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Chud will be posted by the same
unfunny newfag until you like it.

A chud is a person with a composition of conservatism, bigotry and sick fucketry. The term is mainly used by trannies and their opposing wing negatively, but is sometimes used positively amongst the like. Originally defined as a "avoided and physically unappealing person" after the movie C.H.U.D. "Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers", until it was corrupted into a completely different meaning last thursday after the internets (just like faggot).

The word "chud" is often depicted with and used alongside "le /pol/ face" or "le pollack" (based on Patrick Crusius), originating in late 2019 on 4chan. And recently a wojak variant off it known as "poljak" or "chudjak", created in August of 2020 on Bunkerchan. Both popularized by lefties and trannies as a representation of a typical /pol/tard.


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