Did I ask?

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"Did I ask?" / "I don't remember asking" / "Who asked?" is something sassy teenage girls say when they are confronted with an opinion that they don't feel like addressing. It can mean much the same as "who cares?" but much more condescending. Saying this indicates that you have a massively self-centered anti-social world view in which you think you need to be told in advance when somebody asks you something. These annoying bitches also might say "you don't have any friends" (which is mostly likely true, but that's beside the point) if you are persistent.

People who asked:

People who didn't ask:

See Also

Did I ask? is part of a series on Language & Communication
Languages and DialectsGrammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Style, and UsageRhetorical StrategiesPoetryThe Politics of Language and CommunicationMediaVisual Rhetoric
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