Viral math problem

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Viral math problem will be posted by the same
unfunny newfag until you like it.
Only a geeeeeeeneeeeeeeussss can solve it!



Can you solve this you fucking retard?
Americans care more about the images rather than the numbers.
Instagram users responses to the above math problem. Instagram is sure intelligent!

Viral math problems are memes on the internets that only "smart" people take seriously, so that they can prove to the world (aka complete random strangers on the internet) just how smart they really are! Since most people in this world are absolutely shit at even the most basic mathematics, and cannot even do a simple arithmetic calculation, but yet are so fucking convinced of how "intelligent" they are, they have absolutely NO problem telling you that you're uneducated, that you fail, and how they're so cool and have six degrees and shit. After all, we should all know by now that in order to add 2+2=5, you first must develop a solid grip on some useless, nebulous shit like calculus that serves no purpose to teh real world.

Viral math problems also attract the attention of curry niggers because eeen EEEENDEEEAH SIIIRH, MAHT IZ GORD! And still, despite the influx of curries who especially believe that they're so græt at mæth, they still manage to get the question WRONG and fall flat on their red button faces in front of everyone.

The E-War Over A Meme

Person A: Goys teh anzers izz X!11!!1!
Person B: Nu, Fuk U nigger de real anzer is Y prove me wrong fgt protip you cant!11!1!!1



—The average discussion concerning "viral math problems" on Tardbook.

Truth be told, only a genius, who's also probably an aspie can solve the absolutely mind-boggling meth problems. Either that, or an Azn robot. And of course, there's no better place to find these "highly-intelligent" individuals than on Failbook! Spoiler Alert: Everybody gets the fucking answer WRONG! It becomes lulzy as more and more Facetards constantly argue about what the correct answer is, calling each other idiots and uneducated, and yet failing to answer a basic fucking question.

Use the scrollbar to see the full image.

Viral Math Problems ANSWERED by EDiots!

Of course, ED's very own brand of aspies have solved these supposedly difficult mæth problems with ease, because quite frankly, it is scientifically proven ED's aspies are superior to all other aspies on the internets.

8/2*(2+2) --> 16
6/2*(1+2) --> 9
9-3/(1/3)+1 --> 1


And if you didn't get these answers you're just a fucking retard and a total n00b at life. Math is easy after all, RIIIIIIIGHT?

Some "Viral Math Problems" Aren't Even Math

A ching chong "math" problem from China, which doesn't actually entail any math. Yet Facetards and other internet-dwelling mooks failed to see that which was right in front of them all this time!

Despite the misnomer of "viral math problem", as they're often called by retards, not all "viral math problems" are actually math! Some supposed "math problems" are just optical illusions, riddles, memes, and images that can be "solved" by simply rotating the image 180 degrees in that pirated version of Photoshop of yours, to finally see the fucking answer, and then feel like a retard afterwards for not seeing the painfully obvious.

Gallery of Viral Meme Problems

See Also

Viral math problem is part of a series on


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Viral math problem is part of a series on


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