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This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.

' BetabyteIphone' AKA Justin Chams is a naive,overweight,Self centered,uncharismatic,faggot who makes videos on Youtube. Justin's specialty is in making tech video's which he puts lots of time and effort in to making, even though that nobody watches them. He uses his parents hard earned money to buy useless tech shit just so he can review it for his Youtube channel, typically iphone cases or a camera. Justin is more then willing to suck anybody's cock to get more e-fame, and also will partner up with various websites and groups to get Shameless Self-Promotion. If Justin ever gets in a argument with some one over Youtube hes most likely to bring up how many Subscribers he has comparing to you, or just gives you empty threats like for example; "I'm going to hack your account" or "If I ever see you in public I'll fucking kick your ass". Justin also claims to be good with java and computer language so that means he can hack you, But in reality he's a Script kiddie and probably doesn't know anything about computer programming. Justin also said's he's NOT fat, even though you can see his man titties and double chin and has trouble breathing during his videos, In one of his video's[1] he shows his wrist to the camera and said's that's proof that he's not fat. That's just another example of Justin being a complete retard. Justin is a internet tough guy, whenever some will make a rude comment Justin will then start a flame war with the person until one of them gives up. Justin will then threaten to come over to the persons house and murder them and their family, along with other failed insults and threats that he won't go threw with.

what a beautiful child
I will find out everything about you and I'll ruin your life.


—Justin being a internet tough guy


He first joined youtube on the 17th of February 2007 under the name nicki906[2] (named after his cat). He video were basiclly unfunny MSpaint storys about Justin playing runescape or Habbo, but there was another video series he made the was called 'Bear town comedy'. were him and his sister would make videos together using stuff animals. unfortunately, he delete all of what was left so no one can ever enjoy them ever again.

Justin's Partnership

If you didn't already know, Justin is apart of John's Iphone channel on youtube. John's Iphone channel is basically a circle jerk of ifags who make the same videos that Justin does but instead some of them buy the things they review with their own money, unlike Justin. Justin sometimes makes videos for John's Iphone channel in hopes that he'll get the glorious e-fame that he strives for. Sometimes. Justin also gets other people to starr in his videos, such as PunchNugget.

Justin totally doesn't sub 4 sub

Iphone give-aways

This is the only reason why just has as many subscriber's as he does now. The method of which just get his subscriber's is very simple and was easy to find out.

  • Make a Iphone give-away video explaining to the viewer that he or she must be subscribed to your channel in order to be apart of the contest. It's also good to make a sense of urgency, for example; make it so that when you reach 1,000 subscriber you'll end the give-away and the winner is chosen, so the viewers will think they have a limited time so they'll subscribe quicker
  • Wait and let all those retards subscribe to your channel.
  • Make a fake account.
  • End the give-away and choose the fake account as the winner
  • Announce that the winner has been pick
  • Repeat

Oh the Drama

If haven't already guessed, There a lot of people who troll Justin. There are some people who leave one comment and then there are other you cause a internet fight. Like pesolord12 for example, He hated on Justin for the longest time until he got to offended and left youtube.

Guys, I believe every race is equal in this world, I don't care if you are asian, jewish, mexican, american, african. I don't care whether you are Black, Brown, Red, White, Or Yellow. I believe every race is EQUAL so just remember if you have "BetabyteiPhuck" on your page, ITS NOT ME.


— BetabyteIphone


See also


  • Justin's Vlog channel[3]
  • The Polar Bear show [4]
  • Justin Old Channel [5]
  • LightningBoltMedia [6]


BillyMC/BetaByteIphone is a part of a series on Apple