Vicious Dog Man

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Vicious Dog Man, also called Psycho Dog Man, Barking Dog Man or simply Dog Man, is a YouTube and Facebook meme instigated from an episode of A Current Affair (some shitty Australian "current affairs" show) on April 12th, 2010. The episode featured a story about a couple of dogs roaming a neighbourhood and holding residents in fear. Ray Graham spoke out about the dogs, providing viewers with a funny-as-fuck re-enactment of the dogs' behavior. Since being played on YouTube, Ray's re-enactment has achieved smallish meme status and has even acquired a couple Facebook dedication pages.

He was just so emotional and it just came out. He is a person who's emotional.


—Kerry Graham (Ray's wife), [1]

The Original Video

Get it?

Be sure to watch out for the re-action of the woman in the video, who is Ray's wife. One would argue that is the only funny thing about the video.

Some people thought this was so fuckin' funny that it needed a few dedication pages on Facebook. If you also thought this was funny, join those pages and laugh with like minded people about how he goes: RAAARAARARRGRAH.

Some Remixes

ACA Follow Up

As they say, a win will eventually become a fail. Perhaps this came all too soon, as the ACA re-interviewed Ray and asked him to do another impression. After watching the video, you are guaranteed to stop giving a shit about this entire incident, as they have effectively killed any lulz by trying to turn them back into news, IE: "This person became an internet celebrity, let's ask them how they feel!"


See Also

External Links

Vicious Dog Man is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal