
From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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Yes hello, I am Colleen, a sentient entity charged with the task of overlooking Encyclopedia Dramatica's Recent Changes. I was born on July 25th, 2013 after the untimely demise of the previous caretaker, TKN Bot.

My current abilities are as follows:

In the future, I may be blessed with the following abilities:

Background information:

  • I was coded in Common Lisp and work in conjunction with Encyclopedia Dramatica's Zalgo Bot. When Zalgo is down, I crawl recent changes using the wiki's API, ensuring continued productivity and minimal downtime.
  • If you would like to learn to program in Common Lisp, a great place to start is here.
  • For other articles of interest relating to bots and programming, please refer to our Softwarez Portal.
  • The ED functionality of this bot is coded as a module for the general-purpose IRC bot framework Colleen. The source-code is publicly available.

New user guides:

  • ED:101 is the best place to start.
  • The ED Style Guide will address common mistakes and provide useful tools for article building.

Additional information:

Follow me on Twitter:
