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Rith looking like the stunned cunt that he is.
Rith is smiling for his cum shot.

Unseenperfidy aka "CardinalVirtues/PhysicalConservative/Rithrandil (Powerword: Robert Marmolejo) is a fat, virgin, emofaggot, bipolar loser that looks like a cross between Damien Thorn from "The Omen" and Jonah Hill. Known (by the few people unfortunate to have ever heard of him) for making TL;DW videos espousing either generic Republican right-wing talking points or strangely enough, Tumblr style feminist rants against "Dudebros," a contradiction that's probably the result of his severe bipolar disorder that has landed him several times in mental institutions (Seriously. No wonder he's a Coughlan fanboy). A former Dickrider, he was drummed out of the Coughlan fan club for being a cowardly fuck that alienated and cut-off just about everyone he's come in contact with. He was a prime example of a dickrider because he lives just to kiss ass. Before Coughlan, he used to, interestingly enough, be a suck-up to TheAmazingAtheist, who in turn would promote Rith here and there on his Youtube channel and blog. But because Rith is so boring, this promotion never translated into e-popularity for him, and so he decided to ditch TJ and actively attack him, hoping this would get him popularity, only to cowardly cease after TJ ended up responding to him.

If one trait is consistent in Rith's bipolar psyche over all else, it is his cowardice. He has had multiple YouTube and social networking accounts, all of which he periodically closed after someone criticized him too harshly, or someone said a mean joke to him he just couldn't handle. This is ironic given the fact that Rith is a condescending asshole who has problems acting civilly with other human beings and delights in insulting and trolling others. So he simply can't take what he dishes out. His feminism is also ironic given the fact he's known for getting into drunken stupors where he demands girls he doesn't even know to go topless and pour honey on their tits. No wonder he's a virgin.

Oh, and he was raped by his dad as a youngster. This is probably why he is so fucked up, but do remind him of this fact in any case.

Guess not a dickrider anymore...

He has since cowardly closed down all of his internet accounts after being kicked out of the Coughlan club. You read that right, he was too pathetic, even for Coughlan and his idiots.

Serial Harasser

It seems this epic lolcow has a penchant for trying to manipulate women into sleeping with him, and when that doesn't work, his butthurt ass starts sexually harassing them when he doesn't get his way.


Attempts to Vandalize This Page

The Good People of ED were quick to ban this stupid fucking loser that showed up under the username "KingofKings" and rewrote this very page to be an Unseenperfidy-apologist piece. It did not work and the butt-hurt revisionism was reverted. The ass-kissy tone of the edits leads one to suspect that Robert Marmlejoe himself wrote this.

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