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Thanos with all Infinity Stones about the ultimate snap.
Thanos with all Infinity Stones about the ultimate snap.

Thanos is a god and a centrist known to have the most powerful items in existence, the Infinity Stones all to himself. The stones give him the power of the most epic-troll existence The Snap aka DELETE FUCKING EVERYTHING. Nothing will exist or remain from The Snap. The Snap is completely impossible to avoid, no matter how much you try you will just end up like the rest of us.

I am inevitable



How can you defeat Thanos

Defeating Thanos is almost impossible. His powers are too strong, as he can snap right out of existence before you even know it. There is only one way to defeat Thanos, and that is to steal the Infinity Gauntlet and do The Snap to delete him from the face of the world. This is not a very easy thing to do, as he can use The Snap before you can even get to him. So don't just run up do him you fucking idiot. Okay you really want to defeat Thanos this might work thought not very likely. The first thing you if you want to defeat Thanos is you can't go by yourself. Bring alone some people with you on your quest and journey. Second you need a plan, don't just go at Thanos you dumb fuck. Your leaving yourself vulnerable to Thanos for an easy way to snap all of you out of existence. You need a plan to stop him. Even with this there is 99% chance Thanos will do The Snap on you people and will never be seen again.


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