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The man himself.

AdrenalineOn (aka Adren) is an aboriginal transsexual autist who also happens to be the moderator of the /pol/andcraft Minecraft server originally created to distract summerfags from the 4chan board, /pol/. Known for being possibly the worst Minecraft administrator in existence, Adren's hobbies include lying about being aryan on the internet, dyeing his hair blonde to hide his aboriginal features, coming up with ridiculous conspiracy theories about nazi UFOs, sucking jew cock, and jacking off into a Pinkie Pie plush toy. When he is not busy doing these things, he is usually huffing petrol and proceeding to go on a power-trip on his Minecraft server by banning any player who refuses to suck his dick. Due to severe butthurt caused by autism, Adren will b& anyone who challenges his views or attempts to have fun on his server. If you attempt to call him out on his bullshit or point out that the Nazis could not have created a UFO entirely unaffected by air resistance due to violation of the laws of physics he will fly into an autismal rage and you will invariably get b&.

Despite claiming to be of pure German ancestry, Adren is at least 90% aboriginal due to the fact that all individuals living in Australia for over three generations possess the H34-K1383 gene causing them to lose their white European characteristics and develop a more abbo-like appearance and mental functionality. By eight generations the transformation is complete and individuals begin to exhibit the traits displayed by the natives such as intelligence levels and appearance, even showing preferences for their housing styles. He is also part mongoloid due to the fact that Germany was raped by slavs at the end of WWII. His lack of intellect can further be attributed to the fact that the chemicals found in blonde hair dye such as Dihydro-nitrogen peroxide result in a lowering of IQ by at least fifty-points according to several peer reviewed university studies. This is undisputed fact.

Minecraft Drama


The normal DJ, CivDog, has gone missing. So I guess I'll try this out.

It seems like the server had a bit of a hiccup when troublemaker AdrenalineON tried to DDOS the server.. Apparently he was mad when some of our players killed them on their server.

A man was murdered today in Trenzalore . Shouldn't have gone there, Doctor.

The library of Gondolin is looking for writers to fill their libraries. Get your writing hands ready and get out there!

As always, this is Radio Free Civcraft. I'm Margaret the Technician. I leave you with Mighty Mighty Man - Roy Brown. Be sure to stop by our fan created or Turntable.




So, AdrenalineON (the DDOSer in question) is a player from the infamous hotbed of admin crymes that is /pol/.

When we had a party on their server (as all the kool kats will remember) this man was amongst the buttmad players that were sad because we were owning them with our l33t PvP.

He was also the player given godmode by the admins to kill us at the end. Yes, they were that mad.




Adren please. See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. AdrenalineON, threatening to ddos me over someone on the server I help run ruining his items that he admitted were gotten with admin intervention. I mean, ddosing me would be bad enough, but getting so angry that you threaten to ddos the server, cut off my balls, and kill me? Really? I may be 18, but holy shit, even the adults here act like they are twelve year olds in a pissing contest over a box of legos.



How to Troll Adren

The best way to evoke Adren's nerd rage is to disprove his conspiracy theories regarding Nazis and UFOs. This can be done by pointing out the fact that the existence of Nazi disc-shaped craft has been disproven many times, the rumour was even denied by Adolf Hitler himself who labelled those who believed in it "Gullible Jewish puppets who in no way represent the interests of our National Socialist nation." Other ways of trolling include pointing out the fact that he is an abbo and asking why the Nazis lost if they were so fucking superior. If they had UFOs and still lost doesn't that make it even more embarrassing? Also, mention air resistance for maximum lulz. When trolling Adren on his server at least 7 proxies are recommended to avoid the risk being raped by a banhammer.

How to Contact Adren

Adren, whose real name is Jake Hocking, lives in Adelaide, Australia, and can be contacted through his Skype, or playing a didgeridoo loudly into the heavens. His Skype is studs.ramrod. Feel free to add him, call him a white trash cunt, and ask him for shekels.

See also

External links


AdrenalineOn is part of a series on


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Featured article April 5th & 6th, 2014
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AdrenalineOn Succeeded by