Gimme Pizza

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Welcome to the end of the internet.

The jews that brought you the cancer known as Know Your Meme have created their newest piece of garbage. Gimme Pizza: Meme Overload is the single largest facepalm to ever grace the internet, supplanting the notorioous title from the original "Gimme Pizza" dreck that was foisted off on humanity by the Olsen Twins in 1995. But don't take the final arbiter of truth and human dignity's word for it, view the 'Queens of Meme Generator' yourself.

Important memes left out by RocketBoom

Chances are you would rather eat this pizza instead of their "delicious" pizza.

For whatever reasons, many essential memes were not included in the Gimme Pizza video. The following are among the overlooked:

You can help RocketBoom by informing them of these omissions. Include many detailed pictures.

An affront to all mankind

This incredible abomination was spawned by another incredible abomination, and, in turn, has spawned an infinite number of other incredible abominations. There is no known defense, cure or end to this misery.

See Also

Gimme Pizza is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal

Gimme Pizza is part of a series on


Visit the Memes Portal for complete coverage.