Let's Play

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Let's Play is a fancy term for someone playing a video game and recording that playthrough for the enjoyment of the internet (and to become internet famous). Unlike speed-running (and its cousin with a gambling addiction, tool assisted speed-running), the goal of an "LP" is to show off the game, not beat some Japanese basement dweller's time. Though with the way most people do LPs, you wouldn't know the difference.


While people have been doing this sort of thing ever since dial up became obsolete and most peoples' connections could handle it, the Let's Play trend didn't start until around 2006 on Something Awful's Games subforum. After a few threads of watching people play through Oregon Trail, a few goons decided to branch out and show off other games. The most notable of these, if such a thing could be called that, was forum member Slowbeef's runs through Super Metroid and the stupidly hard The Immortal. Afterwards, the forum became so constipated with LP threads that Lowtax gave Games an administrative enema and shuffled all of them off into their own ghetto where they have remained ever since. Over time, the goons perfected their "craft" and everyone else on the internet decided to ride their collective dicks and get in on the action.

LPs Around The Internet

Something Awful

Example of a typical SA LP. Note the unnecessary amount of effort.

Because they started the whole trend and require you to pony up $10 to even be allowed to post, most goons believe that their LPs are the best ones on the internet and ones from anywhere else are complete shit. On a whole, they're probably right; But they still look retarded for being elitist over something as stupid as playing video games for the internet. So don't expect to be received warmly if you post your first LP on the same day you register, repost your old shit from Youtube, or post anything without running it by at least 10 people in the technical support thread (dubbed "The LP Sandcastle") first.

Because of this elitism, they are also responsible for starting the Retsupurae trend, where a person mocks other LPs and occasionally other things like bad flash movies and fanime. While the motive for starting this is wanky and stupid, it still produces lulz and hilarious amounts of butthurt.


Example of a typical video LP on Youtube. Note the lack of effort. (Not shown: Uninteresting and unfunny commentary.)
One of the tools useful for recording videos from a game console is a USB video capture adapter like this. Dumb YouTube LPers long for such tools.

Since all of the 13 year old boys who normally watch LPs can't post on SA without stealing their parents' credit card and most of the internet doesn't want to deal with SA's probation happy mods, they all conjugate here. Also unlike goons, they don't have money to burn for the sake of "comedy" and want their internet fame right NOW, so expect a lot of these:

  • Terribly recorded game footage taken with either a camera pointed at the television or console (because they can't afford a USB video capture adapter or a DVD recorder), or with an UNREGISTERED HYPERCAM 2 capture program (because they don't know about CamStudio and the like).
  • Windows Movie Maker subtitles
  • 400 part LPs due to Youtube's length restrictions. (They could put their videos on Viddler, blip.tv, or another site that doesn't have a length restriction. But no one outside of the LP subforum on SA goes to those anyway. So they won't get as many views or subscribers.)
  • Bad blind runs of a game that came out the day the first video was uploaded.
  • Dragonforce songs playing in place of the game's actual audio
  • The LPer badly singing along to the Dragonforce song playing in place of the game's actual audio.
  • Video LPs of text heavy JRPGs and shitty visual novels that would be better off as a screenshot LP (because no one in their right mind wants to watch text scrolling or a glorified slideshow for 15 minutes at a time).
  • LPs of foreign games that some idiot just had to show off even though they don't know a single word of the language the game is in.
  • Bad and unnecessary storylines that belong on FanFiction.net
  • Trailers for upcoming LPs

Of course, that's not to say that the goons themselves are not guilty of some of these things (especially in the earlier years of the subforum's existence). But through peer pressure, the goons have been forced to put hours upon hours into their videos just to avoid ridicule. While even the shittest Youtube LPer will have at least 2 "fans" defending them from the "haterz". So most don't bother.

Let's Play Convention 2010

I'm at a loss for words here! This is so epic!


Hugh of FMH on TinxaTwoLegs' Paper Mario trailer

The only thing I can gather from all this is that SA is apparently terrible for creating the "hobby" and should not be allowed to participate in it any longer.


—OurLivesOnline on LPC2010

Sometime in August 2010, the Youtube LPers, lead by the After Effects preset loving Fusion Media Network, decided that they had become so famous that they should hold their own convention! An E3 for LPs, if you will, where you could see the trailers for their upcoming LPs and participate in Q&As with your favorite Youtube LPers. Knowing that Youtubers don't have money, instead of renting out a convention hall, they got themselves a ustream account and set themselves up to do a live stream on the 14th.

Aside from not realizing the fact that an LP convention is in and of itself a stupid idea, (and that the whole thing was technically more of a conference than a convention) the guys at FMH forgot to do one crucial thing: They forgot to invite the goons.

Cue a bunch of trolls spamming the stream's chat asking where goon LPer X was, if they could be in the stream, and generally mocking the stupid questions that Youtubers are prone to asking. Sometime during the whole proceedings, goon Baldurk, who is responsible for running the Let's Play Archives, joined in on the trolling and, noting the fact that many of the featured LPers had pokemon in their channel icons, started to ask the innocent question of what the hosts' favorite pokemon were. When no one would answer him, the rest of the goons began to demand an answer. After humoring him for a bit, Baldurk was banned from the chat and anyone who uttered his name in any context was banned as well. Baldurk, distraught, committed pseudocide, shutting down the archives for a few days.

Aside from that, the stream turned out as well as one would expect something like this to: Plagued with technical issues, needless circle-jerking, general dumbassery, and Hugh overusing the words epic and fail until they lost all meaning. At its peak, the stream gained a little over a whopping 200 viewers! (About 50 of which were goons trolling.) You can watch a recording of part of it here. (Protip: Scroll to 2:20, that's when the actual audio starts.)

About a month later, after a Retsupurae video (with a list of actual bits of advice on how to not suck at using After Effects and Magic Bullet) was made for some of their videos and the convention's intro, FMH went on hiatus with no explanation. Looks like the "hopefully annual" event won't be annual after all.

LPC2010's Intro

Dumb trailer #1

Dumb trailer #2

Dumb trailer #3

The reason why FMH went on hiatus

ChipCheezum tries his hand at making a trailer for his next hit LP

TV Tropes

Let's Watch A Let's Play?

...sounds just crazy enough to work...


—Zudak on Let's Watch "Let's Play Sonic 2006"

Unlike the failures at Youtube, the aspies at TV Tropes are too busy arguing over whether or not some minor character from the latest animu could be considered a "moe blob" and sucking Fast Eddie's cock to take screenshots or point a camcorder at their TV. (The ones that do are usually just Youtubers trying to get more hits.) Instead, they have something called "Live Bloginations" where they just write their thoughts of what they are looking at on their TV screen or emulator window. Unlike the other two sites, you don't even get the benefit of a mute button or scroll bar to ignore the LPers' boring commentary to get right to the actual gameplay. So really, there is no point in reading these things unless you want to mock them or suffer from insomnia.

They also do this for other things like TV shows, movies, and other LPs. Because why watch the LP yourself when you can read what some nerd pretending to be an intellectual thinks about it?

Tropers, along with all of the losers who post on Fandom Secrets, also like to idolize other LPers and will always insist that well known LPing duos or groups secretly want to fuck each other or have some stupid sexual fetish that they enjoy as well. But that's to be expected since they do that with every other piece of media in existence.

Notable LPers

  • Slowbeef - The LP subforum's head mod and one of the creators of the LP and Retsupurae trends, best known for his Metroid LPs and continues to make them even though he is complete shit at playing them.
  • Diabeetus - The other half of the Retsupurae "team", mediocre at best and best known for playing Battletoads and some shitty SNES platformer about, you guessed it, diabetes.
  • medibot - A real life version of Homestar Runner who really likes Kirby games. Inventor of "Thompson's Gambit", a retarded challenge that was big on the subforum for a bit that involves finishing a large Coldstone sundae with every topping offered in one sitting. Make up your own "Goons are fat" joke here.
  • Trin Tragula - Annoying limey who sucks at Sonic games. Best known for his LP of Ecco The Dolphin where he roleplayed as the main character as played by Salad fingers. Self banished himself to the Doctor Who threads in TV IV when everyone finally realized how creepy the Ecco videos were.

  • Taxidermist Pasta - The only /b/tard that the goons will tolerate posting on their elite message board. Likes to scream about black people, dongs, and fucking his own mother in place of any actual humor. Rarely posts, but is always harolded as a champion of comedy when he does. LPed some crappy RPG Maker game about the Columbine shooting that got way more attention than it should have and some Mario romhack that 2ch made one day when they were bored.
  • ChipCheezum and General Ironicus - Another Retsupurae duo who are often mistaken for Slowbeef and Diabeetus by the toe-sucking morons on Youtube. Ironicus has deep opinions on how LPs should be done and has a hatred for thread derails concerning Metal Gear Solid Shakespeare hybrid fanfiction. Currently, Chip has been flying solo because Ironicus recently got a life. But Ironicus still comes back and makes fun of Youtube videos with him on a semi regular basis.
  • VoidBurger - The only female LPer who isn't a weeaboo, suffering from GOTIS, or just plain sucks. Usually plays Silent Hill games. Hangs out with Chip when Ironicus is too busy having a life.
  • Some of the contributors on The Escapist - Including Yahtzee. Most of them seem to use Youtube's better offerings as a baseline for how to make an LP. Which should tell you a lot about how their videos are.
  • Spoony - Until he realized that making shitty vlogs about wrestling and banning people who said anything remotely negative about them required less effort.
  • Valis77 - Is an infamous nigger who makes snide comments on underage female characters. Has a rap sheet for actually raping a girl in 2002.

Let's Players with ED articles

See Also

Let's Play is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal

Let's Play is part of a series on


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