kick your teeth in
Sabu: I wasnt even saying you were one in the first place
Sabu: what kind of lame faggot is an informant for the nypd anyway?
Sabu: it must be the lowest form of apathetic lamer possible
Sabu: I got more love for you than that
Virus: I don't know, you're the great all knowing Sabu, king of sqlmap
Virus: you tell me?
Sabu: I rarely use sqlmap ironiclly
Sabu: ironically 
Virus: oh yeah, right, havij
Sabu: but I know you're offended
Sabu: and you're talking mad shit right now
Sabu: so go clear your head and hit me up later
Virus: I rather just block you, I think you're a lamer, who doesn't know 
much about computers, who got busted by even lamer people who know even 
less who started a shit storm that goes by a contradicting name they 
stole from some other hackers
Sabu: haha
Sabu: thats a good one
Virus: "antisec" what a fucking joke
Virus: I'm sure the real antisec is offended
Sabu: for a fucking joke its doing more mayhem than it did a decade ago
Sabu: and I'm sure they're offended to
Sabu: and you know what?
Sabu: they can suck my dick
Virus: it wasn't about "mayhem"
Sabu: I've said this plenty of times
Sabu: what do you know? you werent even around in those days kid
Virus: you don't even get what antisec was about. you're not owning 
whitehats. just dumbass foreign .gov's
Virus: actually, I was
Virus: I just wasn't a "hacker"
Sabu: yeah you were on aol right?
Sabu: I was actually involved
Sabu: big difference my man
Sabu: telling me I dont know shit about computers
Virus: and I put that in quotes, like I did friends earlier, because I 
don't consider myself a hacker, like I don't consider topiary your 
Sabu: what the fuck kind of statement is that
Virus: anybody could run automated tools
Sabu: I don't sit here and run automated tools
Sabu: I'm a seasoned security researcher
Sabu: going back to mid to late 90s
Virus: you're a low level blackhat that got owned
Sabu: yeah ok. coming from someone who got offended by a funny story I 
Virus: a "script kiddie" if you will
Sabu: yeah ok
Sabu: you know thats furthest from the truth
Sabu: but anyway go clear your coinscinece/offense and hit me up later
Virus: I pretty much got what I had to say off my chest, I'm done being 
your friend, you're way too shady and I'm too old for this childish 
crap. when I "hack" I have a cause
Virus: a reason
Virus: and I rarely do it
Virus: your lame ass antisec movement is hitting anything it can
Sabu: I'm sure you think thats what is happeneing but thats not whats 
Sabu: you're starting to sound like every other idiot on twitter
Virus: if it can't append a single quote at the end of the url, and make 
the webapp spit out errors and run sqlmap/havij it moves on to something 
Sabu: my nigga if you got so much to say just come through
Sabu: this shit talking ain't even enticing me
Sabu: you wanna act like my friend until I tell you that my boy got a 
call from the nypd
Virus: what do you think I'm trying to entice you to do?
Virus: surely if I was a snitch, I'd make you meet up and I'd have some 
friends with me
Sabu: I'm sure
Virus: I'm not begging you to meet up with me
Sabu: I'm not begging you either. but you're talking a lot of shit like 
you have some issue with me
Sabu: when in reality I wasnt saying you were a snitch at all
Virus: I get offended, when a snitch, calls me a snitch.
Sabu: I always gave you mad love even from the first day I met you
Sabu: I'm a snitch you fucking snitch
Sabu: now you're getting me tight
Virus: if I was still 17-18 you would get owned for that shit
Virus: but I have a son to look after now
Sabu: even right now I'm trying to show you love and I'm starting to 
fucking to think that you are in fact an NYPD informant
Sabu: because you're WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY to defensive my nigga
Virus: I don't care for your love
Sabu: I could care less if you were a NYPD informant it ust shows how 
fucking lame you are
Virus: there is no "love" on the internet
Sabu: you must be one lame ass kid to get rocked by the.....NYPD?
Virus: we've never met, never will
Virus: if I ever see you, it'll most likely be your mug shot
Sabu: Fucking NYPD who still uses typewriters
Sabu: yeah. so you're going to snitch me out some more?
Sabu: good job son
Virus: right
Sabu: you know I ignored everyone that told me you were a snitch
Sabu: to give you the benefit of the doubr
Sabu: doubt even
Sabu: but see now what they were saying
Sabu: I mean my nigga. NYPD? ROFL
Sabu: come on
Sabu: son
Sabu: go call the fbi and say you got sabu logs
Sabu: that'll get you SOMETHING
Virus: I'm absolutely positive, you already got raided, and are setting 
your friends up and when they're done draining you for information and 
arrests they'll sentence you and it'll make nose
Sabu: if you knew me at all
Sabu: you'd know that if I were raided
Sabu: I'd take myself down if anything
Sabu: I'm the martyr type
Sabu: I grew up in the streets
Virus: it's a hunch, I'm always right
Sabu: this time you're wrong
Sabu: I rather go down for my own shit than take down my own niggas
Sabu: which is funny
Sabu: and ironic
Virus: if you think I'm an NYPD informant because I got offended by your 
inane accusation, then go ahead, believe what you want. I really don't 
give a rats ass.
Sabu: because my boys that were arrested in uk are probably singing 
tunes beautifully
Sabu: and I clearly don't give a fuck
Sabu: because no ones getting me
Virus: I'm pretty sure they are, for the sake of their futures
Virus: most do
Virus: especially since they're of age
Virus: you were already "got"
Virus: it's obvious you're singing like a birdy
Sabu: heh 
Sabu: you're getting really tiring with that
Sabu: I never gave you any reason to think that. andi ts funny when 
people are guilty of something
Virus: you gave me plenty
Sabu: they liek to reflect onto the other person
Sabu: like*
Sabu: my nigga look if you're an NYPD informant by all means congrats 
and good luck with that
Sabu: but don't call nonsnitches snitches
Sabu: especially when you dont know them
Sabu: its not my fault 95% of your friends on aol snitched on you or 
turned informant and you're all a bunch of fucking pussies
Sabu: but remember I left that aol scene in 98
Sabu: my scene is different from yours
Sabu: you and I are two different people
Virus: http://blackhats.com/infosuck/0x005e.png
Virus: you've been around going that far back and still can't do 
anything on your own with out the help of an automated tool?
Sabu: ..
Sabu: just because someone says I use metasploit doesnt mean I do
Virus: http://blackhats.com/infosuck/0x005a.png
Sabu: I dont use metasploit
Sabu: nor sqlmap
Sabu: havij once in a blue
Sabu: most of my research is real time hands on
Sabu: nice so you're going to paste me shitty comics other people made 
talking shit about me
Virus: http://blackhats.com/infosuck/0x0048.png
Sabu: my only response to that kind of lame ass hating is simple
Virus: they're true, and it's hilarious
Sabu: if its true what everyone says, they should be ashamed because in 
less than a few months we've done more than all of you have done 
combined in your fucking lives
Sabu: and thats a sad truth you will all have to accept and face
Virus: here's my favorite: http://blackhats.com/infosuck/0x0042.png
Virus: how would you know?
Sabu: thats actually a stupid point because before I even woke up
Virus: what I've done, or who I'm friends with, or what they've done?
Sabu: there were mad messages from anons anonymousirc and others that 
already posted it
Sabu: but yet niggas want to focus on my one tweet
Sabu: like a bunch of hating ass faggots
Virus: not all of us broadcast on Twitter, and get "v&"
Sabu: hanging off my dick for dear life
Virus: I don't even get on Twitter anymore, because it's nothing but 
dumb asses tweeting about "LulzSec"/"Anonymous"(l0l @ all the 
contradicting names you guys come up with) 24/7
Sabu: lulzsecs been dead since june when topiary killed it
Sabu: anonymous is a movement
Sabu: antisec is an operation within that movement
Sabu: educate yourself
Virus: it's all gay, and contradicting
Virus: antisec isn't antisec
Virus: anonymous isn't really anonymous
Sabu: nigga you dont even know wtf antisec is
Virus: you aren't educated
Virus: you aren't a hacker
Sabu: yo you're talking like a fucking teenage aoler right now
Virus: you're a script kiddie, twitter whore.
Sabu: straight up
Virus: go tweet about it, bro.
Sabu: like someone thats straight up ego hurt I brought up something 
Sabu: my nigga theres no need to be so fucking hurt
Sabu: seriously
Sabu: and if you are an informant than more the power to you
Sabu: if I knew you were going to be such a touch bitch after bringing 
up the story
Sabu: I would have kept quiet and sat on it
Virus: now with that being said and done, I'm going to go ahead and save 
this conversation to my hdd and terminate this IM. you have a great time 
sucking convict dick in prison when you're done sucking off your 
handler. faggot.


from: http://www.kryogeniks.org/sabu_bragging_in_public.txt

Sabu: (11:03:46 PM) remember that kid from teamp0ison that fucked with 
Sabu: (11:03:47 PM) hex?
Virus: (11:03:53 PM) he didn't fuck with me
Virus: (11:03:55 PM) I owned him
Sabu: (11:04:02 PM) que sera sera
Sabu: (11:04:04 PM) but
Virus: (11:04:04 PM) kids a chumpppppppppppppppp
Sabu: (11:04:10 PM) I got some LOL to show you
Sabu: (11:04:15 PM) nigga admitting hes an informant
Virus: (11:04:15 PM) virtual machine lagging from hashcat
Sabu: (11:04:22 PM) and pasting me emails between him and feds
Virus: (11:04:22 PM) appending extra characters
Sabu: (11:04:27 PM) doing it up like ryan1918
Virus: (11:04:32 PM) fwd to [email protected]
Sabu: (11:04:40 PM) I dont do email son
Sabu: (11:04:46 PM) I'll link you to my tor2web box
immunity: (11:04:50 PM) ok...
Sabu: (11:05:01 PM) uNF
Virus: (11:05:15 PM) what the fuck could the feds possibly have hooked 
him for?
Virus: (11:05:19 PM) he's too stupid to hack anything
Virus: (11:05:27 PM) he couldn't even hack ethelsflowershop.com bro
Sabu: (11:05:36 PM) well they just defaced blackberry.com yesterday. 
little faggots have some wordpress 0day
Sabu: (11:05:41 PM) I think its a theme RCE
Virus: (11:05:47 PM) timthumb.php
Sabu: (11:05:50 PM) yeah
Virus: (11:05:50 PM) it's not 0day
Virus: (11:05:54 PM) I saw that defacement
Sabu: (11:05:54 PM) not anymore no
Virus: (11:06:01 PM) and emailed their sec team
Virus: (11:06:05 PM) it wasn't 0day yesterday or the day before
Virus: (11:06:08 PM) it was circulating
Virus: (11:06:17 PM) I saw it posted in #blackhat on EFNet
Sabu: (11:06:22 PM) mhm
Virus: (11:06:27 PM) more like 1day
Sabu: (11:06:28 PM) well thats how they been getting big hits
Sabu: (11:06:29 PM) but
Virus: (11:06:36 PM) what else did they strike?
Virus: (11:06:41 PM) who the fuck runs wordpress
Sabu: (11:06:43 PM) they also found a hole in the electronic filing 
system for doj
Virus: (11:06:46 PM) it's one big steaming pile of crap
Sabu: (11:06:50 PM) thats why they been posting sealed court records
Sabu: (11:06:52 PM) on their twitter
Sabu: (11:06:56 PM) they posted sarah palin records
Sabu: (11:06:57 PM) but see
Sabu: (11:06:59 PM) he fucked up
Sabu: (11:07:05 PM) nigger pastes me the header for the software
Sabu: (11:07:08 PM) I found that shit quick
Sabu: (11:07:16 PM) its a fucking /cgi-bin/ perl plox
Sabu: (11:07:18 PM) show you in a second
Virus: (11:07:24 PM) you should dump it and kill their 15 minutes of 
Sabu: (11:07:29 PM) probably has a LFI in that shit something massively 
Sabu: (11:07:30 PM) yeah
Sabu: (11:07:36 PM) I am going to dump his whole shit
Virus: (11:07:43 PM) they probably found it with nessus or nikto l0l
Sabu: (11:07:44 PM) doxed him last night to the point you'll shit 
Sabu: (11:07:56 PM) one seckz
Sabu: (11:08:22 PM) check his myspace 
Sabu: (11:08:33 PM) niggas walking around rocking the crow facial makeup
Sabu: (11:08:34 PM) ROFL
Virus: (11:08:56 PM) I sent [email protected] an email
Sabu: (11:08:58 PM) 04:09 <Hex000101> Welcome to the U.S. District Court 
for the Northern District of New York - Main Office (Syracuse) [LIVE - 
Version 4.2]
04:09 <Hex000101> Northern District of New York - Main Office (Syracuse) 
[LIVE - Version 4.2] - Document Filing System
04:09 <Hex000101> Owned
Virus: (11:09:01 PM) told them to rm thumbs.php
Sabu: (11:09:19 PM) yeah
Virus: (11:09:30 PM) included their info
Virus: (11:09:39 PM) snitched 2k11
Virus: (11:10:19 PM) show me those emails
Sabu: (11:10:23 PM) sec
Virus: (11:10:45 PM) they use cloudflare, thinking it'll protect their 
server IP
Virus: (11:10:47 PM) and ward off all kinds of nasty attacks
immunity: (11:11:24 PM)
immunity: (11:11:37 PM) ever hear of santrax? I had a shell on there too
immunity: (11:11:41 PM) but they rm'ed the forum dir
Sabu: (11:12:12 PM) yup
Virus: (11:12:32 PM) you have any code exec on there?
immunity: (11:13:14 PM) !invite cas
[aim]: (11:13:16 PM) You have invited cas to join [aim].
immunity: (11:13:22 PM) !invite cachecontrol
[aim]: (11:13:22 PM) You have invited cachecontrol to join [aim].
Sabu: (11:13:54 PM) your boys @ nypd doing some crazy shit: 
Sabu: (11:13:57 PM) might have to own them son
immunity: (11:14:21 PM) do it
immunity: (11:14:30 PM) idk their website
Sabu: (11:15:13 PM) doitt.nyc.gov
Sabu: (11:15:17 PM) already on it son
Sabu: (11:15:19 PM) come on nigga
Sabu: (11:15:21 PM) whats my fucking name
immunity: (11:15:23 PM) that's the computer crime squad's website?
immunity: (11:15:29 PM) the fuck
Sabu: (11:15:37 PM) nein but doitt runs their entire infrastructure
Sabu: (11:15:51 PM) want to know how I know?
Sabu: (11:15:54 PM) huhuhuhuhuh
immunity: (11:16:20 PM) yeah
Sabu: (11:17:44 PM) $ uname -a;last|grep nyc|more
SunOS shell 5.10 Generic_120011-14 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V240
******    pts/7        bcpxy1d.nyc.gov  Wed Aug 10 13:49   still logged 
*******    sshd         bcpxy1d.nyc.gov  Wed Aug 10 13:49 - 23:14  

immunity: (11:18:03 PM) sweet, send me the link to that shell
immunity: (11:18:10 PM) I wanna play w/ a SPARC box
Sabu: (11:18:23 PM) aRF

virus vs #jester

[01:02]	|<--	chod has left collective.2600.net (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[01:02]	<th3j35t3r>	Fighter: jester lives in many forms.
[01:02]	<mach>	new boogieman? th3j35t3r? Back to Tunisia in a moment.
[01:02]	<th3j35t3r>	you only see the publiuc form.
[01:03]	<th3j35t3r>	which is what I need you to see.
[01:03]	<CriticalDanger>	False flag?
[01:03]	<th3j35t3r>	jester is like an iceberg tip.
[01:04]	<th3j35t3r>	I would have thought that would have already been noticed by now.
[01:04]	<CriticalDanger>	I like that analogy.
[01:04]	<th3j35t3r>	but alas - spoonfeed the trols
[01:04]	<Airells>	i remeber old times, when th3j35t3r were here and on freenode with 2 persons , not alone.
[01:04]	<wah>	But why? Why publicize at all in this way? Unless you enjoy the feeling of being on the battlefield
[01:04]	<th3j35t3r>	Airells: I remember too.
[01:04]	<CriticalDanger>	th3j35t3r: been receiving much trouble from jihadists? And direct threats?
[01:05]	<th3j35t3r>	Wah: if you feel the need to ask, you dont get it.
[01:05]	-->|	alphadog202 ([email protected]) has joined #jester
[01:05]	<th3j35t3r>	critical: everyday. and know this, I take their threats more seriously than anything baby anon throw.
[01:05]	<outsidein>	j35 may work alone, but is not alone in his fight.
[01:05]	<OhYeah>	J35t3r, do you plan on continuing what you are doing for as long as possible? Or do you plan to eventually just stop? (Or cease fire shall I say?)
[01:06]	<Airells>	you need to make FAQ . same questions .
[01:06]	<chifmevious>	@th3j35t3r - do you think that on3iroi actually provides a threat to wikileaks and do you have any idea what his methods of attack are / are going to be?
[01:06]	<th3j35t3r>	ohyeah: I will continue to misdirect. to facilitate my main target. Anon are a joke, a sideshow.
[01:07]	<Fighterlegend>	Ask your questions for th3j35t3r through me, as it was preferred.
[01:07]	<th3j35t3r>	@all anyone here have a problem with my main jihadist target?
[01:07]	<th3j35t3r>	if you do i'd like to speak to you.
[01:07]	<outsidein>	no
[01:07]	<FIREnKNIVES>	Hell no. HOORAH
[01:08]	<ft285>	not at all.. i'd love U to add some child pornographic bastards on your targets
[01:08]	<wah>	no but I don't have a hoorah attitude either
[01:08]	|<--	DrBardo has left collective.2600.net (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[01:08]	<th3j35t3r>	anon are nothiing to me, but I am a little pissed they cant do they're own dirty work.
[01:08]	-->|	catshitone ([email protected]) has joined #jester
[01:09]	<th3j35t3r>	WAH: thats because you sit on your ass, and troll some, you never even saw a real 'hoorah'
[01:09]	<wah>	I am genuinely not trolling
[01:09]	<catshitone>	lol
[01:09]	<th3j35t3r>	anon are not my enemy.
[01:09]	<FIREnKNIVES>	th3j35t3r: If your true id ever was truly exposed do you think that u could continue your work?
[01:09]	<th3j35t3r>	but they did bring a fight to me.
[01:09]	<wah>	and I can assure you I seen enough of the difficult times
[01:10]	<th3j35t3r>	I merely responded.
[01:10]	<th3j35t3r>	as a warrior soul - so to speak.
[01:10]	<wah>	a mistake on both parts but that's just my opinion
[01:10]	<th3j35t3r>	They 'defend free speech'
[01:10]	<th3j35t3r>	i HIT wl
[01:10]	<CriticalDanger>	While limiting yours...
[01:10]	-->|	DrBardo ([email protected]) has joined #jester
[01:11]	-->|	g0hst ([email protected]) has joined #jester
[01:11]	<th3j35t3r>	Exercising my free speech
[01:11]	<th3j35t3r>	they target me
[01:11]	<th3j35t3r>	I respond.
[01:11]	<th3j35t3r>	its as simple as that
[01:11]	|<--	Snake has left collective.2600.net (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:11]	<th3j35t3r>	if they love free speech, n shit. Respect mine.
[01:12]	<reignz>	g0hst as in g0hst from team xecuter?
[01:12]	<g0hst>	no sirs
[01:12]	<reignz>	oh ok
[01:12]	<mikevirus>	if anybody wants tyrdr0p's personal information it will be posted on kryogeniks.org
[01:12]	<mikevirus>	these kids obviously suck
[01:12]	<mikevirus>	lol tor
[01:12]	<DrBardo>	lol
[01:12]	-->|	Snake ([email protected]) has joined #jester
[01:12]	<mr_sticky>	th3j35t3r: what do you know about h3r0d07u5, and why does he only have 1 post on his blog (which happens to be about you), while he claims to be "reporting on cyberwarfare & hacktivism" ? ( http://h3r0d07u5.wordpress.com/ ) .... Herodotus aka 'the father of lies'
[01:13]	|<--	anon451 has left collective.2600.net (Quit: ircII EPIC4-2.10.1 -- Are we there yet?)
[01:13]	<th3j35t3r>	dudes theres many writings about me.
[01:13]	<th3j35t3r>	I cannot apologize for that\
[01:13]	<mr_sticky>	not quite like this one ...
[01:13]	<CriticalDanger>	Any favourites?
[01:14]	<Airells>	th3j35t3r i understand wikileaks is wrong in your opinion. Can you point out familiar site which is good in your opinion? we know what "evil "is , but where is "good"?
[01:14]	<th3j35t3r>	but feel free to accuse him as being me along with a long list of others.
[01:14]	<DrBardo>	laterzzzz dudes - respect j35t3r, legend, wah etc..
[01:14]	<wtf>	cryptome.org imho
[01:14]	<mikevirus>	LOL
[01:14]	<FIREnKNIVES>	@ CD: I was about to ask that!
[01:14]	<th3j35t3r>	everytime I get accused of being someone.....
[01:15]	|<--	DrBardo has left collective.2600.net ()
[01:15]	-->|	anon451 ([email protected]) has joined #jester
[01:15]	<th3j35t3r>	it actually really does piss me off
[01:15]	<th3j35t3r>	if ya gonna do it
[01:15]	<Fighterlegend>	Pisses me off too
[01:15]	<mikevirus>	[email protected]
[01:15]	<th3j35t3r>	get it right
[01:15]	<th3j35t3r>	because these poor guys ya get it wrong with
[01:15]	<OhYeah>	I'd imagine so. Definitely doesn't help anything.
[01:15]	<th3j35t3r>	face some kinda shit
[01:15]	<mr_sticky>	i have not accused you ... you reading something that i havent written ?
[01:15]	<th3j35t3r>	like I said
[01:16]	<th3j35t3r>	anon is a 1 month op
[01:16]	<th3j35t3r>	theres much scarier people after J
[01:16]	<th3j35t3r>	but notice
[01:16]	<th3j35t3r>	all are safe
[01:16]	<mikevirus>	th3j35t3r: you're a troll
[01:17]	<th3j35t3r>	I look after every false named me.
[01:17]	<mikevirus>	tyrdr0p: you're a troll too and I'm dumping your docs I retreived off your charter account
[01:17]	<th3j35t3r>	one way or the other\
[01:17]	<mikevirus>	and I hope Anonymous visits you and kilsl scrappy.
[01:17]	<mikevirus>	kills*
[01:18]	<Fighterlegend>	Brule Cory Stro
[01:18]	<FIREnKNIVES>	th3j35t3r: If your actual id were ever truly exposed do u think you could still continue your work?
[01:18]	-->|	alphadog2021 ([email protected]) has joined #jester
[01:18]	<OhYeah>	LOL.
[01:18]	<th3j35t3r>	excuse typo
[01:18]	|<--	newworldm0nkey has left collective.2600.net (Quit: Leaving)
[01:18]	<FIREnKNIVES>	Thnx
[01:18]	<mikevirus>	Service from 01/10/11 through 02/09/11
[01:18]	<mikevirus>	Previous Balance 69.51
[01:18]	<mikevirus>	Payments Received 0.00
[01:18]	<mikevirus>	Adjustments 6.44
[01:18]	<mikevirus>	Remaining Balance (Past Due) $69.51
[01:18]	<mikevirus>	Charter TV Services 21.99
[01:18]	<mikevirus>	Charter Internet Services 44.99
[01:18]	<mikevirus>	Taxes & Fees 1.04
[01:19]	<mikevirus>	Current Charges $143.97
[01:19]	<FIREnKNIVES>	Bye mike
[01:19]	<mikevirus>	Your Auto Pay will be Processed $3.97
[01:19]	<mikevirus>	pay your bill
[01:19]	<th3j35t3r>	mike: ya really boring - how bout you fuck offr.
[01:19]	<OhYeah>	^
[01:19]	<FIREnKNIVES>	^
[01:19]	<th3j35t3r>	see?
[01:19]	<Fighterlegend>	What they said
[01:19]	<mikevirus>	how about you do something? I'll fuck you up
[01:19]	<CriticalDanger>	^
[01:19]	<OhYeah>	Critical, bad timing. :P
[01:19]	<CriticalDanger>	Ah shit
[01:19]	<OhYeah>	XD
[01:20]	<reignz>	where did you get that lexis nexis?
[01:20]	<CriticalDanger>	XD
[01:20]	|<--	alphadog202 has left collective.2600.net (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[01:20]	<Fighterlegend>	haha
[01:20]	<mikevirus>	yeah Lexis Nexis showed me his Charter bill
[01:20]	<mikevirus>	here's a hint
[01:20]	<mikevirus>	mikevirus@no ~ $ cat access.log | grep th3j
[01:20]	<mikevirus> - - [11/Jan/2011:00:35:17 +0000] "GET /th3j35t3r HTTP/1.1" 404 275 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13"
[01:20]	<mikevirus>	damn, should have configured your webbrowser to use tor, tyrdr0p!
[01:20]	<th3j35t3r>	mike
[01:21]	|<--	anon451 has left collective.2600.net (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[01:21]	<CriticalDanger>	Why is mike "attacking" tyrdr0p :P
[01:21]	<Fighterlegend>	Not sure
[01:21]	-->|	Badger ([email protected]) has joined #jester
[01:22]	<th3j35t3r>	Mike ya there?
[01:22]	<mikevirus> - IP Address
[01:22]	<mikevirus>	Daniel McMahon - Account holder
[01:22]	<mikevirus>	1316 10th St - Billing address
[01:22]	<mikevirus>	Columbus, GA 31906 - City, State, Zip
[01:22]	<mikevirus>	1-706-324-6862 - WTN(Working telephone number)
[01:22]	<mikevirus>	[email protected] - Contact email
[01:22]	<mikevirus>	8783400020763395 - Account number
[01:22]	<mikevirus>	mcnixgolf - Online ID
[01:22]	<th3j35t3r>	lol
[01:22]	<mikevirus>	6807 - Security code
[01:22]	<mikevirus>	scrappy - Pet's name/ASQ answer
[01:22]	<th3j35t3r>	awsome fail.
[01:22]	<mikevirus>	check mate. get at me tyrdr0p
[01:22]	<th3j35t3r>	http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=573809896
[01:22]	-->|	Eochaid ([email protected]) has joined #jester
[01:22]	<th3j35t3r>	mikevirus2010, mikesiny89, sincerelyvirus, voidmike, mke, broadband
[01:22]	<mikevirus>	that's his legitimate information
[01:23]	<th3j35t3r>	[email protected]
[01:23]	<mikevirus>	Oh good job, my aim screen names which AOL suspended long ago
[01:23]	<mikevirus>	you want to chat on AIM? message me on the screen name "root"
[01:23]	<th3j35t3r>	http://www.myspace.com/virus
[01:23]	<th3j35t3r>	http://www.myspace.com/kryogeniksmike
[01:23]	<mikevirus>	shit, you Google'd me
[01:23]	<th3j35t3r>	http://la.gg/v/mikevirus.jp
[01:23]	<mikevirus>	I still owned your boy
[01:23]	<mikevirus>	I'm going to dismantle all of his services
[01:23]	<mikevirus>	brb
[01:24]	<th3j35t3r>	http://la.gg/v/mikeakavirus.jpg
[01:24]	<th3j35t3r>	http://la.gg/v/virus_1.jp
[01:24]	<Fighterlegend>	"This Account Has Been Suspended"
[01:24]	<th3j35t3r>	http://la.gg/v/virusmyspace.jpg
[01:24]	<OhYeah>	^@Fighter
[01:25]	<th3j35t3r>	mom: Luz Maria Nieves
[01:25]	<CriticalDanger>	Is that the point though...?
[01:25]	<th3j35t3r>	(347)466-4996 - is a sprint wireless line listed under "Kiara Nieves" in whitepages
[01:25]	<mikevirus>	most of that information is invalid - posted by cryptome when our group hacked them - they even posted fake pictures
[01:25]	<CriticalDanger>	Guessing....Hispanic?
[01:25]	<outsidein>	is she hot or not?
[01:25]	<th3j35t3r>	Justin Perras
[01:25]	<mikevirus>	all of their sources are random people we hacked
[01:25]	<Fighterlegend>	haha
[01:25]	<mikevirus>	like Kevin Mitnick, Pad from yayo.org
[01:25]	<th3j35t3r>	http://www.facebook.com/jperras1
[01:25]	<mikevirus>	you're up next, th3j35t3r
[01:26]	<Fighterlegend>	Mikey, getting scared>
[01:26]	<Fighterlegend>	?
[01:26]	<reignz>	lol
[01:26]	<th3j35t3r>	Criminal records:
[01:26]	<th3j35t3r>	http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/07/04/lexisnexis_breach/
[01:26]	<Fighterlegend>	oh shit
[01:26]	<Fighterlegend>	haha
[01:26]	<Fighterlegend>	Shit just got real
[01:26]	<OhYeah>	^
[01:26]	<OhYeah>	Yeah really.
[01:26]	<th3j35t3r>	He was 19 when he was busted '05 lexis nexis breach, that would make him 22 now.
[01:26]	<mikevirus>	Contact Email Address change »
[01:26]	<mikevirus>	[email protected]
[01:26]	<mikevirus>	Service Address
[01:26]	<mikevirus>	1316 10TH ST
[01:26]	<mikevirus>	COLUMBUS, GA 319063006
[01:26]	<mikevirus>	(706)984-8792
[01:26]	<mikevirus>	Moving? Charter Mover Resource »
[01:26]	<mikevirus>	Billing Address change bill to address »
[01:26]	<mikevirus>	5045 MILGEN CT STE 13
[01:26]	<th3j35t3r>	Last known addresses:
[01:26]	<mikevirus>	COLUMBUS, GA 319078722
[01:27]	<mikevirus>	right from your accounts, the hax master owning these wannabe hackers
[01:27]	<th3j35t3r>	116 David St
[01:27]	<th3j35t3r>	New Bedford, MA
[01:27]	<th3j35t3r>	91 Pembroke Ave
[01:27]	<th3j35t3r>	Achushnet, MA 02743
[01:27]	<th3j35t3r>	(Uncle's house)
[01:27]	<mikevirus>	th3j35t3r: question, how do you take screen shots on OS X?
[01:28]	<th3j35t3r>	James Robert Black Jr.
[01:28]	<Fighterlegend>	Easy, take a hammer to the screen
[01:28]	<OhYeah>	^
[01:28]	<CriticalDanger>	Lol
[01:28]	<mikevirus>	lol fail trolls failing
[01:28]	<th3j35t3r>	Phone: (615)483-2854
[01:28]	<Fighterlegend>	Wait, I'm stating what I know
[01:28]	<mikevirus>	umad?
[01:28]	<th3j35t3r>	so Mike
[01:28]	<th3j35t3r>	umad?
[01:28]	<Fighterlegend>	Some kid took a hammer to an apple a while back
[01:28]	<Fighterlegend>	and asked me to fix it
[01:28]	<CriticalDanger>	Use an iPhone to take a pic of the screen?
[01:28]	<mikevirus>	nah
[01:28]	<mikevirus>	it's all good
[01:29]	<mikevirus>	fuck Anonymous, it's you vs me
[01:29]	<reignz>	lol
[01:29]	<th3j35t3r>	keep the faith - nobody will think I am right
[01:29]	<mikevirus>	pick on somebody your own size. bitch.
[01:29]	<reignz>	its like fighting a ghost
[01:29]	<Fighterlegend>	Mike, I hope you don't post that information again unless you KNOW
[01:29]	<th3j35t3r>	because anon always get it right?
[01:29]	<chifmevious>	lol mike, what makes you think you're HIS size?
[01:29]	<Fighterlegend>	^
[01:29]	<th3j35t3r>	cmon mike
[01:29]	<mikevirus>	I know for a fact, that was tyrdr0p's personal information. Do you know for a fact that is mine?
[01:29]	<th3j35t3r>	return fire?
[01:30]	<mikevirus>	lolumad?
[01:30]	<FIREnKNIVES>	mikevirus: but why?
[01:30]	-->|	l1ch0 ([email protected]) has joined #jester
[01:30]	<Fighterlegend>	Mike, why are you going after tyrdr0p?
[01:30]	<OhYeah>	^
[01:30]	<CriticalDanger>	Why tyrdr0p though?
[01:30]	<OhYeah>	What's the use?
[01:30]	<chifmevious>	mike, you said jester was next target - why are you screwing with tyr and not jester? dog too big for you to bite at? uscared?
[01:30]	<th3j35t3r>	cmon mike fight back - dont troll.
[01:30]	<Fighterlegend>	On my record, he hasn't done anything to you.
[01:30]	<mikevirus>	that's th3j35t3r's buttbuddy. he was talking shit.
[01:30]	<chifmevious>	mikes talking a lot of shit but not doing anything - lululul
[01:30]	<mikevirus>	PgUp
[01:30]	<th3j35t3r>	mike you are missing the target?
[01:30]	<reignz>	lol
[01:30]	<th3j35t3r>	cmon fight me
[01:30]	<chifmevious>	c'mon mike, be a hero
[01:30]	<chifmevious>	fight him
[01:30]	<chifmevious>	do it
[01:31]	<th3j35t3r>	mike
[01:31]	<th3j35t3r>	mike...
[01:31]	<mikevirus>	one noob at a time
[01:31]	<th3j35t3r>	I got more if you want it.
[01:31]	<th3j35t3r>	mike???
[01:31]	<th3j35t3r>	fight me
[01:31]	<Fighterlegend>	I am a noob to trolling, care to explain how that works mike?
[01:31]	<th3j35t3r>	what ya got?
[01:31]	<mikevirus>	nothing yet
[01:31]	<th3j35t3r>	no shit.
[01:31]	<th3j35t3r>	so ya trolling?
[01:31]	<chifmevious>	hey guys remember that time mike bit off more than he could chew? o shit wait..
[01:31]	<th3j35t3r>	now fuck off.
[01:32]	<Fighterlegend>	haha, chif
[01:32]	<th3j35t3r>	mike go away - while you still can.
[01:32]	<chifmevious>	;)
[01:32]	<chifmevious>	the fact that he's letting you disappear is noteworthy imo - get out while you can
[01:32]	<th3j35t3r>	bye mike
[01:32]	<mikevirus>	that was tyrdr0p's personal information I dropped - as of now I only have HIS
[01:32]	<mikevirus>	nothing on th3j35t3r yet
[01:32]	<OhYeah>	"yet" Who says you will find anything?
[01:32]	<chifmevious>	and you won't bro. get out.
[01:33]	<th3j35t3r>	double bluff
[01:33]	<mikevirus>	trust me, you're coming up when I finish tyrdr0p
[01:33]	<th3j35t3r>	tyrdrop is a master of mis-info.
[01:33]	<mikevirus>	OhYeah: I ALWAYS hit my target
[01:33]	<th3j35t3r>	mike you know its you.
[01:33]	<th3j35t3r>	good attempt.
[01:33]	<th3j35t3r>	why did you not say it was me?
[01:33]	<th3j35t3r>	that would have been your ace
[01:34]	<th3j35t3r>	but you know its you.
[01:34]	<th3j35t3r>	you backpeddalling
[01:34]	<th3j35t3r>	know it.
[01:34]	<FIREnKNIVES>	mikevirus: you make sure u understand your tagrets and WHY ur "hitting"
[01:34]	<mikevirus>	I back traced it!
[01:34]	<catshitone>	bring it on th3j35t3r! we are watching. :D
[01:34]	<mikevirus>	talk shit, get hacked. faggot.
[01:34]	-->|	null ([email protected]) has joined #jester
[01:34]	<null>	w0t?
[01:34]	<th3j35t3r>	mike be graciuos and fuck off.
[01:34]	<mikevirus>	th3j35t3r: just dropped your name and an article about you
[01:34]	<null>	about me?
[01:35]	<mikevirus>	because I hacked his friend tyrdr0p
[01:35]	<null>	mikevirus: w0t?
[01:35]	<mikevirus>	ya
[01:35]	<null>	mikevirus: LOLZ
[01:35]	<null>	mikevirus: where can i read it?
[01:35]	<mikevirus>	he posted the garbage John Youn posted on cryptome.org
[01:35]	<mikevirus>	he thinks he has our personal information ;)
[01:35]	<null>	mikevirus: what a terrible, terrible source.
[01:35]	* null	yawns
[01:35]	<FIREnKNIVES>	Whenever u want. I'm a nobody
[01:35]	<mikevirus>	I know, right?
[01:35]	<null>	who is he, again?
[01:35]	<Airells>	calm down girls
[01:35]	<null>	Adrian^L: hi. are these your friends?
[01:36]	<mikevirus>	is that Adrian Lamo?
[01:36]	<catshitone>	mikevirus: is a skid!
[01:36]	<null>	mikevirus: he uses 'adrian' typically on here.
[01:36]	<FIREnKNIVES>	lol. sorry
[01:36]	<mikevirus>	I wasn't aware he came on this network
[01:36]	<Badger>	n00b
[01:36]	<null>	mikevirus: you never posted anything on skype
[01:36]	<null>	Badger: no u
[01:36]	<null>	
[01:36]	<null>	_ __ ___ _ _
[01:36]	<null>	| '_ \ / _ \| | | |
[01:36]	<null>	| | | | (_) | |_| |
[01:36]	<null>	|_| |_|\___/ \__,_|
[01:36]	<null>	
[01:36]	<Badger>	even I know Lamo gets on Jester channel LOLZ
[01:37]	<null>	well, i know he gets on many channels.
[01:37]	<mikevirus>	I don't frequent this lame channel. I'm just sick of th3j35t3r and tyrdr0p acting like hard asses on the internet
[01:37]	<catshitone>	hi lamo!
[01:37]	<Badger>	you must be so proud of yourself congrats
[01:37]	<null>	but typically uses adrian and phalse.260.net ;p
[01:37]	<null>	(#gay2600)
[01:37]	<mikevirus>	I came in here talking to th3j35t3r and tyrdr0p came at me
[01:37]	<mikevirus>	and now he's owned
[01:37]	<null>	so th3j35t3r, what is it that you are writing about me?
[01:37]	<mikevirus>	th3j35t3r: you will be next.
[01:37]	<mikevirus>	I don't see you dropping "dox" on Justin now
[01:37]	<mikevirus>	are you scared?
[01:37]	<th3j35t3r>	me no
[01:37]	<th3j35t3r>	are you?
[01:38]	<null>	th3j35t3r: surely you must understand that he and I are different people. I am curious as to your reasoning.. and well..
[01:38]	<Badger>	how come n00bs always ask "are you scared? " LOL #fail
[01:38]	<catshitone>	mikevirus: justin beaver?
[01:38]	<null>	relying on the information JY posted is .. foolish.
[01:38]	<th3j35t3r>	mike: you wanna fail some more here?
[01:38]	<mikevirus>	he wasn't sure who was who so he pasted Michael Nieves and Justin perras in here - from cryptome.org
[01:38]	<null>	Badger: nobody is talking to you. /exec -o figlet 'stfu' ;p
[01:38]	<null>	o.O i see
[01:38]	<th3j35t3r>	mike I am talking to you.
[01:38]	<null>	well, i am justin_perras. that's no secret.
[01:38]	<Badger>	LOL awww you gonna make me cry. esp since I dont know you and dont give a fuck what you say LOL #FAIL NULL
[01:39]	<mikevirus>	they also posted the Lexis Nexis articles
[01:39]	<th3j35t3r>	I just gave you a heads up there
[01:39]	<null>	sure sure, Badger.
[01:39]	<th3j35t3r>	mike
[01:39]	<mikevirus>	you're mad I_owned_your_bf
[01:39]	<th3j35t3r>	on what can be acheived
[01:39]	<null>	BORING
[01:39]	<Fighterlegend>	So, mike, how's the weather?
[01:39]	<mikevirus>	cold
[01:39]	<th3j35t3r>	mike you are so over your head.
[01:39]	<mikevirus>	time to /ignore Fighterlegend
[01:39]	<Fighterlegend>	hehe
[01:39]	|<--	OhYeah has left collective.2600.net (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia http://www.kvirc.net/)
[01:39]	<null>	mikevirus: just pwn these phags if you can. why am I here, baby? I was busy playing this new shitty game.
[01:39]	<Fighterlegend>	I feel accomplished
[01:40]	-->|	Karma ([email protected]) has joined #jester
[01:40]	<mikevirus>	are you going to ddos me like you did Wikileaks? ;)
[01:40]	<null>	R.O.F.L
[01:40]	-->|	OhYeah ([email protected]) has joined #jester
[01:40]	<th3j35t3r>	I dont ddos - read the news.
[01:40]	<mikevirus>	we can wipe our asses with Wikileaks and cryptome
[01:40]	<null>	i love that response - 'read the news'
[01:40]	<mikevirus>	h4h4h4
[01:40]	<null>	ya srsly hawhaw4lyfe
[01:40]	<null>	_ _
[01:40]	<null>	| |__ __ ___ _| |__ __ ___ __
[01:40]	<null>	| '_ \ / _` \ \ /\ / / '_ \ / _` \ \ /\ / /
[01:40]	<null>	| | | | (_| |\ V V /| | | | (_| |\ V V /
[01:40]	<null>	|_| |_|\__,_| \_/\_/ |_| |_|\__,_| \_/\_/
[01:40]	<mikevirus>	fukking chumpz
[01:40]	<null>	
[01:40]	<th3j35t3r>	mike you are fast becoming a 'personal' target - ya know - just for me.
[01:41]	<mikevirus>	Oh gnoz
[01:41]	<mikevirus>	so scared
[01:41]	<th3j35t3r>	null: FUCKOFF
[01:41]	<Badger>	RU MAD LOLZ
[01:41]	<catshitone>	mikevirus: it's a dos!
[01:41]	<null>	oh
[01:41]	<mikevirus>	it's always an up the ass masacre whereever I go
[01:41]	<null>	r0d3nt: hi andrew
[01:41]	<null>	yo r0d3nt remember when i owned 2600.com and u got punked for being a bad, bad boy to me and mitra?
[01:41]	<null>	lol emmanuel reamed u cuz i pwnt him. HAWHAW
[01:42]	<mikevirus>	h4h4h4h4, that's r0d3nt?
[01:42]	<Airells>	kids?
[01:42]	<null>	yes andrew is rodent
[01:42]	<Fighterlegend>	Lady.
[01:42]	<null>	we just call him cheeseburger though.
[01:42]	-->|	anon451 ([email protected]) has joined #jester
[01:42]	<null>	fat bastard.
[01:42]	<mikevirus>	hacked by Kryogeniks, ZF0, rodent you sure do get owned a lot.
[01:42]	<mikevirus>	what's up tyrdr0p, why so quiet? shall I confiscate your twitter next? ;)
[01:42]	<null>	one day he was on cam .. and it froze as his fat_ass was eating a cheeseburger
[01:42]	<null>	IT WAS EPIC LULZ
[01:43]	<Fighterlegend>	haha
[01:43]	<--|	CriticalDanger has left #jester
[01:43]	<th3j35t3r>	mike
[01:43]	<mikevirus> - IP Address
[01:43]	<mikevirus>	Daniel McMahon - Account holder
[01:43]	-->|	FIREnKNI_ ([email protected]) has joined #jester
[01:43]	<mikevirus>	1316 10th St - Service address
[01:43]	<mikevirus>	Columbus, GA 31906 - City, State, Zip
[01:43]	<mikevirus>	1-706-324-6862 - WTN(Working telephone number)
[01:43]	<mikevirus>	[email protected] - Contact email
[01:43]	<mikevirus>	8783400020763395 - Account number
[01:43]	|<--	FIREnKNIVES has left collective.2600.net (Read error: No route to host)
[01:43]	<mikevirus>	mcnixgolf - Online ID
[01:43]	<mikevirus>	6807 - Security code
[01:43]	<mikevirus>	scrappy - Pet's name/ASQ answer
[01:43]	<mikevirus>	Billing Address
[01:43]	<mikevirus>	5045 MILGEN CT STE 13
[01:43]	<th3j35t3r>	you just got rickrolled - with the rick or the roll.
[01:43]	<mikevirus>	COLUMBUS, GA 3190787
[01:43]	<null>	hey hey
[01:43]	<mikevirus>	do something. bitch.
[01:43]	<mikevirus>	go blog about me while you still have you blog
[01:43]	<null>	th3j35t3r: nice reg d8 w/nickerv.
[01:43]	<mikevirus>	+r
[01:44]	<null>	01:41 -NickServ([email protected])- th3j35t3r is th3j35t3r
[01:44]	<null>	01:41 -NickServ([email protected])- Time registered: Dec 28 23:11:34 2010 EST
[01:44]	<null>	01:41 -NickServ([email protected])- Last seen time: Dec 30 01:27:36 2010 EST
[01:44]	<null>	PFFT
[01:44]	<th3j35t3r>	ya know why?
[01:44]	<Badger>	wow you guys are real assholes LOL
[01:44]	<null>	idc.
[01:44]	<mikevirus>	01:41 -!- FIREnKNIVES [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: No route to host]
[01:44]	<mikevirus>	he can't even stay online and he's threatening me
[01:44]	<mikevirus>	fucking noob
[01:44]	|<--	FIREnKNI_ has left collective.2600.net (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:44]	<null>	why do i get phone_calls w/instructions to come here?
[01:44]	<null>	this tired_ass network of nubs.
[01:44]	-->|	FIREnKNIVES ([email protected]) has joined #jester
[01:44]	<Fighterlegend>	Null, you get phone calls?
[01:44]	<null>	the only channel that's decent here is #telephreak
[01:44]	<mikevirus>	I wanted you to see all the lulz being generated here
[01:44]	<th3j35t3r>	mike the longer you hang around the better.
[01:45]	<null>	no more #hackcanada.
[01:45]	<th3j35t3r>	ooops too late.
[01:45]	<null>	Fighterlegend: ignored. stfu
[01:45]	<Fighterlegend>	No
[01:45]	<Fighterlegend>	I was wondering
[01:45]	<Fighterlegend>	I meant
[01:45]	<Fighterlegend>	gah
[01:45]	<Fighterlegend>	hehe
[01:45]	<Fighterlegend>	I meant you got phone calls about this?
[01:45]	<null>	th3j35t3r: where is your article you wrote? i am curious. i would like to read it.
[01:45]	<th3j35t3r>	now mike: you are leaving yourself wide open.
[01:45]	<mikevirus>	I'm reading tyrdr0p's emails - I checked the headers in th3j35t3r's emails and he's not even using a proxy
[01:45]	<null>	aweee
[01:45]	<null>	what a 'hacker'
[01:46]	<mikevirus>	these kids are pathetic attention whores
[01:46]	<null>	you could at least tunnel/ssh
[01:46]	<chifmevious>	nulls just using that term loosely, fighter - he didn't get an actual phone call, some sort of message was delivered and brought him here.
[01:46]	>mikevirus<	mad props bro \o/
[01:46]	<th3j35t3r>	<<< I have never emailed tyrkoil - however I will defend him.
[01:46]	<null>	sure thing, chifmevious
[01:46]	<Fighterlegend>	Heh, chif, I'm not really aware right now
[01:46]	<th3j35t3r>	now then
[01:46]	<null>	i am bored
[01:46]	<th3j35t3r>	mike
[01:46]	<th3j35t3r>	OMG ya such a cutie.
[01:47]	<null>	these children are silly
[01:47]	<mikevirus>	thx
[01:47]	<null>	mikevirus: why have you not initiated a ddos campaign?
[01:47]	<mikevirus>	have him defend himself
[01:47]	<null>	i thought that is what you *did* to ircfagz?
[01:47]	<null>	01:41 -NickServ([email protected])- th3j35t3r is th3j35t3r
[01:47]	<null>	01:41 -NickServ([email protected])- Time registered: Dec 28 23:11:34 2010 EST
[01:47]	<null>	01:41 -NickServ([email protected])- Last seen time: Dec 30 01:27:36 2010 EST
[01:47]	|<--	ft285 has left collective.2600.net ()
[01:47]	<null>	that is epic nub.
[01:48]	<null>	Dec 28 23:11:34 2010
[01:48]	<null>	^
[01:48]	<null>	PFFT
[01:48]	* null	laughs
[01:49]	<null>	mine only says oct 2k6 bc andrew was a bad, bad boy and deleted my uid
[01:49]	<null>	:p
[01:49]	-->|	AD ([email protected]) has joined #jester
[01:49]	<null>	then he got punished.
[01:49]	<null>	KEKEKEKE
[01:49]	<th3j35t3r>	oh fuckin dear
[01:49]	<mikevirus>	HAHAHA
[01:49]	|<--	FreyaSkye has left collective.2600.net (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[01:49]	<null>	r0d3nt: sup phag? saw u on the_biggest_loser.

sucking dick for btc

[email protected] Mike Virus Nieves sucking my cock for bitcoin
wordofgod do you want to buy some bitcoins
wordofgod really quickly
ASR No, I know nothing about that shit.
wordofgod below market price
ASR Sorry bro
wordofgod you can resell
wordofgod at a profit
ASR No thank you.
ASR anyway, are you busy?
wordofgod man i fucked up
wordofgod you're gonna yell at me
wordofgod and be mad
wordofgod if i tell you what i did
ASR What did you do?
ASR Spent all of the 4chon money
ASR on a bad investment
wordofgod i kinda borrowed 4chan's money
wordofgod and i was gonna put all the money back
wordofgod on monday
wordofgod plus a $50 donation
ASR >kinda
wordofgod can you keep this between me and you
wordofgod if 4chan found out they'd be fucking furious at me
wordofgod i didn't realize that there was a leaseweb bill
wordofgod i thought it was already paid
wordofgod now it's overdue and i don't have enough money in the account to cover it
ASR hmmm
ASR that's a son of a bitch man
ASR Honestly, what were you thinking?
ASR Didn't I warn you about this the last time we spoke?
wordofgod i needed cash fast
wordofgod i know
wordofgod i'm an idiot
ASR Well, yeah you are.
ASR We could shut down and come back with all new changes and you can blame it on that.
ASR And then we can sweep it under the rug.
wordofgod no
ASR So how short are you?
wordofgod $50
wordofgod maybe $40
wordofgod yeah, $47
wordofgod bill is $88 and I still have to buy tampons for my 14 year old gf
ASR Well. It's 6:30am here
ASR When do you have to pay the bill?
wordofgod it's 9 days overdue
ASR You're so full of shit.
wordofgod Upcoming billing 11/1/12 ? 68,00 ? 68,00 -22 View
wordofgod 2012.331488 10/1/12 ? 68,00 ? 68,00 9 CSV View
ASR Jesus Christ
ASR what did you spend the money on?
wordofgod np someone lent me $50
ASR Well that's good.
ASR In the future…
ASR Where is the paypal link?
wordofgod kryogeniks.org
wordofgod down the bottom
ASR found it
wordofgod interested in donating?
wordofgod Business Name: Michael Foster Account Type: Business Status: VerifiedAccount Limits: View Limits
ASR So what did you spend the money on?
wordofgod can't say mate
ASR also #illmob
wordofgod all i can say is that i have a lot of bitcoins
wordofgod and i didn't buy them
ASR How does that work?
ASR What do you think is the most secure way to donate?
wordofgod cash
wordofgod cash in the mail
wordofgod or western union
ASR Do you take bellagio gaming tokens?
wordofgod wtf is that
ASR I think it's like .6 oz silver
wordofgod if it has monetary value
wordofgod and fits in an envelope
wordofgod then sure
ASR http://cdn.propertyroom.com/imageserver/sellers/seller1/images/ttlimgs/1_372012173718153.jpg
ASR So, we have some shit to discuss.
wordofgod okay
ASR Benches came into helpdesk with sand in her vagina asking for smiley to be banned
ASR because smiley was threatening to shoot up some uni or some shit
ASR and then she tried to do some guilt tripping with tzif's death
ASR you'll probably have to hear about it later
ASR just a heads up
ASR also, we need to write the poll survey
wordofgod let's write it together mate
wordofgod tonight
wordofgod my timezone
wordofgod which is now
ASR and you need to go to #modpromotion to discuss mod promotions
wordofgod You cannot complete this action on the card you have selected. Please select another card.
wordofgod wtf is this gay shit
ASR What's the problem?
wordofgod paypal being a retard
ASR Well, if you cannot get your shit through, tell me. I'll drive to town and go buy a credit card
wordofgod oh goddammit
wordofgod i'm 20 cents short
ASR I'm not driving to town for 20cents
ASR you better start giving handies behind your house
wordofgod ur kinda gay

whiteknight chronicles

Sly: Just keep talking, bro. Everything is going on pastebin that you say from now on, since you want to deny that you threatened to call the FBI on me and Mike, when 1) you know nothing about me, and 2) I'm not involved with anything that Mike does.
HermanMolster22: No I didnt threaten to call the FBI on you
Sly: Yes, you did.
HermanMolster22: But I did call them and report Mikes Illegal access of AOL networks
Sly: You keep denying it, so that's why I'm keeping a pastebin log of you from now on.
HermanMolster22: you know, his blatent criminal activity
Sly: As well as backups of the pastebins.
HermanMolster22: your friend mike is a criminal
HermanMolster22: and hes going to prison
HermanMolster22: how u like them apples?
Sly: Like I've told you time and time again, and you still don't understand because you obviously have some kind of learning disability of your own..
Sly: Mike's business is Mike's business.
HermanMolster22: see heres the fail in mike, let me explain and shut up for two seconds
HermanMolster22: Mikes Business is Mikes Business, then why did you come crying to us talking shit
HermanMolster22: Are you his pimp?
Sly: I didn't come to you talking shit.
HermanMolster22: Do you handle all of his "Business" for him?
HermanMolster22: yes you did
Sly: Some of your people started with me, and then I started talking shit.
HermanMolster22: I got 20 peeps from the irc chan that remember
Sly: Until then, I was cool.
HermanMolster22: which is funny coz u fail fags didnt paste the abuse you endured
Sly: Then Mike came in, and joined my bashing the other idiot that was failing trolling me.
HermanMolster22: riiiight
HermanMolster22: then why didnt u pastebin it?
HermanMolster22: omg the quarterback is toast!
HermanMolster22: u guys pastebin everything else?
HermanMolster22: why didnt you forget to pastebin that?
HermanMolster22: yes you did
Sly: I didn't pastebin that because it was insignificant. Nothing happened. Your boy banned himself by flooding the channel, and never came back..
HermanMolster22: neener neener neener
HermanMolster22: oh "insignificant"
HermanMolster22: getting trashed is insignificant? the fact that you came to us crying over some lame bullshit
Sly: It was. Just like you are.
HermanMolster22: and white knighting for your gay lover "Mike Virus"
HermanMolster22: I guess thats also irrelevent
HermanMolster22: eh?
Sly: I'm just entertained by the level of stupidity that humanity can reach.
HermanMolster22: Did you even read what I just said?
HermanMolster22: want me to slow down for you?
HermanMolster22: here Ill wait
HermanMolster22: scroll up
HermanMolster22: let it register then come back to me
Sly: I can see what you said, but Mike doesn't need anyone to defend or fight his battles for him.
HermanMolster22: then why do you do it?
Sly: I didn't.
Sly: Nor have I.
HermanMolster22: are you like his cheerleader?
HermanMolster22: rah rah, go mikey poo!
HermanMolster22: lulz
Sly: You're the one that got me involved.
HermanMolster22: I heard you , but your not talking any sense
Sly: Like I said, it was one of your people that started with me. Not me talking about Mike.
HermanMolster22: yes you did, otherwise I wouldnt know you
Sly: Then Mike came in, and the conversation got switched to him.
HermanMolster22: thats how I met you
HermanMolster22: you came crying in our irc
HermanMolster22: why lie bro?
Sly: I'm not lying.
HermanMolster22: I never heard of your lame ass before that day
Sly: You're just pathetic, and trying to make it out to be like you want it.
HermanMolster22: no thats how it is
Sly: So you can show this to all of your little friends and go "Hehehehehehe"
HermanMolster22: sad little man, why u lie?
HermanMolster22: keep it real dawg
HermanMolster22: stop acting like a bitch and keep it real


* Now talking in #RustleLeague
* Topic is 'You have no idea what Legion is capable of yet. Expect us | Official Rustle League IRC account is back, hail @asshurtmacfags' perl code btw�'
* Set by asshurtmacfags on Sun Dec 23 12:15:15
<mikevirus> which loser registered my nickname
<mikevirus> lolfags
<mikevirus> asshurt someone sent me a butthole pic and at first glance I thought it was you
<jihad> lil mikeyvirus
<mikevirus> sup pencil dick
<jihad> the real mikevirus registered the nick
<jihad> because clearly only the real mikevirus could do such a thing
<mikevirus> pretty sure I'm IRC'ing from my only known host, but an incompetent IRCd admin wouldn't know that huh?
<jihad> who are you?
<mikevirus> superuser@your_mother
<mikevirus> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=fMe8VTNo2l0&NR=1
<jihad> my mom doesnt allow escalated privs
<Zalgo> Title: S.C.A.V.A by Hollywood Undead [With Lyrics!] - YouTube (at www.youtube.com)
<mikevirus> anyone with a crack pipe can escalate privileges on your mother
<jihad> lol @ implying people don't have access to your shell
<mikevirus> I love how you type 'privs' because you can't even spell basic words like privelege
<mikevirus> who's impying no one has access to my shell? I'm implying I have access to your mum du0d
<jihad> it's like it's really your first time trying to troll
<jihad> ヽ( ゚ヮ・)ノ
<jihad> hy LOL I FKT UR MOM LOL
<mikevirus> I'm pretty sure I outclass you in the 'troll' department as well as the technically competent department, among other things
<jihad> ( ゚◡゚)
<jihad> mikevirus, barrettbrown, adrian lamo, sabu

virus vs fixer

[6:56:10 PM] c0aX ETA: Hi mikesiny89! I’d like to add you on Skype. c0aX ETA
[9:09:19 PM] Michael Nieves: Michael Nieves has shared contact details with c0aX ETA.
[9:09:31 PM] Michael Nieves: the fuck you want guy?
[9:09:39 PM] c0aX ETA: u fucked up
[9:09:42 PM] c0aX ETA: u know that right?
[9:09:47 PM] Michael Nieves: why's that kiddo
[9:09:48 PM] c0aX ETA: inb4 v&
[9:09:54 PM] c0aX ETA: the van is on ites way bro
[9:09:58 PM] Michael Nieves: that's cool
[9:10:01 PM] c0aX ETA: wipe your drives now
[9:10:01 PM] Michael Nieves: ask me if I care
[9:10:09 PM] c0aX ETA: obviously you dont care, your too fucking stupid
[9:10:15 PM] Michael Nieves: rite
[9:10:20 PM] c0aX ETA: you know
[9:10:24 PM] Michael Nieves: and if that were true, and the "vans" were on it's way
[9:10:29 PM] c0aX ETA: you look like a vin diesel
[9:10:31 PM] Michael Nieves: you wouldn't warn me to wipe my drives
[9:10:39 PM] Michael Nieves: idiot....
[9:10:42 PM] c0aX ETA: http://i54.tinypic.com/2wlvo0h.jpg
[9:10:48 PM] Michael Nieves: anyway - vin diesel is a sexy guy
[9:10:56 PM] c0aX ETA: u like that shit wankster?
[9:11:03 PM] Michael Nieves: is that suppose to be my pic
[9:11:09 PM] c0aX ETA: u look like rick moranis on 50cent
[9:11:15 PM] c0aX ETA: your face looks like my nutsack
[9:11:20 PM] Michael Nieves: that's not my face
[9:11:25 PM] c0aX ETA: you know why your crews in prison
[9:11:26 PM] Michael Nieves: fail
[9:11:32 PM] c0aX ETA: because they all had big fucking mouths and no brains
[9:11:36 PM] c0aX ETA: you also have a big mouth
[9:11:42 PM] c0aX ETA: and your going to prison to join them
[9:11:43 PM] Michael Nieves: don't you worship a guy doing 9 years?
[9:11:50 PM] Michael Nieves: the irony!
[9:11:56 PM] c0aX ETA: yeah he had a big mouth too
[9:12:00 PM] c0aX ETA: I dont worshop ghost, hes my bro
[9:12:06 PM] c0aX ETA: and he fucked up too
[9:12:09 PM] c0aX ETA: just like you did
[9:12:10 PM] Michael Nieves: you're a bunch of nutsack sucking losers
[9:12:14 PM] c0aX ETA: tick tock tick tock
[9:12:17 PM] c0aX ETA: the cops are comin bro
[9:12:25 PM] Michael Nieves: oh no - did I pwn a prized informant with my AOL 0day?
[9:12:43 PM] c0aX ETA: u met allyn lynd yet?
[9:12:47 PM] Michael Nieves: nope
[9:12:47 PM] c0aX ETA: coz I think your about too
[9:12:54 PM] c0aX ETA: google Special Agent Allyn Lynd
[9:12:57 PM] Michael Nieves: is he as handsome as I heard he is?
[9:13:03 PM] c0aX ETA: oh you know who he id
[9:13:04 PM] c0aX ETA: is
[9:13:04 PM] c0aX ETA: good
[9:13:09 PM] c0aX ETA: hey
[9:13:14 PM] Michael Nieves: no I don't, never met him personally
[9:13:15 PM] c0aX ETA: you know a clown named rq42?
[9:13:19 PM] Michael Nieves: nope
[9:13:23 PM] c0aX ETA: your boy ytcracker does
[9:13:29 PM] Michael Nieves: your intel is way off
[9:13:40 PM] c0aX ETA: my intel tells me this
[9:13:47 PM] c0aX ETA: your on ytcrackers nuts
[9:13:53 PM] Michael Nieves: yeah well, like I said
[9:13:59 PM] Michael Nieves: your intel is way off
[9:14:02 PM] c0aX ETA: nah
[9:14:06 PM] c0aX ETA: I got the dirt on you bro
[9:14:07 PM] Michael Nieves: where's your irc btw
[9:14:10 PM] c0aX ETA: like I said
[9:14:14 PM] c0aX ETA: LOL
[9:14:16 PM] c0aX ETA: its up
[9:14:20 PM] c0aX ETA: we all in it now
[9:14:22 PM] Michael Nieves: you just linked me a phony ass pic
[9:14:26 PM] c0aX ETA: whats a matter , having trouble finding it?
[9:14:27 PM] Michael Nieves: and you got all the dirt on me?
[9:14:47 PM] Michael Nieves: here: www.myspace.com/virus
[9:14:51 PM] c0aX ETA: [21:14] <~MR^E> fffffuuu
[21:14] * MasterMind ([email protected]) Quit ( Connection reset by peer )
[21:14] <&fix> LOL
[21:14] <&fix> mike virus is raging coz irc.electroniktribulationarmy.com isnt working
[21:14] <&fix> lol hes like "wheres your irc bro"
[9:15:04 PM] c0aX ETA: yup
[9:15:09 PM] c0aX ETA: like I said, u got a big mouth
[9:15:10 PM] Michael Nieves: aw. did you guys relocate because you're too poor?
[9:15:19 PM] c0aX ETA: youve allready been convicted of fucking with aol
[9:15:20 PM] Michael Nieves: can't afford that vps any more poor guys
[9:15:26 PM] c0aX ETA: and your running around bragging about doing it again
[9:15:29 PM] c0aX ETA: your one dumb motherfucker
[9:15:30 PM] c0aX ETA: lol
[9:15:51 PM] c0aX ETA: your really dumb
[9:15:52 PM] Michael Nieves: AOL IT Sec gave me the A-OK to own other hackers, so long as I don't touch their customers or systems
[9:15:56 PM] Michael Nieves: I know them, personally.
[9:16:05 PM] Michael Nieves: you aren't a customer
[9:16:10 PM] c0aX ETA: yeah lets hope your telling the truth
[9:16:15 PM] Michael Nieves: :)
[9:17:41 PM] c0aX ETA: then why are you running around claming to have rooted aol servers
[9:17:43 PM] Michael Nieves: keep backspacing chump
[9:17:48 PM] c0aX ETA: mmm?
[9:18:05 PM] c0aX ETA: oh im the chump, but your the one whos going to have to explain it to the FBI
[9:18:12 PM] Michael Nieves: hey man, I rarely use skype, do you have a new aol screen name?
[9:18:17 PM] c0aX ETA: fuck you
[9:18:34 PM] Michael Nieves: umad?
[9:18:45 PM] c0aX ETA: no im satisfied
[9:18:53 PM] Michael Nieves: you guys are obviously butt hurt
[9:19:02 PM] c0aX ETA: butt hurt? nah nigger
[9:19:07 PM] c0aX ETA: we are about to retaliate
[9:19:09 PM] Michael Nieves: yes, bum hurt.
[9:19:14 PM] Michael Nieves: you can't do shit
[9:19:14 PM] Michael Nieves: lmao
[9:19:17 PM] c0aX ETA: oh yeah?
[9:19:21 PM] Michael Nieves: retaliate? with your whole 3 bots?
[9:19:38 PM] Michael Nieves: lmao http://i54.tinypic.com/2wlvo0h.jpg real talk, where did you find that?
[9:19:46 PM] Michael Nieves: did you look up Michael Nieves on FB man?
[9:19:57 PM] Michael Nieves: like cryptome.org's John Young and Kevin Mitnick
[9:20:09 PM] c0aX ETA: oh if we wanted your shitty site down, it would be
[9:20:14 PM] c0aX ETA: no, your getting vanned bitch
[9:20:25 PM] Michael Nieves: news flash: we do NOT use www.kryogeniks.org for ANYTHING and do not care
[9:20:37 PM] Michael Nieves: we don't run a cheesy script kiddie wannabe hacker community like you idiot trolls
[9:20:40 PM] c0aX ETA: obviously you just lrned how to setup lamp
[9:20:53 PM] c0aX ETA: you cant run a server either coz your too incompetant or you know youll get your ass owned
[9:21:00 PM] Michael Nieves: so why aren't I owned?
[9:21:10 PM] c0aX ETA: keep tellin yourself that
[9:21:17 PM] c0aX ETA: like I said, your one dumb motherfucker
[9:21:26 PM] c0aX ETA: you just fucked with the wrong crew
[9:21:38 PM] Michael Nieves: you're so aimgry
[9:21:51 PM] Michael Nieves: GET IT? AIMGRY? LMAO
[9:23:26 PM] c0aX ETA: nah, you hax aol
[9:23:29 PM] c0aX ETA: thats all you got bro
[9:23:34 PM] c0aX ETA: you aint shit
[9:23:36 PM] Michael Nieves: you don't hax shit
[9:23:36 PM] c0aX ETA: [21:20] <~MR^E> Hi,
[21:21] <~MR^E> Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have opened an abuse ticket with our customer at this IP.
[21:21] <~MR^E> Best Regards,
[21:21] <~MR^E> Danny Ariti
[21:21] <~MR^E> Linode, LLC
[9:23:54 PM] c0aX ETA: Im a fixer, you stupid wigger, I dont hack, and I dont need too
[9:23:56 PM] Michael Nieves: oh no, please don't report our vps lmao
[9:23:59 PM] c0aX ETA: Im a resource aggregator
[9:24:02 PM] c0aX ETA: and im going to fuck your as
[9:24:05 PM] c0aX ETA: asssssss
[9:24:20 PM] Michael Nieves: let me guess - you think we ddos'd your butt buddy from OUR vps?
[9:24:22 PM] c0aX ETA: you know how many other wiggers just like you weve buried
[9:24:33 PM] c0aX ETA: you fuckin twat, fix your elmer fudd hat, its sideways
[9:24:40 PM] c0aX ETA: I love your waxed eyebrows too btw
[9:24:43 PM] Michael Nieves: you're obviously aimgry
[9:25:00 PM] c0aX ETA: you cant ddos very well
[9:25:02 PM] c0aX ETA: you didnt hit shit off bro
[9:25:06 PM] c0aX ETA: we moved hosts
[9:25:11 PM] Michael Nieves: why because I stopped it 20 minutes later?
[9:25:11 PM] c0aX ETA: but your too stupid to see that
[9:25:32 PM] Michael Nieves: I never hit your servers, just your boy MR^E who threatened me
[9:25:38 PM] Michael Nieves: he signed off pretty quickly
[9:26:01 PM] c0aX ETA: thats right nigger, while you were bumping your gums with your head up your ass we had business to take care of
[9:26:11 PM] c0aX ETA: stupid puerto rican piece of shit
[9:26:12 PM] c0aX ETA: you got papers?
[9:26:21 PM] Michael Nieves: lmao
[9:26:24 PM] Michael Nieves: you're so mad right now
[9:26:36 PM] c0aX ETA: thats right
[9:26:41 PM] c0aX ETA: you pissed me off sufficientl;y
[9:26:45 PM] Michael Nieves: important things aka chat it up on your dead ass irc 24/7 since you're too incompetent to hold down a job
[9:26:46 PM] c0aX ETA: you just stuck your pecker into a beehive
[9:26:48 PM] Michael Nieves: you fucking bum
[9:26:57 PM] Michael Nieves: good job
[9:27:05 PM] Michael Nieves: stealing a quote from the media on anonymous
[9:27:09 PM] c0aX ETA: yeah and ill be here laughin bro when the van comes for you
[9:27:10 PM] Michael Nieves: HAHAHAHA
[9:27:13 PM] Michael Nieves: you want to be like them SO bad
[9:27:16 PM] c0aX ETA: and dont worry, Ill testify too
[9:27:28 PM] Michael Nieves: you do that big boy; I'll be laughing at you IRL
[9:27:48 PM] c0aX ETA: you pose a significant threat to society, your bout to be snatched from the gene pool
[9:27:53 PM] c0aX ETA: but this time you wont be charged as a minor
[9:28:01 PM] c0aX ETA: your going to federal "rape me in the ass" prison
[9:28:15 PM] c0aX ETA: enjoy your van
[9:28:19 PM] Michael Nieves: luckily you're too ugly and disgusting for a girl to want to breed with you; we don't need more retards in the world
[9:28:35 PM] Michael Nieves: I thought it was "federal pound me in the ass prison"?
[9:28:44 PM] Michael Nieves: you're half-assing quotes
[9:29:20 PM] Michael Nieves: alright - time to rm you from my contact list and post this log
[9:29:32 PM] Michael Nieves: l8r "fixer" from "electronik tribulation army"
[9:32:36 PM] c0aX ETA: good
[9:32:46 PM] c0aX ETA: dude your calling me ugly?
[9:33:01 PM] c0aX ETA: cmon, you obviously are one big greasy ass wigger, seriously bro, your wearin makeup?
[9:33:08 PM] c0aX ETA: you pluck your eye brows?

aol lobby 1 drama

(02:02:37 AM) mike virus: http://lifestream.aol.com/bbdawlz
(02:12:27 AM) james: whos that
(02:15:27 AM) mike virus: do you think shes fat
(02:17:29 AM) james: yes
(02:17:31 AM) james: who is it?
(02:17:40 AM) mike virus: some girl in lobby1
(02:17:44 AM) mike virus: talking shit
(02:17:50 AM) james: yeah right u knw
(02:17:53 AM) james: u just tryna hit iT
(02:17:59 AM) mike virus: saying she doesn't take angle shots
(02:18:02 AM) mike virus: no lmao
(02:18:04 AM) mike virus: go in lobby1
(02:18:10 AM) mike virus: bunch of nubs i owned in there
(02:18:14 AM) mike virus: saying i beg you for exploits
(02:18:17 AM) mike virus: typical bullshit

Mikevirus/Logs is part of a series on Chat Logs
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