Vocational Independence Program

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Potential homeless bums if The VIP didn't help them!

Vocational Independence Program (AKA The VIP) is a fake school for losers with "learning disabilies", who don't want to be independent after their K-12 school career. Most retards who survive the special education program develop a loathing for being patronized, and want to get the fuck out of school and be independent. Others, however, become totally reliant on the system, and become homeless bums. Their mothers worry about their children being burdens on society (Too late, lol), and so the Vocational Independence Program program was instituted to smooth over the horrible parenting that was inflicted upon their kids. And even worse, The VIP has offered their program to people from around the world! Entrance exams must be taken to determine their track assignments. (Shouldn't it have been done years ago when entering high school?)

The program was first founded at NYIT, another Jew college on Long Island that only cares about money, as opposed to actual education, making it the typical second-rate state school at which sluts and internet tough guys get their humanities diplomas. The VIP has served these losers rather miserably over 20 years, as the program itself does not have any sort of separate license or accreditation.

TL;DR Version: The Vocational Independence Program is retards teaching retards.

...it was started really in recognition of a problem that students with neurologically based learning disabilities or students that were higher functioning on the autism spectrum were unemployed and so 25 years ago we started this program to humiliate young adults everywhere who cannot become independent by themselves!!!


—Ernst Vanbergeijk, being sarcastic.

Stephen Migden visits VIP!

Stephen, an expert on losers, layabouts, and idiots decided to troll the dirty secrets of VIP. He met with Bill Russell to discuss the important aspects of the VIP program. Little did he know, the program was an extremely small, pathetic, and the students disrespect their teachers on a regular basis with classic pranks like stink bombs and calling them by their first names. An important IRL Ph.D. like himself must avoid being an obvious troll or risk his monies, so he obligatorily fakes troll's remorse while trolling, preventing moralfags from getting uppity.


I did not notice the VIP students interacting with the other, mainstream students on the campus or in the dining hall, although in my experience it is not unusual for the students from one program within a university to have little interaction with students from another program.


—Stephen Migden, commenting on the properly segregated structure of the NYIT VIP

The typical VIP student is between 18 and 22 years old, with an IQ in the 70's.


—And you thought this was a joke.

Of course, Bill Russell reassured him by pointing out that the VIP students were simply retarded, spoiled brats. Besides refusing to interact with other normal people, these brats have their own food source, a coffee shop, in their fake school so their lack of social skills would not interfere with normal people.

Examples of retarded people supporting the VIP and ending up being butthurt


my friend whose a grl w/ high functioning autism and has a lot of speech problems...goes to this program i was just in c. islip...and its a great program...its for kids w/ signifecent ld but sum of my friends friends have adhd(didnt meet them so dont know the extent of there adhd) but most of them are autistic/aspergers its a gr8 program...my friend loves it and everyones guarenteed a single dorm(trust me u need that single its soo small im surprised my friend fit all the stuff she fit in it..and it is a tiny single) the only thing i feel weird about is that her mom is there evry weekend!! i mean it takes 30-45 minutes from my house to the central islip and her mom is further and this was the first time i had been there i hadnt seen her since june..


—lesmizzie, A retard defending the VIP program

VIP has nothing to offer to special needs students. They don't even give them an associate degree. How are they going to lead an independent life?


—Mara19, An obvious troll is obvious

Plenty of people live an independent life without a college degree or AA. NYIT-VIP is not aimed at students who are ready for college. It's aimed at lower-functioning young adults with autism or similar disorders. It (claims to) teach those young adults to become productive members of society. I don't know anything about the program but what I've read on their website, but I do know that there need to be programs like this, for the many autistic young adults who are not yet ready to live independently but who can learn to improve their social, academic and life skills.


—Cardinal Fang, Another retard defending the VIP program

As a former VIP student, I would conclude that it is a bad school for special needs students. The first week of VIP was boring because they don't have any activities scheduled. In the second week, they started doing testing. The testing was part of the process of their track system. Track 2 is the "smart students". Track 1 is the "slow students". The staff at VIP does not know anything about helping special needs students. Special needs students need to be in a regular school. They were subjected to special education classes as well as bullying in high school. It's time they were placed with the mainstream in college. Community colleges allow special needs students to be INCLUDED unlike VIP! It is not worth the three years at VIP. Parents do your special needs children a favor by not sending them here. Send them to a community college.


—Mara19, Now a former VIP student! LOL!

Their heartbreaking words!

Student and parents speak out in their own words:

...After being at the VIP program, I really find that it helped me tremendously, with my independence and my responsibilities of being an adult. I am now working fulltime at the Hilton Miami Downtown, in the Banquet Set-Up Department, and I am receiving full benefits, and receiving a paycheck every two weeks...


—Justin Tejera (Miami, Florida), At least The VIP has helped someone.

Those of us whose children have learning disabilities know how complicated and frustrating it is to find the right place for our kids.


Lois Frischling and Jerry Miller, And it never occurred to them that America might be an individualistic culture.

The reality

Most just end up as trolls without any goals in life. Luckily there is an excuse for that...which is Internet troll personality disorder.

The New York Institute of Technology VIP ( Very Idiotic People )

File:NYIT alumni mentoring.jpg
Indoctrinating the latest generation of retards into the communist party systematically.

On TOW, Vocational Independence Institution redirects to the NYIT, clearly the leading pioneer in retard-prep. Their world-class facilities and professional staff are second to most, and their wiki lists major accomplishments such as:

The NYTI VIP website is dedicated to a series of values, which they list for the prospective student:

  1. Integrity
  2. Innovation
  3. Cooperation
  4. Quality
  5. Commitment
  6. Professionalism
  7. Safety

Q&A: What do YOU know about VIP schools?

What sorts of qualifications are required? Well, there's a short answer and a long answer. The short answer is a pulse, but the long answer is detailed below: all of these future scholars were accepted to NYIT!


i was wanting to apply to nyit but i was wondering what kind of grades do you need for like acceptance ? i know they look at essay recommendation letters and SAT scores but am talking about transcripts...


—amandax3, accepted

i also have friends in programthey have gone on to get associates degrees...

the I to I program is great and i know plenty of people that have done it and have gone on too regular college


—lynn2012girl, accepted

VIP is a wonderful program. But first, go to a junior college. Get a REAL education first before you go to a program that only prepares you for independence.


—Mara19, accepted, and not realizing that a REAL education prepares you for independence

I want to go there and try out first but I'm afraid of being too high functioning.


—TA3021, accepted

What kind of educational quality can you expect? (also see below for details on class structure)

I think learning is a pretty cool guy. eh maeks smarter and doesnt afraid of anything.


—some guy, truth

Worried about costs? Don't be!

File:VIP Tuition fee.jpg

What kinds of careers are graduates qualified for?

Is a VIP really right for me? The following discussion pinpoints the target student! Just click to get to an enlarged version.

File:Nyit debate.jpg

Classes at VIP: Developing the foundation for quality education!

The intellectually challenged that attend a VIP institution naturally have need of a gentler learning curve. The following videos illustrate the typical nature of VIP courses which tend to cater to the underdeveloped mind and prepare them for the real world by way of simple learning steps, an interactive experience, and exposure to diversity.

  • Key to developing advanced learning skills is motivating students to do independent research projects. Ali G, famed VIP graduate, has a classic series of videos where he investigates deeper into a wide variety of topics; one such being economics. Any VIP institution models their independent projects in a similar manner.

Les' talk about the notes. Why does they put pictures of gaylords on da bills here?


—Ali G, "The structure and history of paper currency." G, Ali; et Al.

Attention whores seeking attention

External Link

See Also

Vocational Independence Program is part of a series on Education

[Drop OutGo To School]