Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Now/December 15, 2022

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The Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre was the most epic false flag and school shooting in American history since Virginia Tech and Columbine. It happened near the end of 2012, as a 20 year old aspie named Adam Lanza managed to kill 26 people (leaving only 2 injured survivors) after pwning his mom and heading out to his childhood school. Several minutes into his rampage, and knowing he was soon to be raped by the cops, he bitched out and committed suicide. Since then, he is remembered as an hero for his hard work to achieve a high score in a game IRL at his former school. As usual, the hoax spawned massive amounts of butthurt, with libtards calling to ban all guns and republicunts vowing to arm every single child with an MG-42 Machine gun to defend themselves. In reality, Sandy Hook was yet another staged crisis drill perpetrated by the evil American government and lizard people to take our guns and liberties. Even though several years post-massacre, guns are actually easier to get (and oddly enough the rate of mass shootings sharply more commonplace). Due to the shooter exclusively targeting women and children, massive amounts of butthurt and lulz were produced, despite Americans massacring and raping little kids overseas on a consistent and daily basis for the past several hundred years.

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