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Despite his adherence to the most manly of all pagan religions, Chad's secret life as a homosexual still manages to come out in very strange ways. He carves dildos out of wood and tries to pass them off as statues of his gods.
The Hooper Wife, one of the many reasons why Chad is gay.
Chad leans forward to kiss the sweet, smooth boy-chest of one of his lovers

Hrafnagard, called by his mother "Chad" and by his gay male lovers "Hangin' Chad", is a 38 year old homosexual known best to internet audiences, the pagan community online, and lastly to a handful of young gay men in Reno, Nevada whose cocks are well acquainted with the inside of his fat ass. Chad considers himself to be "Asatru", which is paganism mixed with the vikings, and which amounts to a bunch of fat-assed white people sitting around wearing horned helmets and buying swords from online catalogues.


Chad lives in Reno, Nevada, a city known for sucking and being close to Las Vegas. Chad uses the legalized prostitution in his state to offer his ass to the penises of as many gay men as he can, but seldom charges them anything, by his own admission on the homosexual chat sites that he hopes his wife never discovers.

This type of activity is common among closeted homosexuals, and Chad's need to pretend to be a viking warrior was probably originally born from "rape and pillage" role-playing he did with his first boyfriends in a Las Vegas gay brothel. The other part of his need to feel extra "manly" in his viking pagan world derives from the constant lying front he has to put up everyday for his wife and his local heterosexual pagans in the various Asatru organizations, who would kick him out for breaking the oath that all tough-guy viking pagans have to swear when joining Asatru: to only fuck or rape women.

Living the Viking Lie

Chad has told people that he is married, and indeed, he is, but then, it was required by the Asatru religion that he marry the daughter of any woman he or his viking friends raped, so long as she too, believed in the Viking Gods. According to his own previous testimony, he is a convert from scientology and does not masturbate, and thus requiring either the tight ass of a gay man, or a wife. Despite this, and despite his cock smelling like the inside of the mouths of most of the gay men in Reno, he still manages to pretend to enjoy sex with his wife once or twice a year.

Chad began his Pagan career as a fat cow. In all likelihood he (in common with all couch-potato twinkie and Nintendo addicts) looked like a beached whale with a tee-shirt stretched around it's sides and a viking helmet stuck on its head. He spends most of his days being an asshole online, and carving dildos that double as statues of his Viking gods.


Chad's Yahoo! profile