User talk:Onideus/2012

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ARCHIVE - 2012


LOL <3  — Preceding comment added by TylerRosenow (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

Nef Quintero

I will admit it has potential but something needs to be done about the formatting. Copy the source code into your userspace and please work on that wall of text. I'd be willing to help with syntax and pictures. TylerRosenow º Ӕ talk º 07:13, 11 January 2012 (CET)

Meh, if you think it needs improved/changed, by all means, have at it, otherwise I'll just ask Zaiger to restore it...I think he was the one who restored it the first time around...or he banned the first user who put the crap stub on it...don't remember exactly. The article is very relevant and you obviously haven't actually read any of the content because it's fucking hysterical to say the least bit. It's just too bad the 4Chan kiddies wouldn't ease up on him. Once they got wind of the kid they just relentlessly hounded him until he locked everything down, baleeted almost everything and went *poof* right off the grid. --Onideus 07:24, 11 January 2012 (CET)


Nobody is interested in your nerd rage.

I understand you're very impassioned about it, but that passion is making you miss the point. We are arguing about two different things. YOU say it's relevant, and I believe it is. What I'M saying is the formatting makes it look like utter shit. It's a wall of text with hardly any pipes and the second half of the article is just a bunch of pictures skewed about. To top THAT off, the article is orphaned. NO OTHER PAGES on the site link to it, so it's not exactly like it's an integral part of ED.

It's obvious you're defending it because you put in a lot of work - I get that - but to essentially say "Do it yourself because I think it's perfect" is some bullshit. You're a faggot dude. Do you want help making it look better or not?

TylerRosenow º Ӕ talk º 07:31, 11 January 2012 (CET)

LOL, not only haven't you looked at the article you likewise haven't even read the talk page, where I ~specifically~ pointed out that the majority of the content IS NOT MINE, really, I didn't put very much effort into it at all other than collect what OTHER PEOPLE did and then merged it all into one place. To be honest, I really could care less if it was deleted, I just think it's incredibly retarded to run around trying to delete articles just because you're feeling butthurt about someone. Like I said, you haven't even read the article, nor the talk page and I reverted edits FROM A BANNED USER, who I believe was banned for making crap edits. Likewise, the first person who tried to put a crap stub tag on it was likewise banned ~specifically~ for doing just that to that EXACT SAME ARTICLE. So really, I think ~you~ need to calm down and check yer personal problems. Which is more than obvious considering the only reason you've come up with for not wanting the article is "not good"...herp derp! Seriously, my cat could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and *SHIT* a better critique than that. --Onideus 07:44, 11 January 2012 (CET)
  • I'm done arguing the point. Anyone reading this will know why. You're inconsolable. My offer stands. TylerRosenow º Ӕ talk º 07:52, 11 January 2012 (CET)
  • Done arguing? You never even ~had~ an argument to begin with! LOL Let me know when you can manage to sum up something better than "not good" as an explanation for your butthurt and maybe I'll think about actually "fixing" the article...take your time now, maybe try and actually ~read~ the article, then maybe you can come up with some bullshit for how it can be "fixed" in some way. I'm ~AAAAALLL~ ears, if you've actually got some meaningful critique or ~actual~ interest in improving the article, then let's hear it, otherwise I'll just ask Zaiger to fix it. Seeing as how he's generally overly inclusionist (even more so than me) I'm bettin he will...unless, as I said, you can actually come up with some viable means for why/how the article can be improved. Thus far though the only "argument" you've come up with is "not good". Should I pull a magic fairy wand out of your ass, wave it around and sing the "goodly better" song? Will that make it "un-not good"? *epic face palm* --Onideus 08:04, 11 January 2012 (CET)
  • Okay, so now we've gone from "not good" to "looks like shit"...hmmm...keep workin on that, maybe you can work your way up to an ~actual~ way of improving the article at some point...I'm not holding my breath. --Onideus 08:21, 11 January 2012 (CET)
  • lol you guys are too cute together :D ~Oblique 08:25, 11 January 2012 (CET)
  • And there we see the source of the butthurt. LOL I wonder if he's one of the people running around forging me...wouldn't surprise me, although it's more likely to be that idiot up above, Robert James. Either that or one of those Britfags I enraged by poking fun at their online whorship of a rich little white girl who an heroed by chasing after a train. I don't think she has an article yet either...I'd make it, but uh, well we've seen how that turns out with the Butthurt Brigade. --Onideus 09:03, 11 January 2012 (CET)

Train Girl

Just checked, and nope, Georgia Varley has no article...plenty of FB pages though:

I personally resent this though:

I am most certainly *NOT* sick!

In fact I'm quite healthy! :D

--Onideus 09:10, 11 January 2012 (CET)

I take it back, she does have article...or the start of one anyway...
--Onideus 09:15, 11 January 2012 (CET)

Wikipedia and you – A Wikipedian included a quote by you on his or her userpage. --JuniusThaddeus 22:41, 14 January 2012 (CET)

That's a little odd, I thought they all hated on me on that site. Can't displease everyone I guess.  :)
--Onideus 10:08, 15 January 2012 (CET)

TylerRosenow & You

I have decided we're going to be friends, bb. <3 TylerRosenow º Ӕ talk º 03:41, 22 January 2012 (CET)

RE:Keran Klein

I need some help with this article. I didn't have any time to work on it a while ago. Yeah, need to be flushed.

excuse me, wtf are you doing?

TKN 21:48, 27 June 2012 (EDT)

What are you talking about? And why did you revert that talk page? --Onideus 21:59, 27 June 2012 (EDT)

those articles you suggested

sounds like you got some work to do. They'd be good articles. Mike the Great (talk) 02:12, 14 July 2012 (EDT)

Also IMO first world problems should be its own article for SEO. Mike the Great (talk) 02:30, 14 July 2012 (EDT)

I'm lazy

Could you since you're obviously familiar with the subject flesh out just the intro of Adalia Rose and feature it? Mike the Great (talk) 02:19, 20 July 2012 (EDT)

I was actually just about to go to bed, was just gonna throw in the latest batch of pictures. I can do it tomorrow morning though. The whole thing really does need cleaned up though, it's pretty messy. --Onideus 02:21, 20 July 2012 (EDT)
can't sleep, ed needs editing. That fine btw if you can't get to it. It's not really that important, I just see lots of people enjoying that article and am incompetent personally. Mike the Great (talk) 02:44, 20 July 2012 (EDT)
I got it mostly fixed up now, made the intro longer and fixed formatting issues and organized the content a bit better. Intro text probably still needs some editing though, and better punctuation, and some pipage and what not.
It's a pretty hot trolling subject at the moment, mostly on FaceBook. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to go to the media and try to victimize themselves at some point over it...assuming they haven't already done so. I think they have been feeling some pressure though about the blatant exploitation, as they recently put together a car wash thing where all the money was supposed to be donated to progeria research...of course there's pretty well zero accountability on their part, so no telling whether they actually did. --Onideus 00:30, 21 July 2012 (EDT)


Good call. It's been moved to mainspace so you could add that stuff if you want (not that you couldn't have before hand), but I'll definitely add them later if you're too lazy to. I actually think that horse piece is awesome, though. --Owl 02:46, 4 August 2012 (EDT)


I fucking love idiocracy and I agree. The entire world will be like idiocracy except it will be full of bronies instead. Lord Tony 06:50, 17 August 2012 (EDT)

Thanks For Notifying Me =)

I will get to it that DreamWorks' page is made more 'interwebzzy'. Thank you for contacting DreamWorks Studios Support Hot-Line =) YOUR IP ADRESS HAS BEEN RECORDED = 10.1.9.SMALLDICK.14376 =) SPHOTOF GPAPE KAIZENAMAZEN SAMEER KARIM ;D 16:06, 10 December 2012 (EST)