The Best Korean War

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The long awaited sequel to Fallout: New Vegas.

The Best Korean War or Fallout: North Korea is the name of a currently-brewing hypothetical war that will occur should Best Korean president and professional Cartman cosplayer Kim Jong-un make good on his repeated threats to nuke the Jewnited States of Americunts. While some argue that such an event would cause World War III, a far more likely scenario is that America and President Donald J. Trump will simply retaliate by bombing Best Korea back into the Stone Age with a 10-minute volley of MOAB strikes and maybe a couple of nukes added for good measure.

The fact of the matter is, if Best Korea chose to nuke California or Guam and then found itself being turned into a smoldering pile of rubblenoone would actually care enough to start a World War and life would go back to normal within days. There's even a high likelihood that, if Berkeley was nuked by the Best Koreans, life in America would actually significantly improve thanks to the death of the majority of Antifa's members and supporters.

World War III is far more likely to occur when either Turkey or Israel does something stupid that royally pisses off America. And let's just continue to ignore the fact that a majority Muslim country called Chechnya literally opened concentration camps for gays in early 2017.

How To Prepare For The Best Korean War


See Also