Hogwarts Legacy boycott

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For years, the army of trannies wanted to defeat what they perceive as the evil force of the world killing millions of trans people, J.K. Rowling for a tweet about how trans woman shouldn't be showing their dicks to children in the bathroom. An uproar followed as the once loyal ally of the political activists was now seen as an enemy by her own supporters now considering her to be "transphobic".

Boycotts ensured, trannies and political activists told people to not support various pieces of Harry Potter media to save the trannies from genocide. Nobody cared about the boycotts or even knew about what they were even boycotting in the first place, leaving to them to fail to the dismay of trannies everywhere. If you asked some random dude on the street if J.K. Rowling was transphobic after reading Twatter, they'd tell you to fuck off and get a life.

However then they came up with a master plan to finally defeat J.K. Rowling once and for all. Hogwarts Legacy was a game generating a lot of hype; so they saw this as the perfect opportunity to destroy J.K. Rowling. Retards, in disguise as "gaming journalists", said their outlets wouldn't cover the game due to Rowling's rambles; when in reality, they will find someone else who isn't a hack to review the game. ResetERA tried to censor all discussion of game as they were scared that people would do the unforgivable act of giving J.K. Rowling a tiny bit of jew-gold. (Not only did this not fucking work, but a ResetEra admin (not just a moderator, a fucking admin was caught playing 9.2 hours of Hogwarts Legacy on release day.)

But in January 2023; as the game approaches, the mob rose up in big flames in their last shot to kill J.K. Rowling. Their plan was to force people into not buying Hogwarts Legacy to end all trans genocide. Anyone that rebels is now considered a bigot and are not a real human being. What they couldn't see coming was an increase in publicity about the game from their own seething leading to more preorders. When the game came out journalists didn't actually review the game and instead seethed over J.K. Rowling and made up a bunch of bullshit to make the game look like garbage, when they obviously didn't even play it and only hacked into the system only to preach about trannies dying. Some brought back the Harry Potter is nazi propaganda nonsense back, to make Harry Potter look evil and terrorizing. As games sales skyrocketed from their own publicity that they feeded into the game, they created a website for the sole purpose of harassing streamers for simply playing the game as a last resort until they pussied out and shut the website down. Now they are desperate for the last tiny bit of chance of the boycott switching in their favor.

The boycott failed and only generated more interest in the game as they missed one problem with their plan; and that was the more they seethe about a game, the more people are aware about its existence. As they lack the brain cells to come to that conclusion, it resulted in a total failure. The mob only served J.K. Rowling what she wanted: more money. Some argue that the boycott caused JK Rowling to get more than one hundred million dollars, while others don't care one way or another, and some say that the boycott caused it to sell 256% more than would be expected.


What J.K. Rowling looks like to activists
Actual photo of SJWs plotting to cancel Hogwarts Legacy

J.K. Rowling was once seen an ally to the activists everywhere. Being a complete feminazi, calling out the extremists that she didn't even bother to research, and changing the sexuality of her characters only to appeal to the Harry Potter fags who want to see Wizards sucking each others dicks.

But that all changed one day. To be more precise, June 5, 2020.

On that day, she tweeted about supporting an expert's opinion that offended trannies. It turns out J.K. Rowling wasn't this progressive savior, and was nothing more than another old boomer to these people. The former allies for the first time ever were no longer sucking the pee from J.K. Rowling's vagina, and now attacked her. People called her a transphobe (despite knowing nothing about what she said) for attention. Many journalists out of spite of J.K. Rowling created no research articles.

Later, J.K. Rowling made tweets fearing that trannies would rape her in the bathroom and wanted her own separate safe space. Trannies and activists that barely even looked at the tweets if they even looked at them at all instantly did what they did best and kickstarted a gigantic harassment campaign against her, lighting the bonfire that would come to backfire on them so spectacularly while pulling their hair out at the very mention of her name. Sparking even more butthurt and shitty articles from journalists, J.K. Rowling was now the worst person in the entire fucking universe and must be killed immediately. Now they wanted to destroy J.K. Rowling's entire career.

Other Boycotts

Before the massive shitstorm broke that was the Hogwarts Legacy boycott, the trannies tried to defeat J.K. Rowling by boycotting all other pieces of Harry Potter media.

  • Telling people to not buy the Harry Potter books. The Harry Potter books are still massive sellers on charts, and sales didn't slow down from the boycotts as most people didn't even knew that it existed.

It did not work.

The Score: J.K. - 1 Batshit insane trannies - 0

It did not work.

The Score: J.K (and people with functioning brain cells) - 2 Batshit insane trannies - 0

  • Forcing people to not watch Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore. Warner Bros. tried desperately to make people not know that the movie even existed as they knew it should be seen by as little people as possible, and the first two movies were complete dogshit and killed all interest in the whole entire franchise. It bombed as no one knew of or wanted to watch the movie, meaning the mob lost once again.

It did not work.

The Score: J.K (and people with functioning brain cells) - 3 Batshit insane trannies - 0

Buying the game leads to trans genocide

The boycott was nothing than an excuse for trannies to destroy J.K. Rowling for her views that make trannies butthurt. (As every fucking boycott is nowadays). To make it seem like it was anything more than that, they made up some bullshit that any money J.K. Rowling makes goes to the murdering of trans people. This comes from a tweet by a tranny pretending that J.K Rowling's entire audience was closeted trannies while J.K. Rowling roasts the tranny and mentions the royalty checks she makes from people whining about her.

It did not work.

The mob ran with this however, as they don't possess the brain cells to do a tiny bit of research to look up what she actually said. Now they started preaching to people that if you buy the game you are contributing to trannies being killed.

The Hogwarts Legacy Boycott, step by step

After the trannies lost 0 - 3 with J.K. Rowling's hat trick goal, they needed a new plan. (It was complete shit) but who said trannies could plan?

The previous boycotts of Harry Potter crashed and burned harder than the planes hitting the towers. Why? Simple. Despite how loud trannies whine (and they can whine very loudly, mind you), nobody paid enough attention to them as they couldn't muster up enough whining power to overcome the people who didn't give a fuck.

But they didn't give up; to them, Hogwarts Legacy was going to turn JK Rowling's bank account into a fountain of money, pissing $$$ all over them. If there was one thing trannies excelled at, it was finding something that did nothing wrong and painting it as this big evil thing that needed to be given a back-alley lobotomy with a baseball bat. Now they had to stand up and go on an ultimate quest on the biggest battle they had against J.K. Rowling yet.

A new storm of butthurt unfolded, now more whiny and egregious than ever before. They needed to get every person in the entire universe on their quest to destroy J.K. Rowling's livelihood. "All 8.1 billion people need to get their lazy ass up and join ME!" they demanded. "I don't give a shit if you're a starving 12-year old in Africa! GET UP AND PROTEST, DAMMIT!"

They now came up with a four-step plan to their latest boycott, and begun it by not shutting the fuck up so other people could join their petty BAWWWfaggery and nonsense.

Step 1: Say your outlet won't review the game (Fail)

To make their boycott seem legitimate or noteworthy in the eyes of the mainstream public; they thought they could say that the outlet that they leech off won't review the game. Instead of doing their job they instead cry about J.K. Rowling's comments about trans people and how promoting the game will lead to trans genocide. They didn't boycott Ubisoft or Activison Blizzard for being a rapist paradise, as they don't actually care about human rights unless it affects them or they can virtue signal for attention.

It did not work.

They didn't realize however, that they don't control the outlet they use to make their whine get seen by the masses. The higher ups don't see them as anything important to the outlet, but instead worthless hacks that contribute nothing except giving them more money (being the only reason why they aren't fired). They would get someone else to review the game that's actually at the company to do their job, as they wouldn't be the ones reviewing the game anyways since they're nothing more than leeches of the outlet.

Too bad the outlets couldn't give less of a fuck because capitalism and gave the job to a person who actually gives a fuck about doing their job. They care about money and not about a crybaby sad about J.K. Rowling everyday. So their butthurt just gave more attention to reviews of the game as they got more people aware of the game.

The Score (Round 2): J.K (and people with functioning brain cells) - 1 Batshit insane trannies - 0

Step 2: Preach to others to not play the game (Fail)

They needed to get the average person to not buy the game to put J.K. Rowling in debt, never mind the fact that J.K. Rowling has made so much money she could use $$$ as toilet paper. They needed more people to join their boycott to stop sales of the game. They then preached on social media about how you shouldn't buy the game as it gives J.K. Rowling more power, thinking anybody would care about a whining nobody forcing them to not buy the game. Hacks pretending to be journalists used their outlet to talk about how playing the game will help J.K. Rowling grow larger.

It did not work.

Nobody takes journalism seriously so nothing they say has any value in the slightest. This only made people want to play the game as they didn't care about some assholes bitching about J.K. Rowling expecting people to take them seriously. Some people only bought the game so they can piss off these people so they can cry about nobody listening to their bullshit. Perhaps this is where some of the game's revenue came from?

The Score (Round 2): J.K (and people with functioning brain cells) - 2 Batshit insane trannies - 0

Step 3: Call gamers transphobes (Fail)

If nothing works, the boycotters resort to calling anyone who buys the game meaningless insults such as transphobe, bigot, incel, ignorant, and cunt (hey, remember the last time they did that?). Naturally, this didn't work either as SJWs have thrown these terms around so much that they've sucked all the life out of them, like the world's faggiest vampire, and robbed them of all meaning; while the knuckle-draggers of the internet never cared about being called these things, some even proudly embracing them, not even the Norps give a fuck about these empty labels anymore. Their logic could literally be applied to them as they go and throw petty name calls at gamers on their phones made of child labor. They now look even more like fools and any chance of them being taking seriously is completely destroyed.

The Score (Round 2): J.K (and people with functioning brain cells) - 3 Batshit insane trannies - 0

Reviews Are In (Fail)

While the trannies believing they control everything said that their outlet won't review the game; the developers just simply gave the review codes to somebody that actually reviews video games. The developers wanted more publicity for the game that they were already getting loads from the activists themselves. Kotaku wasn't given any review codes as the developers knew they wouldn't review the game and instead be butthurt at J.K. Rowling, not realizing the amount of publicity their crying would give to the game. No fucking shit. Finally, devs who realize that giving review codes to certain "journalist" sites will only fuck up their chances.

However, some of these hacks slipped through the cracks and were given review codes. After saying they wouldn't review the game, they didn't play the game and created articles that instead of reviewing the game, they just preached about J.K. Rowling being a TERF and how buying the game leads to trans genocide. Some of these people tried make the game look like shit by spewing a bunch of obviously made up nonsense without even playing the game. These articles only skyrocketed sales, and led to people buying the game just to piss them off.

All the other hacks were salty over not being to get a review code so nobody would actually review the game and also the game getting good review scores. They started making attack articles on positive reviews of the game without any valid arguments.

It did not work.

The Score (Round 2): J.K (and people with functioning brain cells) - 4 Batshit insane trannies - 0

J.K. Wins! Trannies lose, again. Researchers have indicated that when a boycott is lead by trannies there is a 41% chance it will prevail.

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ResetERA wipe (Surprisingly not fail)

Hogwarts Legacy is advertised on ResetERA, much to the dismay of the retarded admins who believe they control everything

ResetERA (a.k.a. NeoGAF 2: Electric Boogaloo) is a circlejerk for politically correct faggots, trannies, and feminists who complain about how anything is racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic. It was founded by former NeoGAF admins after Tyler Malka, the owner of NeoGAF, was exposed as a rapist; with every NeoFAG (including the mods/admins) moving to RetardERA soon after because they didn't want to give a rapist any money. So it's no surprise a website built by woke lunatics was going to lose their shit over Hogwarts Legacy.

After loads of butthurt over Hogwarts Legacy being brought up by the few non-snowflakes on the site, the moderators who were scared of giving J.K. Rowling the slightest bit of cash banned any discussion of the game. Most people on the website want to destroy the entire idea of free speech, because of anything that doesn't align with their own political views. This decision was celebrated across the entire website. The game would barely get any discussion outside whining over J.K. Rowling's comments, as nobody even discusses games on RetardERA and only tries to cancel, harass and dox people.

Sirona Ryan (Fail)

Journalists trying to find anything to make the character look "insulting"

In attempt to pander to the trannies to be seen as allies, the developers added a trans character named Sirona Ryan so they would finally calm the fuck down. While trannies obviously have too much of vendetta against J.K. Rowling to give a shit, it was a nice move to give more publicity to the game.

It did not work (except this time for the developers, not the trannies; by now the trannies have scored a field goal when it comes to failings)

The trannies only saw this insincere and was only added for them to be fueling trans genocide. Articles tried to prove the character is not a tranny by making a massive reach that she is named after mythological snake and eggs bullshit nobody has even heard of that is typically associated with masculinity, meaning that they're actually a man, despite simultaneously claiming anyone can be trans and can identify with a masculine and feminine name. Some people tried to argue that her surname being masculine means they're not a tranny. What happened to people can be any sexual orientation they believe in regardless of gender, folks? The trannies were so desperate they decompiled the fucking game and tried to claim that MrGirl, Sirona's internal code name, was transphobic.

Some trannies even called them "transphobic" for being a in a game associated with J.K Rowling. People even made up lies about developers admitting that they only added the character into the game so they would buy the game for the mass murder of trannies. The boycotters tried to make it seem the character was universally hated by anyone that wasn't a butthurt tranny. That didn't work either, because most gamers have functioning brains. Most of them.

Goblins are Antisemitic (Fail)

After the whole "Goblins in Harry Potter are antisemitic" nonsense seemed to have died, a bunch of journalists desperate to shit on the game created dogshit articles claiming that the Goblin Rebellion era that the game takes place in, contains antisemitic tropes because they rebel against the wizards oppressing them. Now the activists claim to not only be standing up for trannies but also Jewish people that are hurt by the game.

It did not work.

Journalists tried to twist what what Jewish comedian Jon Stewart said to make it seem like he is saying that the Goblins are antisemitic, but Jon Stewart called them out on their absurdity.

Have they streamed THAT wizard game? and other retarded endeavors (3 Fails in a row)

When people that preordered the deluxe version got the game early, the game had the most amount of viewers for a single player game in Twitch history, which made the trannies seethe hard. Now the trannies went to have massive sperg-outs on anybody that streamed the game. A website was created called "have they streamed THAT wizard game?", as a way for butthurt trannies to witchhunt anyone who played the game to harass and/or dox them. The person that created the website, who was a part of fucking Yogscast of all things, was too much of a pussy to even mention the name of the game; as they were too scared to say the forbidden words related to the evil J.K Rowling.

The trannies tried to defend the website saying that "it is a way for people to find a streamer they won't support". Believing that a person is a bigot for playing a video game is retarded on its own; so this is obviously nothing more than a way to hide the fact the website was obviously built for trannies to go on doxing/harassment sprees against streamers.

A politician got involved and defended the website (we love our gubmit, don't we, folks); saying it is perfectly okay to compile a list of streamers that you can cry about for playing a video game. If you think a website that shows what streamers played the game wouldn't be used for witchhunting, then you lack any authority to even be a politician. Obviously this is just an excuse for the website to stay up to go on a fit against streamers.

Girlfriend Reviews is a JewTube channel where a man who sucks at games plays a game terribly while a girl watches his shitty gameplay and reviews the game without even playing it. They attempted to stream Hogwarts Legacy, but the chat quickly became infested by trannies throwing massive temper tantrums to the point the girl cried on stream and quit the game.

The website was shut down a day later as they weren't even confident enough to fight back against the bigots funding J.K. Rowling.

The Brigade on VTubers (Many, many fails in a row)

Nobody has heard of this person, but whoever they are, vandalizing this article only makes us want to learn more...

Many VTubers were harassed and doxxed for simply playing the game, such as Silvervale to the point of crying; she then gave support for her friends who had to deal with this retarded bullshit as well. On Twitter, people said Silvervale deserved to be harassed and she is nothing more than a piece of shit. On another stream, she trolled all the butthurt lunatics that harassed her and said she didn't condemn J.K. Rowling's actions and just wanted to play a fucking game. Twitter got more butthurt and said perfectly nice things such as telling her to die.

A few trannies pretended nobody got harassed and that people were actually harassing trannies to make themselves seem like the good guys. It did not work because everyone had seen the crybully shit they were doing and nobody was convinced for a single second.

Another thing of note, is that one of Silvervale's friends Froot, who was also part of the boycott and saying she would "stay as far away from that game as possible", along with being well-known for cheating on her deployed husband, decided to throw her under the bus the very same day by responding to someone's questions about how Silvervale is doing with "everyone makes mistakes". Soon afterwards, she decided to chase some clout, tweeting out that for every like she got, she would donate to the Mermaids "charity", which is dedicated to mutilating children and has had numerous high-level pedophilia scandals. Surprisingly she did say she would be open to suggestions for another charity, but as of June 2023, nearly 4 months later, after reaching nearly 57 thousand likes, there are no statements nor any evidence that she has followed through with actually donating to anything. A documentary was later produced about her which soon after was hit by a false copyright strike by Froot, but this only made people learn that someone actually made a documentary about her.

Silvervale along with a couple of other whores ended up not renewing their VShojo contracts in late April, with Silvervale saying in her stream afterwards that "some people are not the people you think they are".


A azn VTuber by the name of Pikamee posted on Twatter an announcement for a stream where she would be playing Hogwarts Legacy. The Twitter mobs found out and lost their shit and started bulling her online for attention. Her chats were quickly invaded with these lunatics claiming to be trans allies that gave her death threats despite not even playing the game. On Twatter people encouraged rampant retardation and told her to die and kill herself. 4chan users were able to find all the personal information of people harassing Pikamee.

She then cancelled multiple streams while psycho so-called "allies" harassed her even more. Some people had such an obsession with her, they even stalked her accounts for any little thing she did. People tried to call her transphobic for deleting tweets that linked to the stream; promoting the game means you're a transphobe and deleting promotion of the game means you're a transphobe too!

She then "graduated" seemingly because of the insane obsessive freaks that lost their shit over a little anime girl playing a video game. Twatter celebrated this as a victory, once again not realizing all the publicity they gave to the game, despite simultaneously claiming that her graduation had nothing to do with the harassment, that the harassment never happened, that the harassment was only from a few people, that the harassment was just "light criticism", and that the harassment was a right-wing psyop. All at once.

Fortunately for her fans, she ended up coming back in mid-May under the new persona of "Henya the Genius". The curl of the monkey's paw, however, was that she had joined VShojo, the same company that houses Froot and did absolutely nothing for Silvervale while she was being harassed.

Pipkin Pippa (fights back)


Wait nevermind, instead of bowing to the mob or being chased away she actually told the tranny mob to get fucked. That takes balls (despite the fact that she's a VTuber.) Excellent work.

Kobo Kanaeru (has her fans utterly obliterate any harassing trannies)


Wait nevermind, she's just some random generic vtuber who happened to have one of the most hyperobsessed fandoms following her and when she said she'd play the game, her fans jumped in to fight off the rabid SJWs because they aren't filthy Westerners.

Maemi Tenma (literally tells batshit insane trannies to shuffle off this mortal coil)


Wait nevermind, instead of bowing to the mob or being chased away she actually told the tranny mob to get fucked hang themselves. Great!

Bitching on Babbish

A cooking show called Binging with Babbish was sponsored by Hogwarts Legacy. Babbish has an actual life and doesn't have enough time for some nobodies whining about J.K. Rowling or some petty boycott on a video game. People started calling him a bigot because of the controversy he probably doesn't even know exists.

Antifa gets involved

If things couldn't get any more absurd, fucking Antifa is now involved in the boycott. A pub decided that instead of putting on sports, movies, or TV shows, they would put on a fucking stream of someone playing Hogwarts Legacy. While everybody else was probably blessed for not being part of the boycott, one person in the audience was a part of Antifa and started raging on Twatter about the pub showing a "transphobic, antisemitic, racist video game".

The pub issued an apology for showing the game, to appease the Antifa freaks.


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Activists seethe

See Also

Hogwarts Legacy boycott is part of a series on


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