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ZippCast, (commonly referred to as Zippcrap), is a shitty YouTube clone presided over by a cadre of mentally retarded high-school students. Its userbase seemingly consists solely of persons who have either become butthurt in relation to JewTube's advertising, most being too stupid to learn how to install AdBlock, or who would rather look for problems with the site rather than accepting the fact that YouTube wins because of its secure, reliable and comparitively fast servers... OMG YOU CAN ACTUALLY WATCH, UPLOAD AND SHARE VIDEOS, WOW! It's a VIDEO SHARING WEBSITE. Zippfags do not seem to understand the concept of this, so they flock to a shitty website hosted by GoDaddy where they can post chain messages on each other's profiles and subscribe to a bunch of people then beg for them to subscribe back... because they never had the ability to do this on YouTube.

Some reasons Zippcast users leave YouTube

The Script

Zippcrap claims to have written their own script. This is a lie. As anyone who takes the time to investigate can see, they utilise a script that they purchased; there are many other websites utilising the very same script. Coincidence? They ripped off Zippcast?


Zippcrap has a history of begging for donations. They would claim that they require $1000 or moar per month in order to host that shitty video of you playing Call of Duty online that you recorded with your phone, not to mention that Spongebob episode you stole off of YouTube because nobody cares about you or your original content so you had to steal from someone else. Anyway, they persistently beg for large amounts of money claiming that they need it to buy faster, better servers. This is clearly a lie as the site is hosted by GoDaddy, in reality they are paying somewhere in the region of $10 per month for their shitty servers which probably weren't even intended to host a video sharing site in the first place. What do they do with the rest of the donation money? Take a guess. The pathetic thing is that retards, probably 13 year old boys, believe these assholes and steal their mom's credit cards to donate all their monies to these idiots who have no business running a website.


Zippcast you are doing very well.. Just 3 small and easy issues.. Firstly fix all your bugs within thus we ak... Make your security stronger by spending 1000 s of dollars by taking donations... Second your web site has become very slow. Please make at least as fast as daily motion or yahoo or rediff. Third faster your buffering by spending your money... With the se 3 simple steps your website can reach upto yout ube.. And last start the honors program now so eve ryone can earn 10 to 20 dollars a day and everyone could join... Best of luck :-)


— typical Zippcast fanboy

We now only owe 714.43 and tomorrow we will owe $1,264.43 thanks for the donation (you know who you are) we do not say peoples name because some people get upset.

Well we appreciate the help if more people can help that would be great.

Thanks alot


— Zippcast needs monies.

Pwned! The death of Zippcast

Thank you anon.

Last Thursday Zippcast was hacked by anonymous for great justice. The Zippcast community was devastated by this terrible occurrence, but they cried behind their computers screens to find that videos were no longer loading, and if they were, very slowly along with the site. The lulz did not stop there however, as anon pwned Zippcrap for the second time, causing the site and its secure servers to fuck up. This and staff members leaving resulted in the site failing sometime in late July of 2012. No one recalls the exact date because at this point pretty much everyone left.

Rebirth of Zippcrap

Some time in 2013, Zippcrap came back up. The administrators were too stupid to know how to create MySQL backups so currently all users must create their accounts again. The site is still slow as ever, yet morons are still flocking to it claiming that it is OMG THE GREATEST THING EVER SOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN YOUTUBE, proceeding the kiss the website founders' asses because they are so smart and deserve the prize for creating such a brilliant video sharing site. In reality, your videos are uploaded at ~30 kb/s despite your connection and you can get fucked by a horse if you think you can load a video or even a page in less than 1 minute. Zippcast is pretty much like a stripped down version of Jewtube but you are accessing it with a dial up connection.

See also

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