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Acronyms are capitalized abbreviations for common phrases and ideas which are pronounced as proper words. Generally, their comprehensibility decreases as a function of their length, essentially converting something from TL;DR to TS;DR, losing it's meaning.

Popular acronyms

Note: Most of the below aren't actually acronyms. They're initialisms.

Unpopular acronyms

Troll acronyms

The entire HTH range.
  • FOAD – Fuck off and Die
  • HAND – Have A Nice Day – standard Usenet troll dialogue. Condescending. Denotes that the troll believes he has pwned you. He doesn't really want you to have a nice day.
  • HTH – Hope that helps
  • YHL – You Have Lost
  • DIAF – Die in a fire – The troll actually means this.
  • YHBT
  • KYS – Kill yourself. Used by trolls when the trolled person in question says something that specifically annoys the troll. Often overused.

See Also

Acronym is part of a series on acronyms


Internets Lingo


Other Lingo


Internet Places/Group


Moar Internet Shit


IRL Acronyms


Bad Acronyms


Acronym is part of a series on Language & Communication
Languages and DialectsGrammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Style, and UsageRhetorical StrategiesPoetryThe Politics of Language and CommunicationMediaVisual Rhetoric
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