Dan Schneider

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Dan Schneider is the fat, greasy pedophile responsible for turning Nickelodeon from a channel for cartoons into one for god awful live action "children's sitcoms", most of them disguised as his fap material. Before his career in entertainment, he had a job involving computers, where he probably developed a love CP on usenet. His works include Drake & Josh, All That, Sam and Cat, Victorious, iCarly, The Amanda Show, Zoey 101, and Good Burger, and now Henry Danger, in degrading quality not really in that order. He is known for having a foot fetish, and has required various casting couch attendees to let him do certain... things to their feet, in order for these children to get their acting parts. Many wills were broken during the making of his shows, and some have gone off to do more undesirable things to suppress the trauma brought on from Danny's iron fist of pedophilia power.

Early Life

Before his time as a director, he used to be in actor for such shit like "Make the Grade" and "Better Off Dead", because being a part of a movie with a kid wanting to kill himself for being a pussy at life totally helps with netting a spot for making children's shows. Seeing how they were all low budget and didn't get our subject enough Jew Gold to hire a permanent foot-masseuse, he instead got to thinking maybe the new direction for money would be for kids to act idiots on TV instead of him. If he hit the g-spot, he could get his money and have his power over children like he always wanted.

So after submitting the "All That" show idea to Nickelodeon, which at that point wasn't technically overflowing out the cunt with shitty sitcom semen and was still a sorta-cartoon channel, he waved good-bye to his acting career and dignity and hello to being a directing star.

TV career

This was where he truly blossomed into such a paragon of children's entertainment, and has the pounds to prove it. This area of entertainment dominated his life, because why should he go back to acting when he:

  1. . Has children do it for him.
  2. . Could get paid for doing nothing and sitting on his growing asscheeks.
  3. . Can hoard CP secretly and never get caught doing it.
  4. . ????
  5. . PROFIT!

Here's a quick list of summaries about all of his shows, not all of them on Nick, but shit just the same.

All That

A comedy sketch show in 1994 trying to rip off Mad TV and SNL while failing because they didn't have Christopher Walken. That and they failed in other things too. Several actors would go off and make their own shows once the shit ended such as local druggie Amanda Bynes and the nigger duo of Kenan and Kel. The show was brought back to life because Via-cock wanted more money in 2002, then was killed again for good in 2005. The first few seasons were at least trying, but the last ones in 2002-2005 were abominations of the highest caliber.

Kenan and Kel

The first real Schneider sitcom with the two niggers of All That. Starts with a little description to set up the episode, shenanigans ensue, Kenan's full of himself, Kel's a pussy retard that has an orange soda fetish, and the little sister has a crush on Kel. They also had a only one movie of little worth to close out the series, and the theme song was made by washout rapper Coolio. Simply put, it's just two nigs wanting to succeed in life and failing at it.

Guys Like Us

The first sitcom by Schneider not on Nickelodeon and not for children, which is basically the plot that Two and a Half Men stole, with two cuckolded bachelors having to take care of a 6-year-old boy since his dad got a job overseas to Japan. That premise would be stolen by Schneider again to use for his CP paradise, iCarly.

The Amanda Show

An Amanda Show skit: My Beautiful Big Toe.

Another sketch show with good ol' future druggie Amanda Bynes along with other people no one cares about. Same deal as "All That" with shittier sketches that don't even try this time, having an "I'm so random" style of comedy that'll make you spew. Has gotten so many awards from that show alone that Schneider uses them as anal plugs in his sleep to keep his pants shit-free.

What I Like About You

The last sitcom he made that wasn't on Nickelodeon, starring Amanda again. Another comedic driveling crapbag of tricks, in which Amanda would be the only one recognizable by any fan, and Schneider's last show of Amanda to get CP from before she got to the age of consent.

Drake and Josh

What many consider to be some of Schneider's best work, with two brothers at each other's throats all the time about pointless family shit and because they have opposite personalities. One's a suave, heartbreaking casanova-wannabe who's dumb as a doorstop, the other's a stickler for rules and seizure-sufferer that can't get a girl to save his sex life, add in Schneider's loli of the year, Miranda Cosgrove; and you have a recipe for some of the best comedy this side of- Wait, "My Brother And Me" did the same sort of "opposite brothers" premise but with niglets? Never mind. The brothers still made appearances in other Schneider shitfests, while Drake works on his failure band and Josh is stuck on Vine.

Zoey 101

An example of Schneider going back to hoarding CP once everyone else from The Amanda Show was too old, this piece is about a girl trying to fit into boarding school. Yep, that's it, with the black guy, the nerd, the dweeb that hooks up with her in the end, the popular boy, the Cliche Gang is all here. The fatass himself makes a guest appearance in the last episode, rapidly becoming the Stan Lee of children's shows.


See the article, it speaks for itself. TL;DR: Schneider's CP paradise.


Again, see the damn article.

Sam and Cat

Made when Schneider thought he could potentially get arrested when he was stashing iCarly porn on his flash drives, so maybe fantasizing about of-age girls and not being a pedobear for this brief moment would balance it out. Combine the iCarly dyke and the Victorious retard and you've got even more shit spewing out than a leaking sewer pipe, now with 60% more innuendos.

Racy Rumors

The show had led to an early cancellation thanks to drama from having Jennette's boobs leaked on the internet and having Nickelodeon and Danny-boy treating her like their personal television money-slut. That and there were rumors of the ditz-dyke team butting heads over it and Schneider being his Jew self and not paying Jeanette enough cause he liked redheads sucking him off over the blonde. The show was put on hold, then inevitably cancelled on July 14th, 2014. To this day, the stupids of the internet still think their argument got the show canceled after only one season.

Henry Danger

The latest in Danny's attempted sexual escapades, with Schneider experimenting with his sexual orientation and wondering how porn of a teen boy in a tight superhero suit with an older gentleman in another tight suit fighting crime would be like. Oh, it really is a goofier version of Batman and Robin if Robin was the focus? Yeah, Schneider's hit Uncyclopedia levels of creativity and comedy by now.

Game Makers

Not yet made, but seeing how it'll star two 12-year-old girls, Schneider's gone back to his roots and decided no amount of CP will ever be enough for the Gabe Newell of television, with the supporting character played by a most-likely-black rapper. Prepare for potential underage innuendos just like before, but from the mouths of preteen girls.

See also

Dan Schneider is part of a series on


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