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VerLor/Joshua8428 looks like it was written by pseudo-intellectual 13-year-old boys.
Look out for unfunny Uncyclopedia bullshit, boring in-jokes, and angsty teen-ery.
You could also add in actual humor.

ED does NOT need a huge list of absolute nobodies, nor does it give a shit about your petty forum feud with that bitch who doesn't agree with your Zutara OTP. Rather than spreading your butthurt vendetta over to this site, how about you read ED:101 and ED:A User's Guide to Article Building. And while you're at it, how about contributing to some actual drama you fucking idiot?

Joshua8428 is a youtuber with the speech impediment of Elmer Fudd and believes he is a 17 year old who lives alone when he lives in the ghetto with his fellow pedo friends: Chris Chan and Spax3. Like most faggots on the Internet, Josh likes Sonic the fucking furry hedgehog and has made a shitty recolor to fap to when he's not being butthurt about constructive criticism. Joshua mainly makes videos that display his everlasting butthurt for the world to see or shit nobody cares about. Either way, his videos are still worth less than shit and his recolor looks like a color blind rainbow fuck of a hedgehog that even Chris chan wouldn't want to fuck. Along with his speech impediment, Josh's voice will make your ears bleed (espically if you use earphones.) Troll with constructive criticism for massive lulz.

Shadvic's avatar as he got a tattoo on his chest while getting a blowjob by a pedophile fursuit. Yiff yiff.

Joshua in the flesh.

Early life

Not much is known about Joshua's early life, only that he was an easy target for major lulz. Last thursday Joshua revealed that he was "bullied" by a girl and another boy while he was sitting in his "ex" baby sitters car. Joshua was telling everyone this in a pathetic attempt to gain sympathy from some furry cunt that he said he was going to rape

When we were in the car, the two started to get bored and started to blow multiple Raspberrys, right next to me. They kept blowing raspberrys untill they decided to play tug of war with me, as the rope. I don't know how long it took, but to me it took along time. The girl in the front wasn't doing anything but insulting me. Then thats when I snapped and I started to Squeeze the boys right arm, on my left, real hard. The boy started crying and hit me. This Scarred me for life


—Joshua8428, describing being "bullied"

Sob story starts at 0:46

True commentating