Vordrak/What People Have To Say

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Mr Smith, The guy who took it to parliament. Full name: Sam Smith, he is an Ex moderator on Evthreads going by the online alias of Voldrak. He was permanently banned, along with another moderator from the website. Sparkart did it themselves. He's exactly a disgruntled fan out for some sort of revenge. Sparkart is in regular contact with Mrs Hartzler (Amy) who also decided to ban him after a fairly horrific event on the website.

That's all the evidence I have.

As far as the woman, Crystal, she is the one the suicide is about and all that was over was a slight arguement she had with one of the moderators, her signature was distasteful and there are screenshots of this very fight. She is very much alive.

The child porn comes from moderating the website. Removing it, because Evthreads is personally owned by Lee, anything that happens is her responsibility. Child porn was posted on the website and quickly removed by moderator DeMarzi. Which is her involvement in the case. This is where hiding child porn comes into play.

Voldrak had expressed his interest in becoming a mod on the board when the few moderators left started a thread expressing their need and that they were taking applications soon. This is when DeMarzi and Voldrak/Mr Smith/Sam Smith were both banned by sparkart along with two other moderators. Three became unbanned, all except for Voldrak, because he had made several severe threats towards the band and admin on the forum.

(this thread displays the events following the banning)

Voldrak/Mr Smith/Sam Smith is by all definitions a stalker and disgruntled fan. Calm your farms guys. He's nit picking just to get attention from Lee herself and to take the fan sites down with it.

This is what i have gathered I do not know if my other comment was posted.. But this is what I found.

—Chachy223, EvBoard

The OP, who has gone by the name of Vordrak before, has a long and involved history of stalking people he hates, usually for reasons like "they banned me from this forum". He has attempted hacking emails, sending bullying and threatening messages to people from a variety of sources, and spreading rumors for a long time. He is one of the most mentally unstable people I have ever seen on the internet. I mean that quite seriously.

I haven't been part of the Evanescence fan base for a long time, but I know many, many people who have been victimized by this person, and he is the one who started this "call to action." I realize that it is one person's word against another's here, but please do not believe this without checking the facts first. These are horrible, horrible allegations to throw against someone, and it would be a damn shame if people ran out to crucify those named if they're innocent.

—Anonymous, AnonNews.org

Wow, bunch of sheep looking for an opportunity to get recognized by attempting to take down a famous name.. once again. Get all your facts straight before hiding behind a stupid report that's seemingly official.. Not everything written by the hands of people in government is true. The guy behind this drama and the report, Vordrak, whom you may have known as Sam Smith from the retarded report is an ex-moderator on Evthreads who got banned along with other members, for being involved in drama. After this incident he turned against Evanescence and the board. He was also notorious for stalking and revenging people whom he's had problems with, so it's no surprise he took this kind of action against Amy, the board and the band. What, child porn was posted on the board? That happens on a lot of boards, and it was deleted by the staff on sight. He took advantage of that to create this mess people are in, and you bastards blindly followed without even knowing the facts. Do you even know when the porn was posted? Almost two damn years ago. Evthreads/their staff/Amy Lee has never supported child porn, nor it has even appeared on the board for ages. Here's your "hiding proof of child porn": it was the deletion of an inappropriate thread, which is perfectly normal on a board? If anything, you should thank the staff that got rid of the inappropriate content, since you are all diehard child porn haters. A suicide thread did indeed appear, yes, but the poster has never committed suicide, she was seen posting months later. And this whole thing was about her own damn life problems, not Amy's or anyone else's. The thread was soon taken care of by the staff, as you can see words about suicide and self harm are highly inappropriate for a board which is PG-13. Soon after, even a rule forbidding the creation of suicide threads was added. (Get a clue about how strictly moderated the board is.) Of course, Vordrak saw another opportunity in this and had it filed in the report.

You sheep are making it sound like Amy Lee and her manager ARE the ones posting and promoting child porn, accusing them over a suicide that never even happened.. Aka, twisting what really happened. I can't believe some of you bastards said Amy Lee HERSELF is the pedophile and child porn/suicide supporter. If you're here to fire away stupid and pointless insults, have a taste of your own bullshit salad. Do your goddamn research before getting into anything like this.

- An "Evanescence fag" who was there when it all happened.

—Anonymous, AnonNews.org

To Whom It May Concern,

The person who wrote this submission about Evanescence is Sam C. Smith. This fool was creeping on Amy Lee a few years back and she blocked his ass from Twitter and the forum, Evthreads. If you all are seriously going to let this idiot use the Anon forums to fight his silly petty slander war then you should get to know the "man" behind all of it. Samuel C. Smith: deranged and obsessive ex fan who got the boot by Amy Lee herself

How sad and pathetic, Sam. You've sunk to new lows

This is his facebook. Http://www.facebook.com/vordrak I will be posting a picture of him on here soon.

—Anonymous, AnonNews.org

Hey, I have been following your Vordrak thread on Kiwi Farms. Great read. I was involved when EvThreads got shut down a few years back thanks to this piece of garbage. Back then I thought he was just some crazed butthurt Ev fan who took things too far, but I guess his small "victory" gave him a taste for "power" and he is doing everything and anything to harrass and attempt to "intimidate" whoever he can. He needs to be locked away somewhere he can no longer gain access to the net, he belongs in a mental institution or a prison. I know hes just a worthless troll, but hey he has done some damage, I mean, he managed to get some publicity with the Ev incident and now as a result when you google <redacted> name, his shitty fake lawsuit comes up, but do her potential employers know that? No and that stupid thing is probably going to haunt her forever because he flew all the way to New York for a concert and Amy didn't come out after the show to suck his dick and top it off with a cherry, previous Amy didn't reinstate him when he got banned, but <redacted> did for whatever reason, probably cause Amy thinks hes a fucken creep and <redacted> is lovely. Anyway, I came across you thread cause someone actually posted it in the new EvThreads (sorry to Sam, but he actually didn't really silence us) asking if Amy was really actually posting in there, but I'm a little suspicious that Sam himself posted the link to try and get us to start up drama with you guys (he thinks so little of us). And at first I thought, shit, Sam is on his crusade against Amy and <redacted> again, but then I realised he was on a new crusade and man I have your guys backs so hard, he needs to be stopped, he is the cancer of the internet…

—Anonymous, Message to Dynastia

sooo heres that Ev Street team thing he [Vordrak] was gloating to me about having 200 members at it's height.. there are 47 members and there was ever only 13 users online at one time at its height, it was a big fucking failure like the rest of his life evstreetteam.proboards.com

—Anonymous, Message to Dynastia

At the time I was so pissed at him [Vordrak], I had literally just bought tickets to fly to the UK to go see Ev on their final tour and I thought they were gong to cancel the tour cause of it. If they did cancel it, I was going to make sure I still got my money's worth by kidnapping and waterboarding him for the duration of my holiday. I was hoping that he would turn up to one of the shows so that I could personally punch him in the face, but allas he opted to be a bitch. we even go extra security for the shows to take down the Anonynous protestors who said that they were going to show up but never did

—Anonymous, Message to Dynastia

I don't think she's [DeMarzi] has told anyone the full story of what he [Vordrak] has done to her all she told me is that she probably has some damning evidence against him but she's too scared to say because he did it in private and he would know that she told. During the Ev thing she and her whole family got attacked by Anon and it really freaked her out to the point that it gives her anxiety having to deal with Sam, she feels like he's always there watching and waiting to attack her again and his latest email kind of reinforced that to her and it's made her feel unsafe, she has tried going to the police before and they said they can't help her so she feels trapped and helpless against him

—Anonymous, Message to Dynastia

He [Vordrak] really really hates her [DeMarzi] and it's like his goal in life to ruin hers and its a very strange and unhealthy obsession and it's been going on since 2009

—Anonymous, Message to Dynastia

The sad thing is I'm pretty sir she [DeMarzi] got in contact with Ev's management to try and get help but they just covered their own butts and left her to fend for herself, they could have easily helped her but they didn't

—Anonymous, Message to Dynastia

From DeMarzi

I wasn't given a reason, but I was involved in drama with him [Vordrak]. I was harassed so I defended myself without slinging much insult back.

—DeMarzi, EvBoard

@Dynastia_Inc I can answer some basic questions but I'd rather set myself on fire than get mixed up with him [Vordrak] again

—DeMarzi, Twitter

@Dynastia_Inc You can message me here if you'd like.. though I hope you understand that I'm wary of anything to do with him [Vordrak]

—DeMarzi, Twitter

You [Dynastia] pretty much nailed it but it needs a bit of backstory… he [Vordrak] was never a part of the true election because he was perma-banned from the forum. Before he was banned, he campaigned so, SO hard to become head administrator of the forum because he ran a "Evanescence campaign team" that kinda promoted the band on facebook, twitter, silly little stuff. He thought this made him the best candidate and becoming admin was practically his obsession and everyone hate him for it because it was so annoying and because a few of us knew how far his love with Amy Lee truly ran. But anyway, I eventually got mixed into it because I was pretty loud about the fact that I wanted to be a moderator at some point and called him out on his bullshit, which led to an explosive fight on the forum which got a few of us perma-banned, including myself and Sam. That's when he started to hate me. Eventually all of us were let back into the forum… except for him. Fast forward a little bit to the real election where I was actually chosen for a moderator, then I became his new target.

—DeMarzi, Interview with Dynastia (part 1)

We all kinda forgot about him [Vordrak] for a bit until I received an email from Sam notifying me of the parliament action, and that's when I found out he had been trying to ruin my life for a long time

—DeMarzi, Interview with Dynastia (part 2)

It's funny how well you [Dynastia] can already guess the truth behind all of his [Vordrak's] claims lol… because anybody who's ever said anything slightly confrontational on the interwebz must be bullying little girls into suicide. I think it was something along the lines of I had made an avatar for her to use on the forum and she said it was ugly, and I told her off for it? Bet yes, she was a real person who I've talked to since then and she wasn't thrilled to be dragged into the parliament document either

—DeMarzi, Interview with Dynastia (part 3)

I was 17 when he [Vordrak] first went after me when the forum was still active, and when he sent me threatening messages that him and his friends would "deal with me" but it was like 2 years later when the parliament document was posted

—DeMarzi, Interview with Dynastia (part 4)

Well just be careful. It took him [Vordrak] a few years to give up on me and stop stalking me

—DeMarzi, Interview with Dynastia (part 5)

No the agreement must have come much later. First we [Vordrak and I] were banned and I was let back in, then I was made a mod, and like a year later he [Vordrak] got the parliament started and got the forum shut down. And THEN a few months later he got crappy news sites like Perez Hilton to report on the child porn claims to create bad press for the band. That's when I assume Amys lawyers came after him. And I actually didn't know about the agreement until I saw your forum [Kiwi Farms] recently

—DeMarzi, Interview with Dynastia (part 6)

I don't know why I was let back in but I know that the band management basically said he was never be allowed back in. I assume that's when he originally started problems with Amy and threatened her with all the "drug and child porn" claims about her site.

—DeMarzi, Interview with Dynastia (part 7)

The anonymous group went after me for a short time and found all my social media profiles, and that same week my debit card information was also stolen… which was interesting. But yes I think that same group had Amys address figured out.

—DeMarzi, Interview with Dynastia (part 8)

Anytime! Thanks for being so cool about all this. My heart skips a beat whenever I have to talk about him [Vordrak] lol. I'm sure I will lurk your forum [Kiwi Farms] from time to time so I can stay updated on his craziness

—DeMarzi, Interview with Dynastia (part 9)

And to answer a question I saw on your forum… yes, the Evanescence forum this all happened on has been shut down for years. The bands management basically said "no fucking thanks" and took it down like 5 days after the parliament piece was posted.

—DeMarzi, Interview with Dynastia (part 10)

He [Vordrak] emailed me at one of my old accounts OMFGGG

—DeMarzi, Interview with Dynastia (part 11)

He [Vordrak] just threatened legal action against me if I defame him or help you [Dynastia]

—DeMarzi, Interview with Dynastia (part 11)

I'm not angry at you [Dynastia] but I really don't want anything to do with this anymore. I don't the nightmare to start all over again

—DeMarzi, Interview with Dynastia (part 11)

Can you [Dynastia] please maybe delete the screen caps of out convo at the forum [Kiwi Farms]?

—DeMarzi, Interview with Dynastia (part 11)


—DeMarzi, Interview with Dynastia (part 11)

Well we [Dynastia and I] were both wrong, he [Vordrak] emailed me and said he would threaten legal action against me if I helped you [Dynastia] or posted any defamatory material… so I took your advice and told him to never contact me again and I didn't want to get involved. So as you can imagine my storytelling about Sam is over but I will keep an eye on the forum to see how this plays out

—DeMarzi, Interview with Dynastia (part 12)

Sorry I didn't answer sooner, I wanted to take a step back and clear my mind for a while… it's not so much that I'm worried that he [Vordrak] will sue me, I just can't deal with the nightmare of having him target me again. That shitty parliament document will probably follow me around forever even though it has no legal standing in any way. I'm sorry you had to see me panic last night lmao but I'm sure you can understand that having him contact me again after 4 years was enough to make anybody freak out

—DeMarzi, Interview with Dynastia (part 13)

But I want to thank you [Dynastia] for all your help and for looking out for me. As of right now I want to stay out of the situation but I've been keeping very updated on the [Kiwi Farms] thread and I'm very happy that everyone there has been so supportive. I'm grateful that I'm not alone. And no, I never delete emails or delete anything he [Vordrak] sends me so don't worry about that

—DeMarzi, Interview with Dynastia (part 13)