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This community/group is a herd of lolcows, and should be trolled and made fun of for great justice.

You can help by adding more info to this page to make them all cry.

Femboys are a bunch of fatherless Aspie faggots, closet-trannies and forever-alone Wapaneses who enjoy dressing up like little girls and being proudly gay. These species, also known as Femfag Retardus, usually spend most of their time stealing from anywhere possible to get skirts, panties and other femboy paraphanelia because their parents have a sound mind and don't want their male child to become a fucking faggot. Femboys are also known for spamming the same horrible "meme" called Boykisser, of some unoriginal sketched out furry character saying some shit about you liking boys. Of course, you love that meme because you are a "boykisser" (faggot), as they say.

Disease-Carrying Femfag retardus

It has been noted that Femfag retardus has an odd ability to cause a special type of cancer, forcing the accidental viewer of any femboy-related videos to suddenly love being one themselves. Once the symptoms have been fully finished, the once normal and grass-touching citizen will be reduced to a shell of its former self, repeatedly saying phrases like "ooooh, you like boys, youre a boykisser" and "*notices ur bulge* OwO wats dis? :3"