Wikichan/Anonymous's Damaged Goods Dream

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Anonymous's Damaged Goods Dream was a wikichan article pertaining to a dream posted in relation to a previous epic.


Anonymous's Damaged Goods Dream was a post made on /b/ some time in early October that became copypasta. The dream is about how Anonymous was browsing /b/ and found a thread in which Nurse-kun posted photographs of Amputee-chan. Anonymous is horrified to see that Amputee-chan is naked in the pictures, and that someone, probably Nurse-kun himself, is raping her.

The Dream

Illustration of the dream.

/b/, after I finished classes today I returned to my room and went to sleep. I had a really weird dream.

I was browsing /b/, which I've never dreamed about before. Everything was business as usual, cockmongler, guro, you just lost the game, those things, when there was a Nurse-kun thread. First one in a while. The pic was an artificial leg, and Nurse-kun said he decided it was time to finally post pictures of amputee-chan. It was sure to be win.

So the first pic was one of her prosthetic legs. After refreshing, was a picture of her herself. She looked basically the way I imagined, except instead of a fake right eye with a scar around it, that eye was melted shut, like in the accident the fire had melted the skin around the eye ant it closed in on itself.

Then I realized she was crying, and I thought maybe she was upset about having her picture taken, although it seemed cruel of Nurse-kun to take a picture of her anyway. That's when I discovered that in the picture, she wasn't wearing her prosthetics, and SHE WAS COMPLETELY NAKED. Nurse-kun had stripped her naked and took her picture.

Then I refreshed and there was the third pic. It was similar to the second pic, but in this one THERE WAS A PENIS TRYING TO FORCE ITS WAY INTO HER LOLI VAGINA. Nurse-kun was posting pics of himself raping amputee-chan. I was horrified.

Usually when CP is posted on /b/, I don't give a shit. CP? Hey, someone let Pedobear know. But in this dream these pictures made me sick. I was like, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! WHYYYYYYYY!!!"

After the third pic the dream shifted to a totally unrelated thing: me meeting John Lennon. But when I woke up the thing that stuck in my mind most was the amputee-chan rape pictures. That's right, meeting John Lennon wasn't as important as these Nurse-kun rape pictures.

I don't know why I'm telling you this /b/, I just thought I would.
