User:Meepsheep/Wikipedia IRC Logs/7

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* ChanServ gives channel operator status to rowan

* rowan sets ban on *!*@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be

* rowan has kicked Locutus_of_Borg from #wikipedia-en (you should know better)

* rowan removes channel operator status from rowan

<Logan_> hah

<rowan> I meant it.

<Bsadowski1> lp;

<Bsadowski1> lol

* SpitfireWP sighs.

<foks> I was in two minds, so

<Bsadowski1> Hey rowan.

<LL2|JedIRC> "you won't see it often"

<LL2|JedIRC> yeah, we wont

<LL2|JedIRC> If at all

* Dagny (~missrain@wikipedia/OohBunnies) has joined #wikipedia-en

* Resfirestar_ ([email protected]) has joined #wikipedia-en

* Resfirestar_ has quit (Changing host)

* Resfirestar_ (sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) has joined #wikipedia-en

* SigmaWP is boggled at the suffixes of SpitfireWP and SigmaWP

<outstandingcitiz> rowan, that was rude

<rowan> outstandingcitiz: Actually it was perfectly within my rights. I warned him.

<rowan> He continued, I banned him.

<SigmaWP> YES

<SigmaWP> I finally found AC noe's name

<SigmaWP> Adolf, heh

<outstandingcitiz> you told him to stop typing backwards

<outstandingcitiz> he did not do it again

* Pancetta (~chatzilla@wikipedia/MessedRocker) has joined #wikipedia-en

<LL2|JedIRC> Yes

<outstandingcitiz> he did upside down text

<outstandingcitiz> completely different

<outstandingcitiz> he was not warned about that

<LL2|JedIRC> He was here when I was banned for it

<rowan> It was backwards as well.

<rowan> He was warned.

<rowan> And if you continue to press the issue, you will be too. :)

<outstandingcitiz> why is that?

<outstandingcitiz> where are the rules for this channel?

* Resfirestar has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)

<ToAruShiroiNeko> rowan did you just ban Picard?

<LL2|JedIRC> Rowan: so how many kills has your strange banhammer gotten you?

<LL2|JedIRC> Lol TF2

<ToAruShiroiNeko> he will mumble about 4 lights you know

<rowan> LL2|JedIRC: Oh no, just you and The_thing.

<SigmaWP> That should not be kickbanned

<outstandingcitiz> rowan, please direct me to the rules for this channel


<outstandingcitiz> thank you

<SpitfireWP> You're welcome.

<outstandingcitiz> i find this interesting as well


<outstandingcitiz> have you taken the time to look it over rowan?

<rowan> I helped write it.

<rowan> So.

<cerejota> 28bytes you here?

<outstandingcitiz> then you should be familiar with it

<rowan> By the way, ruleslawyering is not welcome.

<rowan> Stfu or gtfo.

<Pancetta> Totes polite.

* SigmaWP cannot decide whether he is the opposition or the bystander

<SigmaWP> Wondering, but why a wiktionary cloak?

<SigmaWP> rowan:

<outstandingcitiz> it doesn't say anything about that

<outstandingcitiz> i was discussing policy

<outstandingcitiz> isn't that what we are here for?

<outstandingcitiz> to discuss wikimedia?

<rowan> SigmaWP: Because, I'm not a wikipedian.

<LL2|JedIRC> The english wikipedia, not wikimedia

<Pancetta> Rowan Atkinson

<outstandingcitiz> even so

<rowan> We are not here for ruleslawyering.

<rowan> Someone bring up a topic.

<rowan> Please.

* geniice is scrolling through flickr looking for ideas again

<SigmaWP> Communism is gonna take over the world

* SigmaWP waits for the outraged shouting

<LL2|JedIRC> Rowan: how about we talk about Jimbo Wales? :P

<rowan> LL2|JedIRC: Happily, go right ahead.

<outstandingcitiz> nope

<rowan> SigmaWP: It would be better than what we have now.

<outstandingcitiz> nothing about that in the rules

<SigmaWP> Of course it would

<LL2|JedIRC> Can we praise you? (inb4 you must)

<SigmaWP> On capitalism.... it inherently screwed itself

<Pancetta> SigmaWP is a sage scholar.

<Pancetta> sageross.

* SigmaWP is a coal ball expert

<LL2|JedIRC> Outstanndingcitiz: I think you should stop

<geniice> is so limited

<LL2|JedIRC> I would not want you kickbanned

<outstandingcitiz> what did i do to deserve that?

<outstandingcitiz> I have done nothing wrong here

<outstandingcitiz> so a kb would just be oper abuse

<LL2|JedIRC> You are ruleslawyering

* Fumika ([email protected]) has joined #wikipedia-en

* Fumika has quit (Changing host)

* Fumika (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en

<rowan> You're creating a disruption in the channel, technically.

<outstandingcitiz> how am i doing that?

* Eucliwood has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)

<LL2|JedIRC> Outstandingcitiz: if you have a problem, go complain somewhere else

<SigmaWP> outstandingcitiz: Just drop the stick. Nobody cares.

<outstandingcitiz> "technically"

<rowan> "please do not be disruptive on purpose"

<rowan> You're being disruptive.

<LL2|JedIRC> By continually talking about op power abuse after being told to stop

<outstandingcitiz> how so?

<rowan> You're continuing once people have told you so.

<outstandingcitiz> he didnt tell me to stop

<LL2|JedIRC> He did.

<outstandingcitiz> he threatened to ban me

<rowan> Please stop?

<outstandingcitiz> ok

<geniice> hmm an actualy reasonable use of HDR


<outstandingciriz> then I shall
* Now talking on #wikipedia-en

* Topic for #wikipedia-en is: English Wikipedia: | Status: Up | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops followed by the request | For urgent admin help, say !admin followed by the request | No public logging | Cloak requests:

* Topic for #wikipedia-en set by Gfoley4!~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4 at Mon Aug 22 17:31:00 2011

* #wikipedia-en :

<SigmaWP> foks: Hes back

<LL2|JedIRC> C0mputar is probably outstandingcitiz

<c0mputar> What?

<Fluffernutter> guys, would you shush?

<SigmaWP> Quacking in a megaphone is bad for you, c0mputar

<SigmaWP> Good bye

<Logan_> Oh, wonderful, now anyone without a cloak is a troll.

<rowan> Oh hey look what I get to do.

<LL2|JedIRC> C0putar: try configuring everything nextl time

* ChanServ gives channel operator status to rowan

* rowan sets mode +r #wikipedia-en

* rowan removes channel operator status from rowan

* ChanServ gives channel operator status to Bsadowski1

<Peter-C> o.o

<SigmaWP> o.O

* Bsadowski1 sets ban on *!*@

* You have been kicked from #wikipedia-en by Bsadowski1 (Hi Meep!)