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For an extra hundred bucks she’ll use her hands.
Oh exploitable!
If this isn’t the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen, you just don’t respect women.

Okay start with a typical run-of-the-mill camwhore, add nasty body hair that even Bigfoot on ecstasy wouldn't find sexy, add a gigantic chip on both shoulders and you have gloriousmandestroya. gloriousmandestroya (also known as Goddess Glory or bombiliciousmanfuckeruppa) is a nasty skanky whore both on the internet and IRL. She claims to be the sexiest thing alive despite being pretty much offensive to all five senses. A typical gloriousmandestroya video will begin with some dismissive greeting like “black person,” followed by “this is your queen your goddess blablablabla.” It is followed by a long, very uninteresting rant about how someone doesn’t take her seriously enough or doesn’t think her stinky hairy armpits are sexy.

gloriousmandestroya says that Michael Jackson is a huge influence on her life[1], by which we can only logically conclude that she likes touching little boys too.

This video is proof positive that not only is gloriousmandestroya a ghetto ho, but she's also batshit insane and into reverse Dolcett. Once again we should point out, absolutely none of this makes her in any way speshul.

Body Hair

gloriousmandestroya prides herself on her body hair, meaning that we have to deal with her dirty hairy niggertits, which she assures us is the most sexy desirable thing in the world. Her justification is “I’m human, I grow hair,” echoing the belief, common among hippies and other genetic failures, that anything the human body does is beautiful and natural. This is of course bullshit because your body also produces shit, but that isn’t a justification to go natural and not wipe your ass. Although on second thought, we wouldn't be surprised if she didn't wipe her ass due to her statement that "I love just being nappy."

gloriousmandestroya has been known to get supernaturally butthurt over any mention of the fact that thick bushy body hair is seriously disgusting. If you leave enough such comments on her videos and channel, the odds of her uploading a butthurt feminist rant about the evils of a society skyrocket.

Bragging about your ability to grow hair is like bragging about your ability to breathe.

Fails at MySpace

gloriousmandestroya has had several unsuccessful attempts to maintain a MySpace page, which even the most depraved of camwhores has managed to do, and has been booted 9001 times. She continues being booted because she is both too stupid and too crazy to resist the urge to show her ugly armpits and vagina.

Chances are I'll be deleted again because a lot of people can't stand my ass because I'm unique, I'm loud, I speak my mind, nigger I'm smart, I'm funny, I talk funky, I'm sexy as fuck, I'm hairy and nigger Some people can't handle all my gloriousness, fuck them.


—The whore herself


Don't tell me you're surprised.

Like all intellectuals, gloriousmandestroya is a staunch supporter of Ron Paul. She supports Paul because he will stand up for her right to be not only a whore, but downright disgusting as well, and because apparently if you don't vote for Ron Paul, "we're slaves." She thinks it’s undemocratic to force people to vote only for one of the three candidates who won democratic contests and, like most Ron Paul supporters, considers it a crime against humanity for anyone to disagree.

gloriousmandestroya is known for hosting videos on her channel page claiming that raw milk cures asthma, 9/11 was a government conspiracy, and other shit nobody cares about. When recently asked for proof, she gave the rational and reasoned response "how fucking stupid can you be nigger, you want fucking proof you gotta lick my hairy asshole."

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