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This is a disambiguation page — we hope you feel less ambiguated.

An error is the occurrence of an incorrect result produced by a computer. It is at this time that the computer attempts to communicate to the user that they are a miserable failure.


Types of Errors

Error is part of a series on Programming.

[2 L337 4 MEEnter the Matrix]

ADAAssemblyCC++COBOLDebugDOSErlangErrorFdiskFortranIntegerJavaLOLCodeMachine CodeMatlabMIRC ScriptMUMPSOpen SourcePerlPHPProgramming languagePythonQBASICRuby on RailsScratchSSHVisual Basic


Firefox XPS IRC AttackSafari XPS Attack Sandworm


Bill GatesLinus TorvaldsWeevGoatse SecurityTerry DavisTheo de Raadt

Other Topics

Operating systemWarezNotepadIs not a bug, it's a featureDatabase Error

Error is part of a series on


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