False Equivalence

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Both have mustaches, therefor Jesus equals Hitler.

False Equivalence is a common form of fallacious argument that is typically used when a mentally challenged individual doesn't have an actual point to make and is merely screaming incoherently about some perceived injustice that doesn't actually exist. By comparing two completely different things and implying that they are equivalent when they aren't, the individual attempts to sway the fickle opinion of other mongoloids by convincing them that their bullshit argument isn't complete and utter bullshit.

A good example of false equivalence is the notion that a black girl being sentenced to life for brutally murdering a man is somehow comparable to two consenting adults getting piss drunk, fucking behind a dumpster and the man getting a 6 month sentence for "sexual assault" while the woman gets to continue pretending to be a victim. The crux of this argument being that the entire justice system must be racist and sexist because two completely different sets of circumstances led to two very different prison sentences.

Another prime example of this form of fallacious reasoning is the notion that Donald J. Trump is literally Hitler because I don't like him and orange man bad.

See Also

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Languages and DialectsGrammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Style, and UsageRhetorical StrategiesPoetryThe Politics of Language and CommunicationMediaVisual Rhetoric
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