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Ratios won't make you a woman :)


—Lauren Southern, telling Keffals that the internet isn't a real place.

Lucas before and after being indoctrinated.

Keffals (Powerword: Lucas Roberts) is a Gaynadian commie, as well as a tranny, who spends all day screaming at thousands on his twitch about how everyone he hates is a Nazi. Deluded enough that he thinks that surgery has made him a woman, he has now reached such levels of insanity that he believes that people want to see his pathetic prosthetic pussy on porn sites, along with his belief that "Ratio-ing someone on Twitter will save transgender lives!", an idea that only makes sense to those who live in an insane asylum.

Lucas gained infamy when he got a famous Twitch Retard banned off the site. Despite this Twitch-tard being pro-tranny, Lucas cherrypicked quotes and clips in order to get him suspended for Transphobia. Realizing that the big, bad evil companies are actually on his side, Lucas now picks fights with anyone he can find, declaring them Nazi and Transphobic. On this supposed crusade to "rid the web of those evil transphobes!", Lucas has clashed with Null, declaring him the "king of transphobes", and has tried to scrub his Kiwifarms page due to it cataloguing his history, that being a retard online.


Lucas Roberts was born a healthy, baby boy on the 25th of March, 1994. However it became clear quite quickly, that Lucas was stupid. Lucas was VERY stupid. At 13 years old, Lucas got in contact with an old man online, and sent him naughty pictures of himself. He now claims he was groomed, and that this was clear manipulation, but we all know that deep down the Sick fuck liked sending pictures to this man. Hardly any record or proof that this happens exists, we only know about it because Lucas loves to talk about himself, all the time. Let this early example show that Lucas is very stupid, and that whether you believe his side of the story or not, he's both impressionable and impulsive, a reoccurring theme in his life.

After becoming a loli irl, Lucas decided being a female loli would be better for his career than continuing as a simple shota. With his father dying of terminal cancer, Lucas saw this as perfect timing to start hormone therapy, convincing his father to spend his life savings on his surgery. Now looking like a crude mockery of nature's perfection, Lucas renamed himself "Clara Sorrenti", and decided on the death bed of his father that every night he would dress up as a woman, and scream at people for free money. It's important to note that possibly due to the surgery, Lucas gained an addiction to opioids.

After being tricked into sending his nudes to old men, and then tricked into spending his old man's cash on surgery, Lucas was then tricked into believing an ideology created by an old man almost as stupid as Lucas himself; Communism. Starting out as a member of the Communist Party of Canada in 2018, eventually becoming an organizer for the Party, Lucas under his new Clara identity, managed to get himself kicked out for a variety of reasons, the main one being that Lucas had become such a compulsive liar that he kept getting the Party into trouble. Given that he was being heavily criticized for not being a real commie, they dropped him from their Party in 2020 to avoid the controversy. While some think that Lucas's brief Communist phase might have been him coping with his Father's loss by being an edgy commie, the real answer is much simpler; Lucas joined a stupid group made for stupid people like himself, but Lucas was so stupid that he didn't understand their rhetoric so they kicked him out.

After having been kicked out of the Party, he was accused of embezzling donation funds from the Communist Party to buy opiates to fuel his addiction. Being one of the organisers he would have had access to the funds, and since his political prospects were becoming less and less likely, it's likely that Lucas selfishly used the funds the same way he used his father's cash, as another way to fuel his own needs. Lucas furiously denies these claims but other members of the party, as well as other Communists and members of the Left have said he's full of bullshit.

Twitch and Twitter Menace

Keffals gloating like a supervillian.

Adopting the username of "Keffals", Lucas started streaming on Twitch where he would spend hours ranting about Trans issues and rights. This is a common sight on Twitch, as Keffals falls under the "Debate and Politics" side of Twitch, where streamers will shout and scream at each other over topics they don't understand. It's less about defending or upholding ideas and philosophies, and more about ego, and how much money you can squeeze out of the braindead audience you attract. This trend of streaming was started by Destiny a lefty retard who spent 11 years popularising these Twitch "debates", as well as making a career out of streaming.


Keffals hard at work ratioing e-celebs to "save trans lives".

When asked if men who pretend to be women should be allowed to compete in Female sport, Destiny said "No lol", before burping very loudly and going back to playing Minecraft. While Destiny is a tranny lover, it did seem in this rare moment that he has used more than three brain cells and had come to the objectively correct opinion. Keffals saw this however, and reported Destiny to Twitch. Due to one of the rules on Twitch stating you have to suck Tranny cock or else you're banned, Keffals report was successful, and Destiny's entire career was deleted in one second. Keffals immediately gloated about this on Twitter, stating he was proud he lost his main source of income, seeing this as the beginning of his "crusade against transphobes everywhere!". He tried to have Destiny's Twitter account banned, and now he cyberstalks him every day, waiting until he finally lashes out at the psycho who stole his job so he can then report him for transphobia and bullying. Strange how much Keffals relies on this transphobia thing, it's almost as if they're not an oppressed minority, but instead a very powerful identity anyone can weaponize to turn on those they don't like.

Lauren Southern

Lauren woke from her coffin after an 1000 year slumber, calling out Keffals for "Deplatforming" Destiny. Despite Lauren's previous shouting matches with Destiny, it seems she didn't like the threat Keffals posed, and so she criticized his weaponizing of identity politics to silence those he did not like. Keffals then responded to these arguments well with a clever rebut- nah I'm joking Keffals just replied "Ratio" because responding appropriately would prove he's a stupid faggot with an itchy trigger finger. This caused a fight between Lauren's white knights and Keffals child fans with brilliant arguments on both sides. Keffals fan boys said that Lauren was old and would have no kids, Lauren's white knights responded saying she was a married mother and that was something Keffals would never be. Lauren then ratioed Keffal's ratio with "Ratios won't make you a woman :)" a line that hit Keffals harder than he'd like to admit, which is probably why after this he stopped going after her. Lauren was later banned from Twitch, something Keffals was more than happy to take credit for, until it was revealed that Lauren had been banned for having Destiny on her show.

Compulsive Liar

Similar to a small child, Keffals thinks of himself as holier than thou, always correct and super smart. This means he can never be wrong, and so whenever an evil transphobe corners him with proof of him being in the wrong, Keffals just lies his head off to avoid repercussions. He knows his army of brainwashed children will defend him to their last breath and so he sleeps easy knowing he is immune to responsibility. But while it's easy to lie in text, on Twitter and behind closed doors, it's harder to lie on a Twitch stream when you can't delete or take back what you said.

One example would be when Keffals claimed that Destiny was a rapist on stream. He accused him of "stealthing", which is the act of poking a hole in your condom so you can impregnate whichever whore you like. Keffals is so use to lying that he sat in his chair with an evil grin for a minute or two before he realised that this was a bullshit lie, to which he hurriedly backtracked "Well I don't know if he did it, but...". If your curious why Keffals hates Destiny so much, it's because Keffals lies to men about his genitals before hooking up. Apparently these partners must be in a constant state of drunken stupidity not to see through Keffals's shitty cosplay, but once they reach the bedroom they turn and run from his disgusting axe-wound. Destiny has said he doesn't agree with transgender men and women lying about their biology to partners, and so it's theorised that Keffals took offense to this, thus sparking his hatred for Destiny.

In video format

See Also