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Acronyms are capitalized abbreviations for common phrases and ideas which are pronounced as proper words. Generally, their comprehensibility decreases as a function of their length, essentially converting something from TL;DR to TS;DR, losing it's meaning.

List of the Decrypted


Acronyms in action.

Note: Most of the below aren't actually acronyms. They're initialisms.


  • CP – Captain Picard
  • BME – British Methodist Episcopals
  • BDSM – Bondage & Discipline/Dominance & Submission/Sadism & Masochism
  • ALF – Animal Liberation Front
  • CIA – Conflicting Information Association
  • DEA – Don't Eat Acid
  • IWF – Internet Whore Fuckers
  • NEDM – Not Even Doom Music
  • DRM – Digital Rights Mismanagement
  • SPH – Strategically Placed Hole
  • DMCADumbass Makes Court Action
  • SOPA – Screwing Over Pirates Again
  • (F)FA – (Female) Fat Admirer
  • ACMA – Australian Cunts & Media Asswholes
  • FBI – Federal Butthurt Instigators
  • WWJD – We're White! Jews Die / We Want Jesus' Dick
  • FCC – For Corporate Communication
  • MUGEN – Metaverse of Underage Gaming E-Niggers
  • AIDS – Anally-Inflicted Death Sentence
  • STD – Sexually Transmitted Disease
  • ESRB – Entertaining Shit Raping Board
  • (A/P/B)O – ArmPit/Body Odor
  • TBBT – The Big Bang Theory
  • ACLU – Anti-Christ Liars Union
  • SPLC – Stupid Propagandizing Libtard Commies
  • MPAA – Making Pirates Always Angry
  • ATF(United States Bureau of) Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms
  • ACORN – Association of Corrupt Organizations for Reprobates Now
  • EDL – English Defence League
  • DUI – Doing Underage Incest
  • NAACP – Not Another Angry Colored Person
  • FUD – Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt
  • L.U.L.Z. – Losers Under Latrines Zealously
  • NAMBLANorth American Man-Boy Love Association
  • MGTOW – Men Going There Own Way
  • ASMR – Annoying Sounds Made for Retards
  • RIAA – Really Into Anal Adventures
  • NN – No Name / Non-Nude
  • RML – Read My Latest
  • FNB – Food Not Bombs
  • NNN – No Nut November


  • ED(F) – Encyclopædia Dramatica (Forums)
  • YT – YouTube
  • IG – Instagram
  • TOW – The/That Other Wiki
  • KF – Kiwi Farms
  • OF – OnlyFags
  • DA – DeviantArt
  • EB – Encyclopædia Britannica
  • KYM – Kill Your Memes
  • MS – MySpace / Microsoft
  • FB – Facebook
  • LJ – LiveJournal
  • TPB – The Pirate Bay
  • FA – FurAffinity
  • UDUrban Dictionary
  • RT – Russia Today
  • DDG – DuckDuckGo
  • SA – Something Awful
  • NG – Newgrounds


The entire HTH range.
  • FOADFuck Off And Die
  • IDIFTL – I Did It For The Lulz
  • HAND – Have A Nice Day – standard Usenet troll dialogue. Condescending. Denotes that the troll believes he has pwned you. He doesn't really want you to have a nice day.
  • HTH – Hope That Helps
  • t. – terveisin – Finnish for “(with) regards”
  • YHL – You Have Lost
  • DIAF – Die In A Fire – The troll actually means this.
  • YHBT – You Have Just Been Trolled
  • FTFY – Fixed That For You
  • KYS – Kill Yourself – Used by trolls when the trolled person in question says something that specifically annoys the troll. Often overused.


Professional at work.
  • PC – Pedophilic Computer – anything that computes for a neckbeard.
  • OS – Operating System – Windows, Macintosh, Linux, Android… etc.
  • TCP – Transmission Control Protocol
  • IP – Internet Protocol – example: 108.34.502.88 (probably not your ip).
  • GNU – GNU's Not Usable
  • P2PPenis to Penis
  • BBS – Bulletin Board System
  • ISP – Internet Search Phile
  • (D/P)M – Direct/Private Message
  • FTP – File Transfer Protocol
  • MTP – Media Transfer Protocol
  • VR – Virtual Reality
  • AR – Augmented Reality
  • I/O – Input/Output
  • 1s & 0s – Binary


  • (G)UI – (Graphical) User Interface
  • API – Application Programming Interface
  • FOSS – Free and Open-Source Software
  • VPN – Virus’s Party Network
  • (D)DoS – (Distributed) Denial of Service
  • RAT – Remote Administration Tool
  • ASCII – American Standard Code for Interracial Intercourse
  • IoT – Internet of Things
  • CPU – Child Pornography Unit
  • GPU – Gay Pornography Unit
  • RF – Radio Frequency – nearly every remote communication uses radio waves to transmit and receive there cp.
  • NFT – Nonsensical Faggot Token
  • ROM – Read-Only Memory – commonly operating systems or video games that are only usable directly.

See Also

Acronym is part of a series on acronyms


Internets Lingo


Other Lingo


Internet Places/Group


Moar Internet Shit


IRL Acronyms


Bad Acronyms


Acronym is part of a series on Language & Communication
Languages and DialectsGrammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Style, and UsageRhetorical StrategiesPoetryThe Politics of Language and CommunicationMediaVisual Rhetoric
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