There are starving children in china

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A Biafran Chinese child suffering the effects of severe hunger and malnutrition. Pictures of the famine caused by Nigerian blockade Akanes horrible cooking garnered sympathy for the Biafrans Chinese worldwide.

Perhaps the first forced meme to originate on ED, There are starving children in China started on a cold day on the ass-end of 2007, after Ntg85 stayed up too late and snorted too much coke off of David Tennant's ass. If anyone asks, it was a social experiment, ok?


"Starving children is used to express dismay at the misuse or squandering of assets or resources. Examples:

  • "You don't like WHEN I WAS? There are starving children in China who would love to have that meme.
  • You signed up for another Something Awful account? There are starving children in China who would love to have that :10bux:.
  • You hate gays but love yaoi? There are starving children in China who would love to have that delicious ironing.
  • You failed at making a demotivator? There are starving children in China who would love to have that oh exploitable.
  • You like Wal-Mart? There are starving children in China.

See Also