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Bungie.net is the website for a rich community of faggots and a small dwelling community of furries. The website can be quite funny at times, and is also ripe trolling grounds. Following site renovations in January 2013 in an attempt to better accommodate the upcoming decade of 8th generation consoles and the dawn of their new Intellectual Property/Vidya game Destiny, most of the content covered in this quality Encyclopedia Dramatica entry is hosted on Bungie's archived website halo.bungie.net. However, "Guardians" shall fear not, as the next decade of Bungie.net, its diverse community of fanboys made up of jews and niggers, and its evolving culture shall all be documented for entertainment purposes in this very own article.


The Halo 3 Forum

The H3F was arguably the worst forum on bnet, on it, during it's prime, you would encounter various degrees of stupidity such as, 'OH MY GOD, MY BR STOPPED WORKING GAEM BROKEN.' This is why it had earned the nick name of the troll 3 forum. A popular phrase was GBITH3F, which stands for 'Get Back In The Halo 3 Forum'.

The H3F had a similar board, H3F: ODST, they are practically the same, but ODST had more whining about recon. Following the release of Halo: Reacharound the forums were abandoned, and only when fat virgins reminiscenced of the "good ol' days" did these forums ever get any activity. Just Dust and Semen remains.

The Halo: Reach Forum

A forum that was worse than the H3F. Here Reacharound players complained about game breaking issues such as armor lock, grenade blast radius, bloom and the terrible maps in this game. Usually was the target of hatred by the Flood. Bungie then proceeded to lock all topics insulting there game and ignored all the complaints. You could find the following in the reacharound forum:

  • My Beta is not working, fix it Bungie!
  • Armor lock suks!
  • Bloom is to random. Fix it now.
  • The BR is better than the DMR and vice versa.
  • Armor lock suks!
  • Trolls creating topics about colored weapons. lulz
  • "I hate this game" threads.
  • I got banned for boosting.
  • Armor lock has no counter and should be nerfed.

Bungie.net Community (the Septagon)

A cesspool of retardation and a former hornets nest of mods, this forum was semi-permiable to trolling and housed the most elitist members on the site. People did not venture forth into here unless you wanted an anal rape from the mods.

The webmaster himself also lurked there, as well as one of the most pathetic human beings to ever connect to the internet, Ken Spartan. Kenny boy was known to suck the seed from site administrator Achronos 2 inch money maker on a daily basis.

The Flood

To say The Flood was like /b/ is like saying that dropping your eyeliner in the toilet is like the BP oil spill. Despite this, there were some arseholes on The Flood who believed this very thing, only to be tarred and feathered by the more internet-savvy members who have plenty of oil at their disposal for tarring and feathering. Floodians were pretty much hated by everyone else, due to their frequent raids, parodies, attacks, buttrapes of other games other than Skyrim, Halo, and Mass Effect.

In any case, the Flood boiled down to these points:

  • Fap Threads
  • Jailbait Threads.
  • Meatspin
  • Relationship threads
  • The prohibition of pornography (not necessarily a good thing).
  • It's even more retarded.
  • The mods try to repress the stupidity, resulting in many bans.
  • porches
  • Rather lulzy threads

The easiest way to have trolled the flood is to have simply made a thread about any of the following: Politics, MW2 being good, religion, girls, being gay, saying rap is good, saying rock is good, music in general, porches, and anything else you can think of. It was supposedly "protected" by a group called "The Flood's Army". Mainly just sat on their asses.

History of The Flood

The Flood-Zanzibar War

Summer 2005-May 2006 In the summer of 2005, the forum Zanzibar tried to blitzkrieg the Flood Forum by flaming and spamming the forum into submission. The resulted in a full-out flame war. Floodians started flaming and spamming the forum Zanzibar in retaliation, until late in 2005. The Flood halted the flaming and spamming, and the Zanzibarians claimed a victory for themselves. However, in the late spring of '06, the Floodians won, as the Zanzibar forum was deleted to make room for the Halo 3 forum, merging with New Mombasa.

The Halo 3 Forum War

May 2006-November 2006 Although Floodians had defeated Zanzibar, the wars for supremacy were not over. The attention of the forum shortly turned to a new rival: The Halo 3 forum. As soon as the forum was released, the H3 Fanboys ignorantly started to spam the Flood with their theories and ideas for H3. In response, the Floodians flamed these members who spammed. The Fanboys retreated and started to stop spamming in October, but started back up again in November . This time, Floodians started to spam the H3 Forum with very stupid ideas, to see how the fanboys would act in response. The battles have halted since November, although contempt is still held by The Flood for The Halo 3 forum, and their regulars.

One Day War

Mid-August 2006 A thread in late summer reported that the moderators created a thread in HCFS, it was titled "We will attack at dawnleave no Floodian standing." However, the contents of the thread is unknown, because any non-moderator b.net member who even attempts to join the group will be in some pretty big trouble, or so says the group's motto. Anyway, the Floodians decided to be prepared for an attack from the mods(For mods, forum attacking is the act of locking threads for no apparent reason). Unfortunately, the next day, the thread was locked by a moderator. It is unknown if the moderators really were planning a surprise attack, but stopped because some bold Floodians found out, or if they are still planning for a surprise attack on The Flood to this day..

Day After Bungie Day

12:20 A.M-12:30 A.M EST, 7/9/2007 An unknown hacked into the moderator's, Pezza's, account started locking all threads on the front page of The Flood. All hell broke loose. Several people who started threads about the incident were blacklisted. A few of those blacklisted were some of the Flood's well-known users. In fact, even moderators were being banned. People were making threads asking for their thread to be pinned, some of which ended up being pinned, but were quickly taken down.

About 10 or so minutes later, the chaos finally stopped, as administrators and higher ranking forum ninjas blacklisted the moderator's account. Many formerly pinned threads had been deleted, and so new ones were created. Pezza now uses a different account, Pezz.

7777 Pages

8/13/2008 On this day at approximately 8:45 The Flood reached 7777 pages of content

35000 pages

8/31/2012 On this day, at around 4:15 PM The Flood reached 35,000 pages of content.

Forum Ninjas

Forum Ninja's are what BNet calls it's moderators. The term does not sound gay, at all. These forum faggots or bungie worshipers or whatever you wanna call them have no life and believe Bungie is GOD. They happily swallow loads of Bungie's cum and regularly toss each other off in glee at the thought of another map pack. They ban for everything and anything that doesn't worship bungie and have a deep seeded hatred of trolls.

List of Forum Ninjas

Average moderator.
Urk from the bungie.net forums.
  • Qbix89 - Likes massive amounts of penis.
  • Foman - Hated by everyone for being a successful black lawyer, a living parodox.
  • Pezza - is such a failure he can't keep his account from being hacked.
  • TGP - Faggot who always signs his posts with -TGP-
  • Captain K Mart - doesnt afraid of anything*
  • The Slayer - A 17 year old
  • Urk - A bungie employee that writes the weekly updates (mind you the updates have never actually contained "updates" for Bungies games). His latest updates include gay interviews about noble map pack and other dumbass bull shit. He blindly worships Bungie and his forum posts are hard hitting pieces of literature such as "I Voted." which was his response to a poll topic titled "Do you think Reach needs a patch?" He also spends his times posting irrelevant pictures in threads. Since only bungie employees can post pictures, this is considered to be the greatest thing ever, turning the thread into an instant hot topic. His real name is Eric Osborne and he lives at 2304 S Pinebrook Ln.Seattle, WA 98198. If you have any complaints about how much halo sucks give him a call at(206) 249-8907. The landlinde has been discontinued newfag. Extra points if you link him to this page!!!one!
  • True Underdog - A furry who became a moderator by blowing Tom Giocanda.
  • Achronos - Real name: Tom Giocanda. He is ta bungie.net overlord and a fatass.
  • Recon number 54 - A lovable old fatass.
  • Dazarobbo- Raped as a child.
  • Bobcast - Claims to be a doctor.
  • Duardo - A mystical old slushie. A submissive Slushie.


The current site, as referred to by the more popular virgins.

See Also

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