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Stealthing is when you, not you, the retard reading this because you will be coming up later, know you have the God given right to share your genes with as many women as possible so that you can birth as many superior gened children as possible as it's your God given place and duty to damage the condom that you're wearing by poking holes into it before sex or removing it during sex and finish out by riding the bitch bareback.

In your case, your inferior ass will most likely will be with some fat, deformed, soft in the head Gene Freak, hard up and wanting madly to have a baby and willing to trap your Minimum Wage earning McDonalds ass so she'll be the one to offer up the condoms or will most likely use a lady condom that she already inserted to hide the fact that she cut the top cff and before we, The Superior Race know it, you have contributed 5 of the dumbest and Ugliest kids to the World's population and gene pool by adding your mutt genes to it because after the first one you will have said, "Fuck it, and give the world 4 more deformed dogs that would be put down if they were caught by the dog catcher.

Perfectly legal to do in the US. Despite the United States quickly becoming the Fuhrer's New Deutsche Land from the the 1930s. Even with all of the libtards taking over, you can still stealth with pride knowing that you're sharing your perfect genes. WARNING!! Don't go doing it California. The Freaks in that state and their misguided views believe that stealthing is akin to Rape.

How It's Done

Actually it's a pretty simple process. Just poke holes in the condom with a sewing needle that you can buy at any sewing section in the back of a Wal-Mart. It's that easy. (Btw: real men know basic sewing skills. A sewing kit is a required item in a Navy Seal's equipment, so don't act all tough.)

Even an Autistic Sperg like you can pull the needle method off. Where it becomes difficult is when she brings the condoms and demands to put it on you. This is where the stealth in stealthing comes in.

The best way to over come this is to start in a basic position like missionary. Give her a couple strokes and say you want to give it to her good and hard from behind. While she's moving into position, you pull the condom off and let her have all of your Baby Gravy as you slam deep home.

If you're the one in charge of the condom it's a pretty simple process.

  • if you know that she's going to inspect the condom, use an oil based lubricant because the oil will cause the condom to break.
  • The standard poking holes in the condom is pretty easy. If she makes you wear her condoms and you're in her bedroom, just bring a needle to her house or apartment and when she uses the bathroom, go crazy poking holes in the condoms she keeps in the drawer of her nightstand. You can also cut the tip of a sewing needle off with a wire cutter and Crazy-Glue it to the tip of a finger. Poke a hole in the tip as you're putting it on.
  • Make sure to use condoms that are out of date and have sat in the sun, those Fuckers will turn to dust with the first stroke.
  • if you have a long enough thumb nail you can pop a hole into the tip of the condom while acting like you're putting it on
  • In your case, get a condom that is to big for you ensuring that it will slip off your Your tiny dick during the old in/out

Stealthing Is The Purest Form Of Love Or Darwin Would Approve

Like you Women want to pass on their genes too and you'll be helping them by giving her a Baby. It's a known truth that all women, either straight or dykes want a baby that they can take care of and raise. It's their life dream - especially if they win the genetics lottery and were awarded with a boy. Instead of a baby doll, they're getting the real thing so what is there to complain about? They'll even be happy with a girl because they can throw away their fake, plastic dolls and play pretty, pretty, make-up girl with their daughter from the day she is born and when she turns 13, she becomes a real life Barbie doll that she can dress up in ways she has always wanted to dress.

Thanks to this gift granted by stealthing, all of their dreams will come true. Changing diapers, getting up at 3 in the morning to feed the baby, giving it baths and hardly sleeping while we, the men, sit back safely in our recliners to either play Call of Duty or watch football - knowing that our genes have been passed on and will survive for another generation.

Darwin Would call this act a survival trait. The act of procreation and carrying a child to term, he would describe as being a form of immortalitywibecause your genes will be crossing multiple generations and influencing future generations either in the positive, like us, the staff at ED, or the negative - you.

Whenever you have a chance to stealth, you must do it because you're making a Woman's dreams come true because she doesn't want to be at an office working behind a desk, making money when she can have the happiness of being in a kitchen standing in front of an oven cooking, cleaning the house and making Sammiches for kids and the man she's trapped by saying that 7 and one-half months is a full term pregnancy.

By poking a hole in a condom, you're giving her the life she wants and aiding in human Evolution.

The Legality of Stealthing

As of now it is perfectly legal in the USofFuckingA because there is the belief that if the woman has consented to sex she has also consented to letting her insides get a Sperm shower.

California, on the other hand, being the idiot state full of beaners, gooks, and spooks have made it a civil crime to stealth, you can be Sued idiot. Getting Sued isn't your only problem in Cali because she has 24 weeks to decide if she wants the baby sucked out of her so it makes more sense to focus only on Catholic girls, like the beaners, because everyone else will be a waste of time but Abortion is seen as a Mortal Sin to Catholics as they've had it drilled into their heads that they'll go straight to Hell if they have the baby coat hangered out of their Hatchet Cut.

You also need to watch out what country you're in because a lot of countries see stealthing as rape. A short list includes Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Ausfalia, The Netherlands and Switzerland.

Do not attempt stealthing in these countries because you will do prison time for rape and/or sexual assault plus you won't have to worry about stealthing because every Motherfucker on your Prison block will be riding your ass bare back.

See Also

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