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This page contains an hero.

The most famous photo of Samuel ATM.

Samuel Hengel was a crusader for graet justice who, carrying some serious fucking heat, burst into his school and:

He fired shots into a wall, desk and projector equipment in the room, but never aimed at students.


Experts believe that his boring Wisconsin life played a role in his decision to commit such a mundane crime. Whatever the case, this young man's balls dropped in record time, and in about 3 hours he went from intrepid nerd to Ahnold status.

The Plot

Act 1 - Birth of An Hero

An actual hero.

Unlikely Protagonist

  • After unleashing his fury on the classroom's movie projector and several unfortunate desks, he demanded that the students hand over their cellphones, apparently to prevent police contact; also hoping that nobody would discover something was wrong in a room that is supposed to fill with new students every 45 minutes. Samuel didn't seem intent on harming the children, as they kept him entertained with anecdotes and remembrances of times good and bad - although when it seemed like he was really about to flip the fuck out, many students credit their teacher with saving lives.

Act 2 - With Great Power... Comes Great Ineptitude

  • Having reached the end of his rope, unwilling to negotiate with cops or even admit why he did it, Sam put a bullet in his [undisclosed body part]. A smart man's money says he tried to blow his brains out, but as of yet, no news source will admit it, probably for vanity's sake.


  • Samuel did not succumb to his injuries on the scene; instead of going out in a poetic, emotional blaze of glory, the Grim Reaper opted to let him wallow in a pool of his own waste in a hospital bed for a good few hours. The stench was great.

Remembering Samuel

Look at that sweet, sweet boy. An true hero. Of course, what sets An hero apart from a good old-fashioned self-pwn is how fondly the potential hero is remembered.

Tasty CP.

Nobody outside of Wisconsin will ever remember him as anything more than a weak-minded psychopath, but his friends and family will always feel blessed for having known him, which is ironic considering the parents are the ones at fault. They can take solace knowing that since Samuel never specified a reason, next Thanksgiving won't be ♫AAAAWKWAAARD.♪... Scratch that. It might be awkward if the Packers have a bad year, or else Wisconsin won't have any other news to report on until next Thanksgiving. That being said, the rest of the world was ready to move on almost immediately.

Samuel's parents posted a notice on the gates to their trailer park.
find a new story, its getting old.


Wiguy, roughly 18 hours after the event.

Guns shold not be allowed on school prpoerty.


beteanheardt, chiming in with sound advice.

Guns are great

Guns are good

Let us thank Guns

For our food



—Salemstorm, of Youtube Fame

This was the general consensus throughout the land - Samuel wasn't crazy enough to warrant any kind of national reaction, and he didn't take anyone with him - although notably, low-income territories in Wisconsin now have a law limiting gun ownership to 4-per-household. Samuel also became an organ donor - having potentially saved the lives of five children (that number is expected to grow) with his organs... at least, for now. In all likelihood they will catch the brain AIDS that fucked up Samuel's wiring, and will all become An Heroes themselves.

See Also

Samuel Hengel is part of a series on Education

[Drop OutGo To School]