Generation X

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A footnote in the pages of history, Generation X is the most pointless generation to have ever existed. Nobody will care when they die. They will not be missed. They will not even be remembered (a positive considering the hypocricy and insanity of the boomers and millenials). Consisting of people born between the 1965-1980, this was a generation raised by the emergence of feminism, mtv and being raised by video games while their single mothers were busy earning the rent by spreading their legs. As with every generation after the “Greatest Generation”, Gen.X is extremely narcissistic, but, what makes them different from the saccharine hippie Boomer and the perpetually-triggered Millennial is a heavy dose of edgy nihilism. This nihilism-narcissism cocktail led Gen.X to embrace Nietzsche memes, a Greed is Good philosophy, and an assurance that everything was pointless so doing nothing made them superior to everyone else.


The sheer nihilism of X-fags created a generational consensus that everything was corrupt and in order to win, you too should become corrupt. The result of this philosophy destroyed once great companies and entire industries that imploded as the upstanding virtuous members of the Great and Silent generations were replaced with X-fags, whose corruption (including money laundering, scheming, lying about safety measures, and other degeneracy) was unprecedented, and the Boomers whose lazy "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" policies not only allowed the criminal activities of Gen X to go unpunished, but also actively attacked snitches. X was less of a generation and more of a disease. The sheer corruption in business, plus a fetish for leather jackets and trench coats, including blaxploitation films and an even more stinking pile of forced diversity makes Generation X, the Nigger Generation.

Finally the corruption reached a tipping point and culminated in the one and only good thing Gen X has ever done, the '07/'08 recession. X like the cowards they are, refused to take responsibility and blamed the entirety of the great recession on the boomers while it is both the Boomers' Lenscap Ignorance and the X-fags' corrupt cynicism combined that caused the bust. The likes of which limited the scope of the even more Left-leaning Millennial Snowflake generation, depriving them of funds and resources that they would have undoubtedly used to project their degeneracy even farther. The recession also created the perfect conditions for Generation Zyklon, who, are more conservative at age 10 then their parents at 40, and are projected to become even more conservative, nationalist and traditional as they age.

Influence on the Internet

While the Boomers were loud and self-aggrandising, Gen.X prefered to hide behind mommy's skirt, cow in the shadows and act anonymously. It is from Gen.X that we derive the greater Anonymous and Chan culture and other related movements, everything from the old faggotry of Usenet, to Æ, to the new Autism of the Alt-Right and beyond; the sheer faggotry of which leaves a permanent shitstain on the history of mankind.


Having dumped the ability to actually play instruments, this generation of faggots started listening to nigger music such as hip-hop, making a lot of niggers rich by stealing white people music, by sampling it, and making it into awful talentless beats about being a nigger. When they weren't busy listening to the blackest of black music, they turned to the only thing worse, the whitest of white music; grunge. A genre that sounds exactly the same - whining. Back when Gen X were young, MTV actually played music videos, but thanks to their upbringing Gen X destroyed that.

What MTV actually was back before Gen X fucked it dead

Video Games

Before Gen X, video games did not exist and people didn't have that much spare time to just jerk off and do nothing of value. Then came Pong, and later Pac-Man, causing X-fags to rush out en-masse to dark, smelly arcades where they would painfully give the machines their schekels every time they wanted to continue after a game over, which was often as X-fags were still primitive unevolved Cro-Magnons with no developped hand-eye coordination, technological interface or motor skills whatsoever.

Notable Gen Xers

See also

External links