Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/February 11, 2013

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Reddit is a Digg-clone for pseudo-intellectuals, Leftard Computer Science majors, Liberal pussies, fanboy pissheads and hipsters who feel that having a superior "Karma Score" increases your chances of getting laid. It was founded by two hippie douche bags that were high on cum vapour and wanted to "stick it" to Kevin Rose. All of this led to the formation of an online cesspool full of bitter nerds and socially retarded manboys. In October 2006, the owners sold out to some big company.

To this day, Reddit users still view their website as a secret online community for counter-cultural warriors and intellectuals, even though the site sees millions of unique visitors and is littered with inane pictures of cats and other painfully unfunny memes. The online consensus states unanimously that users on Reddit seek only to further pervert the "Advice Animals" meme (which was, for the record, never lulzy). If you've ever used the phrase "meta-discourse" and don't have the balls to get your memes from 4chan the way God intended it, Reddit is the place for you!!

What have I missed?
Aaron Swartz
2 days ago
4 days ago
6 days ago