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A group of millennials

Millenials (also known as Generation Y or Generation WHY???) are the demographic cohort following Generation X. Demographers and researchers typically use the late 1970s to early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years, with the ending being significantly shittier than those born at the beginning.

They are mostly known as the generation responsible for Columbine, Virginia Tech, Britney Spears, Kesha, Lady GaGa, Jonas Brothers, Justin Bieber, and making most of the old memes of the 2000s. They are infamous for being entitled, narcissistic, materialistic, sexually deviant, and being severely addicted to technology. Along with most being in their 20s and 30s, many still make minimum wage and are often rarely reproducing (save for the shitskin races like Niggers and Spics), although we have the Baby Boomer economics to blame for this. They came of age around the time Jews Did WTC, Eric and Dylan pulling off the most epic high school prank of all time, and the atrocious presidencies of Bill Clinton, W, and Barack Obama.


A randomly selected crop

The Millennials are the generation succeeding Generation X. Demographers and researchers typically use starting date ranging from the late 1970s to early 1980s, and ending dates ranging from the mid-1990s to early 2000s. They typically graduated high school in the 2000s or 2010s. They grew up with the Gulf War, the presidencies of George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, W, and Obama; several notable events witnessed were the end of the Cold War, the Gulf War, the Los Angeles chimpouts, Columbine, Bill Clinton getting his dick sucked by Monica, the Internet coming out and becoming actually decent (mid 2000s), A literal monkey becoming the most powerful man in the world, another monkey taking that throne, the Virginia Tech Massacre, a fuckload of epic memes from 2006~2009, the rise of social media and smartphones, and the creation of a hedonistic, materialistic marxist world filled with drones.

Truly, this is a lot to take in; Despite this cohort being only about 15 years, each year produced noticeably different people from their superiors; someone born in 1986 is radically different from the Gen X-Y cross-generational lot. That being said, this generation truly started going to hell when the kids born in the mid-1990s started to come of age.

Characteristics By Year

Their president of choice
A 95–00 Millennial in the 2010s, being offended.

[[File:Dragnotta.jpg|thumb|right|Typical millenial male.

Millennials born in 1990–1994 graduated in 2008–2012, and were the last true cohort of Generation X. Though underage b& when the epic events happening at the turn of the century began, they were the last collective of youth to experience the world before everything entirely went to shit. They are the first to be fully indoctrinated into homosexual leftist marxist brainwashing, being one of the most liberal and idiotic people in the history of the world.

They were the fuckers who made the first cancerous memes like Over 9000, Mudkips, THIS IS SPARTA, and all the old memes of the late 2000s. They were some of the first Scene and Emo kids. They grew up with YouTube and social media, and fondly remember when these sites weren't completely dumbed down and shitty. They often got butthurt that their computers couldn't run Crysis.

Millennials born in the 1995–2000 graduated in 2013–2018, and are typically a cross-generation with Generation Z; their new/faggotry, low attention spans, little or no memory of 9/11 and Columbine, and autism are the direct result of this. They are the faggots who completely destroyed internet culture with newfag cancerous memes like Uncle Dolan, Nyan Cat, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), Ayy lmao, Arrow to the knee, and other Forced Memes.

They are typically babied and extremely liberal. This is because many of them are the children of other Millenials who got knocked up at super young ages because babies are just so CUUUTE! OMG I HAVE TO HAVE ONE!!!1!1! The remaining few who aren't products of other millenials actually stemmed from 80's career women who suddenly flew into a panic at being childless at age 50 so they decided to pump a few out ASAP. Due to being old they decided to coddle their crotch spawn as much as possible leading to the easily rattled Millenial seen today. Most dumblrinas are from this age group.

Current Situation

Currently, a majority of Millennials have drunk the poison of Social Justice; even the oldfags from the early 80s. Despite being in their 20s and 30s, many Millennials have yet to raise kids; mainly because they can't get laid, and because the economy is shit and all the new jobs get taken up by the goddamn baby boomers. It doesn't help that the women are hypersexual whores who often cheat on their partners, and usually only put out for alpha douchebags like Chad. Millennials are the most perverted generation on record. Degenerate sexual acts like Fellatio, Anal Sex, and even sick-fuck territory like Rimjobs, BDSM, Furry Porn are already (or yet to be) fully accepted practices. They often have sex on the first date, and have kids out of wedlock. Many often date single mothers and raise other men's kids. A majority of Millennial women have performed fellatio or taken it up the ass. Often by 37 dudes; sometimes, even in a row. It is of no surprise that they often make horrible mothers. It is not uncommon to find 4 year olds dressing like hookers. The schools that Gen-Z fags attend have a common scenery of girls wearing yoga pants or even just micro-mini skirts / shorts, and see-through clothing.

Most Millennials are cucks and voted en-masse for Bernie Sanders. They are extremely entitled, snarky, pessimistic, mentally ill, narcissistic, simple-minded, egotistical, addicted to technology (smartphone zombies), SJW, LGBT - the list goes on. They are the first to (as a majority) join the marxist-liberal hivemind to destroy their nations and implement Communism and Socialism. They are infamously known for being extremely Politically Correct; they are so infantile that they will sue you for even looking at them or calling them names. In College, they created Safe Spaces, and implemented Trigger warnings inside (and now outside) of college. They also created faggotry like "microaggressions", dozens of fake genders, promote censorship, etc.

Millennials are the least religious generation on record. Instead of god, they worship gayness and degeneracy. A majority of Millennials have tried Weed, and often acted like Hippies who think they're cool because they rot what little of their brains they have. When the smartphone revolution occurred, the collective IQ of the generation sharply plummeted. Music went from tolerable (Eminem-era) to complete garbage. Millennials now communicate via shitty apps like Vine, Instagram, and Snapchat; applications which require little brainpower and even encourage minimalism. The result is that Millennials now possess attention spans on par with common goldfish. They often make terrible employees, always needing to be congratulated or thanked for doing their fucking job, and are always fucking SLACKING OFF ON FACEBOOK. But we can't fire these shitheads, it'd destroy what little of an economy we got left!

Here's a scary thought for you: There are 75 million of these motherfuckers in America. They're going to rule our country in 20 years.

Millennial Mindset

Most Millennials' parents are those of the Baby Boomer generation; the worst generation on record, notable for stripping the planet of it's resources, destabilizing western civilization (via promoting Feminism, Egalitarianism, Marxism, etc) permanently ruining the American economy, along with countless other ills. It should come as no surprise that the Baby Boomers would fuck up parenting as well, and Millennials serve as a prime example of this proposition. The following chart shows the cause and effect of numerous common techniques utilized by the Boomer collective.

Cause Effect
"You can do/be anything you want!" Unwarranted Self Importance
(Endless heaps of undeserved praise) See Above.
(Rewarding them trophies for everything) See Above.
"Sex is bad and will kill you!" Significant Teen Pregnancy hikes
Helicopter Parenting Paranoid, submissive sissified youth.
"Free Range Parenting" Undisciplined, douchebag youth.
"You are a special person!" (Thinks the world owes them everything)
"Just b urself!" Entitled, easily triggered shitheads
Divorce, neglect, abuse, etc Teen Suicide, Depression, Drug use, etc.


They're too weak to have sex and reproducing at a third of the rate of immigrants who make baby boomers seem like..erm...millennials...?! What I'm saying is: Millennials won't leave a legacy of their own. The next generation will continue to show their tolerance, peace and acceptance of homosexuals, women and people who don't agree with Islam.



—Youtuber, 'RattyB75'

Things to thank the Baby Boomers for: political correctness, rabid consumerism, direct-to-consumer drug advertising (aka a nation of pill poppers), suburbia, affirmative action, radical feminism, the war on drugs, Christian fundamentalism, allowed deindustrialization (buy all your stuff from China), never adopting the metric system, popularizing fast food in favor of traditional cooking, global policing.




I destroyed a couple of these shit face millennials at work today! I told them to put their cell phones away and pay fucking attention at their job! This isn't time for fucking Facebook at work! They were written up quickly and dealt with severely... they will be fired next week if they keep up this behavior.



—Proper bossing techniques.

Millennials, Also known as the "Snowflake Generation". This is the generation that were brought up in a world stuffed full of PC correctness with umpteen amounts of laws to protect the little darlings from any kind of negativity that may hurt their delicate feelings. They have no idea how to have a proper debate unless you totally 100% agree with what they think is right because they were taught from an early age that losing or feeling rejected is not an option. They want everything now instead of working hard for it and they cry when something is not free! They moan they can't afford to buy a little house yet they nearly all have cars, expensive Smart phones with expensive tariffs to say nothing of the music and TV subscriptions. They lack empathy for anyone less fortunate than themselves. They hate democracy, and have no compassion for their country.




Tbh The older generations complain about us because we're supposedly lazy. Do you know how hard it is to find a job with a crap education system, Banks that are literally legal loan sharks, and the shitty economy. You wanna know what the cause of these problems? YOU POS BABY BOOMERS! You literally made it impossible for young and impressionable minds to start etching out a living. To say that we are entitled is the biggest lie I've ever heard in my life besides George Bush(Baby boomer and war criminal) saying there were WMDs in Iran.



—Babby Boomers did WTC

As someone who's too depressed to work and too poor to get medication that would stabilize me, and still saddled with something like 40k worth of student loan debt I'll never pay from a shitty "college" that tricked me, I really hate that people around me--my parents in particular--see me as an entitled millenial as opposed to a victim of a shitty system their generation created.



—Millennial victim speaks out

Musical Taste

Early Millennials still existed in a time when an occasional good song was released:



Eiffel 65


Smashing Pumpkins

The Offspring

Mortal Kombat

Old meme


Notice the pessimistic sarcastic snarky-ness.

Workplace Training

Bimbo rants on her kind

Millennials as a music video


[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Fun Facts

  • Millennials have invented over 9000 different genders and sexual identities.
  • They think getting to level 60 in World of Warcraft is a life accomplishment.
  • The females have sucked 37 dicks by the age of 15.
  • They can't keep a job for more than 3 years
  • They watch children's shows for Christ's sake!
  • They just won't have kids! Except the niggers, spics, and white trash
  • They didn't bring me my goddamn coffee!
  • They're in $1,000,000,000,000.00+ of student loan debt
  • On average, they have over $50,000 of debt
  • 20% of them are unemployed
  • 99.9% of them cant go 5 minutes without those damn cellsmartphones!
  • 69% of them voted for King Nigger; 9001% felt the Bern
  • 100% of them should kill themselves

See Also

  • Hipster - The vast majority of Millennials today.
  • Goth - A faggy clique that peaked with the Millennial generation.
  • Emo - an even faggier clique that peaked with 1990~1992 births.
  • Scene - Even queerer than before! Peaked in 2006~2008, with 1994~1996 births.
  • Mental illness - Up to 69% of Millennials have one.
  • Homosexuality - A mental disease affecting 1 out of 5 Millennials.
  • Liberal Butthurt Syndrome - suffered by half of them.

External Links

Millennials is part of a series on Generations.
Millennials is a Good New Article.

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