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2011 cat
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[[:Image:Worsethangoatse.jpg| I like gab, you should too.]]
[[File:ED {{PAGENAME}}.jpg|thumb|All about {{PAGENAME}}.]]
The year '''{{PAGENAME}}''' was plagued by the [[brony]] menace and a mass influx of shitty memes produced by 14 year old [[Gen Z]] fags. Autists also wage [[serious business]] against us in attempt to kill us for good, after ED gets whacked by the beached whale; only for true EDiots to re-build the site from the ashes.
Need a recap of what happened [[2010|last year]]? We've got you covered.
==Dramatica Events from {{PAGENAME}}==
[[File:Riptweet.png|thumb|The mighty three letter message.]]
* [[711chan]] tries to hoard the bronies
: Now they're getting desperate.
* [[Jared Lee Loughner]] brings out the guns
: Gabrielle Giffords is still laughing at him.
* [[DJ KEEMSTAR]] returns
: Resuming his usual schedule of yelling at 13-year-old boys on the internet.
* ED's [[twitter]] delivers a heartbreaking tweet.
: The first attempt to bring [[OhInternet]] to the scene only to be stopped with the message "RIP" leading to people protesting against its closure.
* [[The Great Egyptian Riot of {{PAGENAME}}|Egypt goes nuts]]
: Sand niggers united.
* [[4chon.net]] was birthed; simply a carbon copy of 4chon.org
: [[User:NekoArc|NekoArc]] is not smiling.
* [[Puella Magi Madoka Magica|Meduka]] sets a mark as one of the worst anime fandoms in history
: Taught the internet that being Meguca was suffering.
* [[co/|/co/]] gets a little too attached to [[My Little Pony]]
: Their perversion over cartoon horses lead to [[4chan]]'s temporary death.
* [[AHS]] drama reaches its end
: The idol they worshipped got married. Fanboy tears were shed for their irritating Japanese pop star.
* [[weev]], Encyclopedia Dramatica's greatest sysop ''ever'', is arrested.
: [http://freeweev.info FREE WEEV]
* [[Atimon]] is still in love with a cartoon meerkat
* [[CopperCab]] pins his life problems on [[Boxxy]]
: The new ginger King of [[b/|/b/]] is not pleased.
* [[eFukt]] forums closed
: Reason for doing so was never stated.
* [[Aeverine Nieves]] returns to YouTube
: Peace has been disrupted.
* [[Jessi Slaughter]] gives her nudes to her boyfriend
: Leads to her father's violence and ultimately lead her to live in a foster home.
* Remaining members of [[Patriotic Nigras]] attempt to revive [[Fort Longcat]]
: Only to get it deleted. RIP
* [[Drawrawr]] created
: New place for bronies and pedos everywhere.
* [[Duty Calls]] revealed
: [[Call of Duty]] fanboys drop their shit.
* <strike>[[4chan]] [[mods]] ban "Official [[My Little Pony]]" threads
    : Bronies and faggots are pissed; /b/ engages in a shitstorm.</strike> For almost four seconds. As of now, you can post ponies and [[mods]] don't give [[Shit noone cares about|two fucks.]]
* [[Japan Crisis of {{PAGENAME}}|Earth attempts to get rid of Japan once again]]
: Event is now translated by five different fansub groups.
* [[Rebecca Black|Gotta get down on Friday]]
* [[Nichole337]] hits rock bottom.
: I can has money?
* [[DestinyMew]] gets unbanned from deviantART
: Her hearing aid is set to weeaboo.
* [[YTMND]] 3.0
: Max should have closed the damn thing down by now
[[File:Cleaned up OI.png|thumb|What nightmares are made of.]]
* [[DeviantART]]'s April Fool's Day
: [[Trollface]]s everywhere.
* [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]] goes down [[lies|temporarily]]
: You know what this means.
* '''ABOVE STATEMENT IS A LIE'''. [[OhInternet|Someone pulled a reverse phoenix]]
: The abortion known as OhInternet was born.
* [[Ryan Cleary]] responds to [[girlvinyl]]'s bullshit
: Releases our beautiful [[Encyclopedia Dramatica|ED 2.0]]
* AnonOps does [[Operation Restoration|something worthwhile]].
: But that still doesn't make them ok in our book.
* [[girlvinyl]] nudes leaked
* [[Playstation 3|PSN]] closed, due to hackers
: brb [[dox]]
* [[Lurkmoarpedia]] and some other shitty ED mirror get spammed out of existence.
: And nothing of value was lost.
* [[LifeInATent|LifeENDSInATent]] page started on facebook
: LIAT gets mad.
* [[Sagechu]] fucks up: ED style
: Arguing with admins is fucking serious.
* [[Chris-chan]] tranny pics were discovered
: He's just getting worse.
* [[Tornadoes]] hit Tuscaloosa
: Nigger and hill billy cities were the only targets. God Bless America!
* [[Nyan Cat]] meme is born
: Lead to everyone selling mountains of cookie cutter shit dedicated to it.
[[File:Osamabanner.jpeg|thumb|~*~you will always be in our heartz ~*~]]
* Our [[Osama|American hero]] has been unjustly killed
: Now this is personal, [[Jew]]s.
* [[AnonOps]] fucking implodes
: Down the toilet where it belongs.
* [[LulzSec]] is founded
: Hacking storm ensues.
* LulzSec goes on a hacking rampage
: Fox X Factor, Fox Sales Database, UK ATM Database, SONY Japan and PBS were all hacked within a month.
* [[Rapture]] happens
: No wait nvm
* [[Randy Savage]] dies
* [[Dominique Strauss-Kahn]] gets arrested
: Keep that old hairy dong away from her you fucking Jew.
* Despite only being up for a few months, [[4chon.net]] starts causing some major drama on the tubes.
: Just look at [[Seisatsu|Seisatsu's]] floppy dong!
* [[Ryan Cleary]] DDoSes [[Dreamhost]].
: [[savetheinternet]] loses $130 in the process and is forced to beg for money.
* [[Codenamesailorearth]] seeks attention on YouTube.
: She [[Trolls|gets it]]
* Ryan Dunn, known [[Jackass]], dies
: These deaths are getting suspicious now...
* [[Weinergate|Anthony Weiner]] posts [[dong]]s
: You ''may'' have cybered with a politician, ladies.
* [[Tornadoes]] hit Joplin
: 138 people killed within the small portion it hit.
[[File:Ryansmomsnote.jpg|thumb|right|gtfo plz]]
* [[Robert Cavanaugh]] gets [[v&]]
: The first warning to [[LulzSec]] members.
* [[Ryan Cleary]] gets [[v&]]
: Good Night Sweet Prince ;__;
* [[Advice Dog]] saves 4chan from [[ponies]]
: Thank you triple digits!
* [[savetheinternet]] breaks [[EDF2]]
: The greatest mystery in life, EDF2's database password, was really niggers1. The shock of the century.
* [[Anal Cunt|Seth Putnam]] dies
: What an artist the world hath lost.
* [[Tom Preston]] admits to being a sick fuck
: No Tom, your comics do not make up for those mental scars.
* [[WeatherManKevin|A one man legal team]] wages war with ED over Facebook
: Do we really have to elaborate on the results?
* [[GreenReaper]] continues to make an ass of himself by stalking a [[Equivamp|15-year-old girl]] and repeatedly calling the ISP of an ED sysop he didn't like.
: On a side note, half of [[WikiFur|WikiFur's]] regulars got banned in the process.
* [[Tornadoes]] hit Springfield
: Received national coverage despite the fact that it only killed ''four'' people.
* [[PMDrive1061]] commits [[Wikicide]]
: Dox'd by <s>[[Daniel Brandt]]</s> [[Meepsheep]]. (EDitors note: He called the fucking cops on me!)
* [[Duke Nukem Forever]] was released
: Disappointment ensued.
* [[Girlvinyl]] rats on us
: ED goes down for more than a week
* [[EDF2]] comes back
: This time it's legal!
* [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]] returns
: ED is back stronger than ever.
* [[Anders Behring Breivik]] sets a new high score
: Good for you, [[Norway]]!
* [[Amy Whinehouse]] died
: Though she was dead inside for years...
* [[Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry|An Essjay copycat]] tries to run the [[GNAA]] off of Wikipedia.
: Needless to say, it didn't work.
* [[James Cordone]] fakes his death to try to get off of ED.
: Will these fucking furfags ever learn?
* [[Clayranger89]] threatens to leave YouTube
: So far, nobody gave a shit.
* [[DrMusic2]] brings his obnoxiousness to [[EDF2]]
: We're still debating over his gender.
* [[Conservapedia|Robert Smith]] rebels against the goon squad
: Got defrocked by August.
* [[Frank Garrett]] dies
: The internet will miss him.
* [[KrappleGuy]] goes to Vegas to fuck a girl from the internet
: Didn't go exactly as planned.
* [[Furry Paws|Skullsmasher]] fakes his death
: Did it as an attempt to weasel out of his commissions.
[[File:RcD1M.jpg|thumb|An EDiot celebrating CIGARSEX]]
* [[UK Lootfest {{PAGENAME}}|The United Kingdom]] goes apeshit
: Hey, we all need a new pair of shoes.
* [[Gizgiz]] commits suicide
: Doing God's work by getting rid of a furry.
* [[Tablecow]] and his army of 1337 hax0rs destory ED in the name of his hero [[Taekesi]].
: What he fails to realize is that Taekesi is really three trolls who get off by messing with people like Tablecow.
* [[Longseet]] discovered
: Another reason to hate [[deviantART]] a little more.
* [[Chris-chan]] brutally exposes [[Jack Thaddeus]].
: Separated at birth?
* [[Bungie.net|Reacharound forums]] were spammed by a group of trolls
: lolReach
* [[Jessi Slaughter]] apologizes
: Her father died of a heart attack. His heart dun goof'd.
* paz is appointed as the new president of the [[GNAA]]
: Won his voters through his debate against [[Blog|bzb]] and [[Shota|toastmonster]] as he made fart noises during their speeches.
* [[User:Beefrave|beefrave]] gives birth to [[CIGARSEX]]
: Move over, Casual Friday.
* [[Chris-chan/People#Bob_Chandler_.28Father.29|Bob Chandler]], notable internet lumberjack, dies.
: Spill one out for a fallen homie.
* [[Occupy Wall Street|Some kids decide to fight the system they work for]].
: And the [[attention whores]] got v&
* [[Doe Deere]] offered her house and poisoned cats to be used in a Locketship photo session
: Used as an attempt to show off her and her shitty make-up. Nobody took up her offer leading her to cry like a bitch.
* [[Felice Fawn]] scams a tumblr user
: Stolen approximately $100 from her and gave her a picture of her middle finger.
[[File:IDied.png|thumb|Now introducing the hipster coffin.]]
* [[Forever Alone|ForeverAlone.us]] is launched
: Now you can be lonely with the rest of the internet.
* [[Steve Jobs]] succumbs to [[HIV|Anally Injected Death Sperm]]
: That's what he gets for founding Apple.
* [[Great iPhone 4S disappointment of {{PAGENAME}}|Apple delivers disappointment]]
* [[shit|Blackberries]] all over the world get bricked
: Congratulations on downloading shit to go along with shit.
* [[Italian Wikipedia]] closes down for media attention.
: YHBT by Jimbo Wales.
* [[MyAdopts]] wages war on ED
: Guess who's the winner.
* Athus Nadorian, designer of animal dildos from [[Bad Dragon]], [http://www.flayrah.com/3709/athus-nadorian-designer-bad-dragon-reported-dead dies]
: There is a god!
* [[Muammar Gaddafi]] gets raped in the ass
: With a knife
* [[Paul Fetch]] rips off Occupy Boston for thousands
: Got dox'd hard
* [[Newgrounds]] got crashed by [[Xenophilia|Andrew Hussie's]] fangirls
: you will not be missed
* An entire year has gone by since [[OldDirtyBtard]]'s death
: We're keeping your ED dream alive
* Video of [[Judge William Adams]] paddling his kid for using the internet is uploaded
: {{PAGENAME}} Father of the Year nominee
* [[Chris-chan]] and his mother were arrested for disturbing the Game Place
: Even as a tranny, he never learns.
* [[tails gets trolled]] is released
: The best comic ever made.
[[File:Bill9929.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Bill9929]]. That smile didn't last long]]
* [[Kelseyalicia]] tries to fuck ED over
: Didn't go according to plan...
* [[SOPA]] spreads fear throughout the tubes
* [[John Pike]] preforms a public service
: Just keeping over-privileged college kids in their place
* [[Bill9929]] founds AntiEDGroup
*The [[The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|best game of the year]] is released.
:The [[I Took an Arrow in the Knee|best meme of the year]] follows shortly after.
*[[SheWolf]] proves she has no sense of humour and starts [http://www.change.org/petitions/petition-for-encyclopedia-dramatica-to-take-down-rape-page petition to take down ED's rape article].
:With predictable [[lulz|results]].
*Amurikan military quietly leaves [[Iraq|Irack]] in a pile of shit and shambles.
:The Iraqi [[Trolls|terrorists]] [[bullshit|gleefully celebrate their liberation]] and the departure of American troops by going on a party-spree of suicide bombings.
*[[Paul Christoforo]] caps off the year by shit-talking to customers, having a transcript and dox dropped by [[Penny Arcade]], then digs himself even deeper.
===Happy New Year===
* It's [[2012]]
: World ends faster than you can say [[Candlejack]], and no one gives a sh-
==See also==
* [[Deaths in {{PAGENAME}}]]
* [[OhInternet]]
* [[2012]]
{{Timeline|Dramatic Years|[[2010]]|{{PAGENAME}}|[[2012 (year)|2012]]}}
{{Timeline|Featured article December 30th and 31st, [[{{PAGENAME}}]]|[[Mudkip]]|{{PAGENAME}}|[[SOPA]]}}

Latest revision as of 04:22, 1 February 2023

2011 is part of a series on Time

The Current Year


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All about 2011.

The year 2011 was plagued by the brony menace and a mass influx of shitty memes produced by 14 year old Gen Z fags. Autists also wage serious business against us in attempt to kill us for good, after ED gets whacked by the beached whale; only for true EDiots to re-build the site from the ashes.

Need a recap of what happened last year? We've got you covered.

Dramatica Events from 2011


The mighty three letter message.
Now they're getting desperate.
Gabrielle Giffords is still laughing at him.
Resuming his usual schedule of yelling at 13-year-old boys on the internet.
  • ED's twitter delivers a heartbreaking tweet.
The first attempt to bring OhInternet to the scene only to be stopped with the message "RIP" leading to people protesting against its closure.
Sand niggers united.
  • 4chon.net was birthed; simply a carbon copy of 4chon.org
NekoArc is not smiling.
  • Meduka sets a mark as one of the worst anime fandoms in history
Taught the internet that being Meguca was suffering.
Their perversion over cartoon horses lead to 4chan's temporary death.
  • AHS drama reaches its end
The idol they worshipped got married. Fanboy tears were shed for their irritating Japanese pop star.
  • weev, Encyclopedia Dramatica's greatest sysop ever, is arrested.
  • Atimon is still in love with a cartoon meerkat
The new ginger King of /b/ is not pleased.
Reason for doing so was never stated.
Peace has been disrupted.
Leads to her father's violence and ultimately lead her to live in a foster home.
Only to get it deleted. RIP
New place for bronies and pedos everywhere.


Call of Duty fanboys drop their shit.
   : Bronies and faggots are pissed; /b/ engages in a shitstorm. For almost four seconds. As of now, you can post ponies and mods don't give two fucks.


Event is now translated by five different fansub groups.
I can has money?
Her hearing aid is set to weeaboo.
Max should have closed the damn thing down by now


What nightmares are made of.
Trollfaces everywhere.
You know what this means.
The abortion known as OhInternet was born.
Releases our beautiful ED 2.0
But that still doesn't make them ok in our book.
  • PSN closed, due to hackers
brb dox
  • Lurkmoarpedia and some other shitty ED mirror get spammed out of existence.
And nothing of value was lost.
LIAT gets mad.
Arguing with admins is fucking serious.
He's just getting worse.
Nigger and hill billy cities were the only targets. God Bless America!
Lead to everyone selling mountains of cookie cutter shit dedicated to it.


~*~you will always be in our heartz ~*~
Now this is personal, Jews.
Down the toilet where it belongs.
Hacking storm ensues.
  • LulzSec goes on a hacking rampage
Fox X Factor, Fox Sales Database, UK ATM Database, SONY Japan and PBS were all hacked within a month.
No wait nvm
Keep that old hairy dong away from her you fucking Jew.
  • Despite only being up for a few months, 4chon.net starts causing some major drama on the tubes.
Just look at Seisatsu's floppy dong!
savetheinternet loses $130 in the process and is forced to beg for money.
She gets it
These deaths are getting suspicious now...
You may have cybered with a politician, ladies.
138 people killed within the small portion it hit.


gtfo plz
The first warning to LulzSec members.
Good Night Sweet Prince ;__;
Thank you triple digits!
The greatest mystery in life, EDF2's database password, was really niggers1. The shock of the century.
What an artist the world hath lost.
No Tom, your comics do not make up for those mental scars.
Do we really have to elaborate on the results?
  • GreenReaper continues to make an ass of himself by stalking a 15-year-old girl and repeatedly calling the ISP of an ED sysop he didn't like.
On a side note, half of WikiFur's regulars got banned in the process.
Received national coverage despite the fact that it only killed four people.
Dox'd by Daniel Brandt Meepsheep. (EDitors note: He called the fucking cops on me!)
Disappointment ensued.


ED goes down for more than a week
This time it's legal!
ED is back stronger than ever.
Good for you, Norway!
Though she was dead inside for years...
Needless to say, it didn't work.
Will these fucking furfags ever learn?
So far, nobody gave a shit.
We're still debating over his gender.
Got defrocked by August.
The internet will miss him.
  • KrappleGuy goes to Vegas to fuck a girl from the internet
Didn't go exactly as planned.
Did it as an attempt to weasel out of his commissions.


An EDiot celebrating CIGARSEX
Hey, we all need a new pair of shoes.
Doing God's work by getting rid of a furry.
  • Tablecow and his army of 1337 hax0rs destory ED in the name of his hero Taekesi.
What he fails to realize is that Taekesi is really three trolls who get off by messing with people like Tablecow.
Another reason to hate deviantART a little more.
Separated at birth?
Her father died of a heart attack. His heart dun goof'd.
  • paz is appointed as the new president of the GNAA
Won his voters through his debate against bzb and toastmonster as he made fart noises during their speeches.
Move over, Casual Friday.


Spill one out for a fallen homie.
And the attention whores got v&
  • Doe Deere offered her house and poisoned cats to be used in a Locketship photo session
Used as an attempt to show off her and her shitty make-up. Nobody took up her offer leading her to cry like a bitch.
Stolen approximately $100 from her and gave her a picture of her middle finger.


Now introducing the hipster coffin.
Now you can be lonely with the rest of the internet.
That's what he gets for founding Apple.
Congratulations on downloading shit to go along with shit.
YHBT by Jimbo Wales.
Guess who's the winner.
There is a god!
With a knife
Got dox'd hard
you will not be missed
We're keeping your ED dream alive
2011 Father of the Year nominee
  • Chris-chan and his mother were arrested for disturbing the Game Place
Even as a tranny, he never learns.
The best comic ever made.


Bill9929. That smile didn't last long
Didn't go according to plan...
  • SOPA spreads fear throughout the tubes
  • John Pike preforms a public service
Just keeping over-privileged college kids in their place
The best meme of the year follows shortly after.


With predictable results.
  • Amurikan military quietly leaves Irack in a pile of shit and shambles.
The Iraqi terrorists gleefully celebrate their liberation and the departure of American troops by going on a party-spree of suicide bombings.
  • Paul Christoforo caps off the year by shit-talking to customers, having a transcript and dox dropped by Penny Arcade, then digs himself even deeper.

Happy New Year

World ends faster than you can say Candlejack, and no one gives a sh-

See also

is part of a series on

The History of Encyclopedia Dramatica
[Seal ThemOpen the Records]

Dramatic Years
Preceded by
2011 Succeeded by
Featured article December 30th and 31st, 2011
Preceded by
2011 Succeeded by