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'''789chan IRC logs and IHM aka InternetHateMachine aka [[Brittany_Holechko|Brittany Holechko]]'''
<phobos> yah I would be standing around looking like an anime character
<phobos> not looking like this:
<phobos> and then I would amanda todd negi
<Figaro> what the fuck are you wearing?
<phobos> clothing
<phobos> you may have heard of it
<phobos> its all the rage in europe right now
<LolItsAnAcronym> i know that's a shirt
<LolItsAnAcronym> but it looks like a skirt
<Figaro> like is that a plaid shirt hanging out from under your leather jacket
<phobos> p much
<phobos> dont know why thats so incredible
<Figaro> like why would you wear that?
<phobos> wow that shirt is longer than the jacket i must be some kind of rebel
<phobos> because I like the color red and I live in a cold place
<phobos> why do you breath from your mouth
<Figaro> I live somewhere colder and I dont dress like a spast
<phobos> you dont dress at all you wear goku silk screen shirts and think you can pull off fedoras
<phobos> like every butthurt nerd trying to come at me after getting told
<Figaro> lol no
<Figaro> I have a hat, but its not a fedora
<LolItsAnAcronym> pics of figaro?
<phobos> lol go find yourself some cargo shorts
<phobos> hats are for people who cant take care of hair
<phobos> i.e. neckbeards
<Figaro> hats are for places that it gets cold
<phobos> are you sure
<phobos> cause im p sure you could just /not/ wear a hat
<Figaro> yeah
<phobos> I know because I do it
<Figaro> you dont live somewhere cold
<phobos> Denver is p cold
<Figaro> average temp for january is above freezing
<Figaro> not cold
<phobos> lol ok
<phobos> im sure whatever backwater state you live in is very harsh
<phobos> and definitely justifies you looking like a sad sack of shit
<phobos> but keep on circling that logic
<Figaro> average temp in january here is 20 F
<phobos> I dont care and I dont know where you live
<phobos> because you havent specified
<Figaro> Eau Claire
<phobos> no clue where that is and couldnt give less of a fuck
<LolItsAnAcronym> wisconsin
<NegiSpringfield> cheesy
<phobos> oh so shitty pseudo canada
<phobos> no wonder youre so butthurt
<Figaro> >implying im butthurt
<phobos> you live in the asshole of northern united states
<phobos> hey could you ask Detroit how much Michigan excels at sucking fat dick?
<LolItsAnAcronym> i live in georgia so fuck both of you
<LolItsAnAcronym> it's still in the 80's
<phobos> not in georgia
<Figaro> eau claire is really nice actually
<Figaro> just cold as hell
<phobos> so let me get this straight you are off living in some podunk town in middle america with your balding hats and shitty fat person jackets
<LolItsAnAcronym> i'm moving to colorado next year
<LolItsAnAcronym> so i'm pretty thrilled
<phobos> telling me about the way things work
<phobos> no pictures
<LolItsAnAcronym> i can't stand the humidity
<phobos> no words
<phobos> just assertions that you arent a superfaggot
<phobos> lol Figaro go find yourself a 7-11 to hang out next to and make some friends before that core of failure swallows you up for good
<LolItsAnAcronym> do you fuck tons of hipster bitches phobos?
<phobos> all the hipster bitches
<phobos> they go crazy over my hair
<LolItsAnAcronym> i'd probably play with it
<phobos> that is a nice thing to say
<phobos> I hope you enjoy Colorado
<phobos> it is fucking awesome here
<phobos> no fatties allowed
<LolItsAnAcronym> but then i'd want to slap tons of color on it
<phobos> if I did that I would be drifting into scene girl territory instead of glam
<LolItsAnAcronym> i never got into the glam look
<SeanieB> I just took the battery out of this fucking co2 alarm and it's still bitching about the battery and running
<SeanieB> what is this I dont even
<LolItsAnAcronym> it's haunted
<NegiSpringfield> you're standing amist poison
<SeanieB> guess I gotta live with the beeping
<LolItsAnAcronym> smash it against your wall
<phobos> its been sabotaged
<SeanieB> lol
<phobos> its a troll conspiracy
<phobos> the FIELD AGENTS
<phobos><LolItsAnAcronym>, glam is okay now that the last of the 80s is 20+ years ago
<LolItsAnAcronym> what are the chances robb shows up today?
<LolItsAnAcronym> i'm really into punk so i can't really talk
<NegiSpringfield> oh that can be cute on some girls
<phobos> Im way into that as well
<NegiSpringfield> or hot in some cases
<phobos> that picture of me has me wearing my pants with the subhumans patch
<phobos> fuckin love subhumans
<LolItsAnAcronym> i like making my own clothes or modifying existing pieces
<phobos> same
<LolItsAnAcronym> subhumans rule
<phobos> fuck yes
<phobos> you are awesome
<LolItsAnAcronym> i'm a big fan of the mats
<LolItsAnAcronym> as well
<LolItsAnAcronym> and TSOL
<phobos> i was always into conflict, bad brains, surf punks, suicidal tendencies, dead milkmen, etc
<LolItsAnAcronym> all of the above
<LolItsAnAcronym> plus ska
<phobos> nvr liked ska too much
<LolItsAnAcronym> i got to see the english beat a couple of years ago
<LolItsAnAcronym> and leftover crack
<LolItsAnAcronym> but not at the same time
<phobos> hmmm
<phobos> not a lot of gr8 punk bands come through denver
<phobos> Ive just been watching local bands lately
<LolItsAnAcronym> i'm in atlanta so we've got some great live acts
<LolItsAnAcronym> there are some awesome local bands
<LolItsAnAcronym> you should check out stuck lucky
<phobos> but thats all the way in Atlanta
<phobos> and I already lived in Dothan Alabama once
<phobos> I have seen much of that area
<phobos> and I would decline the complimentary cloud of gnats that you are awarded when stepping outside in Georgia
<LolItsAnAcronym> ugh
<LolItsAnAcronym> so ready to move out of the south
<phobos> yeah it sounds like a good move
<LolItsAnAcronym> http://stucklucky.bandcamp.com/
<phobos> lol bandcamp
<NegiSpringfield> not even once
<phobos> shut the fuck up Negi
<LolItsAnAcronym> they've got a revervbnation page
<Figaro> alright Im back
<NegiSpringfield> wb
<phobos> shut the fuck up Negi
<Figaro> Eau claire is hardley a podunk town
<phobos> yeah it is
<NegiSpringfield> phbos: puhleez
<phobos> its not Pheonix
<phobos> or Baltimore
<phobos> or even Sacremento
<phobos> its a fuck nowhere who gives a fuck place where white people go to die over the course of 40 years
<Figaro> We have one hell of a software industry
<phobos> yeah im sure its IMPRESSIVE
<Figaro> the international headquaters of a major store
<Figaro> oh and mutherfucking cray
<phobos> what with Seattle housing offices for both Microsoft and Google
<phobos> it must be just INSANE what kind of software a random town in Michigan has
<Figaro> "town" lol
<Figaro> I came from a town
<Figaro> eau claire isnt a down
<Figaro> town
<phobos> yes it is
<phobos> does it have a million people?
<phobos> no it doesnt
<Figaro> Your just pissed because I pointed out you looked like you stepped out of one of the shitter final fantasy games
<NegiSpringfield> he's always mad
<NegiSpringfield> anyone who doesn't love him to death makes him mad
<phobos> your just pissed that you cant rebutte anything Im saying about you and so you feel the need to sperg
<Figaro> what have you said about me>
<phobos> lol Figaro go find yourself a 7-11 to hang out next to and make some friends before that core of failure swallows you up for good
<Figaro> that I own a fedora?  how the fuck is it even possible to rebut that
<phobos> so let me get this straight you are off living in some podunk town in middle america with your balding hats and shitty fat person jackets
<NegiSpringfield> get an attraction sign phobos
<Figaro><phobos>, we dont have 7-11s, looks like Im fucked
<phobos> yeah I guess so better head down the YMCA and beat off all over the equipment for the girls volleyball team you sad faggot
<SeanieB> :I
<NegiSpringfield> seriously I didn't invite him
<SeanieB> :T
<phobos> I am from an enecyclopedia of dramatica
<phobos> I am cataloging myself
<Figaro> Im a faggot, wouldnt I beat off over the one for the mens volleyball team?
<LolItsAnAcronym> does drama normally follow negi?
<SeanieB> yes
<phobos> also im not here for negi
<phobos> im here to witness Robert Wayne Stiles
<LolItsAnAcronym> tell me more seanieb
<NegiSpringfield> you two would be cute as fuck toghether
<NegiSpringfield> tranny and scene kid
<phobos> yawn
<phobos> autismface.jpg
<LolItsAnAcronym> isn't robb no longer a tranny?
<NegiSpringfield> oh right
<Figaro> does rob even know at this point?
<NegiSpringfield> shit well out of luck phobos-kun
<phobos> <----- hello I am a massive failure and live with my mom - negi
<phobos> cool story bro
<SeanieB> thats negi?
<NegiSpringfield> anyway I'm on my own now
<NegiSpringfield> yeah that's me
<SeanieB> he had a hipster phase or something
<NegiSpringfield> no just got the glasses
<LolItsAnAcronym> that's from today
<NegiSpringfield> nope
<Figaro><SeanieB>, he just took that photo for us about an hour ago
<NegiSpringfield> yeah from today
<SeanieB> negi
<SeanieB> stahp
<LolItsAnAcronym> and this one :3
<phobos> lol even his chest still has acne
<phobos> I fucking knew it
<NegiSpringfield> oh you
<LolItsAnAcronym> oh me
<phobos> pimple princess negi
<NegiSpringfield> I got rid of it and then got two zits last few days
<NegiSpringfield> :I
<NegiSpringfield> it sucks
<phobos> you fucking suck
<SeanieB> whoa holy shit that went weird ass places
<phobos> everything about you is a constant reminder to the rest of humanity not to end up like you
  *** Brutalis joined #789
  +++ boat has given voice to Brutalis
<phobos> youre not even worth hating
<NegiSpringfield> e tu brutalis
<LolItsAnAcronym> negi have you ever done drugs?
<NegiSpringfield> oh weed a few times
<Figaro> damn phobos, you are catty as hell
<NegiSpringfield> i drink
<NegiSpringfield> alcohol
<Figaro> real drugs
<LolItsAnAcronym> what do you drink?
<NegiSpringfield> got some soju and usually it's vodka
<phobos> well someone has to pick up the slack Figaro
<phobos> I didnt think this channel was such a circle jerk that proper Negi ridicule couldnt be carried out
<NegiSpringfield> ween
<Figaro> its not a circle jerk
<phobos> why dont u just grab that dick in your hand
<NegiSpringfield> hi a log HI ALOG
<phobos> and shut the fuck up
<Figaro> do you even know what a circle jerk is?
<NegiSpringfield> HI ALOG
<NegiSpringfield> ok I bet he does
<phobos> find yourself a partner Figaro
<phobos> maybe negi and you can talk about how you find comfort in holding hands while playing lego adventure autism extreme
<phobos> then you can masturbate till youre white in the face
<phobos> x D
<SeanieB> Last login: Fri Oct 26 13:28:24 from ip-64-134-237-40.public.wayport.net
<SeanieB> oh
<LolItsAnAcronym> wouldn't it be crazy if negi turned out to be rob
<LolItsAnAcronym> or vice versa
<Figaro> Negi isnt hyper as shit
<Figaro> cant be rob
<LolItsAnAcronym> and his grammar seems to be much better
<Figaro> Besides, Negi didnt rape penelope
<LolItsAnAcronym> but that could be part of the act
<LolItsAnAcronym> didn't rob only rape her mouth?
  *** Brutalis quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
<LolItsAnAcronym> with his mouth
<Figaro> he also took her "exploring"
<LolItsAnAcronym> lol
mibbit NegiSptringfield: No such nickname online.
mibbit NegiSpirgingfield: No such nickname online.
<phobos> a stint of splunking
<phobos> a new game on cave story
<LolItsAnAcronym> he never responds to my pm's
<NegiSpringfield> oh you mean Robbay
<LolItsAnAcronym> i do
<NegiSpringfield> that's rude
<NegiSpringfield> he should reply
<Figaro> LOL, he has talked to me and jews on pm
<LolItsAnAcronym> wtf
<Figaro> intro and seanie too
<Figaro> what did you say?
<LolItsAnAcronym> i know he talks to intro and seanie
<LolItsAnAcronym> a couple of times i was drunk
<phobos> maybe you just have to appeal to his crazy
<LolItsAnAcronym> so probably nothing worthwhile
<LolItsAnAcronym> lol
<LolItsAnAcronym> but once was just polite banter
<LolItsAnAcronym> i should have offered him some salts
<phobos> or a cheque for 200 dollars
<LolItsAnAcronym> true
<NegiSpringfield> paypal is better
<phobos> an Internet cheque made out to the tune of 200 e-bux
<LolItsAnAcronym> that does seem but everyone has his address
<Figaro> he didnt want the money from jews
<Figaro> for some reason
<SeanieB> I will pay him
<SeanieB> 200 julays
<SeanieB> the conversion rate is 100 julays to a us dollar
<JEWS> he didn't say why he asked for it in the first place
<phobos> I will give him 200 McDonalds Monoply spare pieces
<Figaro> didnt you already send him 150 or so julays Seanie?
<NegiSpringfield> I'll send green onions
<JEWS> also the convo we had was mostly about determining when he lies
<SeanieB> no I sent him a few thousand but they were never redeemed
<phobos> what a shame
<SeanieB> he got a new cell phone
<LolItsAnAcronym> we should all start mailing him assorted trash
<SeanieB> lost the ability to redeem the ones I sent to his old phone
<phobos> he will just hit on it
<phobos> approach it softly and attempt to woe the trash
<LolItsAnAcronym> lol
<phobos> hey their big boy
<phobos> come here often
<phobos> then he makes out with an empty bag of doritos and yells about black people
<LolItsAnAcronym> i can picture it now
<NegiSpringfield> I would rather not
<phobos> smooch smooch smooch DAMN NIGGERS ogod i love you SAY MY NAME FRITOS LAY UNGRH
<JEWS> gonna have to side with negi on this one
<LolItsAnAcronym> so is robbie off the salts now?
<Figaro> no
<LolItsAnAcronym> did he actually call his parents?
<phobos> why doesnt he just fake ADHD and get really stimulants
<phobos> real*
<Figaro> are you retarded
<phobos> are you trying to be cool on IRC
<JEWS> robb is retarded
<Figaro> bath salts and meth are a fuckload more powerful than adderall
<LolItsAnAcronym> did he admit to meth finally?
<Figaro> no
<phobos> so what the fuck are you talking about
<phobos> bath salts arent meth
<LolItsAnAcronym> he has to be doing more than just salts
<LolItsAnAcronym> i can't believe
<Figaro> he has too be yes
<Figaro> learn to read phobos
<phobos> learn to shut your faggot face
<phobos> reacting like a true shit chatter
<Figaro> learn that typing doesnt involve opening my mouth
<JEWS> meth is a fun thing to joke about, but i think he went to weed and bath salts because he thought he could get away with them or something
<phobos> lol learn to read
<phobos> yes how can I work this IRC
<phobos> what are all these strange symbols
<phobos> strung together into what seem like sentences
<phobos> sigh ill never know
<Figaro> he does think that weed is legal for some strange reason
<LolItsAnAcronym> bath salts seem like they would get too expensive to be worth it
<phobos> now how will I hang out with Figaro at the Wisconsin Eul Claire regional airport
<phobos> I cant get the fax
<Figaro> robbay doesnt have to worry about it
<JEWS> >eul claire
<Figaro> Chippewa airport actually
<LolItsAnAcronym> he thinks weed is legal?
* Now talking on #789
* Now talking on #789
* Topic for #789 set by WhoreosNMilf at Sun Oct 28 15:17:20 2012<br>
* Topic for #789 set by WhoreosNMilf at Sun Oct 28 15:17:20 2012<br>
Line 353: Line 16:
<Doc> Sounds like you don't care at all phobos<br>
<Doc> Sounds like you don't care at all phobos<br>
<phobos> hello mad people<br>
<phobos> hello mad people<br>
<Atlus> really<br>
<(SeanieB)> really<br>
<phobos> I cared about making a funny article<br>
<phobos> I cared about making a funny article<br>
<MacduffsSon> we're really fucking mad at you<br>
<MacduffsSon> we're really fucking mad at you<br>
<Atlus> what was your handle since 2007<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> what was your handle since 2007<br>
<phobos> I thought it was p funny<br>
<phobos> I thought it was p funny<br>
<phobos> can I quote you on that MacduffsSon <br>
<phobos> can I quote you on that MacduffsSon <br>
Line 381: Line 44:
<phobos> I can tell because we are in IRC<br>
<phobos> I can tell because we are in IRC<br>
<phobos> and that is where people get upset<br>
<phobos> and that is where people get upset<br>
<Atlus> thanks for telling me why I shouldnt think you're a faggot who likes to namedrop ed<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> thanks for telling me why I shouldnt think you're a faggot who likes to namedrop ed<br>
<Atlus> lol<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> lol<br>
<Atlus> who just got a name yesterday<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> who just got a name yesterday<br>
<phobos> I dunno can you please direct me toward steampunk<br>
<phobos> I dunno can you please direct me toward steampunk<br>
<vivivi> I called you scared, and you were mad enough to come right in here afterwards<br>
<vivivi> I called you scared, and you were mad enough to come right in here afterwards<br>
Line 390: Line 53:
<phobos> well Im sort of done<br>
<phobos> well Im sort of done<br>
<phobos> I put it on mainpage<br>
<phobos> I put it on mainpage<br>
<phobos> https://encyclopediadramatica.se/789chan<br>
<phobos> https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/789chan<br>
<phobos> I like to write but I think thats okay for now <br>
<phobos> I like to write but I think thats okay for now <br>
<MacduffsSon> oh fuck<br>
<MacduffsSon> oh fuck<br>
Line 419: Line 82:
<MacduffsSon> you've OBLIVERATED /cwc/<br>
<MacduffsSon> you've OBLIVERATED /cwc/<br>

<Atlus> idk phobos <br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> idk phobos <br>
<Atlus> if you were really an ed oldfag<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> if you were really an ed oldfag<br>
<Atlus> you'd pipe more<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> you'd pipe more<br>

<phobos> yeah i sure have taken a stroke against the 789 machine today<br>
<phobos> yeah i sure have taken a stroke against the 789 machine today<br>
Line 427: Line 90:
<phobos> thats how over 9000 fagshit got started<br>
<phobos> thats how over 9000 fagshit got started<br>
<Atlus> sure<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> sure<br>
<phobos> I dont see why you see me writing a lovely article about you guys is tryhard i just wanted to explain why I thought your community was so fascinating<br>
<phobos> I dont see why you see me writing a lovely article about you guys is tryhard i just wanted to explain why I thought your community was so fascinating<br>
<vivivi> No phobos we just said you aren't a tryhard<br>
<vivivi> No phobos we just said you aren't a tryhard<br>
Line 493: Line 156:
<MacduffsSon> i didnt realise you're so experianced<br>
<MacduffsSon> i didnt realise you're so experianced<br>
<phobos> yah i am basically like an internet veteran<br>
<phobos> yah i am basically like an internet veteran<br>
<Atlus> phobos: funny<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> phobos: funny<br>
<Atlus> cause<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> cause<br>
<MacduffsSon> cool<br>
<MacduffsSon> cool<br>
<Doc> phobos i've been browsing wiki for 5 years now<br>
<Doc> phobos i've been browsing wiki for 5 years now<br>
<Atlus> I used to host dongforce<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> I used to host dongforce<br>
<Atlus> and I never saw you on it<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> and I never saw you on it<br>
<Doc> check that shit<br>
<Doc> check that shit<br>
<vivivi> Phobos wheres my paragraph in the ED article?<br>
<vivivi> Phobos wheres my paragraph in the ED article?<br>
<vivivi> Dox me please<br>
<vivivi> Dox me please<br>
<Atlus> IHM would back me up on that<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> IHM would back me up on that<br>
<phobos> yah I am an internet journalist I get paid in e-bux<br>
<phobos> yah I am an internet journalist I get paid in e-bux<br>
<Atlus> considering she paid me for it<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> considering she paid me for it<br>
<WhoreosNMilf> wat<br>
<WhoreosNMilf> wat<br>
<vivivi> internet journalist huh?<br>
<vivivi> internet journalist huh?<br>
Line 544: Line 207:
<phobos> I would love that<br>
<phobos> I would love that<br>

<Atlus>  /mode +ao IHM IHM<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus>  /mode +ao IHM IHM<br>
* Atlus sets mode +a #789 IHM<br>
* (SeanieB)Atlus sets mode +a #789 IHM<br>
* Atlus gives channel operator status to IHM<br>
* (SeanieB)Atlus gives channel operator status to IHM<br>
<phobos> I wrote a nice article<br>
<phobos> I wrote a nice article<br>
<Atlus> honerary ops<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> honerary ops<br>
<Atlus> lol<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> lol<br>
<MacduffsSon> who is ihm<br>
<MacduffsSon> who is ihm<br>
<phobos> I dont see why everyone is so hurt by it <br>
<phobos> I dont see why everyone is so hurt by it <br>
Line 559: Line 222:
<MacduffsSon> fuck off<br>
<MacduffsSon> fuck off<br>
'''<IHM> >xd'''<br>
'''<IHM> >xd'''<br>
<Atlus> I ain't even mad<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> I ain't even mad<br>
<phobos> x D<br>
<phobos> x D<br>
'''<IHM> sure is reddit around here'''<br>
'''<IHM> sure is reddit around here'''<br>
<FigarO> your article drips with butthurt<br>
<FigarO> your article drips with butthurt<br>
<Doc> You try getting your ego cut down by a master troll<br>
<Doc> You try getting your ego cut down by a master troll<br>
<Atlus> I think you're mad in space though<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> I think you're mad in space though<br>
<Atlus> I mean<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> I mean<br>
<phobos> sure is irc cool<br>
<phobos> sure is irc cool<br>
<Doc> then you'll know how we feel<br>
<Doc> then you'll know how we feel<br>
<Atlus> look at this fucking shitrag<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> look at this fucking shitrag<br>
<FigarO> its funny as hell<br>
<FigarO> its funny as hell<br>
<Doc> tried so hard too....<br>
<Doc> tried so hard too....<br>
Line 574: Line 237:
<MacduffsSon> yep. very tryhard<br>
<MacduffsSon> yep. very tryhard<br>
<phobos> yes it is inconceivable that someone would take 5 hours to make an article to laugh at <br>
<phobos> yes it is inconceivable that someone would take 5 hours to make an article to laugh at <br>
<Atlus> phobos: show me an article with an edit reference to you in it<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> phobos: show me an article with an edit reference to you in it<br>
<Atlus> on the wiki<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> on the wiki<br>
<phobos> for no other reason<br>
<phobos> for no other reason<br>
<phobos> than this right here<br>
<phobos> than this right here<br>
Line 584: Line 247:
<phobos> its me<br>
<phobos> its me<br>
<phobos> i am the star<br>
<phobos> i am the star<br>
<Atlus> lolololol<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> lolololol<br>
<Atlus> USI all up in this shit<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> USI all up in this shit<br>

'''<IHM> all of my [[fat|sides]]'''<br>
'''<IHM> all of my [[fat|sides]]'''<br>
Line 601: Line 264:
'''<IHM> and he's confused about your anger as well but apparently it's common of you to act like an autist'''<br>
'''<IHM> and he's confused about your anger as well but apparently it's common of you to act like an autist'''<br>
<phobos> cool<br>
<phobos> cool<br>
<Atlus> ihm: hold down the joint imma go get lunch<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> ihm: hold down the joint imma go get lunch<br>
<Atlus> I'm sure you'll have plenty of entertainment<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> I'm sure you'll have plenty of entertainment<br>
'''<IHM> Oh I definitely do, albeit a bit painful'''<br>
'''<IHM> Oh I definitely do, albeit a bit painful'''<br>
'''<IHM> collapsed frontal lobe and all huh phobos'''<br>
'''<IHM> collapsed frontal lobe and all huh phobos'''<br>
Line 612: Line 275:
'''<IHM> this is the part where you're mad over being banned on a chan'''<br>
'''<IHM> this is the part where you're mad over being banned on a chan'''<br>
<MacduffsSon> >2 years ago<br>
<MacduffsSon> >2 years ago<br>
<Atlus> dude<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> dude<br>
<MacduffsSon> >still using 4chan<br>
<MacduffsSon> >still using 4chan<br>
<phobos> yes <br>
<phobos> yes <br>
<Atlus> if I've ever wanted to say the word newfag<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> if I've ever wanted to say the word newfag<br>
<phobos> you are still using a chan<br>
<phobos> you are still using a chan<br>
<WhoreosNMilf> wat<br>
<WhoreosNMilf> wat<br>
<Atlus> it's been right now<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> it's been right now<br>
<phobos> you are on 789chan<br>
<phobos> you are on 789chan<br>
<WhoreosNMilf> wat<br>
<WhoreosNMilf> wat<br>
Line 678: Line 341:
'''<IHM> yes big heckers'''<br>
'''<IHM> yes big heckers'''<br>
<FigarO> lulzsec elite<br>
<FigarO> lulzsec elite<br>
<Atlus> dude<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> dude<br>
<phobos> haxor internet terrorists<br>
<phobos> haxor internet terrorists<br>
<Atlus> this guy<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> this guy<br>
<Atlus> man<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> man<br>
<FigarO> elite at getting raped in prision<br>
<FigarO> elite at getting raped in prision<br>
<phobos> dont trust that sabu guy<br>
<phobos> dont trust that sabu guy<br>
<Atlus> off the fucking scale<br>
<(SeanieB)Atlus> off the fucking scale<br>
* Atlus is now known as SeanieB<br>
* (SeanieB)Atlus is now known as SeanieB<br>
<phobos> lol<br>
<phobos> lol<br>
<WhoreosNMilf> cover blow!<br>
<WhoreosNMilf> cover blow!<br>
Line 740: Line 403:
<phobos> im phobos<br>
<phobos> im phobos<br>
<FigarO> no, im phobos<br>
<FigarO> no, im phobos<br>
'''<IHM> http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:yZF_fSz27coJ:ohinternet.com/Phobos+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us hahaha, oh wow'''<br>
'''<IHM> [https://web.archive.org/web/20130615111607/http://ohinternet.com/Phobos http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:yZF_fSz27coJ:ohinternet.com/Phobos+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us] hahaha, oh wow'''<br>
<MacduffsSon> im phobos<br>
<MacduffsSon> im phobos<br>
<WhoreosNMilf> im phobos<br>
<WhoreosNMilf> im phobos<br>
Line 762: Line 425:
<phobos> for being ashamed for me <br>
<phobos> for being ashamed for me <br>
<WhoreosNMilf> wat
<WhoreosNMilf> wat
'''<IHM> http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ll20FxxuEdAJ:forums.ohinternet.com/showthread.php%3F1100-PK-Phobos-Thread+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us'''<br>
'''<IHM> [https://archive.is/koUB http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ll20FxxuEdAJ:forums.ohinternet.com/showthread.php%3F1100-PK-Phobos-Thread+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us]'''<br>
<phobos> now I can truly move on to my lifes work<br>
<phobos> now I can truly move on to my lifes work<br>
'''<IHM> my [[fat|sides]]'''<br>
'''<IHM> my [[fat|sides]]'''<br>
Line 981: Line 644:
* You have been kicked from #789 by IHM ( <phobos> im banned)<br>
* You have been kicked from #789 by IHM ( <phobos> im banned)<br>

==EDIRC #wiki==
* IHM ([email protected]) has joined #wiki
'''<IHM> yes hello'''<br>
<phobos> hello faggot<br>
<Marforius> FAGGOTS IN IRC<br>
<Marforius> FAGGOTS IN IRC<br>
<Marforius> FAGGOTS IN IRC<br>
<phobos> are you hear for your ass raping<br>
<recon> ya gurlfren<br>
<Andres> hey ihm<br>
<Andres> :D<br>
<(hipcrime)poko> :D<br>
<phobos> can I interest you in a babytroll bottle<br>
<phobos> can I interest you in a babytroll bottle<br>
'''<IHM> sure'''<br>
<recon> h r u IHM<br>
<TKN_Bot> h<br>
'''<IHM> hello~'''<br>
<phobos> would you need your diaperfurs changed<br>
<phobos> would you need your diaperfurs changed<br>
<phobos> would you need your diaperfurs changed<br>
<Andres> OK<br>
<phobos> hey IHM<br>
<phobos> tell hipcrime<br>
<Marforius> HEY IHM<br>
<Andres> WHY THE FUCK<br>
'''<IHM> phobos has caught the autism'''<br>
<poko> /!\ THIS CHAT MOVED TO IRC.GROVE.BZ /!\<br>
<poko> /!\ THIS CHAT MOVED TO IRC.GROVE.BZ /!\<br>
<Andres> ARE WE USING #WIKI<br>
<Marforius> I HEAR YOU'RE BUTTHURT<br>
<phobos> abuot all the things hes needed to tell me <br>
<poko> /!\ THIS CHAT MOVED TO IRC.GROVE.BZ /!\<br>
<phobos> abuot all the things hes needed to tell me <br>
<Andres> AS RAID CENTRAL<br>
<poko> /!\ THIS CHAT MOVED TO IRC.GROVE.BZ /!\<br>
<poko> /!\ THIS CHAT MOVED TO IRC.GROVE.BZ /!\<br>
<poko> /!\ THIS CHAT MOVED TO IRC.GROVE.BZ /!\<br>
<recon> stop that poko<br>
<Meepsheep> sup ihm<br>
<phobos> TELL ME HIPCRIME<br>
<poko> :DD<br>
<recon> asshole<br>
'''<IHM> sup meep~'''<br>
<(hipcrime)poko> ok <3 recon<br>
<recon> GROVE WAS KILLED<br>
<Elvis> h IHM<br>
'''<IHM> gotta talk NCF business soon nigga'''<br>
'''<IHM> h elvis'''<br>
<recon> V INSENSITIVE<br>
<Meepsheep> word<br>
<owl> shit are you guys about to flood #wiki<br>
<Elvis> ikr<br>
<phobos> NCF business is that the club you go to after school and use the inflatible balls<br>
<Marforius> owl: shits getting real<br>
<phobos> and then your parents pick you up an hour later<br>
<owl> lol<br>
<phobos> because no I dont know what NCF business is <br>
<phobos> what is it <br>
<recon> grove was a shit ghettonet<br>
<Andres> can we please<br>
'''<IHM> sounds better than namedropping weev in #789 right''' <br>
<recon> it needed to die<br>
<Andres> ge this faggotry out<br>
<phobos> yes<br>
<phobos> I name drop everywhere<br>
<Andres> get<br>
<Andres> go to #ed<br>
<Andres> go to #ed<br>
<phobos> that way people can check my internet credentials<br>
<Andres> go to #ed<br>
<Andres> go to #ed<br>
<phobos> that way people can check my internet credentials<br>
<phobos> that way people can check my internet credentials<br>
<Andres> THANKS.<br>
<phobos> that way people can check my internet credentials<br>
<IHM> well aren't you a special snowflake<br>
<poko> namedropping?<br>
<phobos> yes I was tasked to drop mad names<br>
<recon> phobos is best snowflake<br>
<phobos> to show how IRC cool I was<br>
<recon> mind yer mannners IHM<br>
<owl> lol<br>
'''<IHM> oh yes, he went on #789 and namedropped about 6 people'''<br>
<phobos> while these fagmasters<br>
<phobos> cried<br>
<owl> IRC namedropping<br>
<phobos> for 40 minutes straight<br>
<phobos> I have all of it in logs<br>
* recon has kicked IHM from #wiki (go to #ed)<br>
==EDIRC #ed==
[14:38] * Topic is 'ED WEATHERDESK WARNING HURRICANE SANDY HEADED FOR NEW JERSEY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLBAKw5qid4 | Good night sweet OhI prince | Connect to ED through Tor: http://edramalpl7oq5npk.onion/ | Download ED text backups: https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/ED:ARCHIVE | ED SUBREDDIT: http://nig.gr/fGT'
[14:38] * Set by Andres on Mon Oct 29 14:10:35<br>
16:33 -!- IHM [[email protected]] has joined #ed<br>
16:33 < phobos> lol good troll IHM<br>
16:33 < phobos> show us some more master work skills<br>
16:33 < phobos> break out ur Chris Chan jokes we all know how funny those are<br>
16:33 '''< IHM> only if you promise to namedrop more and act important'''<br>
16:34 '''< IHM> it's really cute etc'''<br>
16:34 <@recon> he is NCF, and they are spooky<br>
16:34 < phobos> you are the coolest person I have ever met on IRC<br>
16:34 < phobos> you are the coolest person I have ever met on IRC<br>
16:34 < phobos> you are the coolest person I have ever met on IRC<br>
16:34 < phobos> you are the coolest person I have ever met on IRC<br>
16:34 < phobos> you are the coolest person I have ever met on IRC<br>
16:34 < phobos> you are the coolest person I have ever met on IRC<br>
16:34 < phobos> you are the coolest person I have ever met on IRC<br>
16:34 <@recon> plz give him room<br>
16:34 < phobos> you are the coolest person I have ever met on IRC<br>
16:34 <&poko> yes hello<br>
16:34 < phobos> yes so spooky<br>
16:34 < phobos> I bet they take pictures of facebooks<br>
16:34 <@recon> he's going to say something funny, eventually<br>
16:34 <@recon> just watch<br>
16:34 < phobos> and track down library cards<br>
16:34 < phobos> yeah he is the top of the chat charts<br>
16:34 < phobos> motherfucking nickelback ass chatter<br>
16:34 < phobos> top 100 hot 200<br>
16:34 '''< IHM> I bet I namedrop weev in IRC too and get mad over chan bans like all the cool kids'''<br>
16:34 < phobos> fucking dick sucker and a half<br>
16:34 <@recon> is that one of the channer faggots that phobos has been picking on?<br>
16:34 '''< IHM> see phobos'''<br>
16:34 <@recon> phobos: ^<br>
16:34 <&poko> ^<br>
16:35 < phobos> yes I name dropped weev about when u told me about the talking to I needed to receive from meepsheep<br>
16:35 < phobos> or hipcrime<br>
16:35 < phobos> because u know u guys are bffs<br>
16:35 < phobos> and you are a top internet troll<br>
16:35 <@recon> 360chan or something<br>
16:35 < phobos> arent you IHM<br>
16:35 < phobos> show me faggot<br>
16:35 < Marforius> s/butthurt/lulz<br>
16:35 < TwitterBot> >>> @ED_IRC: <phobos> because u know u guys are bffs and you are a top internet troll arent you IHM show me faggot<br>
16:35 '''< IHM> yeah, I am quite fond of my meepers and hipcrime'''<br>
16:35 < phobos> yeah thats funny theyve never mentioned you<br>
16:35 < phobos> no one has<br>
16:35 < phobos> no one cares<br>
16:35 < phobos> because you trash<br>
16:35 <@recon> hipcrime told me that he doesn't really like you, ihm<br>
16:35 < phobos> u washed up 789chan soft chatting trash<br>
16:35 <@recon> and he said your haircut was "cheap"<br>
16:35 < phobos> ^now what nigga<br>
16:35 <&poko> ^<br>
16:35 <@owl> who is ihm<br>
16:36 <@owl> and why is 789chan relevant<br>
16:36 < phobos> a collossal faggot<br>
16:36 '''< IHM> it'd be pretty funny if they talked about me honestly, considering nobody would care if they did except for you'''<br>
16:36 <@recon> my new best friend<br>
16:36 < phobos> because im raging it<br>
16:36 < phobos> so hard<br>
16:36 '''< IHM> because people talking about you on the internet is important right'''<br>
16:36 '''< IHM> makes you an e-boss bro'''<br>
16:36 < phobos> yes<br>
16:36 <@recon> IHM: can you link me to ur dox on doxbin<br>
16:36 < phobos> it does<br>
16:36 < phobos> im phobos<br>
16:36 <@recon> so I am sure I am talking to the right chatter<br>
16:36 <@recon> plz<br>
16:36 <@owl> im phobos<br>
16:36 <@recon> yes, phobos is verified as phobos<br>
16:36 <@recon> we held hands once<br>
16:36 '''< IHM> ask phobos the ED expert, he knows all apparently'''<br>
16:37 <@recon> also is globally loved<br>
16:37 < Marforius> IHM, causing butthurt he must know all<br>
16:37 <@recon> <3 phobos <3<br>
16:37 < phobos> <3 recon <3<br>
16:37 '''< IHM> the only devastated butts I seen was his'''<br>
16:37 < Crimewave> wat<br>
16:37 < phobos> yes<br>
16:37 < phobos> clearly<br>
16:37 < Marforius> !ud butthurt<br>
16:37 < Zalgo> [UrbanDictionary] ButtHurt --> An inappropriately strong negative emotional response from a perceived personal insult. Characterized by strong feelings of shame. Frequently associated with a cessation of communication and overt hostility towards the "aggressor."<br>
16:37 < phobos> at this moment <br>
16:37 '''< IHM> but what can I expect from an ohinternet user'''<br>
16:37 < Marforius> Clearly<br>
[14:38] <Marforius> Clearly<br>
[14:38] <phobos> I am v analpocalypsed<br>
[14:38] <phobos> lol u still think im with Ohi<br>
[14:38] <@recon> NAME: PHOBOS<br>
[14:38] <phobos> after I wrote an article on ED<br>
[14:38] <@recon> STATUS: UNRAGED<br>
[14:38] '''<IHM> considering you had a vanity article on there, yes'''<br>
[14:38] <@recon> MAD LEVEL: NONE<br>
[14:38] <phobos> I didnt write it <br>
[14:38] <@recon> ya, that was his fan club<br>
[14:38] <phobos> people just like me<br>
[14:38] <@recon> dumbass<br>
[14:38] <phobos> unlike 789chan<br>
[14:39] <@recon> is 789 an area code?<br>
[14:39] <phobos> because your bitch ass little cunt show and tell<br>
[14:39] <phobos> is about as low on the chat scale that ive seen<br>
[14:39] '''<IHM> you're what I'd expect to see camwhoring on fapchan honestly'''<br>
[14:39] <phobos> all this talk about ED authority lol nigga we servin brickfuss<br>
[14:39] <@recon> I never heard about that chan before today<br>
[14:39] <Marforius> 789 because 788 other chans weren't good enough or modded by enough 12 year old summerfags<br>
[14:39] '''<IHM> bottom of the barrel with a side of USI, not even good enough for /soc/'''<br>
[14:39] <Crimewave> !ud research chemicals<br>
[14:39] <@recon> IHM: plz share your favorite pic with the rest of theclass<br>
[14:39] <phobos> wow well maybe you should try a different site than an unknown chan board<br>
[14:39] <@recon> it's an image board, right?<br>
[14:39] <phobos> to express your feelings<br>
[14:39] <@recon> plz share<br>
[14:39] <@owl> same recon<br>
[14:39] <&poko> same<br>
[14:40] '''<IHM> http://789chan.org/cwc/src/135153212435.jpg'''<br>
[14:40] <phobos> and then people will give a fuck<br>
[14:40] <phobos> and then people will give a fuck<br>
[14:40] <phobos> and then people will give a fuck<br>
[14:40] '''<IHM> that one'''<br>
[14:40] '''<IHM> definitely'''<br>
[14:40] <phobos> is definitely toddler troll<br>
[14:40] * Patroclus is now known as Patroclop<br>
[14:40] <@recon> phobos, u lookin' good gurl<br>
[14:40] '''<IHM> it reeks of fetal alcohol syndrome'''<br>
[14:40] <@recon> you get yer hair did?<br>
[14:40] <phobos> is 5 minutes in mspaint<br>
[14:40] <Marforius> oh lol<br>
[14:40] <phobos> yeah i got ma nails 2<br>
[14:40] <phobos> yes<br>
[14:40] <Marforius> name calling in #ed<br>
[14:40] <TwitterBot> >>> @ED_IRC: <phobos> is definitely toddler troll is 5 minutes in mspaint yeah i got ma nails 2 yes<br>
[14:40] <Marforius> we have a badass over here<br>
[14:40] <phobos> they have tried to diagnose me with asspergers autism<br>
[14:40] <phobos> and now FAS<br>
[14:40] <phobos> yes<br>
[14:40] <@recon> u look good<br>
[14:40] <phobos> how about histrionic next<br>
[14:40] <@recon> is IHM the fat kid<br>
[14:40] <phobos> owait what about MS<br>
[14:40] <+Nicotine> PHOBOS IS GOOD<br>
[14:40] <+inzidol> ooooooh it's goin down<br>
[14:40] '''<IHM> oh no not the meme generator time'''<br>
[14:40] <@recon> that was linked in the article?<br>
[14:41] <phobos> IHM is a fat bitch who gobbles down mentions of her tits not sagging<br>
[14:41] <phobos> like a little fuck up the down syndrome tree<br>
[14:41] '''<IHM> and phobos is gender confused thus hates himself irl'''<br>
[14:41] <Patroclop> ihm is a fat kid<br>
[14:41] <@recon> IHM: are you the fat brunette kid from the new ED page?<br>
[14:41] <phobos> yes<br>
[14:41] <phobos> I hate myself<br>
[14:41] <phobos> booohoo<br>
[14:41] <phobos> I hate myself<br>
[14:41] <phobos> baaaaw<br>
[14:41] '''<IHM> be the little girl we all know you are phobos'''<br>
[14:41] <phobos> baaaaw<br>
[14:41] <phobos> im hurt<br>
[14:41] '''<IHM> also hi patroclop'''<br>
[14:41] <TwitterBot> >>> @Andres_Snape: RT @ED_IRC: <phobos> because u know u guys are bffs and you are a top internet troll arent you IHM show me faggot<br>
[14:41] <phobos> plz someone halp<br>
[14:41] <IHM> got any tooty plot<br>
[14:41] <@recon> IHM: come to think of it, you're probably the first person who has ever tried to make fun of phobos' gender<br>
[14:41] <phobos> got any new ROBBAAAAAAAAY<br>
[14:41] <@recon> Such a sharp wit<br>
[14:42] <+Nicotine> lol recon <br>
[14:42] <@recon> do you have n e other jokes?<br>
[14:42] <phobos> yeah because its like a facebook post times 5 in intensity<br>
[14:42] <Patroclop> ya phobos is way too masculine to make fun of genderwise<br>
[14:42] <phobos> its like how did she even think up that<br>
[14:42] <+Nicotine> the fuck is IHM anyway<br>
[14:42] <phobos> a chanwhore<br>
[14:42] <Patroclop> with that manly bleached blond hair<br>
[14:42] <@recon> IHM is an enraged channer fag<br>
[14:42] <Patroclop> and scrawny frame of a breadwinner<br>
[14:42] <@recon> here to give phobos a piece of his mind<br>
[14:42] <+Nicotine> chanwhore followed you home, phobos?<br>
[14:42] <&poko> it would be a lot of fun to op patch<br>
[14:42] <+Nicotine> lol what's he mad about<br>
[14:42] <&poko> wheres thunderpussy when you need him<br>
[14:42] <Patroclop> ya it would poko<br>
[14:42] <TwitterBot> >>> @Andres_Snape: @ED_IRC babytrolls.<br>
[14:42] <@recon> phobos said mean things about him in an ed article<br>
[14:43] <@recon> someone link plz<br>
[14:43] <+Nicotine> oh phobos say it isn't so!<br>
[14:43] <@recon> he pissed off some fat 19 year old<br>
[14:43] <@Elvis> IHM is a girl btw recon<br>
[14:43] <&poko> recon: finding<br>
[14:43] <Patroclop> well<br>
[14:43] <+Nicotine> tits<br>
[14:43] <@recon> Wow, that's a girl?<br>
[14:43] <@recon> ouch.<br>
[14:43] <Patroclop> close enough i guess Elvis <br>
[14:43] <@recon> no please don't<br>
[14:43] <+Nicotine> tits<br>
[14:43] <+Nicotine> LOOOOOOOL<br>
[14:43] <+Nicotine> no please don't<br>
[14:43] <@recon> jesus, ihm, you're female?<br>
[14:43] <&poko> HOS ON MY DICK<br>
[14:43] <+Nicotine> cancel<br>
[14:43] <+Nicotine> cancel<br>
[14:43] <+Nicotine> cancel<br>
[14:43] <@recon> geez<br>
[14:44] <@recon> I mean, you've got the deck stacked against ya<br>
[14:44] <DickWhistle> fdsgfds<br>
[14:44] <&poko> https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/index.php?title=789chan&rcid=467012<br>
[14:44] <Zalgo> Title: 789chan - Encyclopedia Dramatica (at https://encyclopediadramatica.rs)<br>
[14:44] <Patroclop> recon: ihm irl = https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Brittany_Holechko<br>
[14:44] <Zalgo> Title: Brittany Holechko - Encyclopedia Dramatica (at https://encyclopediadramatica.rs)<br>
[14:44] <+Nicotine> oh this kid<br>
[14:44] <@recon> oh I see 'er on FB<br>
[14:44] <+Nicotine> i read this article this morning<br>
[14:45] <@recon> what up broad<br>
[14:45] <@recon> still under sexed?<br>
[14:45] <&poko> what happened to all the mad<br>
[14:45] <&poko> :(<br>
[14:45] <+inzidol> i unno<br>
[14:45] <+Nicotine> you don't know who the fuck you're dealing with<br>
[14:45] <+inzidol> <3 POKO!<br>
[14:45] <&poko> <3 inzidol<br>
[14:45] <@recon> where did you go IHM<br>
[14:46] <&poko> its like watching a tv show then losing power<br>
[14:46] <TwitterBot> >>> @ED_IRC: <@recon> where did you go IHM<br>
[14:46] <@recon> plz come back I have some things I'd like to discuss with you<br>
[14:46] <&poko> wehre did u go phobos<br>
[14:46] <@recon> we can be FB BFFS<br>
[14:46] <phobos> here<br>
[14:46] <&poko> they arre making up in PM<br>
[14:46] <phobos> who is ?<br>
[14:46] <phobos> ofc<br>
[14:46] <@Andres> IHM<br>
[14:46] <@Andres> IHM<br>
[14:46] <@Andres> IHM<br>
[14:46] <@owl> where did IHM go<br>
[14:46] <@Andres> IHM COME HERE PLOX.<br>
[14:47] <&poko> pix plz<br>
[14:47] <@Andres> IHM is probably crying in her room atm<br>
[14:47] <@recon> did she delete her fb<br>
[14:47] <@Andres> lol<br>
[14:47] <@recon> she did<br>
[14:47] <@owl> did it get scared off?<br>
[14:47] <@recon> I saw it the other day<br>
[14:47] <@recon> no shit she deleted it :(<br>
[14:47] <DickWhistle> Fuck IHM<br>
[14:47] <&poko> oh rite<br>
[14:47] <@recon> More like Internet Eatin' Machine<br>
[14:47] <@recon> amirite<br>
[14:47] <&poko> yaurite<br>
[14:48] <@recon> where r u ihm<br>
[14:48] <@recon> getting backup?<br>
[14:48] <@recon> come on porkchop, where'd you go<br>
[14:48] <DickWhistle> IHM<br>
[14:48] <Patroclop> would anyone back ihm up anymore<br>
[14:48] <Patroclop> doesn't everyone hate her<br>
[14:48] <+homicide> ok<br>
[14:48] <@recon> porkchop, where r u<br>
[14:48] <+homicide> *grabs dick*<br>
[14:48] <+Nicotine> internet eatin' machine: i lol'd<br>
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL.<br>
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL.<br>
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL.<br>
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL.<br>
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \<br>
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \<br>
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \<br>
[14:49] <@recon> o plz no<br>
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \<br>
[14:49] <@recon> porkchop<br>
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \<br>
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \<br>
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \<br>
[14:49] <@recon> I did not mean to hurt your feelings<br>
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \<br>
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \<br>
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \<br>
==Current Status==
Crying in her room hiding from IRC.

Latest revision as of 12:49, 23 May 2022

789chan IRC logs and IHM aka InternetHateMachine aka Brittany Holechko


  • Now talking on #789
  • Topic for #789 set by WhoreosNMilf at Sun Oct 28 15:17:20 2012
  • boat gives voice to phobos

<Doc> speak of the devil
<vivivi> HAHA
<vivivi> NKO IS PHOBOS
<Doc> phobos what's your gender?
<phobos> lol Ive been reading logs from this chat all day
<(SeanieB)Atlus> nice ed account you just got today fgt
<Codemonster> phobos isnt mad guys
<phobos> u nigs hurt
<phobos> lol Ive been with ED since 2007
<MacduffsSon> hi faggot
<Doc> Sounds like you don't care at all phobos
<phobos> hello mad people
<(SeanieB)> really
<phobos> I cared about making a funny article
<MacduffsSon> we're really fucking mad at you
<(SeanieB)Atlus> what was your handle since 2007
<phobos> I thought it was p funny
<phobos> can I quote you on that MacduffsSon
<phobos> I think I will
<MacduffsSon> im crying you fucker
<Doc> when i don't care about something
<MacduffsSon> NO
<vivivi> I was chatting with Nko in PM, talked about phobos being too scared to join in IRC, and here he is
<Doc> i spend 5 hours furiously editing my ED userpage
<vivivi> SO not trying hard
<MacduffsSon> DONT YOU DARE
<phobos> who says I didnt care
<Doc> to enforce how little I care
<phobos> you guys are great
<phobos> you get so upset over everything
<phobos> I hope we get to be good friends
<Doc> thanks Phobos ♥
<phobos> <3

<vivivi> im so mad phobos
<phobos> I bet
<vivivi> i cant contain my kilt
<phobos> I can tell because we are in IRC
<phobos> and that is where people get upset
<(SeanieB)Atlus> thanks for telling me why I shouldnt think you're a faggot who likes to namedrop ed
<(SeanieB)Atlus> lol
<(SeanieB)Atlus> who just got a name yesterday
<phobos> I dunno can you please direct me toward steampunk
<vivivi> I called you scared, and you were mad enough to come right in here afterwards
<vivivi> Weren't you?

<phobos> well Im sort of done
<phobos> I put it on mainpage
<phobos> https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/789chan
<phobos> I like to write but I think thats okay for now
<MacduffsSon> oh fuck
<MacduffsSon> we're ruined
<vivivi> Oh shit
<phobos> yah u guys are done for
<Codemonster> oh no
<vivivi> our chan!
<Codemonster> abandon ship
<phobos> yeah you are all doomed
<vivivi> how could you phobos
<Atlus> lol wow
<phobos> soon the entire internet will know that you guys dont like loldongs
<phobos> yeah
<vivivi> you kept such a cool head this whole time!
<phobos> it was p hard finding seans dox in the dox bin
<phobos> I tried so hard like a minute at most
<vivivi> No kidding
<vivivi> it must have been!
<Codemonster> IRC's over guys, go home
<Doc> phobos you truly have outdone even clyde cash
<phobos> yah I am basically the best troll ever
<vivivi> You are a master troll, phobos
<Doc> epic win my friend
<phobos> please lavish me with internet parades
<phobos> and internet prizes
<MacduffsSon> you've OBLIVERATED /cwc/

<(SeanieB)Atlus> idk phobos
<(SeanieB)Atlus> if you were really an ed oldfag
<(SeanieB)Atlus> you'd pipe more

<phobos> yeah i sure have taken a stroke against the 789 machine today
<phobos> I dont like pipes
<phobos> thats how over 9000 fagshit got started
<(SeanieB)Atlus> sure
<phobos> I dont see why you see me writing a lovely article about you guys is tryhard i just wanted to explain why I thought your community was so fascinating
<vivivi> No phobos we just said you aren't a tryhard
<vivivi> Obviously not
<Doc> phobos just don't dox me
<Doc> please man
<vivivi> You quoted try hard more than five times in your article after being called one, you are obviously not trying at all
<phobos> yeah I like that word
<phobos> you guys tend to say it a lot too
<vivivi> Obviously not
<phobos> like every 40 seconds or so
<Doc> that's because we're trying hard
<WhoreosNMilf> wat
<vivivi> You freak pretty hard when anyone says it
<phobos> I am freaking right now

<vivivi> We know
<phobos> with words
<MacduffsSon> guys how do you get an ed article taken down
<IHM> Yes hello Phobos
<IHM> I heard there was hardchats
<phobos> hello im phobos
<Doc> we better edit some rule34 into that shit
<WhoreosNMilf> wat
<phobos> I am the hard chat king queen
<Doc> give them a content overload
<phobos> the master of irc tears
<IHM> No, you're the butt devastated autist
<phobos> cool thats cool
<phobos> neat
<phobos> you thought up those mean words all by yourself
<WhoreosNMilf> wat
<phobos> and now youre cool on IRC
<IHM> So what's this about being on ED and IRC since 2007
<WhoreosNMilf> wat
<phobos> I have been on ED since 2007
<FigarO> really phobos is back?

<IHM> because hipcrime and meep would like a word with you

<vivivi> thats so cool phobos
<phobos> yeah
<phobos> would they?
<IHM> Yes they would
<phobos> because Im friends with both of them
<WhoreosNMilf> wat
<IHM> Oh are you?
<phobos> meepsheep lives here in Denver
<Codemonster> lol
<phobos> yeah
<MacduffsSon> wat
<IHM> They don't seem to know who you are
<phobos> Im in meepsheeps channel right now
<WhoreosNMilf> wat
<Doc> phobos are you buddies with clyde cash>??
<phobos> irc.maractus.net
<phobos> #dongforce
<phobos> see for urself
<vivivi> Master trolls have to stick together
<phobos> no just ED
<phobos> hipcrime and I have been editting things forever
<MacduffsSon> oh wow
<MacduffsSon> i didnt realise you're so experianced
<phobos> yah i am basically like an internet veteran
<(SeanieB)Atlus> phobos: funny
<(SeanieB)Atlus> cause
<MacduffsSon> cool
<Doc> phobos i've been browsing wiki for 5 years now
<(SeanieB)Atlus> I used to host dongforce
<(SeanieB)Atlus> and I never saw you on it
<Doc> check that shit
<vivivi> Phobos wheres my paragraph in the ED article?
<vivivi> Dox me please
<(SeanieB)Atlus> IHM would back me up on that
<phobos> yah I am an internet journalist I get paid in e-bux
<(SeanieB)Atlus> considering she paid me for it
<WhoreosNMilf> wat
<vivivi> internet journalist huh?
<vivivi> You mean like a blogger?
<phobos> a logger blogger
<vivivi> I think blogger is the correct term
<phobos> get it right
<Doc> don't be stupid vivivi
<vivivi> Oh my bad
<Doc> bloggers are just hardtries
<Doc> phobos is the real macoy
<phobos> yes I blog like a lot
<phobos> because a couple of articles over the years
<vivivi> Sorry, I'm just trying really hard
<phobos> sure is a lot of work
<Doc> trying hard
<Doc> or hardly trying
<Doc> ?????
<vivivi> I dont even know anymore
<phobos> sure is too much for one person to handle
<phobos> where is IHM
<IHM> I'm right here
<IHM> also that's ms. IHM to you, nigger
<phobos> shut your jewish mouth
<phobos> I dont need ur words nigga
<IHM> I'll be alerting them to your mad userpage
<phobos> ok
<phobos> be sure to send them my hearties
<phobos> tell them phobos did it
<IHM> So don't expect it to last long
<phobos> tell them phobos did it
<IHM> also
<MacduffsSon> JULAY
<IHM> I'll use these logs as a reference along with your many mad threads
<phobos> tell them about how my dick was in your mouth in this IRC
<phobos> yes
<phobos> please
<phobos> I would love that

<(SeanieB)Atlus> /mode +ao IHM IHM

  • (SeanieB)Atlus sets mode +a #789 IHM
  • (SeanieB)Atlus gives channel operator status to IHM

<phobos> I wrote a nice article
<(SeanieB)Atlus> honerary ops
<(SeanieB)Atlus> lol
<MacduffsSon> who is ihm
<phobos> I dont see why everyone is so hurt by it
<phobos> its just an article
<phobos> settle down guys
<WhoreosNMilf> wat
<IHM> Thank you kind sir
<phobos> x D
<MacduffsSon> fuck off
<IHM> >xd
<(SeanieB)Atlus> I ain't even mad
<phobos> x D
<IHM> sure is reddit around here
<FigarO> your article drips with butthurt
<Doc> You try getting your ego cut down by a master troll
<(SeanieB)Atlus> I think you're mad in space though
<(SeanieB)Atlus> I mean
<phobos> sure is irc cool
<Doc> then you'll know how we feel
<(SeanieB)Atlus> look at this fucking shitrag
<FigarO> its funny as hell
<Doc> tried so hard too....
<IHM> I'm sure the guys at ED will get a kick outta this one
<MacduffsSon> yep. very tryhard
<phobos> yes it is inconceivable that someone would take 5 hours to make an article to laugh at
<(SeanieB)Atlus> phobos: show me an article with an edit reference to you in it
<(SeanieB)Atlus> on the wiki
<phobos> for no other reason
<phobos> than this right here
<phobos> this conversation
<phobos> the threads
<WhoreosNMilf> wat
<phobos> all the attention
<phobos> its me
<phobos> i am the star
<(SeanieB)Atlus> lolololol
<(SeanieB)Atlus> USI all up in this shit

<IHM> all of my sides
<IHM> phobos
<IHM> are you down with the syndrome
<IHM> my angry literature spewing friend
<MacduffsSon> whoring for e-attention is pretty pathetic.
<MacduffsSon> tryhard, even
<phobos> I dunno IHM u wanna talk about how cool ur meepsheep friendships are before you actually get word back
<phobos> or shall I mop your tears when they call you a fag
<IHM> Oh I'm chatting with hipcrime atm
<Doc> phobos what even is
<Doc> a fat people jacket?
<Doc> is it just an XL? Or is it a particular style?
<IHM> and he's confused about your anger as well but apparently it's common of you to act like an autist
<phobos> cool
<(SeanieB)Atlus> ihm: hold down the joint imma go get lunch
<(SeanieB)Atlus> I'm sure you'll have plenty of entertainment
<IHM> Oh I definitely do, albeit a bit painful
<IHM> collapsed frontal lobe and all huh phobos
<phobos> oh is this the part where you guys arm chair psychologically diagnose me with aspergers
<WhoreosNMilf> wat
<phobos> cause that so isnt 4chan two years ago
<WhoreosNMilf> wat
<Codemonster> >arm chair psychologically diagnose
<IHM> this is the part where you're mad over being banned on a chan
<MacduffsSon> >2 years ago
<(SeanieB)Atlus> dude
<MacduffsSon> >still using 4chan
<phobos> yes
<(SeanieB)Atlus> if I've ever wanted to say the word newfag
<phobos> you are still using a chan
<WhoreosNMilf> wat
<(SeanieB)Atlus> it's been right now
<phobos> you are on 789chan
<WhoreosNMilf> wat
<phobos> has no one told u <WhoreosNMilf> wat <IHM> you're crying about being banned on a chan
<phobos> yes
<phobos> I cried
<IHM> that's comparable to chris chan behavior
<phobos> by getting a proxy
<phobos> and saying
<IHM> yes you're crying right now
<phobos> that was harsh
<phobos> yes my tears are flowing
<IHM> oh there goes the ragecaps
<WhoreosNMilf> wat
<phobos> with all the wat wats
<WhoreosNMilf> wat
<phobos> and the accusations that meepsheep isnt my friend
<phobos> surely this has been a harsh day for me
<WhoreosNMilf> wat
<MacduffsSon> wat
<IHM> yes it has been considering I hear you're from ohinternet
<IHM> which explains everything
<phobos> not really
<IHM> did you like GNAA slapping the shit out of it?
<phobos> I thought it was hilarious
<phobos> its still down btw
<IHM> I noticed
<phobos> gv is probs way pissed
<Codemonster> WhoreosNMilfe is a bottom-rate /cwc/fag
<phobos> v lol attack
<WhoreosNMilf> wat <MacduffsSon> >writes a 2,400 word article
<MacduffsSon> >calls other people mad
<phobos> more than that

<IHM> but what you don't realize son is new ED won't tolerate the mad like sherrod would
<phobos> it also has pictures
<phobos> yeah
<phobos> would it
<phobos> im there
<phobos> on IRC
<phobos> right now
<phobos> please join us
<IHM> that's cool, 1871092 other people are too
<phobos> irc.wtfux.org
<phobos> #ed
<phobos> please say hello
<IHM> I don't think I will, I prefer hardchats, HTP, and ww88
<IHM> not meme generator IRC's
<phobos> lol ww88 is for fags
<phobos> go back to kiddie buttes
<phobos> you fuckass
<IHM> ww88 is where you find GNAA, so try again
<phobos> GNAA is for whatevs
<phobos> lol we are lulzsec we are elite
<IHM> yes big heckers
<FigarO> lulzsec elite
<(SeanieB)Atlus> dude
<phobos> haxor internet terrorists
<(SeanieB)Atlus> this guy
<(SeanieB)Atlus> man
<FigarO> elite at getting raped in prision
<phobos> dont trust that sabu guy
<(SeanieB)Atlus> off the fucking scale

  • (SeanieB)Atlus is now known as SeanieB

<phobos> lol
<WhoreosNMilf> cover blow!
<phobos> hello Seanie
<pleaserapemyface> Am I really reading this?
<FigarO> shit this guy is like 7 megahomors on the autism scale
<SeanieB> I bet ihm's sides are in orbit
<SeanieB> bbl
<MacduffsSon> atlus was seanieb all along
<phobos> yeah tell me all about how I just got trolled
<IHM> well I wouldn't expect anything less of ohinternet
<phobos> you guys got me
<phobos> by talking to yourselves
<phobos> u have surely trolled me
<phobos> while I have sat here eating a nutribar
<IHM> you're being an ickeriss right now, pls stop with your angry literature
<IHM> 100 miles a minute of rage texting
<phobos> yes
<pleaserapemyface> phobos, how many sonics do you have in your blood?
<phobos> at least 100 julay cwc lol were legi0n
<pleaserapemyface> Because it sounds like you have severe autism
<Doc> Phobos what is your original character like?
<phobos> whats the matter
<phobos> Atlus didnt run a faggy enough site for you queers
<IHM> lol atlus
<IHM> do you know how irrelevant that is
<phobos> my original character is a fursona mixed with a dragon
<pleaserapemyface> Phobos, show us your fan hedgehog, we know you have one
<phobos> a 1998 honda civic
<phobos> and my trollsona is a 5 foot tall philipina woman with six children
<phobos> any other questions
<IHM> man phobos ur so hard
<IHM> how do i be just like u on da internet
<phobos> i dunno why dont u guys go vandalize ed so you can be cool on the internet
<MacduffsSon> yeah
<IHM> I'd like to ask you to stop contributing to it, because all it does is translate to mad
<phobos> its okay IHM
<phobos> meepsheep or hipcrime will get rid of it forsure
<phobos> lol
<phobos> they are going to die when they see those logs
<IHM> they're seeing them in realtime
<itinerant> friends in high places i guess
<phobos> yes real time
<phobos> up close
<phobos> with a wide angled lens
<itinerant> not pretend time?
<pleaserapemyface> Are you streaming this?
<WhoreosNMilf> tell /iq/ to get in here
<phobos> im going to go have a cigarette : )
<MacduffsSon> yeah that'll calm you down
<MacduffsSon> 5 hours of raging is enough
<IHM> http://789chan.org/cwc/src/135153212435.jpg I need an entire pack of cigs after seeing this, what the fuck are you even
<phobos> im phobos
<FigarO> no, im phobos
<IHM> http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:yZF_fSz27coJ:ohinternet.com/Phobos+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us hahaha, oh wow
<MacduffsSon> im phobos
<WhoreosNMilf> im phobos
<Doc> i'm phobos
<Brutalis> Try harder, phobos
<WhoreosNMilf> no u
<WhoreosNMilf> im phobos
<MacduffsSon> phobos: do you have serious gender-identity issues
<phobos> yes I am a 78 year old trans man my name is Jordan Harel Stiles
<IHM> phobos wishes to be the little girl
<phobos> yes I am a 78 year old trans man my name is Jordan Harel Stiles
<phobos> yes I am a 78 year old trans man my name is Jordan Harel Stiles <MacduffsSon> lol
<IHM> that means he's ashamed of himself thus gender confusion
<phobos> yes
<phobos> I am so ashamed of myself i post picture of myself all the time
<phobos> just to be ashamed
<IHM> don't worry, we're all ashamed of you too, you are not alone
<IHM> also being a camwhore isn't a good thing
<phobos> yes thank you
<phobos> for being ashamed for me
<WhoreosNMilf> wat <IHM> http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ll20FxxuEdAJ:forums.ohinternet.com/showthread.php%3F1100-PK-Phobos-Thread+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
<phobos> now I can truly move on to my lifes work
<IHM> my sides
<phobos> yeah that is the point of forums they are supposed to be funny
<MacduffsSon> >phobos
<MacduffsSon> >being funny
<MacduffsSon> >ever
<IHM> does not compute
<phobos> yes your group of very frustrated and fast typing companions definitely know whats funny
<phobos> that must be why 789chan is so popular
<phobos> it must get like 80 hits a day at least
<IHM> you sure seem to think it is with how hard you're clinging to it
<phobos> im clinging to what
<MacduffsSon> why are you still here
<IHM> 789chan, over being banned
<phobos> I havent posted there since I started watching the Broncos game
<IHM> like a butt raged babby
<FigarO> >likes the Broncos
<phobos> and that was last night
<phobos> yeah I love the Broncos
<IHM> doesn't matter, the point is you're in IRC whining about bans
<phobos> yeah
<phobos> am I
<IHM> and writing articles due to bans
<phobos> because im pretty sure I havent asked for it to be lifted
<phobos> because im pretty sure I havent asked for it to be lifted
<IHM> classifies as mad, haven't you heard
<phobos> are you with the anger institute
<MacduffsSon> why do you keep saying things twice
<phobos> are you here to finally diagnose my anger
<phobos> behind a computer screen
<phobos> than jegus
<IHM> he's trying to convince himself he isn't angry
<phobos> yes I am just delusional in thinking that I am perfectly content
<MacduffsSon> are you embarassed
<phobos> of what
<phobos> of all the logs im going to post to that article?
<MacduffsSon> it's ok to admit that people on the internet made you angry
<phobos> lolno
<IHM> you are, you can't even seem to decide what gender you are
<IHM> and I'm supposed to take you seriously
<phobos> omg plz dont gender me plz no 789
<phobos> I dont expect anyone to take anyone seriously
<IHM> you're having problems holding a coherent conversation
<phobos> this is the Internet afterall
<phobos> and Internet is srs business
<IHM> yes it is, so why are you on IRC crying about bans that happened last night
<phobos> yes
<phobos> which bans
<phobos> I would like to know
<phobos> can you pull up the logs
<phobos> of the ban whining
<IHM> from what I'm seeing it appears you've been going on about this since last night, and it's constant and redundant so I'm guessing it's more of the same
<IHM> that's being displayed right now
<MacduffsSon> guys i think we should stop talking in case phobos doxes us
<phobos> I posted a few times in a thread, got a proxy to piss off the mods further, watched football and drank beer, went to sleep, was bored, decided to write an ed article
<phobos> and visit you guys for the day!
<Brutalis> Try harder
<phobos> kk
<IHM> and then wrote an entire article of mad on your userpage after the fact, then came to IRC to whine about it the next day
<IHM> you're leaving out important facts
<Brutalis> Like you being a faggot
<phobos> okay IHM
<phobos> I just informed hipcrime that you wanted to have a word with me
<phobos> in addition to other logs
<IHM> Good, has he called you a drama queen yet
<phobos> no
<phobos> he has asked me how my draft was doing
<MacduffsSon> who is hipcrime
<phobos> he says he is smoking weed
<IHM> because legi0n doesn't already have an article and writing one on 789chan even though it has a section on the legi0n article because you got banned and then mad
<IHM> makes a lot of sense right
<phobos> content is content rofl
<MacduffsSon> lol
<IHM> no, it's redundant
<phobos> and most people find me funny so a couple of nerds typing furiously at me after I contacted hipcrime is real upsetting
<phobos> this is the part where u call me unfunny
<IHM> oh look you're cool on the internet
<MacduffsSon> >most people find me funny
<phobos> and I go do something else while you rage

  • IHM claps

<MacduffsSon> dat lack of self awareness
<IHM> tell me more about your e-fame
<IHM> in fact lets see you namedrop some more and act important, maybe it'll make you more self aware of all the mad you are displaying
<phobos> weev
<phobos> timecop
<phobos> ocolet
<phobos> BURK
<phobos> ajt
<IHM> none of those names have been relevant in quite awhile except for weev and timecop, try harder pls
<IHM> seems you cling to everything huh
<MacduffsSon> julay
<JEWS> oh hey phobos is back
<phobos> yeah ive been here for awhile
<phobos> <Andres> wait
<phobos> <Andres> what the fuck
<phobos> <Andres> IS THAT IHM
<phobos> <Andres> Lol
<phobos> say hello IHM
<phobos> say hello IHM
<phobos> say hello IHM
<pleaserapemyface> That's so cute
<MacduffsSon> shut up
<IHM> [14:15] <+Marforius> phobos: he posts with toAstO9O6k after his username, that admin or w/e
<IHM> [14:15] <+Marforius> post his tripcode (the code that makes that) he'll get madder for sure
<IHM> [14:15] <phobos> lol you should make a post in that thread
<IHM> [14:15] <phobos> with that tripcode
<IHM> [14:15] <phobos> im banned
<IHM> [14:15] <+Marforius> will
<IHM> [14:15] <phobos> but def pretend to be me
<IHM> hello
<phobos> yes
<phobos> you guys cant seem to understand me
<phobos> and people pretending to be me
<IHM> NYPA phobos
<MacduffsSon> haha this is EPIC WEEN folks
<MacduffsSon> they will be so BUTTHURT when they see that
<SeanieB> um
<SeanieB> that's not my tripcode
<SeanieB> that was WhoreosNMilf
<IHM> ahuehuehue
<SeanieB> my trip was already leaked
<SeanieB> but you probably dont have it
<Homor> I play too much WoW.
<Homor> I've only had the full version for about three days and i'm already Level 40.
<phobos> http://web.archive.org/web/20101007122421/http://encyclopediadramatica.com/User:Phobos
<MacduffsSon> noone cares
<IHM> [14:19] <phobos> onoes
<IHM> [14:19] <phobos> weve been found out
<IHM> [14:19] <phobos> Elvis those are all the pictures from the Ohi Page xD
<JEWS> why should we give a shit
<jengatype> hey I heard there was a final fantasy/david bowie cosplayer in here!
<phobos> yes v upset
<jengatype> Oh, it's just phobos
<JEWS> >Dylan Tnga
<Candy> oh god what i missed
<JEWS> there's the only good subject
<jengatype> How's the ED page going?
<phobos> everyone keeps telling me about how trolled, upset, and hurt I am yet I am the only one not sperging out : )
<phobos> if you say it over and over again
<jengatype> a 2000 word ED page isn't sperging out?
<phobos> ull feel better about yourself
<phobos> no
<phobos> its called writing
<phobos> you may have done so in an english class
<phobos> sometimes I like to write for fun : )
<jengatype> I'll look for it in the Utne reader
<Candy> oh lol
<JEWS> judging from the quality of the dylan article and the quality of your 789 article, i'm guessing you didn't have too much involvement there
<pleaserapemyface> >Writing about a website that called you a faggot because they called you a faggot
<pleaserapemyface> Yeah, that is totally not sperging
<phobos> considering you are all raging the fuck out over every little word I wrote
<Candy> >huge ass article on 789chan
<phobos> yeah I could see how you could come to that conclusion
<IHM> hey phobos, tell elvis I said hello
<phobos> ok
<JEWS> we're not raging, but you definitely caught our attention
<IHM> Mr. Starr isn't it
<jengatype> Do you honestly believe yourself, or is it some kind of defense mechanism?
<phobos> well Im sitting here
<phobos> no emotion whatsoever
<phobos> wondering about getting beer from king soopers
<phobos> while you tards chat as quickly as possibly
<jengatype> BEER
<phobos> about how you dont suck dicks
<jengatype> WATCH OUT GUYS
<IHM> >implying mad while PAing on #wiki
<IHM> try again phobos
<jengatype> I don't suck dick, though, none of the guys at the YMCA locker room will let me anymore
<JEWS> why would we need to defend ourselves here
<phobos> because you are all 12 lol
<JEWS> i'm pretty sure you have things backwards
<phobos> and wish to be 4chan
<phobos> like little sperg fairies
<JEWS> fuck no we don't
<phobos> dancing in the sky
<phobos> yes

<IHM> because 4chan is only chan
<IHM> go back to ohinternet and stay there pls
<phobos> I use IRC without much emotion
<phobos> see theres no one there
<phobos> but a screen
<JEWS> i see an emotion here
<JEWS> it's called 'devastation'
<Candy> care for a Q and A, phobos?
<JEWS> you're upset that we didn't accept you
<phobos> yes
<phobos> I would love a Q&A
<Candy> 1. Are you in anyway affiliated with Transway?
<phobos> what is philidelphia
<phobos> is that a place?
<phobos> I hear it sucks assfags
<Candy> Have you also ever wore a piece of women's clothing?
<shirlay> !ddos phobos
<futabot> shirlay: SUCCESS! Now sending packets to phobos.
<phobos> WHO HASNT
<phobos> I mean cmon
<MacduffsSon> !ddos phobos
<futabot> MacduffsSon: SUCCESS! Now sending packets to phobos.
<Candy> Particularly that of an immediate family member
<Candy> ?
<phobos> how high do you even have to be to ask something like that
<phobos> oh my own because I am 12 and from California
<phobos> I also speak Japanese
<Candy> 2. What are you interests?
<phobos> I have a lot of interests
<jengatype> KAWAI UGUU~~!~!~~*
<jengatype> hair styling is up there, I see
<phobos> I would say partying and the bohemian life style of adventure and the road
<phobos> I live in Denver
<phobos> it is a very big place in On the Road
<JEWS> how did those interests culminate in you wearing a dress and leggings and sharing a picture of that ensemble with us
<phobos> by Jack Kerouac

  • IHM sets ban on *!*@lsn-sar7uc.hlrn.qwest.net
  • You have been kicked from #789 by IHM ( <phobos> im banned)

EDIRC #wiki

<IHM> yes hello
<phobos> hello faggot
<Marforius> FAGGOTS IN IRC
<Marforius> FAGGOTS IN IRC
<Marforius> FAGGOTS IN IRC
<phobos> are you hear for your ass raping
<recon> ya gurlfren
<Andres> hey ihm
<Andres> :D
<(hipcrime)poko> :D
<phobos> can I interest you in a babytroll bottle
<phobos> can I interest you in a babytroll bottle
<IHM> sure
<recon> h r u IHM
<TKN_Bot> h
<IHM> hello~
<phobos> would you need your diaperfurs changed
<phobos> would you need your diaperfurs changed
<phobos> would you need your diaperfurs changed
<Andres> OK
<phobos> hey IHM
<phobos> tell hipcrime
<Marforius> HEY IHM
<IHM> phobos has caught the autism
<phobos> abuot all the things hes needed to tell me
<phobos> abuot all the things hes needed to tell me
<recon> stop that poko
<Meepsheep> sup ihm
<poko> :DD
<recon> asshole
<IHM> sup meep~
<(hipcrime)poko> ok <3 recon
<Elvis> h IHM
<IHM> gotta talk NCF business soon nigga
<IHM> h elvis
<Meepsheep> word
<owl> shit are you guys about to flood #wiki
<Elvis> ikr
<phobos> NCF business is that the club you go to after school and use the inflatible balls
<Marforius> owl: shits getting real
<phobos> and then your parents pick you up an hour later
<owl> lol
<phobos> because no I dont know what NCF business is
<phobos> what is it
<recon> grove was a shit ghettonet
<Andres> can we please
<IHM> sounds better than namedropping weev in #789 right
<recon> it needed to die
<Andres> ge this faggotry out
<phobos> yes
<phobos> I name drop everywhere
<Andres> get
<Andres> go to #ed
<Andres> go to #ed
<phobos> that way people can check my internet credentials
<Andres> go to #ed
<Andres> go to #ed
<phobos> that way people can check my internet credentials
<phobos> that way people can check my internet credentials
<Andres> THANKS.
<phobos> that way people can check my internet credentials
<IHM> well aren't you a special snowflake
<poko> namedropping?
<phobos> yes I was tasked to drop mad names
<recon> phobos is best snowflake
<phobos> to show how IRC cool I was
<recon> mind yer mannners IHM
<owl> lol
<IHM> oh yes, he went on #789 and namedropped about 6 people
<phobos> while these fagmasters
<phobos> cried
<owl> IRC namedropping
<phobos> for 40 minutes straight
<phobos> I have all of it in logs

  • recon has kicked IHM from #wiki (go to #ed)


[14:38] * Topic is 'ED WEATHERDESK WARNING HURRICANE SANDY HEADED FOR NEW JERSEY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLBAKw5qid4 | Good night sweet OhI prince | Connect to ED through Tor: http://edramalpl7oq5npk.onion/ | Download ED text backups: https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/ED:ARCHIVE | ED SUBREDDIT: http://nig.gr/fGT' [14:38] * Set by Andres on Mon Oct 29 14:10:35
16:33 -!- IHM [[email protected]] has joined #ed
16:33 < phobos> lol good troll IHM
16:33 < phobos> show us some more master work skills
16:33 < phobos> break out ur Chris Chan jokes we all know how funny those are
16:33 < IHM> only if you promise to namedrop more and act important
16:34 < IHM> it's really cute etc
16:34 <@recon> he is NCF, and they are spooky
16:34 < phobos> you are the coolest person I have ever met on IRC
16:34 < phobos> you are the coolest person I have ever met on IRC
16:34 < phobos> you are the coolest person I have ever met on IRC
16:34 < phobos> you are the coolest person I have ever met on IRC
16:34 < phobos> you are the coolest person I have ever met on IRC
16:34 < phobos> you are the coolest person I have ever met on IRC
16:34 < phobos> you are the coolest person I have ever met on IRC
16:34 <@recon> plz give him room
16:34 < phobos> you are the coolest person I have ever met on IRC
16:34 <&poko> yes hello
16:34 < phobos> yes so spooky
16:34 < phobos> I bet they take pictures of facebooks
16:34 <@recon> he's going to say something funny, eventually
16:34 <@recon> just watch
16:34 < phobos> and track down library cards
16:34 < phobos> yeah he is the top of the chat charts
16:34 < phobos> motherfucking nickelback ass chatter
16:34 < phobos> top 100 hot 200
16:34 < IHM> I bet I namedrop weev in IRC too and get mad over chan bans like all the cool kids
16:34 < phobos> fucking dick sucker and a half
16:34 <@recon> is that one of the channer faggots that phobos has been picking on?
16:34 < IHM> see phobos
16:34 <@recon> phobos: ^
16:34 <&poko> ^
16:35 < phobos> yes I name dropped weev about when u told me about the talking to I needed to receive from meepsheep
16:35 < phobos> or hipcrime
16:35 < phobos> because u know u guys are bffs
16:35 < phobos> and you are a top internet troll
16:35 <@recon> 360chan or something
16:35 < phobos> arent you IHM
16:35 < phobos> show me faggot
16:35 < Marforius> s/butthurt/lulz
16:35 < TwitterBot> >>> @ED_IRC: <phobos> because u know u guys are bffs and you are a top internet troll arent you IHM show me faggot
16:35 < IHM> yeah, I am quite fond of my meepers and hipcrime
16:35 < phobos> yeah thats funny theyve never mentioned you
16:35 < phobos> no one has
16:35 < phobos> no one cares
16:35 < phobos> because you trash
16:35 <@recon> hipcrime told me that he doesn't really like you, ihm
16:35 < phobos> u washed up 789chan soft chatting trash
16:35 <@recon> and he said your haircut was "cheap"
16:35 < phobos> ^now what nigga
16:35 <&poko> ^
16:35 <@owl> who is ihm
16:36 <@owl> and why is 789chan relevant
16:36 < phobos> a collossal faggot
16:36 < IHM> it'd be pretty funny if they talked about me honestly, considering nobody would care if they did except for you
16:36 <@recon> my new best friend
16:36 < phobos> because im raging it
16:36 < phobos> so hard
16:36 < IHM> because people talking about you on the internet is important right
16:36 < IHM> makes you an e-boss bro
16:36 < phobos> yes
16:36 <@recon> IHM: can you link me to ur dox on doxbin
16:36 < phobos> it does
16:36 < phobos> im phobos
16:36 <@recon> so I am sure I am talking to the right chatter
16:36 <@recon> plz
16:36 <@owl> im phobos
16:36 <@recon> yes, phobos is verified as phobos
16:36 <@recon> we held hands once
16:36 < IHM> ask phobos the ED expert, he knows all apparently
16:37 <@recon> also is globally loved
16:37 < Marforius> IHM, causing butthurt he must know all
16:37 <@recon> <3 phobos <3
16:37 < phobos> <3 recon <3
16:37 < IHM> the only devastated butts I seen was his
16:37 < Crimewave> wat
16:37 < phobos> yes
16:37 < phobos> clearly
16:37 < Marforius> !ud butthurt
16:37 < Zalgo> [UrbanDictionary] ButtHurt --> An inappropriately strong negative emotional response from a perceived personal insult. Characterized by strong feelings of shame. Frequently associated with a cessation of communication and overt hostility towards the "aggressor."
16:37 < phobos> at this moment
16:37 < IHM> but what can I expect from an ohinternet user
16:37 < Marforius> Clearly
[14:38] <Marforius> Clearly
[14:38] <phobos> I am v analpocalypsed
[14:38] <phobos> lol u still think im with Ohi
[14:38] <@recon> NAME: PHOBOS
[14:38] <phobos> after I wrote an article on ED
[14:38] <@recon> STATUS: UNRAGED
[14:38] <IHM> considering you had a vanity article on there, yes
[14:38] <@recon> MAD LEVEL: NONE
[14:38] <phobos> I didnt write it
[14:38] <@recon> ya, that was his fan club
[14:38] <phobos> people just like me
[14:38] <@recon> dumbass
[14:38] <phobos> unlike 789chan
[14:39] <@recon> is 789 an area code?
[14:39] <phobos> because your bitch ass little cunt show and tell
[14:39] <phobos> is about as low on the chat scale that ive seen
[14:39] <IHM> you're what I'd expect to see camwhoring on fapchan honestly
[14:39] <phobos> all this talk about ED authority lol nigga we servin brickfuss
[14:39] <@recon> I never heard about that chan before today
[14:39] <Marforius> 789 because 788 other chans weren't good enough or modded by enough 12 year old summerfags
[14:39] <IHM> bottom of the barrel with a side of USI, not even good enough for /soc/
[14:39] <Crimewave> !ud research chemicals
[14:39] <@recon> IHM: plz share your favorite pic with the rest of theclass
[14:39] <phobos> wow well maybe you should try a different site than an unknown chan board
[14:39] <@recon> it's an image board, right?
[14:39] <phobos> to express your feelings
[14:39] <@recon> plz share
[14:39] <@owl> same recon
[14:39] <&poko> same
[14:40] <IHM> http://789chan.org/cwc/src/135153212435.jpg
[14:40] <phobos> and then people will give a fuck
[14:40] <phobos> and then people will give a fuck
[14:40] <phobos> and then people will give a fuck
[14:40] <IHM> that one
[14:40] <IHM> definitely
[14:40] <phobos> is definitely toddler troll
[14:40] * Patroclus is now known as Patroclop
[14:40] <@recon> phobos, u lookin' good gurl
[14:40] <IHM> it reeks of fetal alcohol syndrome
[14:40] <@recon> you get yer hair did?
[14:40] <phobos> is 5 minutes in mspaint
[14:40] <Marforius> oh lol
[14:40] <phobos> yeah i got ma nails 2
[14:40] <phobos> yes
[14:40] <Marforius> name calling in #ed
[14:40] <TwitterBot> >>> @ED_IRC: <phobos> is definitely toddler troll is 5 minutes in mspaint yeah i got ma nails 2 yes
[14:40] <Marforius> we have a badass over here
[14:40] <phobos> they have tried to diagnose me with asspergers autism
[14:40] <phobos> and now FAS
[14:40] <phobos> yes
[14:40] <@recon> u look good
[14:40] <phobos> how about histrionic next
[14:40] <@recon> is IHM the fat kid
[14:40] <phobos> owait what about MS
[14:40] <+Nicotine> PHOBOS IS GOOD
[14:40] <+inzidol> ooooooh it's goin down
[14:40] <IHM> oh no not the meme generator time
[14:40] <@recon> that was linked in the article?
[14:41] <phobos> IHM is a fat bitch who gobbles down mentions of her tits not sagging
[14:41] <phobos> like a little fuck up the down syndrome tree
[14:41] <IHM> and phobos is gender confused thus hates himself irl
[14:41] <Patroclop> ihm is a fat kid
[14:41] <@recon> IHM: are you the fat brunette kid from the new ED page?
[14:41] <phobos> yes
[14:41] <phobos> I hate myself
[14:41] <phobos> booohoo
[14:41] <phobos> I hate myself
[14:41] <phobos> baaaaw
[14:41] <IHM> be the little girl we all know you are phobos
[14:41] <phobos> baaaaw
[14:41] <phobos> im hurt
[14:41] <IHM> also hi patroclop
[14:41] <TwitterBot> >>> @Andres_Snape: RT @ED_IRC: <phobos> because u know u guys are bffs and you are a top internet troll arent you IHM show me faggot
[14:41] <phobos> plz someone halp
[14:41] <IHM> got any tooty plot
[14:41] <@recon> IHM: come to think of it, you're probably the first person who has ever tried to make fun of phobos' gender
[14:41] <phobos> got any new ROBBAAAAAAAAY
[14:41] <@recon> Such a sharp wit
[14:42] <+Nicotine> lol recon
[14:42] <@recon> do you have n e other jokes?
[14:42] <phobos> yeah because its like a facebook post times 5 in intensity
[14:42] <Patroclop> ya phobos is way too masculine to make fun of genderwise
[14:42] <phobos> its like how did she even think up that
[14:42] <+Nicotine> the fuck is IHM anyway
[14:42] <phobos> a chanwhore
[14:42] <Patroclop> with that manly bleached blond hair
[14:42] <@recon> IHM is an enraged channer fag
[14:42] <Patroclop> and scrawny frame of a breadwinner
[14:42] <@recon> here to give phobos a piece of his mind
[14:42] <+Nicotine> chanwhore followed you home, phobos?
[14:42] <&poko> it would be a lot of fun to op patch
[14:42] <+Nicotine> lol what's he mad about
[14:42] <&poko> wheres thunderpussy when you need him
[14:42] <Patroclop> ya it would poko
[14:42] <TwitterBot> >>> @Andres_Snape: @ED_IRC babytrolls.
[14:42] <@recon> phobos said mean things about him in an ed article
[14:43] <@recon> someone link plz
[14:43] <+Nicotine> oh phobos say it isn't so!
[14:43] <@recon> he pissed off some fat 19 year old
[14:43] <@Elvis> IHM is a girl btw recon
[14:43] <&poko> recon: finding
[14:43] <Patroclop> well
[14:43] <+Nicotine> tits
[14:43] <@recon> Wow, that's a girl?
[14:43] <@recon> ouch.
[14:43] <Patroclop> close enough i guess Elvis
[14:43] <@recon> no please don't
[14:43] <+Nicotine> tits
[14:43] <+Nicotine> LOOOOOOOL
[14:43] <+Nicotine> no please don't
[14:43] <@recon> jesus, ihm, you're female?
[14:43] <&poko> HOS ON MY DICK
[14:43] <+Nicotine> cancel
[14:43] <+Nicotine> cancel
[14:43] <+Nicotine> cancel
[14:43] <@recon> geez
[14:44] <@recon> I mean, you've got the deck stacked against ya
[14:44] <DickWhistle> fdsgfds
[14:44] <&poko> https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/index.php?title=789chan&rcid=467012
[14:44] <Zalgo> Title: 789chan - Encyclopedia Dramatica (at https://encyclopediadramatica.rs)
[14:44] <Patroclop> recon: ihm irl = https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Brittany_Holechko
[14:44] <Zalgo> Title: Brittany Holechko - Encyclopedia Dramatica (at https://encyclopediadramatica.rs)
[14:44] <+Nicotine> oh this kid
[14:44] <@recon> oh I see 'er on FB
[14:44] <+Nicotine> i read this article this morning
[14:45] <@recon> what up broad
[14:45] <@recon> still under sexed?
[14:45] <&poko> what happened to all the mad
[14:45] <&poko> :(
[14:45] <+inzidol> i unno
[14:45] <+Nicotine> you don't know who the fuck you're dealing with
[14:45] <+inzidol> <3 POKO!
[14:45] <&poko> <3 inzidol
[14:45] <@recon> where did you go IHM
[14:46] <&poko> its like watching a tv show then losing power
[14:46] <TwitterBot> >>> @ED_IRC: <@recon> where did you go IHM
[14:46] <@recon> plz come back I have some things I'd like to discuss with you
[14:46] <&poko> wehre did u go phobos
[14:46] <@recon> we can be FB BFFS
[14:46] <phobos> here
[14:46] <&poko> they arre making up in PM
[14:46] <phobos> who is ?
[14:46] <phobos> ofc
[14:46] <@Andres> IHM
[14:46] <@Andres> IHM
[14:46] <@Andres> IHM
[14:46] <@owl> where did IHM go
[14:46] <@Andres> IHM COME HERE PLOX.
[14:47] <&poko> pix plz
[14:47] <@Andres> IHM is probably crying in her room atm
[14:47] <@recon> did she delete her fb
[14:47] <@Andres> lol
[14:47] <@recon> she did
[14:47] <@owl> did it get scared off?
[14:47] <@recon> I saw it the other day
[14:47] <@recon> no shit she deleted it :(
[14:47] <DickWhistle> Fuck IHM
[14:47] <&poko> oh rite
[14:47] <@recon> More like Internet Eatin' Machine
[14:47] <@recon> amirite
[14:47] <&poko> yaurite
[14:48] <@recon> where r u ihm
[14:48] <@recon> getting backup?
[14:48] <@recon> come on porkchop, where'd you go
[14:48] <DickWhistle> IHM
[14:48] <Patroclop> would anyone back ihm up anymore
[14:48] <Patroclop> doesn't everyone hate her
[14:48] <+homicide> ok
[14:48] <@recon> porkchop, where r u
[14:48] <+homicide> *grabs dick*
[14:48] <+Nicotine> internet eatin' machine: i lol'd
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL.
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL.
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL.
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL.
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \
[14:49] <@recon> o plz no
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \
[14:49] <@recon> porkchop
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \
[14:49] <@recon> I did not mean to hurt your feelings
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \
[14:49] <@Andres> IHM quit IRL. / ! \

Current Status

Crying in her room hiding from IRC.

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