
From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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rape.sh is a bash script that automates simple tasks, such as dumping a hentai manga. The script runs on *nix or cygwin, and requires cURL to function.


The development of rape.sh has been revived by some other codefag. It now supports an easy way to sage-bomb spammer's threads, better handling of files, and all-over cleanliness.

                           | |
  _ __ __ _ _ __  ___   ___| |_
 | '_ / _Β΄ | '_ \/ _ \ / __| , `. 
 | | | (_| | |_)   __/_\__ \ || | 
 |_|  \__,_| ,__/\___(_)___/_||_| 


  • Multiple directory dumping (new threads or replies)
  • Same file posting (new threads or replies)
  • Random thread posting.
  • Sagebombing
  • Doesn't need a shitty Java Environment to run.

Don't spam, for fucks sake

The script can easily be used to spam shit. Don't do it. All you're going to do is piss off people, and they will try hard to ban this simple open-source script. Spamming will only hurt yourself.

See Also

External links

is part of a series on
Surprise Sex

Forms of Rape

Almost Rape πŸ’” Asking for it πŸ’” Ass Rape πŸ’” Baby Rape πŸ’” CΓ¦k RΓ¦p πŸ’” Cyber Rape πŸ’” Date Rape πŸ’” Ear Rape πŸ’” Fart Rape πŸ’” Gay Rape πŸ’” Prison Rape

Rapey Shit

Battle Raper πŸ’” Campus Rape Epidemic πŸ’” Clarissa πŸ’” Here Comes The Airplane πŸ’” Netorare πŸ’” Rape Checklist πŸ’” Rape Clock πŸ’” Rape culture πŸ’” Rape Day πŸ’” Rape dollars πŸ’” Raped Statistics πŸ’” Rape Kit πŸ’” RapeLay πŸ’” rape.sh πŸ’” RapeX πŸ’” Raping Little Suzy πŸ’” Sharking πŸ’” Stealthing πŸ’” You Gonna Get Raped

[No means no!Moar ræp plox!]

Fake Rape Victims

April Fletcher πŸ’” Bill Cosby Accusers πŸ’” Brock Turner's Drinking Buddy πŸ’” Charlotte Eloise Smith πŸ’” Crystal Shinkle πŸ’” Cyntoia Brown πŸ’” Eleanor de Freitas πŸ’” Emelia Holden πŸ’” Emma Sulkowicz πŸ’” Erica Kinsman πŸ’” Farrah Abraham πŸ’” Jackie Coakley πŸ’” Jennifer Marie Baquing πŸ’” Heather Lind πŸ’” Jessica Leeds πŸ’” Kesha Rose Sebert πŸ’” Kicesie πŸ’” Kurt Eichenwald πŸ’” Lena Dunham πŸ’” Magz πŸ’” Michael Gimson πŸ’” Michael Jackson's Playmates πŸ’” Nikki Joly πŸ’” Trump Rape Accusers πŸ’” The Unrapeable πŸ’” Vigouroux

Real Rape Victims


IRL Rapists & Sexual Predators

Al Franken πŸ’ž Andi Dier πŸ’ž Australians πŸ’ž The Batman Rapist πŸ’ž Bill Clinton πŸ’ž Bubba πŸ’ž Carter Reynolds πŸ’ž Dan Schneider πŸ’ž Dr. Date Rape πŸ’ž George Takei πŸ’ž Glenn Beck πŸ’ž Harvey Weinstein πŸ’ž Herman Cain πŸ’ž John Kricfalusi πŸ’ž Josef Fritzl πŸ’ž Kurt Eichenbald πŸ’ž Laurelai πŸ’ž Lena Dunham πŸ’ž Mohammed πŸ’ž Rapefugees πŸ’ž Russell Brand πŸ’ž Sean Windingland πŸ’ž Stormy Daniels πŸ’ž Ron Corcoran πŸ’ž The Krassenstein Brothers πŸ’ž Tyler Malka πŸ’ž Wallace Spencer πŸ’ž Zoe Quinn

Fictional Rapists

A RAPE SPIDER πŸ’ž 8-Bit George Armstrong Custer πŸ’ž Donald Drumpf πŸ’ž Pyramid Head πŸ’ž RAPE APE πŸ’ž The Rapeman πŸ’ž Rape Rodent


Rape.sh is part of a series on


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