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Latest revision as of 09:54, 16 December 2016

Ke$ha: My Crazy Beautiful Drama

Ke$ha (part 1)Lawsuit (part 2)Related ShitTimelineWhite KnightsCelebritiesGalleryQuotes

Quotes that were taking up space on the Kesha article.


Shit was so Ke$h

I can be kinda rapey.


—Ke$ha admits to being kinda rapey

I don't think there's anything wrong with taking a picture with your butthole out and posting it on Instagram, as long as it looks good.


—Ke$ha, on being an Instagram whore

apparently i look like a hooker....


—Ke$ha, realizing the horrible truth



—Ke$ha is racist



—Ke$ha, being insane

I sometimes wish I was a man...its all about the bj's and trash-stash.


—Ke$ha wants a blowjob

My music is rad. I'm fucking rad.


—Ke$ha's Unwarranted Self-Importance

no i am not jewish! me and my friends just made a jew rap that was dope as $hit! that was my nickname Dr.Dreidel.


—Ke$ha, denying her Zionism

I try not to let my vagina hang out


—Ke$ha, on avoiding vaginal prolapse

I was so happy being broke. And I'm happy not being broke. It doesn't really affect me either way. I care about taking care of people that have taken care of me – that's important to me. But to be honest, I'm kind of repulsed by the gluttony and excesses of a lot of people in the limelight.


—Ke$ha, being full of shit

Just because I drink doesn’t mean I’m a drunk. Just because I have sex, and I’m not embarrassed about it, doesn’t mean I’m a whore. If men can do it, why can’t a woman do it?


—Ke$ha admits to being a whore

I love south. and boys. and boots. and boners. and beer. and babes. balloons. barbeque sause. big balls. bonfires. babes. boobs. butts. bonnie rait. blowjobs.

BAD TATTOOS.......mmhmmm


—Ke$ha loves blowjobs

I like a little bit of a cunt.


—Ke$ha likes cunt




I believe in karma, and I believe if you put out positive vibes to everybody, that's all you're going to get back.


—Ke$ha knows that she's asking for it

I'm not saying I'm the perfect role model. But I'm honest. Period.



I love creepy old dudes. I love that they have so much self-confidence, despite having no evidence whatsoever to back it up.


—Ke$ha loev Fritzl

I do destroy men on a weekly basis. It's like a hobby. I'm like a praying mantis.


—Ke$ha, on destroying men

I'm pretty sure that I was JFK in my past life.


—John F. Ke$hady

I don't want to treat my fans like they are stupid.


—But I will

Shitty Fantard Opinions

Luke is suing Kesha for breach of contract? If the contract is broke it is therefore void? No contract/free Kesha???? Is this right?


—KeshasPartyDJ, being an idiot

If Kesha isn't free in 2016 I'm dropping out of school and selling crack for a living


—Sean Conley explains why he became a crack dealer

I can only hope Kesha is telling the truth (not that I hope she was raped...eek!)


—Slave4Brit88, hoping that Ke$ha was raped

Leave the poor girl alone, she has enough to deal with....


—Miss Pudding thinks people should LEAVE KE$HA ALONE!

It's 2016 and victims of rape are still being blamed and silenced


—ALadyontheDeen points out the current year

@SonyMusicGlobal supports rape, rapes women, and blames them for being raped


—GEVAHKagnyss, accusing a company of rape

If Kesha yells Timber in a forest and only male Hollywood execs hear it, does it make a sound? #FreeKesha


—Lizzy GoLightly, asking a fucking stupid question

i don't expect any famous men to offer support to kesha because they're all terrible


—sadwhitegrrrl, a typical Ke$ha supporter

I'm so glad that millions have been talking about Kesha. #FreeKesha People finally know that she isn't just a "drunk whore". She's so strong


—Kyle McIntyre, on Ke$ha being a lying drunk whore

dr. luke literally created the party/ drunken girl image for kesha so that when this all came out she wouldn't be taken seriously


—possiblydianna, being literally retarded

@ThePerezHilton why the fuck do you need proof? If someone accuses someone of fucking raping them then you best fucking believe them


—wokeposey, professional feminist cunt

I don’t care much what the Sony bosses believe in their hearts as long as they know that they answer to feminists, and that we are legion.


—Jaclyn Friedman, believing that feminists are legion

Beyoncé is a money hungry baboon looking bitch. How dare that slut sign with Sony after what happened to Kesha.


—HANGlNGAROUND, making racist comments about Beyoncé

Apparently you can't get raped if your famous. #freekesha PIG FUCK FACE SHIT FUCK CUNT COCKSUCKER MOTHER FUCKER PISS FART TURD AND TWAT


—A fan decides to throw a spergfit

I believe you Kesha. Except murder, it's the one crime where the rights of the accused outweigh the rights of the survivor.


—Melissa Louise, suggesting that murder survivors shouldn't have rights

The only stupid twat is you, you rambling, idiotic-ass, uneducated, monkey, failed-abortion product of rape, so shut the fuck up & go back to sucking on one for a living, you worthless trollum. You ain't proof he didn't do it, SO THEREFORE you can shut THE fuck up as well, cunt. Stupid faggot.


—Diamonnádé King, being a homophobic misogynist

Kesha was raped and that's the end of story I don't care what a faggot has to say





—Kris 2.0, responding to a joke video with large amounts of butthurt

The Enlightened Ones

yes, but the crying. crying means he is guilty for sure. right? Plus, swiftie says 250k that he's guilty. and evil producers. like that ghoul that murdered that woman, uh, phil spector? plus, any irreparable damage to the accused, even if there are hundreds of men falsely accused, is mitigated by the justice afforded to even a few women who might have not gotten justice otherwise.


—Antel Lopez

Her attorneys can continue manufacturing even more false and outrageous claims, but the fact remains that her time would be better spent in a studio than wasting time having her lawyer and mother spin lies in the media.


—Christine Lepera, telling Ke$ha to get back in the music kitchen

Fuck Kesha. Talentless hack with a penchant for drama


—Anthony Dell’Orso, before being forced to apologize

kesha is a liar who cries rape to get out of a contract.


—Geese Lives Matter

Lmaooooo Kesha a fuckin liar and y'all fallin for it is just pure comedy to me


—Jim Halpert, informing #FreeKesha supporters that they are retards

#FuckKesha, What she is doing is extortion, she should take responsibility for her choices, narcissistic bitch.


—Axe Man

Kesha is so gross, how could u even get a boner, let alone rape her ?


—Steve Polychronopolous, speaker of truths

Kesha is a liar she just wants Money like the Cosby hoes



You know what would have helped prevent Kesha from having to work with a rapist?

Filing rape charges right after it happened. Maybe?



Unfortunately business is business, and it sounds like it’s fair. If everybody complained because somebody allegedly sexually abused them...contracts would be broken all the time.


Wendy Williams gets it

The hold over Kesha by the Music Companies and her abuse are an indirect result of the system of #WhiteGenocide.


—Timeforfreedom realizes that white genocide caused Ke$ha's alleged rape

She might be part Jewish... after all she's put a dollar sign in her name.



when sony was raping kesha, do you think he screamed "this is for the players" before he came?


—thejobloshow, asking the important questions

I doubt that bag isn't made out of leather and those keychains aren't real fur. I thought she was an animal rights activist...what a joke


—Sean Williams, pointing out that Ke$ha is a hypocrite

excuse me people, this was over a period of 10 years!! why wait 10 years?? she must have liked it the first 9 1/2 !!


—Robert Snyder

If she had listened to Dr Luke and taken his advice about not getting very fat, about accepting she is a pop star etc, she wouldn't be in this state.

Her whole act is about writhing around in sexy clothes . She looks like Rebel Wilson now, her writhing days are over, no-one wants to see her wobbling around the stage.



Plain and simple, she's trying out get out of a bad contract. She's in no different postion [sic] than 10,000 artists were before her; signed a horrible deal as an unknown, make it big, then are stuck with making next to nothing. That junk goes back to the 50's. Her abuse has nothing to do with Sony. I'd advise her (like many did before her) to just satisfy the terms of the contract then bolt.


—John Petrowski

Fwiw I know someone who works with them in la.... Dr luke is being an egotistical dbag and trying to block her from releasing more records bc they're fighting. It's not that uncommon in the music industry to be petty in that way. To a person my friends say they're both shitty people and that Kesha is claiming the abuse to get out of a horrible record deal. I know it's all the rage to get upset about allegations but in Los Angeles there is plenty of douchbaggery on all sides



Kesha: You raped me!

Dr Luke: Show me your medical records
Kesha: Now you're raping my feelings



—Darren Porter