Flipnote Hatena

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Flipnote Hatena is a cloned website like Deviantart and Newgrounds and a dumbed-down version of Adobe Flash Professional CSx, and all of it is squeezed into an app for the DSi known as Flipnote studio. The Flipnote Hatena community consists of mainly 10-13 Years old kids posting unfunny Flipnotes or Fanime into a fucked website and may get to the Top 10 of the unfunny flipnote ever. After they´re in the Top 10,most of the Pointless Flipnotes get False Reported. After that happens, People are Crying like babies and Post flipnotes like "i leave Hatena :("

It also seems to be a website where pedo's and the only girls on the internet gather to sexually abuse each other on the internet somehow so the Admin Niggers get butthurt and suddenly everyone is B& unless they're the age of 7 and don't know what the fuck is going on.

A App called Flipnote Memo should be out in 30th june,but it doesnt. The first releast should be on the 6th of may. Many Flipnoters were crying and raging today and Nintendo Trolled them.


The most popular flipnote ever!
Average Comments On Flipnote

Mostly, Hatena has bunch of Stupid artists that create Furries, Music Videos or Pointless Spin-offs.

the most Used Furries are Eevees from the game Pokemon.

Of course, People are starbegging because their Flipnotes suck dick, so they need these Shitty Stars to get popular. The ones who are popular are usually the ones that make gay furry music Flipnotes that suck abnormal amounts of donkey penis. They're also some people that get about 100,000 stars (Quite alot) for something that they could make in 2 minutes. If any of these guys did this on a real website, they'd be fucked.

The most Flipnotes contain overused memes like "This is SPARTA" or "ITS OVER 9000". Oh, and don't forget about that fucking awesome face DJ flipnote. Moar liek shitface BJ flipnote, amarite?

An Example of these flips: [1] [2]

The most created Flips in Europe are these "Love Storys"

The love Comics

Also, in Europe, all of them think they're Japanese and feel the need to continually draw Anime and wank over it when they're finished, and then lick the spunk off the screen, throw it back up, and repeat.


Registering for Flipnote Hatena is a pain in the ass. First, you must register your email, and if you think that is all you have to do, you're wrong! Afterwards, you must send them a fucking letter through the mail that consists of some printout contract and your signature. When you send your postcard or whatever, it usually gets rejected, which means that you waited days for nothing! The Bureaucratic Fucks at Flipnote Hatena enjoy rejecting your letters because they do it for teh lulz.


When a person dont get stars‎

Stars or Known as I-want-to-be-the-popular-like-gizmo-or-the-most-other-popular-guys are some shitty 8-bit pixel to show,how they like the flipnotes. All around, there are 3 billion pixel stars, which the most are starbegging or "iwanttoadoptapokemon" flipnotes.

There are Colored Stars like Yellow/green/Blue/Red and Purple. When stupid artist get an Purple,they go amok and start trolling kids by making a flipnote about it, causing butthurt and lulz all round.

Every region has a massively overrated nigger somewhere on they're site, and expects the rest of the community to be their bitches.

False Reporting

Most happend in the shitty top 10 flipnotes. False Reporters report flipnotes that doesnt contain Violence or nuddy Pictures. After the admins remove the flips that got reported,the False reporter get 1 worthless green star. Even the Admins remove these flipnotes because they cant deal with violence, even when there isnt violence.

It is know,they are false reporting because they are jealous.

Either that or they're awesome and are just trying to make a bunch of kids butthurt. Trust me, false or not, when someone good gets reported, there's chaos.


The admins are little pussys that are affraid about everything in theire shitty website. They regularly visit chatrooms and troll people and Ban hammer then when they reply. Even when they look at this. They will jizz in their pants.

The Community

Flipnote Is Full Of Furfags
Posting this flipnote is the best way to troll furfags and sonicfags.

The majority of Flipnote users consist of delusional weeafaggots who believe that they are gifted and talented when it comes to animating and art. Moar others are stickfags who post shitty stick figure fights as flipnotes. The stickfags are the least talented of all the flipnotefags.Many others are YouTube Poopers that were kickbanned and exiled from YouTube, and as a result, they post their sparta remixes, pingas videos, and other retarded YouTube fads that they brought with them. The rest of the flipnote community consists of furfags who post their fucktarded music vids that consist of animals hugging or cuddling with each other or two animals in love. It is also known that many of Hatena's furfags are Sonicfags who post their half-assed Sonic-themed flipnotes.

The Popular People like Gizmo or BOSS that create rubbish Flipnotes like Stickfights or King Boo´s flipnotes. GIZMO created a succesfully flipnote [3] which it has 1200+ Spin-offs, which most of them are stolen

American flipnoters are know as the Stickmans Pussys,which 80% of the community use Stickmans for theire Flipnotes.

Europe, on the other hand, is full of faggot creators. The good ones take one look at the site and ragequit because it sucks so much, so we're left with the terrible ones. Examples pl0x? Coming soon.

Fuck knows about Japan. Do they, alternatively, think they're from Europe?

Best Flipnote monster 2010

External Links

Flipnote Hatena is part of a series on


Visit the Gaming Portal for complete coverage.

Flipnote Hatena is part of a series on


Visit the Anime Portal for complete coverage.

Flipnote Hatena is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.